Example #1
        protected virtual CustomPageModel PreparePageModel(CustomPage page)
            if (page == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("custompage");

            var model = new CustomPageModel
                Id                     = page.Id,
                SystemName             = page.GetSystemName(),
                Name                   = page.Name,
                BodyHtml               = page.Template.BodyHtml,
                MetaKeywords           = page.MetaKeywords,
                MetaDescription        = page.MetaDescription,
                MetaTitle              = page.MetaTitle,
                TemplateId             = page.TemplateId,
                IncludeInTopMenu       = page.IncludeInTopMenu,
                IncludeInFooterColumn1 = page.IncludeInFooterColumn1,
                IncludeInFooterColumn2 = page.IncludeInFooterColumn2,
                IncludeInFooterColumn3 = page.IncludeInFooterColumn3,
                IncludeInFooterMenu    = page.IncludeInFooterMenu,
                IsSystemDefined        = page.IsSystemDefined,
                IsActive               = page.IsActive,
                PermissionOriented     = page.PermissionOriented

Example #2
        public List <DST_DICT> GetDictByClass(string dictClass, CustomPageModel pageModel)
            int             totalNum  = 0;
            int             totalPage = 0;
            List <DST_DICT> result    = this.sqlSugarClient.Queryable <DST_DICT>().Where(x => x.DICT_CLASS.Equals(dictClass)).ToPageList(pageModel.PageIndex, pageModel.PageSize, ref totalNum, ref totalPage);

        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize("ManageCustomPages"))

            if (id == 0)
                throw new Exception("custom Page Id Missing");

            var model      = new CustomPageModel();
            var custompage = _customPageService.GetCustomPageById(id);

            if (custompage != null)
                model     = custompage.ToModel();
                model.Url = Url.RouteUrl("CustomPage", new { name = custompage.GetSystemName() }, "http");
                var templateModel = custompage.Template?.ToModel();

                if (custompage.Template != null)
                    foreach (var dt in custompage.Template.Tokens)
                        var dtModel = dt.ToModel();
                    model.template = templateModel;

                // Load Available Templates
                model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "-- Select Template --", Value = "0"
                foreach (var t in _templateService.GetAllTemplates())
                    model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = t.Name, Value = t.Id.ToString()

                if (model.TemplateId > 0)
                    foreach (var item in model.AvailableTemplates.Where(ss => ss.Value == model.TemplateId.ToString()))
                        item.Selected = true;

                    model.AvailableTemplates.First().Selected = false;

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询列表,返回分页结果
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">查询条件</param>
        /// <param name="pageModel">分页实体</param>
        /// <returns>返回结果</returns>
        public List <DST_PATIENT_INFO> GetPageListByCondition(DST_PATIENT_INFO data, CustomPageModel pageModel)
            int totalNum  = 0;
            int totalPage = 1;

            string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT M.* FROM DST_PATIENT_INFO M WHERE 1=1");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.SLIDE_ID))
                sql += string.Format(" AND M.SLIDE_ID like '%{0}%'", data.SLIDE_ID);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.NAME))
                sql += string.Format(" AND M.name like '%{0}%'", data.NAME);

            if (data.SAMPLING_DATE != null && data.SAMPLING_DATE.Value != DateTime.MinValue)
                sql += string.Format(" AND date(M.SAMPLING_DATE) = '{0}'", data.SAMPLING_DATE.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.ITEM_NAME))
                sql += string.Format(" AND M.ITEM_NAME='{0}'", data.ITEM_NAME);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.SCAN_RESULT))
                sql += string.Format(" AND M.SCAN_RESULT='{0}'", data.SCAN_RESULT);

            if (data.SCAN_DATE_TIME != null && data.SCAN_DATE_TIME.Value != DateTime.MinValue)
                sql += string.Format(" AND date(M.SCAN_DATE_TIME) = '{0}'", data.SCAN_DATE_TIME.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            if (null != data.MinAge)
                sql += string.Format(" AND M.AGE >= {0}", data.MinAge);

            if (null != data.MaxAge)
                sql += string.Format(" AND M.AGE <= {0}", data.MaxAge);

            ISugarQueryable <DST_PATIENT_INFO> queryable = simpleClient.AsSugarClient().SqlQueryable <DST_PATIENT_INFO>(sql);
            List <DST_PATIENT_INFO>            tmpList   = queryable.ToPageList(pageModel.PageIndex, pageModel.PageSize, ref totalNum, ref totalPage);

            pageModel.TotalNum  = totalNum;
            pageModel.TotalPage = totalPage;
Example #5
        public ActionResult Contact()
            var model      = new CustomPageModel();
            var customPage = _customPageService.GetCustomPageByName("Contact");

            if (customPage != null)
                model.BodyHtml   = customPage.Template.BodyHtml;
                model.Name       = customPage.Name;
                model.Id         = customPage.Id;
                model.TemplateId = customPage.TemplateId;

            foreach (var dt in _templateService.GetAllDataTokensByTemplate(model.TemplateId).Where(x => x.IsActive).ToList())
                model.BodyHtml = EF.Services.CodeHelper.Replace(model.BodyHtml.ToString(), "[" + dt.SystemName + "]", dt.Value, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);

        public ActionResult Create()
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize("ManageCustomPages"))

            var model = new CustomPageModel();

            // Load Available Templates
            model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                Text = "-- Select Template --", Value = "0"
            foreach (var t in _templateService.GetAllTemplates())
                model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = t.Name, Value = t.Id.ToString()

Example #7
        public ActionResult PageDetails(int id)
            var page = _customPageService.GetCustomPageById(id);

            if (page == null)
            if (!page.IsActive)

            var model = new CustomPageModel();

            model = PreparePageModel(page);

            if (model == null)

            var template = _templateService.GetTemplateById(model.TemplateId);

            if (template == null)
                template = _templateService.GetAllTemplates(true).FirstOrDefault();
            if (template == null)
                throw new Exception("No default template could be loaded");

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 库存管理 查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patInfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <DST_PATIENT_INFO> GetListByConditionInArchives(DST_PATIENT_INFO patInfo, CustomPageModel pageModel)
            string sql = "select * from DST_PATIENT_INFO where 1 = 1 ";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(patInfo.SLIDE_ID))
                sql += $" and SLIDE_ID like '%{patInfo.SLIDE_ID}%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(patInfo.NAME))
                sql += $" and NAME like '%{patInfo.NAME}%'";
            if (patInfo.LEND_OUT_DATE.HasValue && patInfo.LEND_OUT_DATE.Value != DateTime.MinValue)
                sql += $" and date(LEND_OUT_DATE) = '{patInfo.LEND_OUT_DATE:yyyy-MM-dd}'";
            if (patInfo.GIVE_BACK_DATE.HasValue && patInfo.GIVE_BACK_DATE.Value != DateTime.MinValue)
                sql += $" and date(GIVE_BACK_DATE) = '{patInfo.GIVE_BACK_DATE:yyyy-MM-dd}'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(patInfo.ITEM_NAME) && !patInfo.ITEM_NAME.Contains("请选择"))
                sql += $" and ITEM_NAME like '%{patInfo.ITEM_NAME}%'";
            if (patInfo.SAMPLING_DATE.HasValue && patInfo.SAMPLING_DATE.Value != DateTime.MinValue)
                sql += $" and date(SAMPLING_DATE) = '{patInfo.SAMPLING_DATE.Value:yyyy-MM-dd}'";
            if (patInfo.LEND_OUT != -1) // 借出 -1 表示都要
                sql += $" and LEND_OUT = {patInfo.LEND_OUT}";
            if (patInfo.GIVE_BACK != -1) // 归还 -1 表示全要
                sql += $" and GIVE_BACK = {patInfo.GIVE_BACK}";

            int totalNum  = 0;
            int totalPage = 0;
            var result    = this.sqlSugarClient.SqlQueryable <DST_PATIENT_INFO>(sql).ToPageList(pageModel.PageIndex, pageModel.PageSize, ref totalNum, ref totalPage);

            pageModel.TotalNum  = totalNum;
            pageModel.TotalPage = totalPage;
        public ActionResult Create(CustomPageModel model)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize("ManageCustomPages"))

            var user = _userContext.CurrentUser;
            // Check for duplicate pages, if any
            var page = _customPageService.GetCustomPageByName(model.Name);

            if (page != null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "A Custom Page with the same name already exists. Please choose a different name.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var custom = new CustomPage();
                custom.Name                   = model.Name;
                custom.TemplateId             = model.TemplateId;
                custom.Template               = _templateService.GetTemplateById(model.TemplateId);
                custom.IsActive               = model.IsActive;
                custom.ModifiedOn             = DateTime.Now;
                custom.CreatedOn              = DateTime.Now;
                custom.Url                    = model.Url;
                custom.UserId                 = user.Id;
                custom.IsSystemDefined        = false;
                custom.PermissionOriented     = model.PermissionOriented;
                custom.PermissionRecordId     = model.PermissionRecordId;
                custom.DisplayOrder           = model.DisplayOrder;
                custom.IncludeInFooterColumn1 = model.IncludeInFooterColumn1;
                custom.IncludeInFooterColumn2 = model.IncludeInFooterColumn2;
                custom.IncludeInFooterColumn3 = model.IncludeInFooterColumn3;
                custom.IncludeInTopMenu       = model.IncludeInTopMenu;
                custom.IncludeInFooterMenu    = model.IncludeInFooterMenu;
                custom.MetaDescription        = model.MetaDescription;
                custom.MetaKeywords           = model.MetaKeywords;
                custom.MetaTitle              = model.MetaTitle;
                custom.PermissionOriented     = false;
                custom.PermissionRecordId     = _permissionService.GetAllPermissions().FirstOrDefault() != null
                                                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                                        ? _permissionService.GetAllPermissions().FirstOrDefault().Id
                                        : 0;

                custom.PermissionRecord = _permissionService.GetAllPermissions().FirstOrDefault();

                // Save URL Record
                model.SystemName = custom.ValidateSystemName(model.SystemName, model.Name, true);
                _urlService.SaveSlug(custom, model.SystemName);
                // Load Available Templates
                model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "-- Select Template --", Value = "0"
                foreach (var t in _templateService.GetAllTemplates())
                    model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = t.Name, Value = t.Id.ToString()


            SuccessNotification("Page created successfully.");
        public ActionResult Edit(CustomPageModel model)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize("ManageCustomPages"))

            var user = _userContext.CurrentUser;

            // Check for duplicate pages, if any
            var _page = _customPageService.GetCustomPageByName(model.Name);

            if (_page != null && _page.Id != model.Id)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "A Custom Page with the same name already exists. Please choose a different name.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var custom = _customPageService.GetCustomPageById(model.Id);
                if (custom != null)
                    custom.Name       = model.Name;
                    custom.TemplateId = model.TemplateId;
                    custom.Template   = _templateService.GetTemplateById(model.TemplateId);

                    if (!custom.IsSystemDefined)
                        custom.IsActive        = model.IsActive;
                        custom.IsSystemDefined = model.IsSystemDefined;

                    custom.ModifiedOn             = DateTime.Now;
                    custom.Url                    = Url.RouteUrl("CustomPage", new { name = custom.GetSystemName() });
                    custom.SystemName             = custom.GetSystemName();
                    custom.UserId                 = user.Id;
                    custom.PermissionOriented     = model.PermissionOriented;
                    custom.PermissionRecordId     = model.PermissionRecordId;
                    custom.DisplayOrder           = model.DisplayOrder;
                    custom.IncludeInFooterColumn1 = model.IncludeInFooterColumn1;
                    custom.IncludeInFooterColumn2 = model.IncludeInFooterColumn2;
                    custom.IncludeInFooterColumn3 = model.IncludeInFooterColumn3;
                    custom.IncludeInTopMenu       = model.IncludeInTopMenu;
                    custom.IncludeInFooterMenu    = model.IncludeInFooterMenu;
                    custom.MetaDescription        = model.MetaDescription;
                    custom.MetaKeywords           = model.MetaKeywords;
                    custom.MetaTitle              = model.MetaTitle;

                    if (!custom.IsSystemDefined)
                        model.SystemName = custom.ValidateSystemName(model.SystemName, model.Name, true);
                        _urlService.SaveSlug(custom, model.SystemName);
                model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "-- Select Template --", Value = "0"
                foreach (var t in _templateService.GetAllTemplates())
                    model.AvailableTemplates.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = t.Name, Value = t.Id.ToString()


            SuccessNotification("Page saved successfully.");
Example #11
 public static CustomPage ToEntity(this CustomPageModel model, CustomPage destination)
Example #12
 public static CustomPage ToEntity(this CustomPageModel model)
     return(model.MapTo <CustomPageModel, CustomPage>());
Example #13
        public List <DST_DICT> GetDictByClassAndName(string dictClass, string dictName, CustomPageModel pageModel)
            int             totalNum  = 0;
            int             totalPage = 0;
            List <DST_DICT> result    = this.sqlSugarClient.Queryable <DST_DICT>().Where(x => x.DICT_CLASS.Equals(dictClass))
                                        .Where(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(dictName) || x.DICT_NAME.Equals(dictName))
                                        .ToPageList(pageModel.PageIndex, pageModel.PageSize, ref totalNum, ref totalPage);

            pageModel.TotalNum  = totalNum;
            pageModel.TotalPage = totalPage;