public async Task <bool> Handle(PatientForPatchCommand patchCommand, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                if (patchCommand.PatchDoc == null)
                    // log error
                    throw new ApiException("Invalid patch document.");

                var patientToUpdate = await _db.Patients
                                      .FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.PatientId == patchCommand.PatientId, cancellationToken);

                if (patientToUpdate == null)
                    // log error
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException();

                var patientToPatch = _mapper.Map <PatientForUpdateDto>(patientToUpdate); // map the patient we got from the database to an updatable patient model

                patchCommand.PatchDoc.ApplyTo(patientToPatch);                           // apply patchdoc updates to the updatable patient

                var validationResults = new CustomPatchPatientValidation().Validate(patientToPatch);

                if (!validationResults.IsValid)
                    throw new Application.Exceptions.ValidationException(validationResults.Errors);

                _mapper.Map(patientToPatch, patientToUpdate); // apply updates from the updatable patient to the db entity so we can apply the updates to the database

                return(await _db.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken) > 0);
            public async Task <bool> Handle(PatchPatientCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                // add logger (and a try catch with logger so i can cap the unexpected info)........ unless this happens in my logger decorator that i am going to add?
                if (request.PatchDoc == null)
                    // log error
                    throw new ApiException("Invalid patch document.");

                var patientToUpdate = await _db.Patients
                                      .FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.PatientId == request.PatientId);

                if (patientToUpdate == null)
                    // log error
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException();

                var patientToPatch = _mapper.Map <PatientForUpdateDto>(patientToUpdate); // map the patient we got from the database to an updatable patient model

                request.PatchDoc.ApplyTo(patientToPatch);                                // apply patchdoc updates to the updatable patient

                var validationResults = new CustomPatchPatientValidation().Validate(patientToPatch);

                if (!validationResults.IsValid)
                    throw new ValidationException(validationResults.Errors);

                _mapper.Map(patientToPatch, patientToUpdate);
                var saveSuccessful = await _db.SaveChangesAsync() > 0;

                if (!saveSuccessful)
                    // add log
                    throw new Exception("Unable to save the requested changes. Please check the logs for more information.");
