Example #1
        private static void CompressNetwork(string Prefix, List <string> FileList)
            List <string> CompressList = new List <string>();

            foreach (string CurFile in FileList)
                string DateText = CurFile.Substring(CurFile.Length - 15, 8);
                if (!CompressList.Contains(DateText))
            if (CompressList.Count > 1)
                // We don't want to compress todays, only past dates
                CompressList.RemoveAt(CompressList.Count - 1);
                foreach (string DateToCompress in CompressList)
                    CompressDate(Prefix, DateToCompress, FileList);
                AppLog.WriteLine(5, "STATUS", "Nothing to compress...");
Example #2
        public void CanReadAniCursors()
            InstalledFilesTestData.ReadFiles(".cur", _output, entry =>
                var curFile = CurFile.FromFileSystemEntry(entry);

                Assert.True(curFile.Image.Width > 0);
 public void Convert(IApplication app)
         string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(@".\Configs");
         foreach (string CurFile in Files)
             if (CurFile.Contains(".anom"))
                 string NewName = Path.ChangeExtension(CurFile, ".loli");
                 File.Move(CurFile, NewName);
         app.Logger.Log($"Renamed Config Extensions", LogLevel.Info, false);
     catch (Exception ex) { app.Logger.Log($"An Error Occured While trying to rename files: {ex}", LogLevel.Error, true); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a class containing strongly typed resources of all resource keys
        /// in all global resource ResX files. A single class file with multiple classes
        /// is created.
        /// The extension of the output file determines whether VB or CS is generated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Namespace"></param>
        /// <param name="FileName">Output file name for the generated class. .cs and .vb generate appropriate languages</param>
        /// <returns>Generated class as a string</returns>
        public string CreateClassFromFromAllGlobalResXResources(string Namespace, string FileName)
            if (!this.WebPhysicalPath.EndsWith("\\"))
                this.WebPhysicalPath += "\\";

            bool IsVb = this.IsFileVb(FileName);

            string ResPath = WebPhysicalPath + "app_globalresources\\";

            string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(ResPath, "*.resx");

            StringBuilder sbClasses = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string CurFile in Files)
                string   file   = CurFile.ToLower();
                string[] tokens = Path.GetFileName(file).Split('.');

                // *** If there's more than two parts is a culture specific file
                // *** We're only interested in the invariant culture
                if (tokens.Length > 2)

                // *** ResName: admin/default.aspx or default.aspx or resources (global or assembly resources)
                string ResName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tokens[0]);
                ResName = ResName.Replace(".", "_");
                ResName = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(ResName);

                string Class = this.CreateClassFromResXResource(file, Namespace, ResName, null);

            string Output = this.CreateNameSpaceWrapper(Namespace, IsVb, sbClasses.ToString());

            File.WriteAllText(FileName, Output);

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports all resources from a given directory. This method works for any resources.
        /// When using LocalResources, make sure to provide an app relative path as the second
        /// parameter if the resources live in non root folder. So if you have resources in off
        /// an Admin folder use "admin/" as the parameter. Otherwise for web root resources or
        /// global or assembly level assemblies pass string.Empty or null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Physical Path for the Resources</param>
        /// <param name="WebRelativePath">Optional - relative path prefix for Web App_LocalResources (ie. admin/)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDirectoryResources(string path, string WebRelativePath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WebRelativePath))
                WebRelativePath = "";

            string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.resx");

            foreach (string CurFile in Files)
                string   file   = CurFile.ToLower();
                string[] tokens = file.Replace(".resx", "").Split('.');

                // *** ResName: admin/default.aspx or default.aspx or resources (global or assembly resources)
                string LocaleId = "";
                string ResName  = WebRelativePath + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tokens[0]);

                if (tokens.Length > 1)
                    string Extension = tokens[1];
                    if ("aspx|ascx|master|sitemap|".Contains(Extension + "|"))
                        ResName += "." + Extension;
                        LocaleId = Extension;
                if (tokens.Length > 2)
                    LocaleId = tokens[2];

                this.ImportResourceFile(file, ResName, LocaleId);

    public void CleanAndRotateLogsFolder()
        if (this.LastLogRotateCheckTimeUTC.DayOfYear == DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfYear)


            string Folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.LogFile);
            string Ext    = Path.GetExtension(this.LogFile);

            string[] files  = Directory.GetFiles(Folder, "*" + Ext);
            int      DelCnt = 0;
            int      RenCnt = 0;
            foreach (string CurFile in files)
                FileInfo fi           = new FileInfo(CurFile);
                DateTime FileNameDate = Global.GetTimeFromFileName(CurFile);
                if (!FileNameDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && (fi.LastWriteTimeUtc < DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-this.MaxLogFileAgeDays)))
                    DelCnt = DelCnt + 1;
                else if (FileNameDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) && (CurFile.ToLower() == this.LogFile.ToLower())) //this is the main log filename if it doesnt have a date in it.
                    if ((this.MaxLogSize > 0 && fi.Length >= this.MaxLogSize) || (DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfYear != fi.LastWriteTimeUtc.DayOfYear))
                        Console.WriteLine("LogWriter.New: Renaming log file because size or age:  Size: " + fi.Length + ", Max: " + this.MaxLogSize + "...");
                        string NewFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurFile);
                        NewFileName = NewFileName + "_" + fi.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString("s").Replace(":", "_").Replace("T", "_"); //& "_{UTC}"
                        NewFileName = Folder + "\\" + NewFileName + Ext;
                            if (File.Exists(NewFileName))
                            RenCnt = RenCnt + 1;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);

            if (DelCnt > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Deleted " + DelCnt + " log files older than " + this.MaxLogFileAgeDays + " days old in " + Folder);
            if (RenCnt > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Renamed " + RenCnt + " log files in " + Folder);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
            this.LastLogRotateCheckTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;