Example #1
        public async Task BuyItemCommand(string shopId, int itemId)
            var context           = Context;
            var server            = context.server;
            var memory            = server.GetMemory();
            var cmdShopServerData = memory.GetData <CommandShopSystem, CommandShopServerData>();
            var currencies        = memory.GetData <CurrencySystem, CurrencyServerData>().Currencies;
            var shops             = cmdShopServerData.Shops;

            if (!shops.TryGetValue(shopId, out Shop shop))
                throw new BotError($"No such shop: `{shopId}`.");


            if (shop.Items == null || itemId < 0 || itemId >= shop.Items.Length)
                throw new BotError($"Invalid item id.");

            var userId = context.socketServerUser.Id;

            string error = null;

            //Any exceptions inside this delegate will remove the item from the shop.
            await shop.SafeItemAction(itemId, async item => {
                if (item.prices.TryGetFirst(p => currencies[p.currency].GetAmount(userId) < p.amount, out var p))
                    //error = $"Not enough {currencies[price.currency]}. You need **{price.amount}**, but you only have **{currencyServerUserData[price.currency]}**.";
                    var currency = currencies[p.currency];
                    error        = $"Not enough {currency}. You need **{p.amount}**, but you only have **{currency.GetAmount(userId)}**.";

                await item.command.Execute(context, (sc, cmd) => cmd.Replace("{item}", item.name, sc));

                //Take the moneys
                CurrencyAmount.TakeFromUser(item.prices, Context.socketServerUser);

            if (error != null)
                throw new BotError(error);