
        private void OnTimeEventUpdateGUI(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            // Method invoked every _clientTimer milliseconds.
            // Has to invoke a method to update the timePercentage of the displayed processes.

            // Update only if the process list is not null
            if (CurrentSelectedServer != null && TheProcessesList != null)
                // For each process in the list, update the timePercentage.
                foreach (ProcessModel proc in TheProcessesList)
                    if (proc != null)
                        // Compute and update the time%
                        proc.TimePercentage = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(100 * (TimeSpanToMilliSeconds(proc.GetElapsedTime()) / TimeSpanToMilliSeconds(CurrentSelectedServer.GetElapsedTime())));
        public void SendCommand()
            // Divide the cases: the one with the ServerView and the one with the ApplicationView

            if (_shouldShowServer)
                // The selected view is the one of the servers.

                // If there is at lest a key in the command
                if (_keyStrings.Count() != 0)
                    // If there is a CurrentSelectedServer
                    if (CurrentSelectedServer != null)
                        // If there is a process selected.
                        if (CurrentSelectedProcess != null)
                            CurrentSelectedServer.SendCommand(_keyStrings, _currentSelectedProcess.ProcessWindowHandle, _currentSelectedProcess.ProcessId);
                        else // The CurrentSelectedProcess is null, show the Error Window.
                            // Open the Error Window
                            Views.ErrorWindowView errView          = new Views.ErrorWindowView();
                            ErrorWindowViewModel  errWindViewModel = new ErrorWindowViewModel("Nessuna finestra selezionata.");
                            errWindViewModel.ClosingRequest += errView.Close;
                            errView.DataContext              = errWindViewModel;
                    else // The CurrentSelectedServer is null, show the Error Window.
                        // Open the Error Window
                        Views.ErrorWindowView errView          = new Views.ErrorWindowView();
                        ErrorWindowViewModel  errWindViewModel = new ErrorWindowViewModel("Non è selezionato nessun server.");
                        errWindViewModel.ClosingRequest += errView.Close;
                        errView.DataContext              = errWindViewModel;
                else // There is no command to send.
                    // Open the Error Window
                    Views.ErrorWindowView errView          = new Views.ErrorWindowView();
                    ErrorWindowViewModel  errWindViewModel = new ErrorWindowViewModel("Nessun comando inserito.");
                    errWindViewModel.ClosingRequest += errView.Close;
                    errView.DataContext              = errWindViewModel;

                // Clean the textBox in the GUI and clean the list of keys.
            else if (_shouldShowApplication)
                // The selected view is the one of the applications.

                // If there is at lest a key in the command
                if (_keyStrings.Count() != 0)
                    // If there is a selected application.
                    if (CurrentSelectedApplication != null)
                        // If the are selected severs.
                        if (SelectedServersForApplication != null)
                            // If there is at least a server selected for the selected application.
                            if (SelectedServersForApplication.Count() > 0)
                                // For each server selected, send the signal to all the applications it runs, that have the same application name of the one selected.
                                foreach (ServerModel server in SelectedServersForApplication)
                                    foreach (ProcessModel process in server.TheProcesses)
                                        // I have to check if the exeName of the process is equal to the selected application.
                                        string processExeName = Path.GetFileName(process.ExePath); // returns File.exe

                                        if (processExeName.Equals(_currentSelectedApplication.ApplicationName))
                                            // I have to send the command, since they are the same application
                                            server.SendCommand(_keyStrings, process.ProcessWindowHandle, process.ProcessId);
                            else // There is no selected server.
                                // Open the Error Window
                                Views.ErrorWindowView errView          = new Views.ErrorWindowView();
                                ErrorWindowViewModel  errWindViewModel = new ErrorWindowViewModel("Non è selezionato nessun server.");
                                errWindViewModel.ClosingRequest += errView.Close;
                                errView.DataContext              = errWindViewModel;
                        else // There is no selected server.
                            // Open the Error Window
                            Views.ErrorWindowView errView          = new Views.ErrorWindowView();
                            ErrorWindowViewModel  errWindViewModel = new ErrorWindowViewModel("Non è selezionato nessun server.");
                            errWindViewModel.ClosingRequest += errView.Close;
                            errView.DataContext              = errWindViewModel;
                    else // There is no selected application.
                        // Open the Error Window
                        Views.ErrorWindowView errView          = new Views.ErrorWindowView();
                        ErrorWindowViewModel  errWindViewModel = new ErrorWindowViewModel("Non è selezionata nessuna applicazione.");
                        errWindViewModel.ClosingRequest += errView.Close;
                        errView.DataContext              = errWindViewModel;
                else // There is no command to send.
                    // Open the Error Window
                    Views.ErrorWindowView errView          = new Views.ErrorWindowView();
                    ErrorWindowViewModel  errWindViewModel = new ErrorWindowViewModel("Nessun comando inserito.");
                    errWindViewModel.ClosingRequest += errView.Close;
                    errView.DataContext              = errWindViewModel;