/// <summary> /// 主动断开连接 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void Dispose() { CurrentDeviceMAC = null; CurrentDevice?.Dispose(); CurrentDevice = null; MessAgeLog(MsgType.NotifyTxt, "主动断开连接"); }
public void StartCapturing() { using (PacketCommunicator communicator = CurrentDevice.Open(65536, PacketDeviceOpenAttributes.Promiscuous, 1000)) { Packet packet; do { PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult result = communicator.ReceivePacket(out packet); switch (result) { case PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Timeout: // Timeout elapsed continue; case PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Ok: PacketBuffer.Enqueue(packet); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("The result " + result + " shoudl never be reached here"); } if (PacketBuffer.Count == 1000) { if (queueIsFull != null) { queueIsFull(); } } } while (true); } }
/// <summary> /// 按GUID 查找主服务 /// </summary> /// <param name="characteristic">GUID 字符串</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task SelectDeviceService() { Guid guid = new Guid(ServiceGuid); CurrentDevice.GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(guid).Completed = (asyncInfo, asyncStatus) => { if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed) { try { GattDeviceServicesResult result = asyncInfo.GetResults(); if (result.Services.Count > 0) { CurrentService = result.Services[CHARACTERISTIC_INDEX]; if (CurrentService != null) { asyncLock = true; GetCurrentWriteCharacteristic(); GetCurrentNotifyCharacteristic(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log4netHelper.Error(ex); } } }; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize application global variables /// </summary> public static void Init(ISettingRepository setttingRepository) { CurrentFolders folder = new CurrentFolders(setttingRepository); Folders = folder; Folders.Init(); CurrentDevice device = new CurrentDevice(setttingRepository, Folders.DevicesGuid); Device = device; Device.Init(); CurrentUser userSystem = new CurrentUser(setttingRepository, Folders.UsersGuid); UserSystem = userSystem; UserSystem.Init(); CurrentUser user = new CurrentUser(setttingRepository, Folders.UsersGuid); User = user; User.Init(); SettingLog log = new SettingLog(setttingRepository); Log = log; Log.Init(); }
private async void FetchDevicesList() { var devices = (await CloudClipboardService.GetDevices(accountId))?.OrderBy(x => x.Name ?? ""); if (devices == null) { return; } foreach (var item in devices) { if ((item.Name ?? "").ToLower() == CurrentDevice.GetDeviceName().ToLower()) { currentDeviceId = item.DeviceID; //Don't set the property directly, so we don't send a request with the same value. receiveCloudClipboardOnThisDeviceChecked = item.CloudClipboardEnabled; OnPropertyChanged("ReceiveCloudClipboardOnThisDeviceChecked"); ReceiveCloudClipboardOnThisDeviceEnabled = true; continue; } Devices.Add(new DeviceItem(item.CloudClipboardEnabled) { AccountID = item.AccountID, DeviceID = item.DeviceID, Name = item.Name, Type = (item.FormFactor == null) ? DeviceType.Unknown : (item.FormFactor.ToLower() == "phone") ? DeviceType.Phone : DeviceType.PC, }); } }
public void Update() { if (CurrentDevice != null) { CurrentDevice.Update(this); if (!CurrentDevice.IsConnected) { SendTargetData(new TargetData(0, 0, 0, 0)); if (drone.Data.State.AreMotorsRunning()) { Log.Warning("Stopping because input device is disconnceted"); StopDrone(); } } // schauen ob sich Informationen vom Gerät geändert haben bool dirty = CurrentDevice.IsConnected != lastConnected || !CurrentDevice.Battery.Equals(lastBattery); if (dirty) { OnDeviceInfoChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); lastConnected = CurrentDevice.IsConnected; lastBattery = CurrentDevice.Battery; } } }
public async Task <LoginResponse> Login(Uri loginUri, string username, string password, Guid operatorId, CurrentDevice device) { try { _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders["Origin"] = "https://gateway.hbogo.eu"; _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders["Referer"] = "https://gateway.hbogo.eu/signin/form"; Login lg = new Login(); lg.Action = "L"; lg.Language = "CES"; lg.CurrentDevice = device; EasClientDeviceInformation eas = new EasClientDeviceInformation(); //TEST lg.BirthYear = 1; if (lg.CurrentDevice == null) { lg.CurrentDevice = new CurrentDevice(); } lg.CurrentDevice.Brand = eas.SystemManufacturer; lg.CurrentDevice.Modell = eas.SystemProductName; lg.CurrentDevice.OsName = "Windows"; lg.CurrentDevice.OsVersion = eas.SystemFirmwareVersion; lg.CurrentDevice.Platform = "XONE"; lg.CurrentDevice.SwVersion = ""; // lg.EmailAddress = username; lg.Password = password; lg.OperatorId = operatorId; var jsonRequest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lg); var requestContent = new HttpStringContent(jsonRequest, UnicodeEncoding.Utf8, "application/json"); var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(loginUri, requestContent); var login = !response.IsSuccessStatusCode ? null : JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LoginResponse>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); if (login != null && login.Error == null) { _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders["GO-SessionId"] = login.SessionId.ToString(); _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders["GO-Token"] = login.Token; _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders["GO-CustomerId"] = login.Customer.Id.ToString(); } return(login); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(null); } }
public void Stop() { if (CurrentDevice != null) { CurrentDevice.SignalToStop(); CurrentDevice.WaitForStop(); CurrentDevice.NewFrame -= new NewFrameEventHandler(CameraNewFrameEventHandler); IsStarted = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 主动断开连接 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void Dispose() { CurrentDeviceMAC = null; CurrentService?.Dispose(); CurrentDevice?.Dispose(); CurrentDevice = null; CurrentService = null; CurrentWriteCharacteristic = null; CurrentNotifyCharacteristic = null; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, "主动断开连接"); }
private void OnIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var isVisible = (bool)e.NewValue; if (isVisible) { CurrentDevice?.Start(); } else { CurrentDevice?.SignalToStop(); } }
private void StartCapturing() { using (PacketCommunicator communicator = CurrentDevice.Open(65536, PacketDeviceOpenAttributes.Promiscuous, 1000)) { Packet packet; do { PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult result = communicator.ReceivePacket(out packet); if (Filter != null) { communicator.SetFilter(Filter); } switch (result) { case PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Timeout: // Timeout elapsed continue; case PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Ok: PacketBuffer.Enqueue((new CustomPacket(packet)).ToString()); //PacketBuffer.Enqueue(SuspiciousPacketGenerator.GenerateSample(36, "0", rand, false)); int randomNumber = rand.Next(10); if (randomNumber % 5 == 0) { PacketBuffer.Enqueue(SuspiciousPacketGenerator.GenerateSample(36, "0", rand, false)); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("The result " + result + " should never be reached here"); } lock (PacketBuffer) { if (PacketBuffer.Count >= PACKETS_COUNT_CONSTRAINT && !Pause) { string[] data = GetLastPackets(); if (queueIsFull != null) { queueIsFull(data); } } } } while (true); } }
public void Start() { if (CurrentDevice != null) { try { CurrentDevice.NewFrame += new NewFrameEventHandler(CameraNewFrameEventHandler); CurrentDevice.Start(); IsStarted = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show($"Error opening a device called {CurrentDeviceName}", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } }
public void RegisterOrLoadCurrentDevice() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.CurrentDeviceId)) { settings.CurrentDeviceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); settings.Individualization = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else { CurrentDevice = new CurrentDevice() { Id = new Guid(settings.CurrentDeviceId), Individualization = settings.Individualization }; } }
/// <summary> /// 主动断开连接 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void Dispose() { CurrentDeviceMAC = null; if (CurrentService != null) { CurrentService.Dispose(); } if (CurrentDevice != null) { CurrentDevice.Dispose(); } CurrentDevice = null; CurrentService = null; CurrentWriteCharacteristic = null; CurrentNotifyCharacteristic = null; }
/// <summary> /// 按GUID 查找主服务 /// </summary> /// <param name="characteristic">GUID 字符串</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task SelectDeviceService() { Guid guid = new Guid(ServiceGuid); //foreach (var CurrentService in rr.GetResults().Services) //{ Debug.WriteLine(CurrentService.Uuid.ToString()); } CurrentDevice.GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(guid).Completed = (asyncInfo, asyncStatus) => { if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed) { try { GattDeviceServicesResult result = asyncInfo.GetResults(); string msg = "主服务=" + CurrentDevice.ConnectionStatus; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg, CurrentDevice == null ? null : CurrentDevice.DeviceId); if (result.Services.Count > 0) { //Debug.WriteLine(result.Services[0].Uuid.ToString()); CurrentService = result.Services[CHARACTERISTIC_INDEX]; if (CurrentService != null) { asyncLock = true; //GetCurrentWriteCharacteristic(); GetCurrentNotifyCharacteristic(); } } else { msg = "没有发现服务,自动重试中"; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg, CurrentDevice == null ? null : CurrentDevice.DeviceId); SelectDeviceService(); } } catch (Exception e) { ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, "没有发现服务,自动重试中", CurrentDevice == null ? null : CurrentDevice.DeviceId); SelectDeviceService(); } } }; }
public void RefreshInstalledApps() { //RemoteApplicationEx Collection <IRemoteApplication> installed = CurrentDevice.GetInstalledApplications(); Collection <RemoteApplicationEx> installedCollection = new Collection <RemoteApplicationEx>(); foreach (IRemoteApplication app in installed) { installedCollection.Add(new RemoteApplicationEx(app)); } InstalledApplications = installedCollection; RefreshRemoteIsoStores(); }
/// <summary> /// Set mock basic test data /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void InitializeTestDataBasic() { Dictionary <string, string> test = new Dictionary <string, string>(); CurrentFolders folder = new CurrentFolders(this); test.Add($"{nameof(CurrentFolders)}{nameof(folder.DevicesGuid)}", "9866738119bc461fb6c2bb14751ffcb0"); test.Add($"{nameof(CurrentFolders)}{nameof(folder.UsersGuid)}", "f426ad8fd1f44849b61f9e3a486e4fab"); CurrentDevice device = new CurrentDevice(this, test.GetValueOrDefault($"{ nameof(CurrentFolders)}{folder.DevicesGuid}")); test.Add($"{nameof(CurrentDevice)}{nameof(device.DeviceGuid)}", "675f383f708841568e27626889b0344d"); CurrentUser user = new CurrentUser(this, test.GetValueOrDefault($"{ nameof(CurrentFolders)}{folder.UsersGuid}")); test.Add($"{nameof(CurrentUser)}{nameof(user.UserGuid)}", "2ec9e33c41094e8e9b75f7d5a77e7b57"); persistText = test; }
public void LoadContent(ContentManager Content, Game1 game) { this.game = game; mainMenu = new MainMenu(); mainMenu.LoadContent(Content); btnPlay = new cButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/Buttons/playButton")); backToGameButton = new cButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/Buttons/playButton")); exitButton = new cButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/Buttons/exitButton")); restartButton = new cButton(Content.Load <Texture2D>("Menu/Buttons/restartButton")); font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("healthsFont"); switch (AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily) { case "Windows.Mobile": device = CurrentDevice.Phone; break; default: device = CurrentDevice.Desktop; break; } }
/// <summary> /// 按GUID 查找主服务 /// </summary> /// <param name="characteristic">GUID 字符串</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task SelectDeviceService() { Guid guid = new Guid(ServiceGuid); CurrentDevice.GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(guid).Completed = (asyncInfo, asyncStatus) => { if (asyncStatus == AsyncStatus.Completed) { try { GattDeviceServicesResult result = asyncInfo.GetResults(); string msg = "主服务=" + CurrentDevice.ConnectionStatus; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg); if (result.Services.Count > 0) { CurrentService = result.Services[CHARACTERISTIC_INDEX]; if (CurrentService != null) { asyncLock = true; GetCurrentWriteCharacteristic(); GetCurrentNotifyCharacteristic(); } } else { msg = "没有发现服务,自动重试中"; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg); SelectDeviceService(); } } catch (Exception e) { ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, "没有发现服务,自动重试中"); SelectDeviceService(); } } }; }
/// <summary> /// 连接状态改变事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> private void CurrentDevice_ConnectionStatusChanged(BluetoothLEDevice sender, object args) { if (sender.ConnectionStatus == BluetoothConnectionStatus.Disconnected && CurrentDeviceMAC != null) { string msg = "Disconnected"; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg); CurrentDevice.ConnectionStatusChanged -= CurrentDevice_ConnectionStatusChanged; if (!asyncLock) { asyncLock = true; CurrentDevice.Dispose(); CurrentDevice = null; CurrentService = null; CurrentWriteCharacteristic = null; CurrentNotifyCharacteristic = null; } } else { string msg = "Success"; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg); } }
private void CurrentDevice_ConnectionStatusChanged(BluetoothLEDevice sender, object args) { if (sender.ConnectionStatus == BluetoothConnectionStatus.Disconnected && CurrentDeviceMAC != null) { string msg = "设备已断开,自动重连"; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg); if (!asyncLock) { asyncLock = true; CurrentDevice.Dispose(); CurrentDevice = null; CurrentService = null; CurrentWriteCharacteristic = null; CurrentNotifyCharacteristic = null; SelectDeviceFromIdAsync(CurrentDeviceMAC); } } else { string msg = "设备已连接"; ValueChanged(MsgType.NotifyTxt, msg); } }
public void Update() { if (CurrentDevice != null) { CurrentDevice.Update(this); if (!CurrentDevice.IsConnected) { SendTargetData(new TargetData(0, 0, 0, 0)); } // schauen ob sich Informationen vom Gerät geändert haben bool dirty = CurrentDevice.IsConnected != lastConnected || !CurrentDevice.Battery.Equals(lastBattery); if (dirty) { if (OnDeviceInfoChanged != null) { OnDeviceInfoChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } lastConnected = CurrentDevice.IsConnected; lastBattery = CurrentDevice.Battery; } } }
private async void SendClipboardItem() { if (willSendAfterLimit) { return; } try { var elapsed = (DateTime.UtcNow - lastSendTime); if (elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(11)) { Debug.WriteLine("Waiting..."); willSendAfterLimit = true; await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(11) - elapsed); willSendAfterLimit = false; } string text = ViewModel.ClipboardActivities[0].Text; Debug.WriteLine("Sending..."); lastSendTime = DateTime.UtcNow; await CloudClipboardService.SendCloudClipboard(Settings.Data.AccountId, text, CurrentDevice.GetDeviceName()); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"SendClipboardItem exception: {ex.Message}"); } }
protected override void update() { base.update(); CurrentDevice.UpdateCollection("Name", "_Total"); }
public async void Login(string login, string password, Guid operatorId, CurrentDevice device) { CurrentUser = await communication.Login(config.HboAccountLoginUri(CurrentlySelectedCountry.CountryCodeLong, CurrentlySelectedCountry.LanguageCode, "XONE"), login, password, operatorId, device); // TODO if error logout }
protected override void update() { base.update(); CurrentDevice.UpdateCollection(x => x.GetProperty("Name").AsString().Equals((CurrentDevice as DevicePerformance).DeviceRelated)); }
static CurrentDevice() { Instance = new CurrentDevice(); }
protected override void update() { base.update(); CurrentDevice.UpdateCollection(); }
public bool Connect() { // do not use CurrentDevice here (rather, use _currentDevice) because CurrentDevice.Get() // can call back into Connect if (CurrentConnectableDevice != null) { // we're already connected to this device! :) //if (_currentDevice == _connectedDevice/* && _connectedDevice.IsConnected()*/) // return true; try { // disconnect the existing device if (CurrentDevice != null) { CurrentDevice.Disconnect(); } CurrentDevice = CurrentConnectableDevice.Connect(); SystemInfo = CurrentDevice.GetSystemInfo(); if (SystemInfo.OSBuildNo < MIN_SUPPORTED_BUILD_NUMBER) { throw new Exception("Windows Phone Power Tools only support build " + MIN_SUPPORTED_BUILD_NUMBER + " and above. This device is on " + SystemInfo.OSBuildNo + "."); } StatusMessage = "Currently connected to " + _currentConnectableDevice.Name; Connected = true; IsError = false; RefreshInstalledApps(); } catch (Exception ex) { SmartDeviceException smartDeviceEx = ex as SmartDeviceException; if (smartDeviceEx != null) { if (ex.Message == "0x89731811") { StatusMessage = "Connection Error! Zune is either not running or not connected to the device."; } else if (ex.Message == "0x89731812") { StatusMessage = "Connection Error! Unlock your phone and make sure it is paired with Zune"; } else if (ex.Message == "0x89740005") { StatusMessage = "Developer unlock has expired. Lock and re-unlock your phone using the SDK registration tool"; } else { StatusMessage = "Connection Error! Message: " + ex.Message; } } else { StatusMessage = ex.Message; } IsError = true; Connected = false; SystemInfo = null; } } return(Connected); }
protected override void update() { base.update(); CurrentDevice.UpdateCollection("Name", (CurrentDevice as DevicePerformance).DeviceRelated); }