Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to fix all broken nodes. Even if a node cannot be fixed, do try to fix the others.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Whether all nodes were fixed and hence the path is now fine</returns>
        public bool AutoFixAllBrokenNodes()
            bool fixSucceeded = true;
            int  nodeToTry    = 0;
            Collection <TrainpathNode>     brokenNodes      = CurrentTrainPath.GetBrokenNodes();
            EditorActionAutoFixBrokenNodes actionFixBroken  = new EditorActionAutoFixBrokenNodes();
            EditorActionFixInvalidNode     actionFixInvalid = new EditorActionFixInvalidNode();

            while (CurrentTrainPath.IsBroken && (nodeToTry < brokenNodes.Count))
                brokenNodes = CurrentTrainPath.GetBrokenNodes();
                TrainpathNode nodeToFix         = brokenNodes[nodeToTry];
                bool          canExecuteBroken  = actionFixBroken.MenuState(CurrentTrainPath, nodeToFix, null, UpdateAfterEdits, 0, 0);
                bool          canExecuteInvalid = actionFixInvalid.MenuState(CurrentTrainPath, nodeToFix, null, UpdateAfterEdits, 0, 0);
                if (canExecuteBroken)
                    brokenNodes = CurrentTrainPath.GetBrokenNodes();
                else if (canExecuteInvalid)
                    brokenNodes = CurrentTrainPath.GetBrokenNodes();
                    fixSucceeded = false;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the names of the stations along the path to a file.
        /// </summary>
        public void SaveStationNames()
            string[]         stationNames     = CurrentTrainPath.StationNames();
            SaveStationNames saveStationNames = new Editing.SaveStationNames();

Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Undo the last editor action
 /// </summary>
 public void Undo()
     if (_draggingIsActive)
         return;                    // do not support Undo while dragging
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Reverse the path including metadata, but first check if the path is clean enough.
 /// Note that reversing is like any other action, in the sense that it allows an undo.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="popupX">The screen x-location of where the edit metadata popup needs to be placed</param>
 /// <param name="popupY">The screen y-location of where the edit metadata popup needs to be placed</param>
 public void ReversePath(int popupX, int popupY)
     if (!CanReverse())
     EditMetaData(popupX, popupY);
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Redo the last Undo (if available)
 /// </summary>
 public void Redo()
     if (_draggingIsActive)
         return;                    // do not support Redo while dragging
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Take a new path indicating a .pat file, load that path and make it into a tail.
        /// Then try to reconnect the tail. This will then extend the current path with the loaded path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path that needs to be loaded to act as an extension</param>
        public void ExtendWithPath(ORTS.Menu.Path path)
            //If everything works as expected, up to three steps are taken that can all be 'Undo'ne:
            // * Remove End
            // * Add tail
            // * Reconnect tail

            FileName = path.FilePath.Split('\\').Last();
            Trainpath newPath = new Trainpath(trackDB, tsectionDat, path.FilePath);

            // We have a current path and a new path.
            // First check if the new path is usable
            TrainpathNode newStart = newPath.FirstNode;

            if (newPath.FirstNode == null || newPath.FirstNode.NextMainNode == null)
                MessageBox.Show(TrackViewer.catalog.GetString("The selected path contains no or only 1 node. The current path was not extended."));

            TrainpathNode lastNode = CurrentTrainPath.FirstNode;

            while (lastNode.NextMainNode != null)
                lastNode = lastNode.NextMainNode;
            if (CurrentTrainPath.HasEnd)
                //We need to remove the end and remember the node for reconnection.
                //If the end node and the firstnode of the new path are very close together we must make
                //sure that the junctionnode that will added to replace the end node is not past the firstnode.
                TrainpathNode endNode = lastNode;
                lastNode = endNode.PrevNode;

                EditorActionRemoveEnd actionRemove = new EditorActionRemoveEnd();
                bool endCanBeRemoved = actionRemove.MenuState(CurrentTrainPath, endNode, null, UpdateAfterEdits, 0, 0);
                if (endCanBeRemoved)
                    //This should always be possible, but we should call MenuState anyway because of some initialization it might be doing
                    CurrentTrainPath.HasEnd = false;

            //Add the tail
            // The new path contains a startNode that we no longer need, so the tail connects to the next node
            CurrentTrainPath.FirstNodeOfTail = newPath.FirstNode.NextMainNode;
            CurrentTrainPath.TailHasEnd      = newPath.HasEnd;

            //Now we try to reconnect the tail automatically
            EditorActionAutoConnectTail action = new EditorActionAutoConnectTail();
            bool actionCanBeExecuted           = action.MenuState(CurrentTrainPath, lastNode, null, UpdateAfterEdits, 0, 0);

            if (actionCanBeExecuted)
                MessageBox.Show(TrackViewer.catalog.GetString("The selected path has been added as tail and then reconnected."));
                MessageBox.Show(TrackViewer.catalog.GetString("The selected path has been added as tail. It was not possible to reconnect automatically."));

            //Make sure all of the path is drawn, so that also the tail is visible