Example #1
    public static void DrawHumans()
        IEnumerator zEnum = GameObject.Find("MultiplayerManager").GetComponent <FengGameManagerMKII>().getPlayers().GetEnumerator();

        while (zEnum.MoveNext())
            HERO aHERO = zEnum.Current as HERO;
            if (!aHERO ||
            if (!aHERO.photonView.owner.isLocal)
                foreach (Collider collider in aHERO.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>()) // humans
                    if (collider.name == "Controller_Body")
                        Vector3 Headpos = new Vector3(0, collider.bounds.extents.y, 0);
                        if (GlobalVars.Bools[4])
                            CustomCanvas.DrawBounds(collider.bounds.center, collider.bounds.extents, GlobalVars.Colors[4]);

                        if (aHERO.photonView != null)
                            if (aHERO.photonView.owner != null)
                                if (GlobalVars.Bools[5] || GlobalVars.Bools[6])
                                    aHERO.myNetWorkName.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = string.Empty;

                                string Playername = RemoveTags((string)aHERO.photonView.owner.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.name]);
                                string Guildname  = RemoveTags((string)aHERO.photonView.owner.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.guildName]);
                                if (!GlobalVars.Bools[5] && !GlobalVars.Bools[6] && aHERO.myNetWorkName.GetComponent <UILabel>().text == string.Empty)
                                    if (Guildname != string.Empty)
                                        aHERO.myNetWorkName.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = "[FFFF00]" + Guildname + "\n[FFFFFF]" + Playername;
                                        aHERO.myNetWorkName.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = Playername;

                                if (GlobalVars.Bools[5])
                                    DrawLabel(collider.bounds.center + Headpos, Playername, GlobalVars.Colors[5], +20);

                                if (GlobalVars.Bools[6])
                                    DrawLabel(collider.bounds.center + Headpos, Guildname, GlobalVars.Colors[6], GlobalVars.Bools[5] ? +35 : +20);

                                //wtf am i doing here...... uhhhhh... k
                                if (GlobalVars.Bools[7])
                                    DrawLabel(collider.bounds.center + Headpos, aHERO.photonView.ownerId.ToString(), GlobalVars.Colors[7],
                                              GlobalVars.Bools[5] ? GlobalVars.Bools[6] ? Guildname != string.Empty ? +50 : +35 : +35 : GlobalVars.Bools[6] ? Guildname != string.Empty ? +35 : +20 : +20);

                                if (Playername.ToUpper().Contains("KITHARA"))  // she changed name to margarite or sm shit so find new 1 Q~Q
                                    DrawLabel(collider.bounds.center, "The Waifu", new Color(0.705f, 0.490f, 1.0f, 1.0f), +35);

                                if (aHERO.photonView.owner.name != "")
                                    DrawLabel(collider.bounds.center + Headpos, aHERO.photonView.owner.name, GlobalVars.Colors[7], +35);

                                if (GlobalVars.Bools[4] || GlobalVars.Bools[5] || GlobalVars.Bools[6] || GlobalVars.Bools[7])
                                    string strTags = string.Empty;
                                    if (aHERO.photonView.owner.customProperties.ContainsKey("RCteam"))
                                        strTags = strTags + "[RC] ";
                                    if (aHERO.photonView.owner.customProperties.ContainsKey("NRC"))
                                        strTags = strTags + "[NRC] ";
                                    if (aHERO.photonView.owner.customProperties.ContainsKey("Nathan"))
                                        strTags = strTags + "[Nathan] ";
                                    if (aHERO.photonView.owner.customProperties.ContainsKey("KageNoKishi"))
                                        strTags = strTags + "[KnK] ";
                                    if (aHERO.photonView.owner.customProperties.ContainsKey("not null"))
                                        strTags = strTags + "[ECMod] ";

                                    if (strTags != string.Empty)
                                        DrawLabel(collider.bounds.center - Headpos, strTags, new Color(0.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0);
Example #2
    public static void DrawTitans()
        IEnumerator zEnum = GameObject.Find("MultiplayerManager").GetComponent <FengGameManagerMKII>().getTitans().GetEnumerator();

        while (zEnum.MoveNext())
            TITAN aTitan = zEnum.Current as TITAN;

            if (!aTitan.hasDie)
                foreach (Collider collider in aTitan.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>())
                    if (collider.name == "AABB")
//                         if (HERO.MyPlayer.SimpleVisible(aTitan, HERO.MyPlayer)) // f**k the vischecks for now. They work but i dont want to add 2 colors =_=
//                         {
                        if (GlobalVars.Bools[0])
                            CustomCanvas.DrawBounds(collider.bounds.center, collider.bounds.extents, GlobalVars.Colors[0]);

                        // Why the f**k didnt i just f*****g set the color in an else instead of literally duping my f*****g code what the f**k was i thinking..... Ahh f**k it for now
                        if ((int)aTitan.photonView.owner.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.isTitan] == 2)    // 1 is human - 2 is titan
                            if (GlobalVars.Bools[1])
                                DrawLabel(aTitan.transform.position, RemoveTags((string)aTitan.photonView.owner.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.name]), GlobalVars.Colors[1], 0);

                            if (GlobalVars.Bools[2])
                                DrawLabel(aTitan.transform.position, aTitan.photonView.ownerId.ToString(), GlobalVars.Colors[1], 15);
                            if (GlobalVars.Bools[1])
                                DrawLabel(aTitan.transform.position, aTitan.name, GlobalVars.Colors[1], 0);
//                        }
//                         else
//                         {
//                             if (GlobalVars.Bools[0])
//                                 CustomCanvas.DrawBounds(collider.bounds.center, collider.bounds.extents, new Color(0.207f, 0.556f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
//                             if(aTitan.nonAI)
//                             {
//                                 if (GlobalVars.Bools[1])
//                                     DrawLabel(aTitan.transform.position, (string)aTitan.photonView.owner.customProperties[PhotonPlayerProperty.name], new Color(0.207f, 0.556f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0);
//                             }
//                             else
//                             {
//                                 if (GlobalVars.Bools[1])
//                                     DrawLabel(aTitan.transform.position, (string)aTitan.name, new Color(0.207f, 0.556f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 0);
//                             }

//                        }