Example #1
        static void Main()
            const int DataSize = 1024;
            const CuBlasAPIVersion CuBlasVersion = CuBlasAPIVersion.V10;

            using (var context = new Context())
                // Enable algorithms library

                // Check for Cuda support
                foreach (var acceleratorId in CudaAccelerator.CudaAccelerators)
                    using (var accelerator = new CudaAccelerator(context, acceleratorId))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Performing operations on {accelerator}");
                        var buf  = accelerator.Allocate <float>(DataSize);
                        var buf2 = accelerator.Allocate <float>(DataSize);

                        accelerator.Initialize(accelerator.DefaultStream, buf, 1.0f);
                        accelerator.Initialize(accelerator.DefaultStream, buf2.View, 1.0f);

                        // Initialize the CuBlas library using manual pointer mode handling
                        // (default behavior)
                        using (var blas = new CuBlas(accelerator, CuBlasVersion))
                            // Set pointer mode to Host to enable data transfer to CPU memory
                            blas.PointerMode = CuBlasPointerMode.Host;
                            float output = blas.Nrm2(buf);

                            // Set pointer mode to Device to enable data transfer to GPU memory
                            blas.PointerMode = CuBlasPointerMode.Device;
                            blas.Nrm2(buf, buf2);

                            // Use pointer mode scopes to recover the previous pointer mode
                            using (var scope = blas.BeginPointerScope(CuBlasPointerMode.Host))
                                float output2 = blas.Nrm2(buf);

                        // Initialize the CuBlas<T> library using custom pointer mode handlers
                        using (var blas = new CuBlas <CuBlasPointerModeHandlers.AutomaticMode>(accelerator, CuBlasVersion))
                            // Automatic transfer to host
                            float output = blas.Nrm2(buf);

                            // Automatic transfer to device
                            blas.Nrm2(buf, buf2);