Example #1
 public static string AddImage(int partID = 0, int sizeid = 0, string webfile = "", string localfile = "")
     try {
         CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
         JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
         char sort = 'a';
         try {
             sort = db.PartImages.Where(x => x.partID.Equals(partID)).Where(x => x.sizeID.Equals(sizeid)).OrderByDescending(x => x.sort).Select(x => x.sort).First<char>();
             sort = GetNextLetter(sort.ToString());
         } catch {};
         System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(localfile);
         PartImage image = new PartImage {
             partID = partID,
             sizeID = sizeid,
             path = webfile,
             height = img.Height,
             width = img.Width,
             sort = sort
         return js.Serialize(image);
     } catch {
         return "error";
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of DetailedCategories objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of DetailedCategories objects</returns>
        public static List<DetailedCategories> GetCategories()
            List<DetailedCategories> cats = new List<DetailedCategories>();
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();

            cats = (from c in db.Categories
                    select new DetailedCategories {
                        catID = c.catID,
                        dateAdded = c.dateAdded,
                        parentID = c.parentID,
                        parentCat = (from c2 in db.Categories where c2.catID.Equals(c.parentID) select c2.catTitle).FirstOrDefault<string>(),
                        catTitle = c.catTitle,
                        shortDesc = c.shortDesc,
                        longDesc = c.longDesc,
                        image = c.image,
                        isLifestyle = c.isLifestyle,
                        vehicleSpecific = c.vehicleSpecific,
                        partCount = (from p in db.Parts join cp in db.CatParts on p.partID equals cp.partID where cp.catID.Equals(c.catID) select p).Distinct().Count(),
                        content = (from cb in db.ContentBridges
                                   join co in db.Contents on cb.contentID equals co.contentID
                                   join ct in db.ContentTypes on co.cTypeID equals ct.cTypeID
                                   where cb.catID.Equals(c.catID)
                                   orderby co.cTypeID
                                   select new FullContent {
                                       content_type_id = co.cTypeID,
                                       content_type = ct.type,
                                       contentID = co.contentID,
                                       content = co.text
                    }).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.catTitle).ToList<DetailedCategories>();

            return cats;
        public ActionResult AddNews(int displayOrder = 0, string title = "", string pageContent = "", string subTitle = "", string isActive = "", string showDealers = "", string showPublic = "")
            try {
                TechNews item = new TechNews();
                Boolean blnIsActive = false;
                blnIsActive = (isActive == "on") ? true : false;

                Boolean blnShowPublic = false;
                blnShowPublic = (showPublic == "on") ? true : false;

                Boolean blnShowDealers = false;
                blnShowDealers = (showDealers == "on") ? true : false;

                item.title = title;
                item.pageContent = pageContent;
                item.subTitle = subTitle;
                item.displayOrder = displayOrder;
                item.active = blnIsActive;
                item.showDealers = blnShowDealers;
                item.showPublic = blnShowPublic;
                item.dateModified = DateTime.Now;
                ViewBag.item = item;
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                return RedirectToAction("News", new { successMsg = "The news item was successfully added." });

            catch (Exception e) {
                ViewBag.error = "Could not add news item: " + e.Message;

            return View();
Example #4
        public static void generateCustomAPIKey(Guid userID, List<string> selectedModuleIDs)
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
            // create API Key with custom type
            ApiKey customKey = new ApiKey();
            customKey.id = Guid.NewGuid();
            customKey.api_key = Guid.NewGuid();
            customKey.type_id = db.ApiKeyTypes.Where(x => x.type == "Custom").Select(x => x.id).FirstOrDefault<Guid>();
            customKey.user_id = userID;
            customKey.date_added = DateTime.Now;


            // create record for each selected module ID in the APIAcess table
            List<ApiAccess> listOfNewAPIAccesses = new List<ApiAccess>();
            foreach (string modID in selectedModuleIDs) {
                ApiAccess apiAccess = new ApiAccess();
                apiAccess.id = Guid.NewGuid();
                apiAccess.key_id = customKey.id;
                apiAccess.module_id = new Guid(modID);

            // submit changes
Example #5
        public static PostWithCategories Get(string date = "", string title = "")
            try {
                DateTime post_date = Convert.ToDateTime(date);
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                PostWithCategories post = new PostWithCategories();
                post = (from p in db.BlogPosts
                        where p.slug.Equals(title) && Convert.ToDateTime(p.publishedDate).Day.Equals(post_date.Day)
                        && Convert.ToDateTime(p.publishedDate).Year.Equals(post_date.Year) && Convert.ToDateTime(p.publishedDate).Month.Equals(post_date.Month)
                        select new PostWithCategories {
                            blogPostID = p.blogPostID,
                            post_title = p.post_title,
                            post_text = p.post_text,
                            slug = p.slug,
                            publishedDate = p.publishedDate,
                            createdDate = p.createdDate,
                            lastModified = p.lastModified,
                            meta_title = p.meta_title,
                            meta_description = p.meta_description,
                            active = p.active,
                            author = GetAuthor(p.userID),
                            categories = (from c in db.BlogCategories join pc in db.BlogPost_BlogCategories on c.blogCategoryID equals pc.blogCategoryID where pc.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) select c).ToList<BlogCategory>(),
                            comments = (from cm in db.Comments where cm.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) && cm.active.Equals(true) && cm.approved.Equals(true) select cm).ToList<Comment>()

                return post;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return new PostWithCategories();
Example #6
        public static List<FullVehicle> FindVehicles(string term = "")
            List<FullVehicle> vehicles = new List<FullVehicle>();
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
            double query_year = 0;
            Double.TryParse(term, out query_year);
            vehicles = (from v in db.Vehicles
                        join y in db.Years on v.yearID equals y.yearID
                        join ma in db.Makes on v.makeID equals ma.makeID
                        join mo in db.Models on v.modelID equals mo.modelID
                        join s in db.Styles on v.styleID equals s.styleID
                        where s.style1.Contains(term) || mo.model1.Contains(term) || ma.make1.Contains(term) || y.year1.Equals(query_year)
                        orderby v.vehicleID
                        select new FullVehicle {
                            vehicleID = v.vehicleID,
                            yearID = v.yearID,
                            makeID = v.makeID,
                            modelID = v.modelID,
                            styleID = v.styleID,
                            aaiaID = s.aaiaID,
                            year = y.year1,
                            make = ma.make1,
                            model = mo.model1,
                            style = s.style1

            return vehicles;
Example #7
 public ContentPage Get(string name = "", int menuid = 0, bool authenticated = false)
     ContentPage content = new ContentPage();
     try {
         CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
         content = (from s in db.SiteContents
                    where s.slug == name && s.published == true && s.active == true && s.websiteID.Equals(this.websiteID)
                    select new ContentPage {
                        contentID = s.contentID,
                        page_title = s.page_title,
                        content_type = s.content_type,
                        lastModified = s.lastModified,
                        createdDate = s.createdDate,
                        published = s.published,
                        meta_title = s.meta_title,
                        meta_description = s.meta_description,
                        keywords = s.keywords,
                        canonical = s.canonical,
                        active = s.active,
                        isPrimary = s.isPrimary,
                        slug = s.slug,
                        requireAuthentication = s.requireAuthentication,
                        revision = (db.SiteContentRevisions.Where(x => x.contentID == s.contentID).Where(x => x.active == true).First<SiteContentRevision>()),
                        menu = new MenuModel().GetByContentID(s.contentID, menuid, authenticated)
         return content;
     } catch (Exception e) { return content; }
Example #8
 public static DealerLocation GetDealerLocation(int locationID = 0)
     CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
     DealerLocation location = new DealerLocation();
     try {
         location = (from cl in db.CustomerLocations
                     join c in db.Customers on cl.cust_id equals c.cust_id
                     join dt in db.DealerTypes on c.dealer_type equals dt.dealer_type
                     join dtr in db.DealerTiers on c.tier equals dtr.ID
                     where cl.locationID.Equals(locationID)
                     select new DealerLocation {
                         State = cl.State,
                         customername = c.name,
                         dealerType = dt,
                         dealerTier = dtr,
                         locationID = cl.locationID,
                         name = cl.name,
                         address = cl.address,
                         city = cl.city,
                         stateID = cl.stateID,
                         postalCode = cl.postalCode,
                         email = cl.email,
                         phone = cl.phone,
                         fax = cl.fax,
                         latitude = cl.latitude,
                         longitude = cl.longitude,
                         cust_id = cl.cust_id,
                         isprimary = cl.isprimary,
                         contact_person = cl.contact_person,
                         websiteurl = (c.eLocalURL == null || c.eLocalURL.Trim() == "") ? ((c.website == null || c.website.Trim() == "") ? "" : c.website) : c.eLocalURL,
                         showWebsite = c.showWebsite
     } catch { };
     return location;
Example #9
        public static CommentWithPost Get(int id = 0)
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                CommentWithPost comment = new CommentWithPost();

                comment = (from c in db.Comments
                           where c.commentID.Equals(id)
                           select new CommentWithPost
                               commentID = c.commentID,
                               blogPostID = c.blogPostID,
                               name = c.name,
                               email = c.email,
                               comment_text = c.comment_text,
                               createdDate = c.createdDate,
                               approved = c.approved,
                               active = c.active,
                               post = (from p in db.BlogPosts where p.blogPostID.Equals(c.blogPostID) select p).First<BlogPost>()

                return comment;
            catch (Exception e)
                return new CommentWithPost();
Example #10
        public static FullFile Get(int id = 0)
            FullFile file = new FullFile();
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                file = (from f in db.Files
                        where f.fileID.Equals(id)
                        orderby f.createdDate descending
                        select new FullFile {
                            fileID = f.fileID,
                            name = f.name,
                            path = f.path,
                            height = f.height,
                            width = f.width,
                            size = f.size,
                            createdDate = f.createdDate,
                            created = String.Format("{0:ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss}", f.createdDate),
                            fileGalleryID = f.fileGalleryID,
                            fileExtID = f.fileExtID,
                            extension = (from fe in db.FileExts
                                         where fe.fileExtID.Equals(f.fileExtID)
                                         select new FileExtension {
                                             fileExtID = fe.fileExtID,
                                             fileExt1 = fe.fileExt1,
                                             fileExtIcon = fe.fileExtIcon,
                                             fileTypeID = fe.fileTypeID,
                                             FileType = db.FileTypes.Where(x => x.fileTypeID.Equals(fe.fileTypeID)).FirstOrDefault<FileType>()

            } catch (Exception e) { }
            return file;
Example #11
        public static List<FullFile> GetAll()
            List<FullFile> images = new List<FullFile>();
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();

                images = (from f in db.Files
                          orderby f.name, f.createdDate descending
                          select new FullFile {
                              fileID = f.fileID,
                              name = f.name,
                              path = f.path,
                              height = f.height,
                              width = f.width,
                              size = f.size,
                              createdDate = f.createdDate,
                              fileGalleryID = f.fileGalleryID,
                              fileExtID = f.fileExtID,
                              extension = (from fe in db.FileExts
                                              where fe.fileExtID.Equals(f.fileExtID)
                                              select new FileExtension {
                                                  fileExtID = fe.fileExtID,
                                                  fileExt1 = fe.fileExt1,
                                                  fileExtIcon = fe.fileExtIcon,
                                                  fileTypeID = fe.fileTypeID,
                                                  FileType = db.FileTypes.Where(x => x.fileTypeID.Equals(fe.fileTypeID)).FirstOrDefault<FileType>()
            } catch (Exception e) { }

            return images;
Example #12
        public static FullVideo Create(Google.YouTube.Video ytVideo = null)
            if (ytVideo == null) {
                throw new Exception("Invalid link");
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
            Video new_video = new Video {
                embed_link = ytVideo.VideoId,
                title = ytVideo.Title,
                screenshot = (ytVideo.Thumbnails.Count > 0) ? ytVideo.Thumbnails[2].Url : "/Content/img/noimage.jpg",
                description = ytVideo.Description,
                watchpage = ytVideo.WatchPage.ToString(),
                youtubeID = ytVideo.VideoId,
                dateAdded = DateTime.Now,
                sort = (db.Videos.Count() == 0) ? 1 : db.Videos.OrderByDescending(x => x.sort).Select(x => x.sort).First() + 1

            FullVideo fullvideo = new FullVideo {
                videoID = new_video.videoID,
                embed_link = new_video.embed_link,
                dateAdded = new_video.dateAdded,
                sort = new_video.sort,
                videoTitle = new_video.title,
                thumb = (ytVideo.Thumbnails.Count > 0) ? ytVideo.Thumbnails[0].Url : "/Content/img/noimage.jpg"

            return fullvideo;
Example #13
        public static List<Archive> GetMonths()
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                List<Archive> archives = new List<Archive>();

                archives = (from p in db.BlogPosts
                            where p.publishedDate.Value != null && p.publishedDate.Value <= DateTime.Now && p.active.Equals(true)
                            orderby p.publishedDate.Value.Year descending, p.publishedDate.Value.Month descending
                            select new Archive
                                monthnum = Convert.ToInt16(Convert.ToDateTime(p.publishedDate).Month.ToString()),
                                month = Convert.ToDateTime(p.publishedDate).Month.ToString(),
                                year = Convert.ToDateTime(p.publishedDate).Year.ToString()

                archives = (from a in archives
                            orderby a.year descending, a.monthnum
                            select a).Distinct().ToList<Archive>();

                return archives;
            } catch {
                return new List<Archive>();
Example #14
        public ActionResult Save(int id = 0, string question = "", string answer = "")
            try {
                if (question.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("You must enter a question"); }
                if (answer.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("You must enter an answer"); }

                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                if (id == 0) {
                    FAQ faq = new FAQ {
                        answer = answer,
                        question = question
                } else {
                    FAQ faq = db.FAQs.Where(x => x.faqID == id).FirstOrDefault<FAQ>();
                    faq.question = question;
                    faq.answer = answer;

                return RedirectToAction("Index");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (id == 0) {
                    return RedirectToAction("Add", new { err = e.Message, q = question, a = answer });
                } else {
                    return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = id, err = e.Message, q = question, a = answer });
Example #15
        public static string DeleteCustomer(int id)
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();

                // Delete any pricing entries for this customer
                List<CustomerPricing> prices = new List<CustomerPricing>();
                prices = (from cp in db.CustomerPricings
                          where cp.cust_id.Equals(id)
                          select cp).ToList<CustomerPricing>();

                // Delete all locations for this customer
                List<CustomerLocation> locations = new List<CustomerLocation>();
                locations = (from cl in db.CustomerLocations
                             where cl.cust_id.Equals(id)
                             select cl).ToList<CustomerLocation>();

                // Delete the customer record
                Customer cust = new Customer();
                cust = (from c in db.Customers
                        where c.cust_id.Equals(id)
                        select c).FirstOrDefault<Customer>();
                return "";
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return "Error while deleting.";
Example #16
        public static List<CommentWithPost> GetAll()
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                List<CommentWithPost> comments = new List<CommentWithPost>();

                comments = (from c in db.Comments
                        where c.active.Equals(true)
                        orderby c.approved, c.createdDate
                        select new CommentWithPost
                            commentID = c.commentID,
                            blogPostID = c.blogPostID,
                            name = c.name,
                            email = c.email,
                            comment_text = c.comment_text,
                            createdDate = c.createdDate,
                            approved = c.approved,
                            active = c.active,
                            post = (from p in db.BlogPosts where p.blogPostID.Equals(c.blogPostID) select p).First<BlogPost>()

                return comments;
            catch (Exception e)
                return new List<CommentWithPost>();
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a List of all customers in the database, sorted by name ascending.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of Customer objects.</returns>
        public static List<FileType> GetAll()
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
            List<FileType> types = db.FileTypes.OrderBy(x => x.fileType1).ToList<FileType>();

            return types;
Example #18
        public static PostWithCategories Get(int id = 0)
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                PostWithCategories post = new PostWithCategories();
                //post = db.Posts.Where(x => x.postID == id).Where(x => x.active == true).FirstOrDefault<Post>();
                post = (from p in db.BlogPosts
                         where p.blogPostID.Equals(id)
                         select new PostWithCategories {
                             blogPostID = p.blogPostID,
                             post_title = p.post_title,
                             slug = p.slug,
                             userID = p.userID,
                             post_text = p.post_text,
                             publishedDate = p.publishedDate,
                             createdDate = p.createdDate,
                             lastModified = p.lastModified,
                             keywords = p.keywords,
                             meta_title = p.meta_title,
                             meta_description = p.meta_description,
                             active = p.active,
                             author = GetAuthor(p.userID),
                             categories = (from c in db.BlogCategories join pc in db.BlogPost_BlogCategories on c.blogCategoryID equals pc.blogCategoryID where pc.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) select c).ToList<BlogCategory>(),
                             comments = (from cm in db.Comments where cm.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) && cm.approved.Equals(true) && cm.active.Equals(true) select cm).ToList<Comment>(),
                             mod_comments = (from cm in db.Comments where cm.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) && cm.approved.Equals(false) && cm.active.Equals(true) select cm).ToList<Comment>()

                return post;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return new PostWithCategories();
Example #19
        public static FullVehicle GetFullVehicle(int vehicleID = 0)
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
            FullVehicle vehicle = new FullVehicle();

            if (vehicleID > 0) {
                vehicle = (from v in db.Vehicles
                           join y in db.Years on v.yearID equals y.yearID
                           join ma in db.Makes on v.makeID equals ma.makeID
                           join mo in db.Models on v.modelID equals mo.modelID
                           join s in db.Styles on v.styleID equals s.styleID
                           where v.vehicleID.Equals(vehicleID)
                           select new FullVehicle {
                               vehicleID = v.vehicleID,
                               yearID = v.yearID,
                               makeID = v.makeID,
                               modelID = v.modelID,
                               styleID = v.styleID,
                               aaiaID = s.aaiaID,
                               year = y.year1,
                               make = ma.make1,
                               model = mo.model1,
                               style = s.style1
            return vehicle;
Example #20
        public static List<PostWithCategories> GetAll()
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                List<PostWithCategories> posts = new List<PostWithCategories>();

                posts = (from p in db.BlogPosts
                        where p.active.Equals(true)
                        orderby p.publishedDate, p.createdDate
                        select new PostWithCategories {
                            blogPostID = p.blogPostID,
                            post_title = p.post_title,
                            slug = p.slug,
                            userID = p.userID,
                            post_text = p.post_text,
                            publishedDate = p.publishedDate,
                            createdDate = p.createdDate,
                            lastModified = p.lastModified,
                            meta_title = p.meta_title,
                            meta_description = p.meta_description,
                            active = p.active,
                            author = GetAuthor(p.userID),
                            categories = (from c in db.BlogCategories join pc in db.BlogPost_BlogCategories on c.blogCategoryID equals pc.blogCategoryID where pc.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) select c).ToList<BlogCategory>(),
                            comments = (from cm in db.Comments where cm.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) && cm.approved.Equals(true) && cm.active.Equals(true) select cm).ToList<Comment>(),
                            mod_comments = (from cm in db.Comments where cm.blogPostID.Equals(p.blogPostID) && cm.approved.Equals(false) && cm.active.Equals(true) select cm).ToList<Comment>()

                return posts;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return new List<PostWithCategories>();
Example #21
 public ContentPage GetPrimary()
     ContentPage content = new ContentPage();
     try {
         CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
         content = (from s in db.SiteContents
                    where s.isPrimary == true && s.websiteID.Equals(this.websiteID)
                    select new ContentPage {
                        contentID = s.contentID,
                        page_title = s.page_title,
                        content_type = s.content_type,
                        lastModified = s.lastModified,
                        createdDate = s.createdDate,
                        published = s.published,
                        meta_title = s.meta_title,
                        meta_description = s.meta_description,
                        canonical = s.canonical,
                        keywords = s.keywords,
                        active = s.active,
                        isPrimary = s.isPrimary,
                        slug = s.slug,
                        requireAuthentication = s.requireAuthentication,
                        revision = (db.SiteContentRevisions.Where(x => x.contentID == s.contentID).Where(x => x.active == true).First<SiteContentRevision>())
         return content;
     } catch { return content; }
Example #22
        public static bool ForgotPassword(Customer customer)
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("mail.curtmfg.com");
                SmtpServer.Port = 25;
                string contactuslink = "http://www.curtmfg.com/Contact";

                MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                mail.Subject = "CURT Manufacturing - Account Password";
                mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
                string htmlBody = "<p>Hi there,</p>";
                htmlBody += "<p>Here is the password for your CURT Manufacturing Dealer Account.</p>";
                htmlBody += "<div style='border:2px solid #ccc;display:inline-block;padding:10px;padding-top:0px'>";
                htmlBody += "<p><strong>Password:</strong> " + customer.password + "</p></div>";
                htmlBody += "<p>Please <a href='" + contactuslink + "'>contact us</a> if you have further questions or problems logging in. Thanks.</p>";
                htmlBody += "<p>Sincerely,<br />CURT Support Staff</p>";
                mail.Body = htmlBody;

                return true;
            } catch { return false; }
Example #23
        public ActionResult AddType()
            string error = "";
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();

            #region Form Submission
            try {
                if (Request.Form.Count > 0) {

                    // Save form values
                    string fileType = (Request.Form["fileType"] != null) ? Request.Form["fileType"] : "";

                    // Validate the form fields
                    if (fileType.Length == 0) throw new Exception("Name is required.");

                    // Create the new customer and save
                    FileType new_type = new FileType {
                        fileType1 = fileType

                    return RedirectToAction("Types");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                error = e.Message;

            ViewBag.error = error;
            return View();
Example #24
        public static bool Send(Contact contact)
            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient();

                List<ContactReceiver> receivers = (from cr in db.ContactReceivers
                                                   join crt in db.ContactReceiver_ContactTypes on cr.contactReceiverID equals crt.contactReceiverID
                                                   join ct in db.ContactTypes on crt.contactTypeID equals ct.contactTypeID
                                                   where ct.name.ToLower().Trim().Equals(contact.type.ToLower().Trim())
                                                   select cr).ToList<ContactReceiver>();
                if (receivers.Count() == 0) {
                    receivers = db.ContactReceivers.ToList<ContactReceiver>();


                foreach (ContactReceiver receiver in receivers) {
                    MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                    mail.Subject = "New Website Contact: " + contact.subject;
                    mail.IsBodyHtml = true;
                    string mailhtml = contact.first_name + " " + contact.last_name + " said: " + contact.message;
                    string mailto = "mailto" + ":" + contact.email + "?subject=Re: " + contact.subject + "&body=" + mailhtml;
                    string htmlBody = "<p>Hi " + receiver.first_name + ",</p>";
                    htmlBody += "<p>We've received a new web contact.<br /><a style=\"border: 2px solid #e64d2d; text-transform: uppercase; color: #e64d2d; font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 6px; font-size: 14px; text-decoration: none;\" href=\"" + mailto + "\">Click to Reply</a></p>";
                    htmlBody += "<table><tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Name: </strong></td><td>" + contact.first_name + " " + contact.last_name + "</td></tr>";
                    htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Reason: </strong></td><td>" + contact.type + "</td></tr>";
                    htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Email: </strong></td><td>" + contact.email + "</td></tr>";
                    if (contact.phone != "") {
                        htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Phone: </strong></td><td>" + contact.phone + "</td></tr>";
                    if (contact.address1 != "") {
                        htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Address1: </strong></td><td>" + contact.address1 + "</td></tr>";
                    if (contact.address2 != "") {
                        htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Address2: </strong></td><td>" + contact.address2 + "</td></tr>";
                    if (contact.city != "") {
                        htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>City: </strong></td><td>" + contact.city + "</td></tr>";
                    if (contact.state != "") {
                        htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>State / Province: </strong></td><td>" + contact.state + "</td></tr>";
                    if (contact.postalcode != "") {
                        htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Postal Code: </strong></td><td>" + contact.postalcode + "</td></tr>";
                    if (contact.country != "") {
                        htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Country: </strong></td><td>" + contact.country + "</td></tr>";
                    htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Subject: </strong></td><td>" + contact.subject + "</td></tr>";
                    htmlBody += "<tr><td style=\"vertical-align: top;\"><strong>Message: </strong></td><td>" + contact.message + "</td></tr></table>";
                    mail.Body = htmlBody;

                return true;
            } catch { return false; }
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete the given category from the database and break relationship to any parts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catID">ID of the category</param>
        /// <returns>Error message (string)</returns>
        public static string DeleteCategory(int catID = 0)
            if (catID == 0) { throw new Exception("There was error while processing. Category data is invalid."); }

            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();

                Categories cat = (from c in db.Categories
                                  where c.catID.Equals(catID)
                                  select c).FirstOrDefault<Categories>();

                List<ContentBridge> bridges = db.ContentBridges.Where(x => x.catID.Equals(catID)).ToList<ContentBridge>();
                List<int> contentids = bridges.Select(x => x.contentID).ToList();
                List<Content> contents = db.Contents.Where(x => contentids.Contains(x.contentID)).ToList<Content>();

                // Remove the CatPart relationships for this category
                List<CatParts> cp = (from cat_parts in db.CatParts
                                     where cat_parts.catID.Equals(catID)
                                     select cat_parts).ToList<CatParts>();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return e.Message;

            return "";
Example #26
        // GET: /Contact/
        public ActionResult Index(string page = "contact", string defaultvalue = "")
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
            List<string> errors = (List<string>)TempData["errors"];
            ViewBag.first_name = ((string)TempData["first_name"] != null) ? (string)TempData["first_name"] : "";
            ViewBag.last_name = ((string)TempData["last_name"] != null) ? (string)TempData["last_name"] : "";
            ViewBag.email = ((string)TempData["email"] != null) ? (string)TempData["email"] : "";
            ViewBag.type = ((string)TempData["type"] != null) ? (string)TempData["type"] : "";
            ViewBag.phone = ((string)TempData["phone"] != null) ? (string)TempData["phone"] : "";
            ViewBag.address1 = ((string)TempData["address1"] != null) ? (string)TempData["address1"] : "";
            ViewBag.address2 = ((string)TempData["address2"] != null) ? (string)TempData["address2"] : "";
            ViewBag.city = ((string)TempData["city"] != null) ? (string)TempData["city"] : "";
            ViewBag.state = (TempData["state"] != null) ? (int)TempData["state"] : 0;
            ViewBag.postalcode = ((string)TempData["postalcode"] != null) ? (string)TempData["postalcode"] : "";
            ViewBag.subject = ((string)TempData["subject"] != null) ? (string)TempData["subject"] : "";
            ViewBag.contactmessage = ((string)TempData["contactmessage"] != null) ? (string)TempData["contactmessage"] : "";
            ViewBag.errors = (errors == null) ? new List<string>() : errors;

            try {
                ContentPage content = new SiteContentModel().Get(page);
                ViewBag.content = content;
            } catch { ViewBag.content = null; }

            List<FullCountry> countries = DealerModel.GetCountries();
            ViewBag.countries = countries;

            List<ContactType> types = db.ContactTypes.OrderBy(x => x.name).ToList<ContactType>();
            ViewBag.types = types;

            if(ViewBag.type == "") ViewBag.type = defaultvalue;

            return View();
Example #27
        protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
            string key = "";
            if (Request.QueryString["key"] != null && Request.QueryString["key"] != "") {
                key = Request.QueryString["key"];
            if (Request.Form["key"] != null && Request.Form["key"] != "") {
                key = Request.Form["key"];

            if (key == null || key.Length == 0) {
                throwError("Invalid API Key");
            } else {
                try {
                    CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
                    string cID = db.Customers.Where(x => x.APIKey.Equals(key)).Select(x => x.customerID).ToString();
                    if (cID.Length == 0 || cID == "0") {
                        throwError("Invalid API Key");
                } catch (Exception e) {

Example #28
        public static string AddCategoryToPart(int catID = 0, int partID = 0)
            if (catID == 0 || partID == 0) { return "Invalid parameters."; }

            try {
                CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();

                // Make sure this category isn't already tied to this product
                int existing = (from cp in db.CatParts
                                where cp.catID.Equals(catID) && cp.partID.Equals(partID)
                                select cp).Count();
                if (existing > 0) { return "The association exists."; }

                CatParts cat_part = new CatParts {
                    catID = catID,
                    partID = partID
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return e.Message;
            return "";
Example #29
 public static string Save(int pVideoID = 0, int partID = 0, int vTypeID = 0, string video = "", bool isPrimary = false)
     CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
     PartVideo v = new PartVideo();
     try {
         if(pVideoID > 0) {
             v = db.PartVideos.Where(x => x.pVideoID == pVideoID).First<PartVideo>();
             v.video = video;
             v.isPrimary = isPrimary;
             v.vTypeID = vTypeID;
             v.partID = partID;
         } else {
             v = new PartVideo {
                 isPrimary = isPrimary,
                 vTypeID = vTypeID,
                 video = video,
                 partID = partID
     } catch {
         return "error";
     return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Get(v.pVideoID));
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a List of all customers in the database, sorted by name ascending.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of Customer objects.</returns>
        public static List<Contact> GetAll()
            CurtDevDataContext db = new CurtDevDataContext();
            List<Contact> contacts = db.Contacts.OrderByDescending(x => x.createdDate).ToList<Contact>();

            return contacts;