public PaymentTermsSheet(IProgram program, IWorksheet worksheet) { this.program = (Program)program; this.Sheet = worksheet; this.Controls = new Controls(worksheet); this.Binder = new Binder(this.Sheet, Constants.ChangedStyle); this.Binder.ToDomained += this.Binder_ToDomained; this.Sheet.SheetActivated += this.Sheet_SheetActivated; this.Sheet.Name = $"{nameof(PaymentTermsSheet)}.{this.Sheet.Index}"; // Fetch after we changed the name. this.NamedRanges = this.Sheet.GetNamedRanges(); // Save so we can re-instate it as an invoicesSheet on startup var customProperties = new CustomProperties(); customProperties.Add(AppConstants.KeySheet, nameof(PaymentTermsSheet)); customProperties.Add(AppConstants.KeyCreated, DateTime.Now); customProperties.Add(AppConstants.KeyCreatedBy, this.program.Services.Configuration["Username"]); this.Sheet.SetCustomProperties(customProperties); }
void convertCustomProperties(SerializableDictionary old, CustomProperties @new) { old.ForEach( pair => @new.Add( pair.Key, new CustomProperty(, pair.Value.value, pair.Value.type, pair.Value.description))); }
protected SharpmakeBaseProject( bool excludeSharpmakeFiles = true, bool generateXmlDoc = true ) { AddTargets(GetDefaultTargets()); GenerateDocumentationFile = generateXmlDoc; RootPath = Globals.AbsoluteRootPath; // Use the new csproj style ProjectSchema = CSharpProjectSchema.NetCore; // we need to disable determinism while because we are using wildcards in assembly versions // error CS8357: The specified version string contains wildcards, which are not compatible with determinism CustomProperties.Add("Deterministic", "true"); // Enable Globalization Invariant Mode // CustomProperties.Add("InvariantGlobalization", "true"); if (excludeSharpmakeFiles) { NoneExtensions.Add(".sharpmake.cs"); } }
public DebugProject() : base(typeof(Target), typeof(Configuration), isInternal: true) { _projectInfo = DebugProjectGenerator.DebugProjects[GetType()]; // set paths RootPath = _projectInfo.ProjectFolder; SourceRootPath = RootPath; // add selected source files SourceFiles.AddRange(_projectInfo.ProjectFiles); // ensure that no file will be automagically added SourceFilesExtensions.Clear(); ResourceFilesExtensions.Clear(); PRIFilesExtensions.Clear(); ResourceFiles.Clear(); NoneExtensions.Clear(); VsctExtension.Clear(); Name = _projectInfo.DisplayName; // Use the new csproj style ProjectSchema = CSharpProjectSchema.NetCore; // prevents output dir to have a framework subfolder CustomProperties.Add("AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath", "false"); // we need to disable determinism while because we are using wildcards in assembly versions // error CS8357: The specified version string contains wildcards, which are not compatible with determinism CustomProperties.Add("Deterministic", "false"); AddTargets(DebugProjectGenerator.GetTargets()); }
protected SharpmakeBaseProject( bool excludeSharpmakeFiles = true, bool generateXmlDoc = true ) { AddTargets(GetDefaultTargets()); _generateXmlDoc = generateXmlDoc; RootPath = Globals.AbsoluteRootPath; // Use the new csproj style ProjectSchema = CSharpProjectSchema.NetCore; // prevents output dir to have a framework subfolder CustomProperties.Add("AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath", "false"); // we need to disable determinism while because we are using wildcards in assembly versions // error CS8357: The specified version string contains wildcards, which are not compatible with determinism CustomProperties.Add("Deterministic", "false"); if (excludeSharpmakeFiles) { SourceFilesExcludeRegex.Add(@".*\.sharpmake.cs"); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new property definition /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="propertyType"></param> /// <param name="attributes"></param> public static void AddProperty(string name, Type propertyType, List <Attribute> attributes) { if (!CheckIfNameExists(name)) { CustomProperties.Add(new CustomPropertyInfoHelper(name, propertyType, attributes, typeof(T))); } }
protected SharpmakeBaseProject( bool excludeSharpmakeFiles = true, bool generateXmlDoc = true ) { AddTargets(GetDefaultTargets()); GenerateDocumentationFile = generateXmlDoc; RootPath = Globals.AbsoluteRootPath; // Use the new csproj style ProjectSchema = CSharpProjectSchema.NetCore; CustomProperties.Add("Deterministic", "true"); // PathUtil.cs uses some unsafe blocks CustomProperties.Add("AllowUnsafeBlocks", "true"); // Adding doc warning suppression here to apply to all configs so it will // take effect when publishing for other platforms not specified in the default configurations // W1: CS1570: XML comment on 'construct' has badly formed XML - 'reason // W4: CS1591: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Type_or_Member' CustomProperties.Add("NoWarn", "1570,1591"); // Enable Globalization Invariant Mode // CustomProperties.Add("InvariantGlobalization", "true"); if (excludeSharpmakeFiles) { NoneExtensions.Add(".sharpmake.cs"); } }
public SharpmakeProject() { Name = "Sharpmake"; // indicates where to find the nuget(s) we reference without needing nuget.config or global setting CustomProperties.Add("RestoreAdditionalProjectSources", ""); }
protected override void AddCustomPropertiesToInfoWindow() { CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Freeze-Zeit", PropertyName = "freezetime" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Geschwindigkeit in %", PropertyName = "freezepercentage" }); }
protected override void AddCustomPropertiesToInfoWindow() { CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Kostenmultiplikator", PropertyName = "shotcostmultiplier" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Kosten pro Schuss", PropertyName = "costpershot", Hint = "Kosten pro Schuss: Multiplikator * Schaden" }); }
/// <summary> /// Classe astratta base che definisce un comando generico /// </summary> /// <param name="commandId">Valore guid che identifica univocamente il comando. /// Questo valore sarà la chiave dell’istanza del workflow che funegrà da CorrelationId per gli eventi del Service Bus. /// Diventerà ultile per determinare quali eventi sono associati a determinate istanze attive.</param> /// <param name="commandName">Nome interno del comando</param> /// <param name="tenantName">Nome del Tenant del Cliente. Contattare Dgroove per il valore</param> /// <param name="tenantId">Guid del Tenant del Cliente. Contattare Dgroove per il valore</param> /// <param name="tenantAOOId">Guid del TenantAOO del Cliente. Contattare Dgroove per il valore</param> /// <param name="identityContext">Classe che specifica l'Identità dell'utente che sta eseguento l'avvio del Workflow<see cref="IdentityContext"/></param> /// <param name="contentType">ContentType col modello di trasporto</param> public BaseCommand(Guid commandId, string commandName, string tenantName, Guid tenantId, Guid tenantAOOId, IdentityContext identityContext, TContentType contentType) : base(commandId, commandName, tenantName, tenantId, tenantAOOId, identityContext) { ContentType = contentType; if (contentType != null && contentType.Content != null) { CustomProperties.Add(DocSuiteCustomPropertyNames.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType.Content.GetType().Name); } }
public SharpmakeUnitTestsProject() : base(generateXmlDoc: false) { Name = "Sharpmake.UnitTests"; Services.Add("{82A7F48D-3B50-4B1E-B82E-3ADA8210C358}"); // NUnit // indicates where to find the nuget(s) we reference without needing nuget.config or global setting CustomProperties.Add("RestoreAdditionalProjectSources", ""); }
public InvoicesSheet(IProgram program, IWorksheet worksheet) { this.program = (Program)program; this.Sheet = worksheet; this.Controls = new Controls(worksheet); this.Binder = new Binder(this.Sheet, Constants.ChangedStyle); this.Binder.ToDomained += this.Binder_ToDomained; this.Sheet.SheetActivated += this.Sheet_SheetActivated; // Save so we can re-instate it as an invoicesSheet on startup var customProperties = new CustomProperties(); customProperties.Add(AppConstants.KeySheet, nameof(InvoicesSheet)); customProperties.Add(AppConstants.KeyCreated, DateTime.Now); customProperties.Add(AppConstants.KeyCreatedBy, this.program.Services.Configuration["Username"]); this.Sheet.SetCustomProperties(customProperties); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of the specified custom property. /// </summary> private void SetCustomProperty(string propertyName, string value) { if (!CustomProperties.ContainsKey(propertyName)) { CustomProperties.Add(propertyName, value); } else { CustomProperties[propertyName] = value; } }
protected override void AddCustomPropertiesToInfoWindow() { CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Geldzeit", PropertyName = "moneytime" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Geldplus", PropertyName = "moneyamount" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Geld/Sekunde", PropertyName = "moneypersecond" }); }
protected override void AddCustomPropertiesToInfoWindow() { CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Gesundheitszeit", PropertyName = "healthtime" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Gesundheitsplus", PropertyName = "healthamount" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Gesundheit/Sekunde", PropertyName = "healthpersecond" }); }
public static void SetCustomProperty(CustomProperties customProperties, string property, object value) { foreach (CustomProperty customProperty in customProperties) { if (customProperty.Name == property) { customProperty.set_Value(ref value); return; } } customProperties.Add(property, ref value); }
public override void PostResolve() { base.PostResolve(); // retrieve the path of the csproj, could have changed from the default // note that we ensure that it is identical between confs string projectPath = Configurations.Select(conf => conf.ProjectPath).Distinct().Single(); // we set this property to fix the nuget restore behavior which was different // between visual studio and command line, since this var was not initialized // at the same time, leading to the restore being done in different locations CustomProperties.Add("MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath", Util.PathGetRelative(projectPath, DefaultProjectPath)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <param name="addToApsDict">If <b>true</b>, property will be added to the <i>aps</i> dictionary, otherwise to the root dictionary. Default: <b>false</b>.</param> /// <returns></returns> public ApplePush AddCustomProperty(string key, object value, bool addToApsDict = false) { if (addToApsDict) { CustomApsProperties ??= new Dictionary <string, object>(); CustomApsProperties.Add(key, value); } else { CustomProperties ??= new Dictionary <string, object>(); CustomProperties.Add(key, value); } return(this); }
internal static void SetWorksheetProperty(Worksheet ws, string propertyName, string propertyValue) { ExcelUIThreadProtecter.CheckIsExcelUIMainThread(); dynamic cp = GetWorksheetCusotmProperty(ws, propertyName); if (cp == null) { CustomProperties cps = ws.CustomProperties; cps.Add(propertyName, propertyValue); } else { cp.Value = propertyValue; } }
public CommonProject() : base(typeof(DearTarget)) { RootPath = ProjectRootPath; CustomProperties.Add("VcpkgEnabled", "false"); AddTargets(new DearTarget(Platform.win64, TargetAPI.D3D12 | TargetAPI.D3D11 | TargetAPI.Vulkan | TargetAPI.OpenGL3 | TargetAPI.WGPU, Optimization.Debug | Optimization.Release, BuildType.APIOnly | BuildType.DemoOnly | BuildType.Full)); }
protected override void AddCustomPropertiesToInfoWindow() { CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Vergiftungszeit", PropertyName = "poisontime", Hint = "Diese Zeit bleibt der Gegner vergiftet" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Giftschaden", PropertyName = "poisonamount", Hint = "Dieser Wert ist der Angriffswert des Giftes" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Gift-Intervall", PropertyName = "poisoncountertime", Hint = "Nach dieser Zeit (in Millisekunden)\ngreift das Gift den Gegner an" }); CustomProperties.Add(new ShowableProperty { Name = "Gesamtschaden", PropertyName = "damageoverall", Hint = "Das ist der Schaden, der dem\nGegner insgesamt zugeführt wird." }); }
protected SampleProject() : base(excludeSharpmakeFiles: false, generateXmlDoc: false) { // samples are special, all the classes are here instead of in the subfolders SourceRootPath = @"[project.SharpmakeCsPath]\[project.Name]"; SourceFilesExcludeRegex.Add( @"\\codebase\\", @"\\projects\\", @"\\reference\\" ); DependenciesCopyLocal = DependenciesCopyLocalTypes.None; CustomProperties.Add("CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies", "false"); }
public FunctionalTestProject() : base(excludeSharpmakeFiles: false, generateXmlDoc: false) { // same a samples, tests are special, the class is here instead of in the subfolder SourceRootPath = @"[project.SharpmakeCsPath]\[project.Name]"; SourceFilesExcludeRegex.Add( @"\\codebase\\", @"\\projects\\", @"\\reference\\" ); DependenciesCopyLocal = DependenciesCopyLocalTypes.None; CustomProperties.Add("CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies", "false"); AddTargets(Common.GetDefaultTargets()); }
public CustomProperty CreateCustomProperty() { if (base.CriGenerationPhase != CriGenerationPhases.Definition) { throw new RenderingObjectModelException(ProcessingErrorCode.rsInvalidOperation); } PrepareCustomProperties(); Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.DataValue dataValue = new Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.DataValue(); dataValue.Name = Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.ExpressionInfo.CreateEmptyExpression(); dataValue.Value = Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.ExpressionInfo.CreateEmptyExpression(); if (m_reportItemDef.CustomProperties == null) { m_reportItemDef.CustomProperties = new Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportIntermediateFormat.DataValueList(); } m_reportItemDef.CustomProperties.Add(dataValue); return(CustomProperties.Add(base.RenderingContext, dataValue.Name, dataValue.Value)); }
/// <inheritdoc/> void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() { // Backward compatibility at runtime in case some custom properties have been added in code after first serialization ThemeDefinition defaultDefinition = GetDefaultThemeDefinition(ThemeType).Value; if (defaultDefinition.CustomProperties.Count > CustomProperties.Count) { foreach (ThemeProperty prop in defaultDefinition.CustomProperties) { if (!CustomProperties.Exists(p => p.Name == prop.Name)) { CustomProperties.Add(new ThemeProperty() { Name = prop.Name, Tooltip = prop.Tooltip, Type = prop.Type, Value = prop.Value, }); } } } }
public void CustomPropertySet(string devId, string key, string value) { bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i <= CustomProperties.Count - 1; i++) { if (CustomProperties[i].DeveloperId.Trim().ToLower() == devId.Trim().ToLower()) { if (CustomProperties[i].Key.Trim().ToLower() == key.Trim().ToLower()) { CustomProperties[i].Value = value; found = true; break; } } } if (found == false) { CustomProperties.Add(new CustomProperty(devId, key, value)); } }
private bool UpdateCustomProperty(CustomProperties customProperties, object hashKeyValue, string customItemKey) { if (_control.IgnoreMSDesignerInformation && customItemKey.IndexOf("MS_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { if (string.Compare(customItemKey, "MS_Description", true) != 0) { return(false); } } if (customProperties.ContainsKey(customItemKey)) { if (customProperties[customItemKey] == hashKeyValue) { return(false); } customProperties[customItemKey] = hashKeyValue; } else { customProperties.Add(customItemKey, hashKeyValue); } return(true); }
void convertCustomProperties( SerializableDictionary old, CustomProperties @new ) { old.ForEach( pair => @new.Add( pair.Key, new CustomProperty(, pair.Value.value, pair.Value.type, pair.Value.description ) ) ) ; }
//********************************************************************** // Sets the value of a custom property //********************************************************************** public static void SetCustomProperty(CustomProperties properties, String name, String value) { object oName = (object)name; try { // Try to retrieve and set the Property properties.get_Item(ref oName).Value = value; } catch { // An exception is found if the Property is not found properties.Add(name, value); } }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to populate the current line item object using a LineItemDTO instance /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">An instance of the line item from the REST API</param> public void FromDto(LineItemDTO dto) { if (dto == null) { return; } Id = dto.Id; StoreId = dto.StoreId; LastUpdatedUtc = dto.LastUpdatedUtc; BasePricePerItem = dto.BasePricePerItem; LineTotal = dto.LineTotal; AdjustedPricePerItem = dto.AdjustedPricePerItem; IsUserSuppliedPrice = dto.IsUserSuppliedPrice; IsBundle = dto.IsBundle; IsGiftCard = dto.IsGiftCard; PromotionIds = dto.PromotionIds; FreeQuantity = dto.FreeQuantity; DiscountDetails.Clear(); if (dto.DiscountDetails != null) { foreach (var detail in dto.DiscountDetails) { var d = new DiscountDetail(); d.FromDto(detail); DiscountDetails.Add(d); } } OrderBvin = dto.OrderBvin ?? string.Empty; ProductId = dto.ProductId ?? string.Empty; VariantId = dto.VariantId ?? string.Empty; ProductName = dto.ProductName ?? string.Empty; ProductSku = dto.ProductSku ?? string.Empty; ProductShortDescription = dto.ProductShortDescription ?? string.Empty; Quantity = dto.Quantity; QuantityReturned = dto.QuantityReturned; QuantityShipped = dto.QuantityShipped; ShippingPortion = dto.ShippingPortion; TaxRate = dto.TaxRate; TaxPortion = dto.TaxPortion; StatusCode = dto.StatusCode ?? string.Empty; StatusName = dto.StatusName ?? string.Empty; SelectionData.Clear(); if (dto.SelectionData != null) { foreach (var op in dto.SelectionData) { var o = new OptionSelection(); o.FromDto(op); SelectionData.OptionSelectionList.Add(o); } } IsNonShipping = dto.IsNonShipping; TaxSchedule = dto.TaxSchedule; ProductShippingHeight = dto.ProductShippingHeight; ProductShippingLength = dto.ProductShippingLength; ProductShippingWeight = dto.ProductShippingWeight; ProductShippingWidth = dto.ProductShippingWidth; CustomProperties.Clear(); if (dto.CustomProperties != null) { foreach (var cpd in dto.CustomProperties) { var prop = new CustomProperty(); prop.FromDto(cpd); CustomProperties.Add(prop); } } ShipFromAddress.FromDto(dto.ShipFromAddress); ShipFromMode = (ShippingMode)(int)dto.ShipFromMode; ShipFromNotificationId = dto.ShipFromNotificationId ?? string.Empty; ShipSeparately = dto.ShipSeparately; ExtraShipCharge = dto.ExtraShipCharge; ShippingCharge = (ShippingChargeType)(int)dto.ShippingCharge; }
void buttonOkClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //todo: move to an action if (uiFirstItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show( @"Please specify a name for the Custom Property that is to be added to the first Item!", @"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (uiLinkSecondItemToFirstCheckbox.Checked && uiSecondItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show( @"Please specify a name for the Custom Property that is to be added to the second Item!", @"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } var model = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <IModel>(); IEnumerable <ITreeItem> selectedEditors = model.Level.SelectedEditors.ToList( ); ITreeItem firstSelectedItem = selectedEditors.First(); CustomProperties customPropertiesForFirstItem = firstSelectedItem.ItemProperties.CustomProperties; if (customPropertiesForFirstItem.ContainsKey(uiFirstItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show( "The first Item ({0}) already has a Custom Property named \"{1}\". Please use another name.".FormatWith(firstSelectedItem.ItemProperties.Name, uiFirstItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text), @"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } var customProperty = new CustomProperty { Name = uiFirstItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text, Type = typeof(ItemEditor) }; ITreeItem secondSelectItem = selectedEditors.ElementAt(1); customProperty.Value = secondSelectItem; customPropertiesForFirstItem.Add(customProperty.Name, customProperty); if (uiLinkSecondItemToFirstCheckbox.Checked) { CustomProperties customPropertiesForSecondItem = secondSelectItem.ItemProperties.CustomProperties; if (customPropertiesForSecondItem.ContainsKey(uiSecondItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show( "The second Item ({0}) already has a Custom Property named \"{1}\". Please use another name!".FormatWith(secondSelectItem.ItemProperties.Name, uiSecondItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); customPropertiesForFirstItem.Remove(customProperty.Name); return; } customProperty = new CustomProperty { Name = uiSecondItemCustomPropertyNameTextBox.Text, Type = typeof(ItemEditor), Value = firstSelectedItem }; customPropertiesForSecondItem.Add(customProperty.Name, customProperty); } Hide(); }