Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the currently assigned Custom Variable stored in a first party cookie.
        /// This function will only work if the user is initiating the current request, and his cookies
        /// can be read from an active HttpContext.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Custom Variable integer index to fetch from cookie. Should be a value from 1 to 5</param>
        /// <param name="scope">Custom variable scope. Possible values: visit, page</param>
        /// <returns>The requested custom variable</returns>
        public CustomVar getCustomVariable(int id, CustomVar.Scopes scope = CustomVar.Scopes.visit)
            var stringId = Convert.ToString(id);

            if (scope.Equals(CustomVar.Scopes.page))
                return(pageCustomVar.ContainsKey(stringId) ? new CustomVar(pageCustomVar[stringId][0], pageCustomVar[stringId][1]) : null);
            else if (!scope.Equals(CustomVar.Scopes.visit))
                throw new Exception("Invalid 'scope' parameter value");
            if (visitorCustomVar.ContainsKey(stringId))
                return(new CustomVar(visitorCustomVar[stringId][0], visitorCustomVar[stringId][1]));
            var customVariablesCookie = "cvar." + idSite + ".";
            var cookie = getCookieMatchingName(customVariablesCookie);

            if (cookie == null)
            var cookieDecoded = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string[]> >(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(cookie.Value));

            if (!cookieDecoded.ContainsKey(stringId) ||
                cookieDecoded[stringId].Count() != 2)
            return(new CustomVar(cookieDecoded[stringId][0], cookieDecoded[stringId][1]));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the currently assigned Custom Variable stored in a first party cookie.
        /// This function will only work if the user is initiating the current request, and his cookies
        /// can be read from an active HttpContext.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Custom Variable integer index to fetch from cookie. Should be a value from 1 to 5</param>
        /// <param name="scope">Custom variable scope. Possible values: visit, page</param>
        /// <returns>The requested custom variable</returns>
        public CustomVar getCustomVariable(int id, CustomVar.Scopes scope = CustomVar.Scopes.visit)
            string stringId = Convert.ToString(id);

            switch (scope)
            case CustomVar.Scopes.page:
                if (pageCustomVar.ContainsKey(stringId))
                    string[] requestedCustomVar = pageCustomVar[stringId];
                    if (requestedCustomVar.Count() != 2)
                        throw new Exception("The requested custom var is invalid. This is a coding error within the tracking API. requestedCustomVar = " + requestedCustomVar);
                    return(new CustomVar(requestedCustomVar[0], requestedCustomVar[1]));

            case CustomVar.Scopes.visit:
                if (visitorCustomVar.ContainsKey(stringId))
                    string[] requestedCustomVar = visitorCustomVar[stringId];
                    if (requestedCustomVar.Count() != 2)
                        throw new Exception("The requested custom var is invalid. This is a coding error within the tracking API. requestedCustomVar = " + requestedCustomVar);
                    return(new CustomVar(requestedCustomVar[0], requestedCustomVar[1]));

                throw new Exception("Unimplemented scope");

            HttpCookie cookie = getCookieMatchingName("cvar." + idSite + ".");

            if (cookie == null)

            Dictionary <string, string[]> cookieDecoded = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Dictionary <string, string[]> >(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(cookie.Value));

            string[] customVar = cookieDecoded[stringId];

            if (customVar == null || (customVar != null && customVar.Count() != 2))

            return(new CustomVar(customVar[0], customVar[1]));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets Visit Custom Variable.
        /// See http://piwik.org/docs/custom-variables/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Custom variable slot ID from 1-5</param>
        /// <param name="name">Custom variable name</param>
        /// <param name="value">Custom variable value</param>
        /// <param name="scope">Custom variable scope. Possible values: CustomVar.Scopes</param>
        public void setCustomVariable(int id, string name, string value, CustomVar.Scopes scope = CustomVar.Scopes.visit)
            string stringId = Convert.ToString(id);

            string[] customVar = { name, value };

            switch (scope)
            case CustomVar.Scopes.page:
                pageCustomVar.Add(stringId, customVar);

            case CustomVar.Scopes.visit:
                visitorCustomVar.Add(stringId, customVar);

                throw new Exception("Unimplemented scope");
Example #4
        public static void SetCustomVariable(int id, string name, string value, CustomVar.Scopes scope = CustomVar.Scopes.visit)
            Console.WriteLine(".NET> SetCustomVariable");
            Console.WriteLine(".NET> scope=" + scope.ToString());
            string stringId = Convert.ToString(id);

            string[] customVar = { name, value };

            switch (scope)
            case CustomVar.Scopes.page:
                if (_pageCustomVar.ContainsKey(stringId))
                    _pageCustomVar[stringId] = customVar;
                    _pageCustomVar.Add(stringId, customVar);

            case CustomVar.Scopes.visit:
                if (_visitorCustomVar.ContainsKey(stringId))
                    _visitorCustomVar[stringId] = customVar;
                    _visitorCustomVar.Add(stringId, customVar);

                throw new Exception("Unimplemented scope");