private void Animate(double to, Action end) { _focus.Focus(); var from = 1 - to; var se = new CubicEase { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut }; var pp = (double)_parent.GetValue(_parentProperty); var dur1 = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(125)); var dur2 = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250)); var da1 = new DoubleAnimation(pp * from, pp * to, dur2) { EasingFunction = se }; var da2 = new DoubleAnimation(from, to, dur2) { EasingFunction = se }; da2.Completed += (o, args) => end(); _slider.BeginAnimation(_property, da1); _fader.BeginAnimation(UIElement.OpacityProperty, da2); }
public ImageEditorDecorator2UC() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num = 0; ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)num); this._easing = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; this._imageSizes = new List <Size>(); this._scrollMediator = new ScrollViewerOffsetMediator(); //base.\u002Ector(); this.InitializeComponent(); ((FrameworkElement)this).DataContext = ((object)this); ((UIElement)this).Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.imageViewer.HideCallback = (Action)(() => this.Hide(false)); this.imageViewer.ChangeIndexBeforeAnimation = true; this.imageViewer.MaxScale = 8.0; this.imageViewer.CurrentIndexChanged = new Action(this.RespondToCurrentIndexChanged); this.imageViewer.IsInVerticalSwipeChanged = new Action(this.RespondToVertSwipeChange); this.imageViewer.SupportOrientationChange = false; this._scrollMediator.ScrollViewer = this.scrollFilters; if (ScaleFactor.GetScaleFactor() != 150) { return; } ((FrameworkElement)this.LayoutRoot).Height = (854.0); ((FrameworkElement)this.imageViewer).Height = (782.0); }
public static DoubleAnimation CreateOpacityAnimation(DependencyObject obj, double from, double value, double milliseconds, double beginTime, EasingMode easing = EasingMode.EaseIn) { CubicEase ease = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = easing }; DoubleAnimation animation = new DoubleAnimation(); PropertyPath propPath = new PropertyPath("(UIElement.Opacity)"); //PropertyPath propPath = new PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty); animation.BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(beginTime); animation.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds)); animation.From = from; animation.To = Convert.ToDouble(value); animation.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd; animation.EasingFunction = ease; Storyboard.SetTarget(animation, obj); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, propPath); return(animation); }
private static CubicEase ease() { CubicEase easingFunction = new CubicEase(); easingFunction.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut; return(easingFunction); }
private void ShowHideCancelOverlay(bool show) { if (this._isAnimatingCancel) { return; } List <AnimationInfo> animInfoList = null; if (show && ((UIElement)this.borderCancel).Opacity < 1.0) { List <AnimationInfo> animationInfoList = new List <AnimationInfo>(); AnimationInfo animationInfo = new AnimationInfo(); = (DependencyObject)this.borderCancel; animationInfo.propertyPath = UIElement.OpacityProperty; animationInfo.from = ((UIElement)this.borderCancel).Opacity; = 1.0; CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num1 = 0; ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)num1); animationInfo.easing = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; int num2 = 100; animationInfo.duration = num2; animationInfoList.Add(animationInfo); animInfoList = animationInfoList; } else if (!show && ((UIElement)this.borderCancel).Opacity > 0.0) { List <AnimationInfo> animationInfoList = new List <AnimationInfo>(); AnimationInfo animationInfo = new AnimationInfo(); = (DependencyObject)this.borderCancel; animationInfo.propertyPath = UIElement.OpacityProperty; animationInfo.from = ((UIElement)this.borderCancel).Opacity; = 0.0; CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num1 = 0; ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)num1); animationInfo.easing = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; int num2 = 100; animationInfo.duration = num2; animationInfoList.Add(animationInfo); animInfoList = animationInfoList; } if (animInfoList == null) { return; } this._isAnimatingCancel = true; AnimationUtil.AnimateSeveral(animInfoList, new int?(), (Action)(() => { this._isAnimatingCancel = false; if (((UIElement)this.borderCancel).Opacity < 1.0) { ((Shape)this.ellipseVolume).Fill = ((Brush)Application.Current.Resources["PhoneBlue300_GrayBlue400Brush"]); } else { ((Shape)this.ellipseVolume).Fill = ((Brush)Application.Current.Resources["PhoneAccentRedBrush"]); } })); }
public static void AnimateRow(RowDefinition row, GridLength from, GridLength to, double duration = 500, Action postAction = null) { var animation = new GridLengthAnimation(); animation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration); animation.From = from; animation.To = to; // var ef = new CubicEase(); ef.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut; animation.EasingFunction = ef; animation.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop; //row.Height = animation.To; animation.Completed += (s, e) => { row.Height = to; if (postAction != null) { postAction(); } }; row.BeginAnimation(RowDefinition.HeightProperty, animation); }
protected void ShowAll() { if (m_isOpen) { return; } Visibility = Visibility.Visible; var mainGrid = m_currentWindow.MainGrid; var screenWidth = mainGrid.ActualWidth; var db = new DoubleAnimation((screenWidth / 2) - (m_mainContainer.ActualWidth / 2), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(m_animationTimeMilliseconds)); db.From = (screenWidth / 2) + (m_mainContainer.ActualWidth / 2); var easingFunction = new CubicEase(); easingFunction.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut; db.EasingFunction = easingFunction; m_mainContainer.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(); m_mainContainer.RenderTransform.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.XProperty, db); m_isOpen = true; m_isAnyPOIOpen = true; }
private void AnimateMaxWidth(ColumnDefinition columnDefinition, double from, double to, double duration) { columnDefinition.BeginAnimation(ColumnDefinition.MaxWidthProperty, null); if (duration < MinimumDuration) { duration = MinimumDuration; } var storyboard = new Storyboard(); var animationDuration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration)); var ease = new CubicEase { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut }; var animation = new DoubleAnimation { EasingFunction = ease, Duration = animationDuration }; storyboard.Children.Add(animation); animation.From = from; animation.To = to; Storyboard.SetTarget(animation, columnDefinition); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animation, new PropertyPath("(ColumnDefinition.MaxWidth)")); storyboard.Completed += OnColumnMaxWidthAnimationCompleted; storyboard.Begin(); }
private void UnToggleButtonMini_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { EasingFunctionBase easeFunction = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn, }; var widthAnimation = new DoubleAnimation { To = 120, Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.01)), EasingFunction = easeFunction }; widthAnimation.Completed += (s, e1) => { this.Left = desktopWorkingArea.Width - this.Width; }; var heightAnimation = new DoubleAnimation { To = desktopWorkingArea.Height / 2, Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)), EasingFunction = easeFunction }; this.BeginAnimation(Window.WidthProperty, widthAnimation); this.BeginAnimation(Window.HeightProperty, heightAnimation); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"MainView.UnToggleButtonMini_Checked{ex.Message}"); } }
private static void OnTimerTick(RadCartesianChart chart) { CameraInfo cameraInfo = GetOrCreateCameraInfo(chart); double durationInSeconds = 1.5; Point targetOffset = new Point(100, -75); TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - cameraInfo.initialAnimationDateTime; if (durationInSeconds < timeSpan.TotalSeconds) { cameraInfo.initialAnimationTimer.Stop(); cameraInfo.initialAnimationTimer = null; return; } double progress = timeSpan.TotalSeconds / durationInSeconds; EasingFunctionBase ease = new BackEase { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn }; double easedProgress = ease.Ease(progress); double hOffset = easedProgress * targetOffset.X; ease = new CubicEase { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut }; easedProgress = ease.Ease(progress); double vOffset = easedProgress * targetOffset.Y; MoveCamera(chart, new Point(hOffset, vOffset)); }
/// <summary> /// Ctor /// </summary> public PivotHeaderPanel() { // Define the storyboards var addFadeInAnim = new DoubleAnimation(0.0, 1.0, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ADD_FADE_IN_DURATION))); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(addFadeInAnim, new PropertyPath(OpacityProperty)); _addFadeInSb = new Storyboard(); _addFadeInSb.Children.Add(addFadeInAnim); var updateFadeInAnim = new DoubleAnimation(0.0, 1.0, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(UPDATE_FADE_IN_DURATION))); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(updateFadeInAnim, new PropertyPath(OpacityProperty)); _updateFadeInSb = new Storyboard(); _updateFadeInSb.Children.Add(updateFadeInAnim); _updateFadeInSb.Completed += OnAnimationCompleted; _easingFn = new CubicEase { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut }; // Initialize the header collection _headerCollection = new List <UIElement>(); }
private void HostGameSettings_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Loaded -= HostGameSettings_Loaded; var ease = new CubicEase(); ease.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn; var animation = new DoubleAnimation(0, 1, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300))); animation.EasingFunction = ease; animation.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd; BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, animation); var ease2 = new CubicEase(); ease2.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut; var animation2 = new ThicknessAnimation(new Thickness(0, -100, 0, 0), new Thickness(0), new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300))); animation2.EasingFunction = ease2; animation2.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.HoldEnd; BeginAnimation(MarginProperty, animation2); }
void BeginScrollViewerAnimation(double animationOffset) { EasingFunctionBase easeFunction = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut, }; var doubleAnimation = new DoubleAnimation { Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.6)), EasingFunction = easeFunction }; recordAnimationOffset = recordAnimationOffset + animationOffset; if (recordAnimationOffset > this.PART_ScrollViewer.ExtentHeight || recordAnimationOffset < 0) { recordAnimationOffset = recordAnimationOffset - animationOffset; return; } doubleAnimation.To = recordAnimationOffset; doubleAnimation.Completed += DoubleAnimation_Completed; this.PART_ScrollViewer.BeginAnimation(ScrollViewerBehavior.VerticalOffsetProperty, doubleAnimation); this.PART_ScrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(this.PART_ScrollViewer.VerticalOffset + recordAnimationOffset); }
private void LoginInit() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); Storyboard sb = new Storyboard(); DoubleAnimation anix = new DoubleAnimation(); anix.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000)); sb.Children.Add(anix); anix.To = 1000; anix.EasingFunction = cubicEase; Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(anix, new PropertyPath("(UIElement.RenderTransform).(TransformGroup.Children)[0].(TranslateTransform.X)")); Storyboard.SetTarget(sb, gridLogin); sb.Completed += delegate { gridLayout.Children.Remove(gridLogin); gridContent.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; _tbQSearch = new RadWatermarkTextBox() { Margin = new Thickness(0), BorderThickness = new Thickness(0), Background = null, VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, WatermarkContent = "快速查找菜单项" }; _tbQSearch.TextChanged += new TextChangedEventHandler(tbQSearch_TextChanged); bdQuikSearch.Child = _tbQSearch; popSearch.PlacementTarget = _tbQSearch; }; sb.Begin(); }
static GraffitiPreviewUC() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num = 0; cubicEase.EasingMode = (EasingMode)num; GraffitiPreviewUC.ANIMATION_EASING = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; }
static TransferCardView() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num = 0; ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)num); TransferCardView.ANIMATION_EASING = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; }
static StickersPackView() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num = 0; ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)num); StickersPackView.ANIMATION_EASING = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; }
public static EasingFunctionBase GetEasingFunction() { EasingFunctionBase result = null; switch (random.Next(5)) { case 0: result = new BackEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut, Amplitude = 0.8 }; break; case 1: result = new BounceEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut, Bounces = 3, Bounciness = 8 }; break; case 2: result = new CircleEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut }; break; case 3: result = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn }; break; case 4: result = new ElasticEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut, Oscillations = 3, Springiness = 4 }; break; case 5: result = new SineEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut }; break; default: result = new BackEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut, Amplitude = 0.8 }; break; } return(result); }
void initlogo() { _logotransform = new CompositeTransform(); _logogrid = new Grid() { Width = 210, Height = 210, RenderTransform = _logotransform }; this.Children.Add(_logogrid); Image img = new Image(); BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); bitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri("ms-appx:///Resources/logo.png", UriKind.Absolute); img.Source = bitmapImage; _logogrid.Children.Add(img); Storyboard logo_story = new Storyboard(); CubicEase ease = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn }; DoubleAnimation logo_animx = new DoubleAnimation() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(600), EnableDependentAnimation = true, EasingFunction = ease }; DoubleAnimation logo_animy = new DoubleAnimation() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(600), EnableDependentAnimation = true, EasingFunction = ease }; DoubleAnimation logo_scalex = new DoubleAnimation() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(600), EnableDependentAnimation = true, EasingFunction = ease }; DoubleAnimation logo_scaley = new DoubleAnimation() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(600), EnableDependentAnimation = true, EasingFunction = ease }; logo_story.Children.Add(logo_animx); logo_story.Children.Add(logo_animy); logo_story.Children.Add(logo_scalex); logo_story.Children.Add(logo_scaley); Storyboard.SetTarget(logo_animx, _logotransform); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(logo_animx, "TranslateX"); Storyboard.SetTarget(logo_animy, _logotransform); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(logo_animy, "TranslateY"); Storyboard.SetTarget(logo_scalex, _logotransform); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(logo_scalex, "ScaleX"); Storyboard.SetTarget(logo_scaley, _logotransform); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(logo_scaley, "ScaleY"); logo_animx.To = -560.0; logo_animy.To = 400.0; logo_scalex.To = 0.35; logo_scaley.To = 0.35; logo_story.Completed += logo_story_Completed; logo_story.Begin(); }
internal static EasingFunctionBase GetEase(this AnimationSettings settings) { EasingFunctionBase ease; switch (settings.Easing) { case EasingType.Back: ease = new BackEase(); break; case EasingType.Bounce: ease = new BounceEase(); break; case EasingType.Circle: ease = new CircleEase(); break; case EasingType.Cubic: ease = new CubicEase(); break; case EasingType.Elastic: ease = new ElasticEase(); break; case EasingType.Linear: ease = null; break; case EasingType.Quadratic: ease = new QuadraticEase(); break; case EasingType.Quartic: ease = new QuarticEase(); break; case EasingType.Quintic: ease = new QuinticEase(); break; case EasingType.Sine: ease = new SineEase(); break; default: ease = new CubicEase(); break; } if (ease != null) { ease.EasingMode = settings.EasingMode; } return(ease); }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene una función cúbica /// </summary> private CubicEase GetCubicEase(CubicEaseModel cubicEase) { CubicEase ease = new CubicEase(); // Asigna las propiedades ease.EasingMode = ConvertEaseMode(cubicEase.EaseMode); // Devuelve la función return(ease); }
/* * 初始化一个动作1 * * @param DControlAnimation animation 动画数据 * @param double fromValue 开始值 * @param double toValue 结束值 * */ public static DoubleAnimation initDoubleAnimation(DControlAnimation animation, double fromValue, double toValue) { IEasingFunction easingFunction = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut }; return(initDoubleAnimation(animation, fromValue, toValue, easingFunction)); }
static SwipeThroughControl() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num = 0; cubicEase.EasingMode = (EasingMode)num; SwipeThroughControl.ANIMATION_EASING = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; SwipeThroughControl.BackgroundColorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("BackgroundColor", typeof(Brush), typeof(SwipeThroughControl), new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(SwipeThroughControl.OnBackgroundBrushChanged))); }
static GamesSlideView1() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)0); GamesSlideView1.ANIMATION_EASING = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; // ISSUE: method pointer GamesSlideView1.BackgroundColorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("BackgroundColor", typeof(Brush), typeof(GamesSlideView1), new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(GamesSlideView1.OnBackgroundBrushChanged))); }
public CoverFlow() { DefaultStyleKey = typeof(CoverFlow); items = new List <CoverFlowItem>(); SingleItemDuration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(600)); PageDuration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(900)); duration = SingleItemDuration; EasingFunction = new CubicEase(); }
/* * 伴随动透明度动画1 * * @param DControlAnimation animation 动画数据 * @param double fromValue 开始值 * @param double toValue 结束值 * */ public static void andBeginOpacityAnimation(FrameworkElement element, DControlAnimation animation, double fromValue, double toValue) { IEasingFunction easingFunction = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut }; andBeginOpacityAnimation(element, animation, fromValue, toValue, easingFunction); }
public static Storyboard CreateTranslateAnimation(DependencyObject dependencyObject, TranslateAxes axis, double defaultValue, double startValue, double endValue, EasingFunctionBase easingFunctionIn, EasingFunctionBase easingFunctionOut, double duration, double staggerDelay, bool autoReverse, bool repeatForever, RepeatBehavior repeatBehavior) { if (null == dependencyObject) { return(null); } // total duration double totalDuration = duration + staggerDelay; // create the storyboard Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard() { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(totalDuration), AutoReverse = autoReverse, RepeatBehavior = (repeatForever) ? RepeatBehavior.Forever : repeatBehavior }; // need a translate transform to animate TranslateTransform translateTransform = FindOrCreateTranslateTransform(dependencyObject); if (null != translateTransform) { // set the default value for the transform translateTransform.X = (TranslateAxes.Horizontal == axis) ? defaultValue : 0; translateTransform.Y = (TranslateAxes.Vertical == axis) ? defaultValue : 0; // create default easing CubicEase easeIn = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn }; CubicEase easeOut = new CubicEase() { EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut }; string propertyName = (TranslateAxes.Horizontal == axis) ? "X" : "Y"; DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames daKeyFrames = CreateEasingKeyFrames(translateTransform, propertyName, defaultValue, startValue, endValue, easeIn, easeOut, duration, staggerDelay); storyboard.Children.Add(daKeyFrames); Storyboard.SetTarget(daKeyFrames, translateTransform); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(daKeyFrames, propertyName); } return(storyboard); }
private void UpdateBackspaceVisibility() { if (this.Items == null) { return; } ISupportBackspaceListItem backspaceListItem = this.Items[this.SelectedIndex] as ISupportBackspaceListItem; double num1; double num2; if (backspaceListItem != null && backspaceListItem.IsBackspaceVisible) { num1 = 0.0; num2 = ((FrameworkElement)this.gridBackspace).Width; } else { num1 = ((FrameworkElement)this.gridBackspace).Width; num2 = 0.0; } if (this.translateBackspace.X == num1 && ((FrameworkElement)this.rectBackspacePlaceholder).Width == num2) { return; } CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num3 = 0; ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)num3); IEasingFunction ieasingFunction = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; List <AnimationInfo> animInfoList = new List <AnimationInfo>(); animInfoList.Add(new AnimationInfo() { target = (DependencyObject)this.translateBackspace, propertyPath = TranslateTransform.XProperty, duration = 256, from = this.translateBackspace.X, to = num1, easing = ieasingFunction }); animInfoList.Add(new AnimationInfo() { target = (DependencyObject)this.rectBackspacePlaceholder, propertyPath = FrameworkElement.WidthProperty, duration = 256, from = ((FrameworkElement)this.rectBackspacePlaceholder).Width, to = num2, easing = ieasingFunction }); int?startTime = new int?(); // ISSUE: variable of the null type AnimationUtil.AnimateSeveral(animInfoList, startTime, null); }
static GamesCatalogBannersSlideView() { CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); int num = 0; ((EasingFunctionBase)cubicEase).EasingMode = ((EasingMode)num); GamesCatalogBannersSlideView.ANIMATION_EASING = (IEasingFunction)cubicEase; // ISSUE: method pointer GamesCatalogBannersSlideView.BackgroundColorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("BackgroundColor", typeof(Brush), typeof(GamesCatalogBannersSlideView), new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(GamesCatalogBannersSlideView.OnBackgroundBrushChanged))); GamesCatalogBannersSlideView.IsCycledProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("IsCycled", typeof(bool), typeof(GamesCatalogBannersSlideView), new PropertyMetadata(false)); }
private void OpenSettings() { TranslateTransform transform = this._feContainer.GetHorizontalOffset().Transform; double x = transform.get_X(); DependencyProperty xProperty = TranslateTransform.XProperty; CubicEase cubicEase = new CubicEase(); cubicEase.set_EasingMode(0); transform.Animate(x, 380, xProperty, 300, 0, cubicEase, null); this._isSettingsOpen = true; }
private void InitializeComponent() { this.FontSize = 13.33333F; this.SetResourceReference(SoundManager.SoundsProperty, "Sounds"); InitializeElementResources(this); // e_0 element this.e_0 = new Grid(); this.Content = this.e_0; this.e_0.Name = "e_0"; RowDefinition row_e_0_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_0_0.Height = new GridLength(110F, GridUnitType.Pixel); this.e_0.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_0_0); RowDefinition row_e_0_1 = new RowDefinition(); this.e_0.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_0_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_0_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); this.e_0.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_0_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_0_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); this.e_0.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_0_1); // e_1 element this.e_1 = new StackPanel(); this.e_0.Children.Add(this.e_1); this.e_1.Name = "e_1"; this.e_1.Background = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(0, 0, 0, 255)); Grid.SetColumnSpan(this.e_1, 2); // logo element this.logo = new Image(); this.e_1.Children.Add(this.logo); this.logo.Name = "logo"; this.logo.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; BitmapImage logo_bm = new BitmapImage(); logo_bm.TextureAsset = "Images/EmptyKeysLogoTextSmall"; this.logo.Source = logo_bm; this.logo.Stretch = Stretch.None; this.logo.SetResourceReference(Image.SourceProperty, "logoEmptyKeys"); // e_2 element this.e_2 = new TextBlock(); this.e_1.Children.Add(this.e_2); this.e_2.Name = "e_2"; this.e_2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; this.e_2.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; this.e_2.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(211, 211, 211, 255)); this.e_2.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; this.e_2.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe UI"); this.e_2.FontSize = 20F; this.e_2.FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; this.e_2.SetResourceReference(TextBlock.TextProperty, "TitleResource"); // e_3 element this.e_3 = new StackPanel(); this.e_0.Children.Add(this.e_3); this.e_3.Name = "e_3"; Grid.SetRow(this.e_3, 1); // combo element this.combo = new ComboBox(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.combo); this.combo.Name = "combo"; this.combo.Width = 200F; this.combo.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); Func<UIElement, UIElement> combo_dtFunc = combo_dtMethod; this.combo.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(combo_dtFunc); Binding binding_combo_ItemsSource = new Binding("ComboBoxSource"); this.combo.SetBinding(ComboBox.ItemsSourceProperty, binding_combo_ItemsSource); Binding binding_combo_SelectedIndex = new Binding("SelectedIndex"); this.combo.SetBinding(ComboBox.SelectedIndexProperty, binding_combo_SelectedIndex); // button1 element this.button1 = new Button(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.button1); this.button1.Name = "button1"; this.button1.Height = 30F; this.button1.Width = 200F; this.button1.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); ToolTip tt_button1 = new ToolTip(); this.button1.ToolTip = tt_button1; tt_button1.Content = "Click Me!"; this.button1.Content = "1"; this.button1.CommandParameter = "Click Button 1"; Binding binding_button1_Command = new Binding("ButtonCommand"); this.button1.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_button1_Command); // button2 element this.button2 = new Button(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.button2); this.button2.Name = "button2"; this.button2.Height = 30F; this.button2.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); this.button2.Content = "2"; this.button2.CommandParameter = "Click Button 2"; Binding binding_button2_Command = new Binding("ButtonCommand"); this.button2.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_button2_Command); this.button2.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonStyle"); // button3 element this.button3 = new Button(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.button3); this.button3.Name = "button3"; this.button3.Height = 30F; this.button3.Width = 200F; this.button3.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); this.button3.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe UI"); this.button3.FontSize = 20F; this.button3.FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; this.button3.Content = "3"; this.button3.CommandParameter = "Click Button 3"; Binding binding_button3_Command = new Binding("OpenMessageBox"); this.button3.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_button3_Command); this.button3.SetResourceReference(Button.ToolTipProperty, "ToolTipText"); // buttonResult element this.buttonResult = new TextBlock(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.buttonResult); this.buttonResult.Name = "buttonResult"; this.buttonResult.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; Binding binding_buttonResult_Text = new Binding("ButtonResult"); this.buttonResult.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_buttonResult_Text); // slider element this.slider = new Slider(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.slider); this.slider.Name = "slider"; this.slider.Width = 200F; this.slider.Minimum = 5F; this.slider.Maximum = 20F; Binding binding_slider_Value = new Binding("SliderValue"); this.slider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, binding_slider_Value); // textBox element this.textBox = new TextBox(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.textBox); this.textBox.Name = "textBox"; this.textBox.Width = 200F; this.textBox.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); Binding binding_textBox_Text = new Binding("TextBoxText"); this.textBox.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, binding_textBox_Text); // checkBox element this.checkBox = new CheckBox(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.checkBox); this.checkBox.Name = "checkBox"; this.checkBox.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); this.checkBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; this.checkBox.Content = "Check Box"; // e_5 element this.e_5 = new TabControl(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.e_5); this.e_5.Name = "e_5"; this.e_5.Height = 150F; this.e_5.Width = 400F; this.e_5.ItemsSource = Get_e_5_Items(); // e_18 element this.e_18 = new ProgressBar(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.e_18); this.e_18.Name = "e_18"; this.e_18.Height = 30F; this.e_18.Width = 400F; this.e_18.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); this.e_18.Value = 39F; // imageButton element this.imageButton = new Button(); this.e_3.Children.Add(this.imageButton); this.imageButton.Name = "imageButton"; this.imageButton.Height = 68F; this.imageButton.Width = 57F; ImageBrush imageButton_Background = new ImageBrush(); BitmapImage imageButton_Background_bm = new BitmapImage(); imageButton_Background_bm.TextureAsset = "Images/SunBurn"; imageButton_Background.ImageSource = imageButton_Background_bm; imageButton_Background.Stretch = Stretch.None; this.imageButton.Background = imageButton_Background; // e_19 element this.e_19 = new StackPanel(); this.e_0.Children.Add(this.e_19); this.e_19.Name = "e_19"; Grid.SetColumn(this.e_19, 1); Grid.SetRow(this.e_19, 1); // animButton1 element this.animButton1 = new Button(); this.e_19.Children.Add(this.animButton1); this.animButton1.Name = "animButton1"; this.animButton1.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; this.animButton1.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton2 element this.animButton2 = new Button(); this.e_19.Children.Add(this.animButton2); this.animButton2.Name = "animButton2"; this.animButton2.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; this.animButton2.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton3 element this.animButton3 = new Button(); this.e_19.Children.Add(this.animButton3); this.animButton3.Name = "animButton3"; this.animButton3.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; this.animButton3.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton4 element this.animButton4 = new Button(); this.e_19.Children.Add(this.animButton4); this.animButton4.Name = "animButton4"; this.animButton4.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; this.animButton4.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // e_20 element this.e_20 = new Grid(); this.e_19.Children.Add(this.e_20); this.e_20.Name = "e_20"; // animBorder1 element this.animBorder1 = new Border(); this.e_20.Children.Add(this.animBorder1); this.animBorder1.Name = "animBorder1"; this.animBorder1.Height = 100F; this.animBorder1.Width = 200F; this.animBorder1.Margin = new Thickness(0F, 10F, 0F, 10F); EventTrigger animBorder1_ET_0 = new EventTrigger(Border.LoadedEvent, this.animBorder1); animBorder1.Triggers.Add(animBorder1_ET_0); BeginStoryboard animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0 = new BeginStoryboard(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0"; animBorder1_ET_0.AddAction(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0); Storyboard animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB = new Storyboard(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0.Storyboard = animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB"; SolidColorBrushAnimation animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0 = new SolidColorBrushAnimation(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0"; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.AutoReverse = true; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5, 0)); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.From = new ColorW(255, 255, 0, 255); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.To = new ColorW(0, 0, 255, 255); ExponentialEase animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA = new ExponentialEase(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.EasingFunction = animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, "animBorder1"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, Border.BackgroundProperty); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0); // animBorder2 element this.animBorder2 = new Border(); this.e_20.Children.Add(this.animBorder2); this.animBorder2.Name = "animBorder2"; this.animBorder2.Height = 50F; this.animBorder2.Width = 100F; this.animBorder2.Margin = new Thickness(50F, 35F, 50F, 35F); EventTrigger animBorder2_ET_0 = new EventTrigger(Border.LoadedEvent, this.animBorder2); animBorder2.Triggers.Add(animBorder2_ET_0); BeginStoryboard animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0 = new BeginStoryboard(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0"; animBorder2_ET_0.AddAction(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0); Storyboard animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB = new Storyboard(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0.Storyboard = animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB"; SolidColorBrushAnimation animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0 = new SolidColorBrushAnimation(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0"; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.AutoReverse = true; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3, 0)); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.From = new ColorW(255, 0, 0, 255); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.To = new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255); CubicEase animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA = new CubicEase(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.EasingFunction = animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, "animBorder2"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, Border.BackgroundProperty); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0); FloatAnimation animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1 = new FloatAnimation(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1"; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.AutoReverse = true; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 4, 0)); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.From = 1F; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.To = 0F; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1, "animBorder2"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1, Border.OpacityProperty); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1); ImageManager.Instance.AddImage("Images/EmptyKeysLogoTextSmall"); ImageManager.Instance.AddImage("Images/SunBurn"); FontManager.Instance.AddFont("Segoe UI", 13.33333F, FontStyle.Regular, "Segoe_UI_10_Regular"); FontManager.Instance.AddFont("Segoe UI", 20F, FontStyle.Bold, "Segoe_UI_15_Bold"); FontManager.Instance.AddFont("Segoe UI", 12F, FontStyle.Regular, "Segoe_UI_9_Regular"); }
private static System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<object> Get_TabControl_Items() { System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<object> items = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<object>(); // e_3 element TabItem e_3 = new TabItem(); e_3.Name = "e_3"; e_3.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; e_3.Header = "Controls"; // e_4 element Grid e_4 = new Grid(); e_3.Content = e_4; e_4.Name = "e_4"; RowDefinition row_e_4_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_0); RowDefinition row_e_4_1 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_1.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_1); RowDefinition row_e_4_2 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_2.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_2); RowDefinition row_e_4_3 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_3.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_3); RowDefinition row_e_4_4 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_4.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_4); RowDefinition row_e_4_5 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_5.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_5); RowDefinition row_e_4_6 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_6.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_6); RowDefinition row_e_4_7 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_7.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_7); RowDefinition row_e_4_8 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_8.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_8); RowDefinition row_e_4_9 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_9.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_9); ColumnDefinition col_e_4_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_4_0.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_4_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_4_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_4.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_4_1); // e_5 element TextBlock e_5 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_5); e_5.Name = "e_5"; e_5.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_5.Text = "Button"; // button1 element Button button1 = new Button(); e_4.Children.Add(button1); button1.Name = "button1"; button1.Height = 30F; button1.Width = 200F; button1.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); button1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; button1.TabIndex = 1; button1.Content = "Button 1"; button1.CommandParameter = "Click Button 1"; Grid.SetColumn(button1, 1); Grid.SetRow(button1, 0); Binding binding_button1_Command = new Binding("ButtonCommand"); button1.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_button1_Command); // button2 element Button button2 = new Button(); e_4.Children.Add(button2); button2.Name = "button2"; button2.Height = 30F; button2.Width = 200F; button2.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); button2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; button2.TabIndex = 2; button2.Content = "Button 2"; button2.CommandParameter = "Click Button 2"; Grid.SetColumn(button2, 1); Grid.SetRow(button2, 1); Binding binding_button2_IsEnabled = new Binding("ButtonEnabled"); button2.SetBinding(Button.IsEnabledProperty, binding_button2_IsEnabled); Binding binding_button2_Command = new Binding("ButtonCommand"); button2.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_button2_Command); // buttonResult element TextBlock buttonResult = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(buttonResult); buttonResult.Name = "buttonResult"; buttonResult.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumn(buttonResult, 1); Grid.SetRow(buttonResult, 2); Binding binding_buttonResult_Text = new Binding("ButtonResult"); buttonResult.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_buttonResult_Text); // e_6 element TextBlock e_6 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_6); e_6.Name = "e_6"; e_6.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_6.Text = "CheckBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_6, 3); // checkBox element CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(); e_4.Children.Add(checkBox); checkBox.Name = "checkBox"; checkBox.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); checkBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; checkBox.TabIndex = 3; checkBox.Content = "Check Box"; Grid.SetColumn(checkBox, 1); Grid.SetRow(checkBox, 3); // e_7 element TextBlock e_7 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_7); e_7.Name = "e_7"; e_7.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_7.Text = "ProgressBar"; Grid.SetRow(e_7, 4); // e_8 element ProgressBar e_8 = new ProgressBar(); e_4.Children.Add(e_8); e_8.Name = "e_8"; e_8.Height = 30F; e_8.Width = 200F; e_8.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_8.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumn(e_8, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_8, 4); Binding binding_e_8_Value = new Binding("ProgressValue"); e_8.SetBinding(ProgressBar.ValueProperty, binding_e_8_Value); // e_9 element TextBlock e_9 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_9); e_9.Name = "e_9"; e_9.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_9.Text = "Slider"; Grid.SetRow(e_9, 5); // slider element Slider slider = new Slider(); e_4.Children.Add(slider); slider.Name = "slider"; slider.Width = 200F; slider.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; slider.TabIndex = 4; slider.Minimum = 5F; slider.Maximum = 20F; Grid.SetColumn(slider, 1); Grid.SetRow(slider, 5); Binding binding_slider_Value = new Binding("SliderValue"); slider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, binding_slider_Value); // e_10 element TextBlock e_10 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_10); e_10.Name = "e_10"; e_10.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_10.Text = "TextBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_10, 6); // textBox element TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); e_4.Children.Add(textBox); textBox.Name = "textBox"; textBox.Width = 200F; textBox.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); textBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; textBox.TabIndex = 5; Grid.SetColumn(textBox, 1); Grid.SetRow(textBox, 6); Binding binding_textBox_Text = new Binding("TextBoxText"); textBox.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, binding_textBox_Text); // e_11 element TextBlock e_11 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_11); e_11.Name = "e_11"; e_11.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_11.Text = "PasswordBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_11, 7); // e_12 element PasswordBox e_12 = new PasswordBox(); e_4.Children.Add(e_12); e_12.Name = "e_12"; e_12.Width = 200F; e_12.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_12.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; e_12.TabIndex = 6; Grid.SetColumn(e_12, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_12, 7); // e_13 element TextBlock e_13 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_13); e_13.Name = "e_13"; e_13.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_13.Text = "ComboBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_13, 8); // combo element ComboBox combo = new ComboBox(); e_4.Children.Add(combo); combo.Name = "combo"; combo.Width = 200F; combo.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); combo.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; combo.TabIndex = 7; combo.ItemsSource = Get_combo_Items(); combo.SelectedIndex = 2; Grid.SetColumn(combo, 1); Grid.SetRow(combo, 8); // e_14 element TextBlock e_14 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_14); e_14.Name = "e_14"; e_14.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_14.Text = "ListBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_14, 9); // e_15 element ListBox e_15 = new ListBox(); e_4.Children.Add(e_15); e_15.Name = "e_15"; e_15.TabIndex = 8; e_15.ItemsSource = Get_e_15_Items(); Grid.SetColumn(e_15, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_15, 9); items.Add(e_3); // e_22 element TabItem e_22 = new TabItem(); e_22.Name = "e_22"; e_22.Header = "DataGrid"; // e_23 element DataGrid e_23 = new DataGrid(); e_22.Content = e_23; e_23.Name = "e_23"; e_23.AutoGenerateColumns = false; DataGridTextColumn e_23_Col0 = new DataGridTextColumn(); e_23_Col0.Header = "#"; Binding e_23_Col0_b = new Binding("Number"); e_23_Col0.Binding = e_23_Col0_b; e_23.Columns.Add(e_23_Col0); DataGridTextColumn e_23_Col1 = new DataGridTextColumn(); e_23_Col1.Header = "Text"; Style e_23_Col1_e_s = new Style(typeof(DataGridCell)); Setter e_23_Col1_e_s_S_0 = new Setter(DataGridCell.BackgroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255))); e_23_Col1_e_s.Setters.Add(e_23_Col1_e_s_S_0); Setter e_23_Col1_e_s_S_1 = new Setter(DataGridCell.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Center); e_23_Col1_e_s.Setters.Add(e_23_Col1_e_s_S_1); Setter e_23_Col1_e_s_S_2 = new Setter(DataGridCell.VerticalAlignmentProperty, VerticalAlignment.Center); e_23_Col1_e_s.Setters.Add(e_23_Col1_e_s_S_2); e_23_Col1.ElementStyle = e_23_Col1_e_s; Binding e_23_Col1_b = new Binding("Text"); e_23_Col1.Binding = e_23_Col1_b; e_23.Columns.Add(e_23_Col1); DataGridCheckBoxColumn e_23_Col2 = new DataGridCheckBoxColumn(); e_23_Col2.Header = "Bool"; Binding e_23_Col2_b = new Binding("Boolean"); e_23_Col2.Binding = e_23_Col2_b; e_23.Columns.Add(e_23_Col2); DataGridTemplateColumn e_23_Col3 = new DataGridTemplateColumn(); e_23_Col3.Width = 200F; // e_24 element TextBlock e_24 = new TextBlock(); e_24.Name = "e_24"; e_24.Text = "Template Column"; e_23_Col3.Header = e_24; Style e_23_Col3_h_s = new Style(typeof(DataGridColumnHeader)); Setter e_23_Col3_h_s_S_0 = new Setter(DataGridColumnHeader.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255))); e_23_Col3_h_s.Setters.Add(e_23_Col3_h_s_S_0); e_23_Col3.HeaderStyle = e_23_Col3_h_s; Func<UIElement, UIElement> e_23_Col3_ct_dtFunc = e_23_Col3_ct_dtMethod; e_23_Col3.CellTemplate = new DataTemplate(e_23_Col3_ct_dtFunc); e_23.Columns.Add(e_23_Col3); Binding binding_e_23_ItemsSource = new Binding("GridData"); e_23.SetBinding(DataGrid.ItemsSourceProperty, binding_e_23_ItemsSource); items.Add(e_22); // e_30 element TabItem e_30 = new TabItem(); e_30.Name = "e_30"; e_30.Header = "TreeView"; // e_31 element TreeView e_31 = new TreeView(); e_30.Content = e_31; e_31.Name = "e_31"; Binding binding_e_31_ItemsSource = new Binding("TreeItems"); e_31.SetBinding(TreeView.ItemsSourceProperty, binding_e_31_ItemsSource); items.Add(e_30); // e_32 element TabItem e_32 = new TabItem(); e_32.Name = "e_32"; e_32.Header = "Shapes"; // e_33 element Grid e_33 = new Grid(); e_32.Content = e_33; e_33.Name = "e_33"; RowDefinition row_e_33_0 = new RowDefinition(); e_33.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_33_0); RowDefinition row_e_33_1 = new RowDefinition(); e_33.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_33_1); RowDefinition row_e_33_2 = new RowDefinition(); e_33.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_33_2); ColumnDefinition col_e_33_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_33.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_33_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_33_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_33.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_33_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_33_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_33.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_33_2); // e_34 element Rectangle e_34 = new Rectangle(); e_33.Children.Add(e_34); e_34.Name = "e_34"; e_34.Height = 100F; e_34.Width = 200F; e_34.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_34.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(0, 128, 0, 255)); e_34.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_34.StrokeThickness = 5F; e_34.RadiusX = 10F; e_34.RadiusY = 10F; // e_35 element Rectangle e_35 = new Rectangle(); e_33.Children.Add(e_35); e_35.Name = "e_35"; e_35.Height = 100F; e_35.Width = 200F; e_35.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_35.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255)); Grid.SetColumn(e_35, 1); // e_36 element Rectangle e_36 = new Rectangle(); e_33.Children.Add(e_36); e_36.Name = "e_36"; e_36.Height = 100F; e_36.Width = 200F; e_36.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); LinearGradientBrush e_36_Fill = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_36_Fill.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_36_Fill.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_36_Fill.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_36_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0.5F)); e_36_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0F)); e_36.Fill = e_36_Fill; LinearGradientBrush e_36_Stroke = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_36_Stroke.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_36_Stroke.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_36_Stroke.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_36_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0.5F)); e_36_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0F)); e_36.Stroke = e_36_Stroke; e_36.StrokeThickness = 5F; e_36.RadiusX = 10F; e_36.RadiusY = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_36, 2); // e_37 element Ellipse e_37 = new Ellipse(); e_33.Children.Add(e_37); e_37.Name = "e_37"; e_37.Height = 100F; e_37.Width = 200F; e_37.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_37.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_37.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(0, 128, 0, 255)); e_37.StrokeThickness = 10F; Grid.SetRow(e_37, 1); // e_38 element Ellipse e_38 = new Ellipse(); e_33.Children.Add(e_38); e_38.Name = "e_38"; e_38.Height = 100F; e_38.Width = 200F; e_38.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_38.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255)); e_38.StrokeThickness = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_38, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_38, 1); // e_39 element Ellipse e_39 = new Ellipse(); e_33.Children.Add(e_39); e_39.Name = "e_39"; e_39.Height = 100F; e_39.Width = 200F; e_39.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); LinearGradientBrush e_39_Fill = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_39_Fill.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_39_Fill.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_39_Fill.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_39_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0.5F)); e_39_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0F)); e_39.Fill = e_39_Fill; LinearGradientBrush e_39_Stroke = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_39_Stroke.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_39_Stroke.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_39_Stroke.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_39_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0.5F)); e_39_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0F)); e_39.Stroke = e_39_Stroke; e_39.StrokeThickness = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_39, 2); Grid.SetRow(e_39, 1); // e_40 element Line e_40 = new Line(); e_33.Children.Add(e_40); e_40.Name = "e_40"; e_40.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_40.StrokeThickness = 10F; e_40.X1 = 10F; e_40.X2 = 150F; e_40.Y1 = 10F; e_40.Y2 = 150F; Grid.SetRow(e_40, 2); // e_41 element Line e_41 = new Line(); e_33.Children.Add(e_41); e_41.Name = "e_41"; e_41.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_41.StrokeThickness = 10F; e_41.X1 = 100F; e_41.X2 = 100F; e_41.Y1 = 10F; e_41.Y2 = 100F; Grid.SetRow(e_41, 2); // e_42 element Line e_42 = new Line(); e_33.Children.Add(e_42); e_42.Name = "e_42"; e_42.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_42.StrokeThickness = 10F; e_42.X1 = 10F; e_42.X2 = 100F; e_42.Y1 = 100F; e_42.Y2 = 100F; Grid.SetRow(e_42, 2); // e_43 element Rectangle e_43 = new Rectangle(); e_33.Children.Add(e_43); e_43.Name = "e_43"; e_43.Height = 100F; e_43.Width = 200F; e_43.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); ImageBrush e_43_Fill = new ImageBrush(); BitmapImage e_43_Fill_bm = new BitmapImage(); e_43_Fill_bm.TextureAsset = "Images/MonoGameLogo"; e_43_Fill.ImageSource = e_43_Fill_bm; e_43_Fill.Stretch = Stretch.None; e_43.Fill = e_43_Fill; e_43.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255)); e_43.StrokeThickness = 1F; e_43.RadiusX = 10F; e_43.RadiusY = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_43, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_43, 2); items.Add(e_32); // e_44 element TabItem e_44 = new TabItem(); e_44.Name = "e_44"; e_44.Header = "Animations"; // e_45 element Grid e_45 = new Grid(); e_44.Content = e_45; e_45.Name = "e_45"; ColumnDefinition col_e_45_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_45.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_45_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_45_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_45.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_45_1); // e_46 element StackPanel e_46 = new StackPanel(); e_45.Children.Add(e_46); e_46.Name = "e_46"; // animButton1 element Button animButton1 = new Button(); e_46.Children.Add(animButton1); animButton1.Name = "animButton1"; animButton1.TabIndex = 1; animButton1.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton1.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton2 element Button animButton2 = new Button(); e_46.Children.Add(animButton2); animButton2.Name = "animButton2"; animButton2.TabIndex = 2; animButton2.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton2.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton3 element Button animButton3 = new Button(); e_46.Children.Add(animButton3); animButton3.Name = "animButton3"; animButton3.TabIndex = 3; animButton3.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton3.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton4 element Button animButton4 = new Button(); e_46.Children.Add(animButton4); animButton4.Name = "animButton4"; animButton4.TabIndex = 4; animButton4.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton4.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animBorder1 element Border animBorder1 = new Border(); e_45.Children.Add(animBorder1); animBorder1.Name = "animBorder1"; animBorder1.Height = 100F; animBorder1.Width = 200F; animBorder1.Margin = new Thickness(0F, 10F, 0F, 10F); animBorder1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; EventTrigger animBorder1_ET_0 = new EventTrigger(Border.LoadedEvent, animBorder1); animBorder1.Triggers.Add(animBorder1_ET_0); BeginStoryboard animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0 = new BeginStoryboard(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0"; animBorder1_ET_0.AddAction(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0); Storyboard animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB = new Storyboard(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0.Storyboard = animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB"; SolidColorBrushAnimation animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0 = new SolidColorBrushAnimation(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0"; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.AutoReverse = true; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5, 0)); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.From = new ColorW(255, 255, 0, 255); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.To = new ColorW(0, 0, 255, 255); ExponentialEase animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA = new ExponentialEase(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.EasingFunction = animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, "animBorder1"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, Border.BackgroundProperty); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0); Grid.SetColumn(animBorder1, 1); // animBorder2 element Border animBorder2 = new Border(); e_45.Children.Add(animBorder2); animBorder2.Name = "animBorder2"; animBorder2.Height = 50F; animBorder2.Width = 100F; animBorder2.Margin = new Thickness(50F, 35F, 50F, 35F); animBorder2.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; EventTrigger animBorder2_ET_0 = new EventTrigger(Border.LoadedEvent, animBorder2); animBorder2.Triggers.Add(animBorder2_ET_0); BeginStoryboard animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0 = new BeginStoryboard(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0"; animBorder2_ET_0.AddAction(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0); Storyboard animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB = new Storyboard(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0.Storyboard = animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB"; SolidColorBrushAnimation animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0 = new SolidColorBrushAnimation(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0"; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.AutoReverse = true; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3, 0)); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.From = new ColorW(255, 0, 0, 255); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.To = new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255); CubicEase animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA = new CubicEase(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.EasingFunction = animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, "animBorder2"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, Border.BackgroundProperty); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0); FloatAnimation animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1 = new FloatAnimation(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1"; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.AutoReverse = true; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 4, 0)); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.From = 1F; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.To = 0F; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1, "animBorder2"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1, Border.OpacityProperty); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1); Grid.SetColumn(animBorder2, 1); items.Add(e_44); // e_47 element TabItem e_47 = new TabItem(); e_47.Name = "e_47"; e_47.Header = "Tetris"; // e_48 element Border e_48 = new Border(); e_47.Content = e_48; e_48.Name = "e_48"; // e_49 element Grid e_49 = new Grid(); e_48.Child = e_49; e_49.Name = "e_49"; e_49.Margin = new Thickness(10F, 10F, 10F, 10F); RowDefinition row_e_49_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_49_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_49.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_49_0); RowDefinition row_e_49_1 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_49_1.Height = new GridLength(420F, GridUnitType.Pixel); e_49.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_49_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_49_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_49.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_49_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_49_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_49.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_49_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_49_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_49.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_49_2); // e_50 element StackPanel e_50 = new StackPanel(); e_49.Children.Add(e_50); e_50.Name = "e_50"; e_50.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; e_50.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; Grid.SetRow(e_50, 1); // e_51 element TextBlock e_51 = new TextBlock(); e_50.Children.Add(e_51); e_51.Name = "e_51"; e_51.Text = "Next"; // e_52 element Border e_52 = new Border(); e_50.Children.Add(e_52); e_52.Name = "e_52"; e_52.Height = 81F; e_52.Width = 81F; e_52.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255)); e_52.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0F, 0F, 1F, 1F); // tetrisNextContainer1 element Canvas tetrisNextContainer1 = new Canvas(); e_52.Child = tetrisNextContainer1; tetrisNextContainer1.Name = "tetrisNextContainer1"; tetrisNextContainer1.Height = 80F; tetrisNextContainer1.Width = 80F; // e_53 element Border e_53 = new Border(); e_49.Children.Add(e_53); e_53.Name = "e_53"; e_53.Height = 401F; e_53.Width = 201F; e_53.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255)); e_53.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0F, 0F, 1F, 1F); Grid.SetColumn(e_53, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_53, 1); // tetrisContainer1 element Canvas tetrisContainer1 = new Canvas(); e_53.Child = tetrisContainer1; tetrisContainer1.Name = "tetrisContainer1"; tetrisContainer1.Height = 400F; tetrisContainer1.Width = 200F; tetrisContainer1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; tetrisContainer1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; // e_54 element Grid e_54 = new Grid(); e_49.Children.Add(e_54); e_54.Name = "e_54"; RowDefinition row_e_54_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_54_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_54.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_54_0); RowDefinition row_e_54_1 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_54_1.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_54.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_54_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_54_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_54_0.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_54.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_54_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_54_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_54_1.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Star); e_54.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_54_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_54_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_54_2.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_54.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_54_2); Grid.SetColumnSpan(e_54, 3); Binding binding_e_54_DataContext = new Binding("Tetris"); e_54.SetBinding(Grid.DataContextProperty, binding_e_54_DataContext); // e_55 element Button e_55 = new Button(); e_54.Children.Add(e_55); e_55.Name = "e_55"; e_55.Height = 30F; e_55.Content = "Start"; Grid.SetColumnSpan(e_55, 3); Binding binding_e_55_Command = new Binding("StartCommand"); e_55.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_e_55_Command); // e_56 element Grid e_56 = new Grid(); e_54.Children.Add(e_56); e_56.Name = "e_56"; RowDefinition row_e_56_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_56_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_56.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_56_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_56_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_56.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_56_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_56_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_56_1.Width = new GridLength(70F, GridUnitType.Pixel); e_56.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_56_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_56_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_56.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_56_2); Grid.SetColumn(e_56, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_56, 1); // spPlayer1 element StackPanel spPlayer1 = new StackPanel(); e_56.Children.Add(spPlayer1); spPlayer1.Name = "spPlayer1"; spPlayer1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; spPlayer1.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; // e_57 element TextBlock e_57 = new TextBlock(); spPlayer1.Children.Add(e_57); e_57.Name = "e_57"; Binding binding_e_57_Text = new Binding("Score"); e_57.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_e_57_Text); // e_58 element TextBlock e_58 = new TextBlock(); spPlayer1.Children.Add(e_58); e_58.Name = "e_58"; Binding binding_e_58_Text = new Binding("Lines"); e_58.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_e_58_Text); // e_59 element TextBlock e_59 = new TextBlock(); spPlayer1.Children.Add(e_59); e_59.Name = "e_59"; Binding binding_e_59_Text = new Binding("Level"); e_59.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_e_59_Text); // e_60 element StackPanel e_60 = new StackPanel(); e_56.Children.Add(e_60); e_60.Name = "e_60"; e_60.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; e_60.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; Grid.SetColumn(e_60, 1); // e_61 element TextBlock e_61 = new TextBlock(); e_60.Children.Add(e_61); e_61.Name = "e_61"; e_61.Text = "SCORE"; // e_62 element TextBlock e_62 = new TextBlock(); e_60.Children.Add(e_62); e_62.Name = "e_62"; e_62.Text = "LINES"; // e_63 element TextBlock e_63 = new TextBlock(); e_60.Children.Add(e_63); e_63.Name = "e_63"; e_63.Text = "LEVEL"; // e_64 element StackPanel e_64 = new StackPanel(); e_56.Children.Add(e_64); e_64.Name = "e_64"; e_64.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; e_64.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; // e_65 element TextBlock e_65 = new TextBlock(); e_64.Children.Add(e_65); e_65.Name = "e_65"; e_65.Text = "Use A,S,D,W for left, down, right, rotate"; items.Add(e_47); return items; }
private static System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<object> Get_TabControl_Items() { System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<object> items = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<object>(); // e_3 element TabItem e_3 = new TabItem(); e_3.Name = "e_3"; e_3.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; e_3.Header = "Controls"; // e_4 element Grid e_4 = new Grid(); e_3.Content = e_4; e_4.Name = "e_4"; RowDefinition row_e_4_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_0); RowDefinition row_e_4_1 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_1.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_1); RowDefinition row_e_4_2 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_2.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_2); RowDefinition row_e_4_3 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_3.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_3); RowDefinition row_e_4_4 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_4.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_4); RowDefinition row_e_4_5 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_5.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_5); RowDefinition row_e_4_6 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_6.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_6); RowDefinition row_e_4_7 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_7.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_7); RowDefinition row_e_4_8 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_8.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_8); RowDefinition row_e_4_9 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_9.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_9); RowDefinition row_e_4_10 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_10.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_10); RowDefinition row_e_4_11 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_4_11.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_4_11); ColumnDefinition col_e_4_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_4_0.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_4.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_4_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_4_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_4.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_4_1); // e_5 element TextBlock e_5 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_5); e_5.Name = "e_5"; e_5.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_5.Text = "Button"; // button1 element Button button1 = new Button(); e_4.Children.Add(button1); button1.Name = "button1"; button1.Height = 30F; button1.Width = 200F; button1.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); button1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; button1.TabIndex = 1; button1.Content = "Button 1"; button1.CommandParameter = "Click Button 1"; Grid.SetColumn(button1, 1); Grid.SetRow(button1, 0); Binding binding_button1_Command = new Binding("ButtonCommand"); button1.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_button1_Command); // button2 element Button button2 = new Button(); e_4.Children.Add(button2); button2.Name = "button2"; button2.Height = 30F; button2.Width = 200F; button2.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); button2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; button2.TabIndex = 2; button2.Content = "Button 2"; button2.CommandParameter = "Click Button 2"; Grid.SetColumn(button2, 1); Grid.SetRow(button2, 1); Binding binding_button2_IsEnabled = new Binding("ButtonEnabled"); button2.SetBinding(Button.IsEnabledProperty, binding_button2_IsEnabled); Binding binding_button2_Command = new Binding("ButtonCommand"); button2.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_button2_Command); // buttonResult element TextBlock buttonResult = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(buttonResult); buttonResult.Name = "buttonResult"; buttonResult.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumn(buttonResult, 1); Grid.SetRow(buttonResult, 2); Binding binding_buttonResult_Text = new Binding("ButtonResult"); buttonResult.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_buttonResult_Text); // e_6 element TextBlock e_6 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_6); e_6.Name = "e_6"; e_6.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_6.Text = "CheckBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_6, 3); // checkBox element CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(); e_4.Children.Add(checkBox); checkBox.Name = "checkBox"; checkBox.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); checkBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; checkBox.TabIndex = 3; checkBox.Content = "Check Box"; Grid.SetColumn(checkBox, 1); Grid.SetRow(checkBox, 3); // e_7 element TextBlock e_7 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_7); e_7.Name = "e_7"; e_7.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_7.Text = "ProgressBar"; Grid.SetRow(e_7, 4); // e_8 element ProgressBar e_8 = new ProgressBar(); e_4.Children.Add(e_8); e_8.Name = "e_8"; e_8.Height = 30F; e_8.Width = 200F; e_8.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_8.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; Grid.SetColumn(e_8, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_8, 4); Binding binding_e_8_Value = new Binding("ProgressValue"); e_8.SetBinding(ProgressBar.ValueProperty, binding_e_8_Value); // e_9 element TextBlock e_9 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_9); e_9.Name = "e_9"; e_9.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_9.Text = "Slider"; Grid.SetRow(e_9, 5); // slider element Slider slider = new Slider(); e_4.Children.Add(slider); slider.Name = "slider"; slider.Width = 200F; slider.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; slider.TabIndex = 4; slider.Minimum = 5F; slider.Maximum = 20F; Grid.SetColumn(slider, 1); Grid.SetRow(slider, 5); Binding binding_slider_Value = new Binding("SliderValue"); slider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, binding_slider_Value); // e_10 element TextBlock e_10 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_10); e_10.Name = "e_10"; e_10.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_10.Text = "TextBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_10, 6); // textBox element TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); e_4.Children.Add(textBox); textBox.Name = "textBox"; textBox.Width = 200F; textBox.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); textBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; textBox.TabIndex = 5; textBox.SelectionBrush = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 0, 0, 255)); textBox.UndoLimit = 20; Grid.SetColumn(textBox, 1); Grid.SetRow(textBox, 6); Binding binding_textBox_Text = new Binding("TextBoxText"); textBox.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, binding_textBox_Text); // e_11 element TextBlock e_11 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_11); e_11.Name = "e_11"; e_11.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_11.Text = "Numeric"; Grid.SetRow(e_11, 7); // numTextBox element NumericTextBox numTextBox = new NumericTextBox(); e_4.Children.Add(numTextBox); numTextBox.Name = "numTextBox"; numTextBox.Width = 200F; numTextBox.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); numTextBox.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; numTextBox.TabIndex = 6; numTextBox.ValueFormat = "F0"; numTextBox.ValueStyle = ((System.Globalization.NumberStyles)(7)); Grid.SetColumn(numTextBox, 1); Grid.SetRow(numTextBox, 7); Binding binding_numTextBox_Value = new Binding("NumericTextBoxValue"); numTextBox.SetBinding(NumericTextBox.ValueProperty, binding_numTextBox_Value); // e_12 element TextBlock e_12 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_12); e_12.Name = "e_12"; e_12.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_12.Text = "PasswordBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_12, 8); // e_13 element PasswordBox e_13 = new PasswordBox(); e_4.Children.Add(e_13); e_13.Name = "e_13"; e_13.Width = 200F; e_13.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_13.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; e_13.TabIndex = 7; Grid.SetColumn(e_13, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_13, 8); Binding binding_e_13_Password = new Binding("Password"); e_13.SetBinding(PasswordBox.PasswordProperty, binding_e_13_Password); // e_14 element TextBlock e_14 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_14); e_14.Name = "e_14"; e_14.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_14.Text = "ComboBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_14, 9); // combo element ComboBox combo = new ComboBox(); e_4.Children.Add(combo); combo.Name = "combo"; combo.Width = 200F; combo.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); combo.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; combo.TabIndex = 8; combo.ItemsSource = Get_combo_Items(); combo.SelectedIndex = 2; Grid.SetColumn(combo, 1); Grid.SetRow(combo, 9); // e_15 element TextBlock e_15 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_15); e_15.Name = "e_15"; e_15.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_15.Text = "ListBox"; Grid.SetRow(e_15, 10); // e_16 element Grid e_16 = new Grid(); e_4.Children.Add(e_16); e_16.Name = "e_16"; ColumnDefinition col_e_16_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_16.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_16_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_16_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_16.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_16_1); Grid.SetColumn(e_16, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_16, 10); // e_17 element ListBox e_17 = new ListBox(); e_16.Children.Add(e_17); e_17.Name = "e_17"; e_17.TabIndex = 9; DragDrop.SetIsDragSource(e_17, true); DragDrop.SetIsDropTarget(e_17, true); Binding binding_e_17_ItemsSource = new Binding("DataOne"); e_17.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, binding_e_17_ItemsSource); // e_18 element ListBox e_18 = new ListBox(); e_16.Children.Add(e_18); e_18.Name = "e_18"; e_18.TabIndex = 10; Grid.SetColumn(e_18, 1); DragDrop.SetIsDragSource(e_18, true); DragDrop.SetIsDropTarget(e_18, true); Binding binding_e_18_ItemsSource = new Binding("DataTwo"); e_18.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, binding_e_18_ItemsSource); // e_19 element TextBlock e_19 = new TextBlock(); e_4.Children.Add(e_19); e_19.Name = "e_19"; e_19.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; e_19.Text = "RadioButton"; Grid.SetRow(e_19, 11); // e_20 element StackPanel e_20 = new StackPanel(); e_4.Children.Add(e_20); e_20.Name = "e_20"; e_20.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; Grid.SetColumn(e_20, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_20, 11); // e_21 element RadioButton e_21 = new RadioButton(); e_20.Children.Add(e_21); e_21.Name = "e_21"; e_21.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_21.Content = "Radio Button 1"; e_21.GroupName = "testGroup1"; // e_22 element RadioButton e_22 = new RadioButton(); e_20.Children.Add(e_22); e_22.Name = "e_22"; e_22.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_22.Content = "Radio Button 2"; e_22.GroupName = "testGroup1"; // e_23 element RadioButton e_23 = new RadioButton(); e_20.Children.Add(e_23); e_23.Name = "e_23"; e_23.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_23.Content = "Radio Button 3"; e_23.GroupName = "testGroup1"; // e_24 element RadioButton e_24 = new RadioButton(); e_20.Children.Add(e_24); e_24.Name = "e_24"; e_24.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_24.Content = "Radio Button 4"; e_24.GroupName = "testGroup2"; // e_25 element RadioButton e_25 = new RadioButton(); e_20.Children.Add(e_25); e_25.Name = "e_25"; e_25.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_25.Content = "Radio Button 5"; e_25.GroupName = "testGroup2"; // e_26 element RadioButton e_26 = new RadioButton(); e_20.Children.Add(e_26); e_26.Name = "e_26"; e_26.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_26.Content = "Radio Button 6"; e_26.GroupName = "testGroup2"; items.Add(e_3); // e_27 element TabItem e_27 = new TabItem(); e_27.Name = "e_27"; e_27.Header = "DataGrid"; // e_28 element DataGrid e_28 = new DataGrid(); e_27.Content = e_28; e_28.Name = "e_28"; e_28.AutoGenerateColumns = false; DataGridTextColumn e_28_Col0 = new DataGridTextColumn(); e_28_Col0.Header = "#"; Binding e_28_Col0_b = new Binding("Number"); e_28_Col0.Binding = e_28_Col0_b; e_28.Columns.Add(e_28_Col0); DataGridTextColumn e_28_Col1 = new DataGridTextColumn(); e_28_Col1.Width = 200F; e_28_Col1.Header = "Text"; Style e_28_Col1_e_s = new Style(typeof(DataGridCell)); Setter e_28_Col1_e_s_S_0 = new Setter(DataGridCell.BackgroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255))); e_28_Col1_e_s.Setters.Add(e_28_Col1_e_s_S_0); Setter e_28_Col1_e_s_S_1 = new Setter(DataGridCell.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Center); e_28_Col1_e_s.Setters.Add(e_28_Col1_e_s_S_1); Setter e_28_Col1_e_s_S_2 = new Setter(DataGridCell.VerticalAlignmentProperty, VerticalAlignment.Center); e_28_Col1_e_s.Setters.Add(e_28_Col1_e_s_S_2); e_28_Col1.ElementStyle = e_28_Col1_e_s; Binding e_28_Col1_b = new Binding("Text"); e_28_Col1.Binding = e_28_Col1_b; e_28.Columns.Add(e_28_Col1); DataGridCheckBoxColumn e_28_Col2 = new DataGridCheckBoxColumn(); e_28_Col2.Width = DataGridLength.SizeToHeader; e_28_Col2.Header = "Bool"; Binding e_28_Col2_b = new Binding("Boolean"); e_28_Col2.Binding = e_28_Col2_b; e_28.Columns.Add(e_28_Col2); DataGridTemplateColumn e_28_Col3 = new DataGridTemplateColumn(); e_28_Col3.Width = new DataGridLength(1F, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star); // e_29 element TextBlock e_29 = new TextBlock(); e_29.Name = "e_29"; e_29.Text = "Template Column"; e_28_Col3.Header = e_29; Style e_28_Col3_h_s = new Style(typeof(DataGridColumnHeader)); Setter e_28_Col3_h_s_S_0 = new Setter(DataGridColumnHeader.ForegroundProperty, new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255))); e_28_Col3_h_s.Setters.Add(e_28_Col3_h_s_S_0); e_28_Col3.HeaderStyle = e_28_Col3_h_s; Func<UIElement, UIElement> e_28_Col3_ct_dtFunc = e_28_Col3_ct_dtMethod; e_28_Col3.CellTemplate = new DataTemplate(e_28_Col3_ct_dtFunc); e_28.Columns.Add(e_28_Col3); Binding binding_e_28_ItemsSource = new Binding("GridData"); e_28.SetBinding(DataGrid.ItemsSourceProperty, binding_e_28_ItemsSource); items.Add(e_27); // e_35 element TabItem e_35 = new TabItem(); e_35.Name = "e_35"; e_35.Header = "TreeView"; // e_36 element TreeView e_36 = new TreeView(); e_35.Content = e_36; e_36.Name = "e_36"; Binding binding_e_36_ItemsSource = new Binding("TreeItems"); e_36.SetBinding(TreeView.ItemsSourceProperty, binding_e_36_ItemsSource); items.Add(e_35); // e_37 element TabItem e_37 = new TabItem(); e_37.Name = "e_37"; e_37.Header = "Chart"; // e_38 element Chart e_38 = new Chart(); e_37.Content = e_38; e_38.Name = "e_38"; e_38.AxisYMajorUnit = 50F; // e_39 element LineSeries2D e_39 = new LineSeries2D(); e_38.Series.Add(e_39); e_39.Name = "e_39"; // p_40 point SeriesPoint p_40 = new SeriesPoint(); e_39.Points.Add(p_40); p_40.Argument = 0F; p_40.Value = 0F; // p_41 point SeriesPoint p_41 = new SeriesPoint(); e_39.Points.Add(p_41); p_41.Argument = 1F; p_41.Value = 10F; // p_42 point SeriesPoint p_42 = new SeriesPoint(); e_39.Points.Add(p_42); p_42.Argument = 2F; p_42.Value = 20F; // p_43 point SeriesPoint p_43 = new SeriesPoint(); e_39.Points.Add(p_43); p_43.Argument = 3F; p_43.Value = 50F; // p_44 point SeriesPoint p_44 = new SeriesPoint(); e_39.Points.Add(p_44); p_44.Argument = 4F; p_44.Value = 100F; // p_45 point SeriesPoint p_45 = new SeriesPoint(); e_39.Points.Add(p_45); p_45.Argument = 5F; p_45.Value = 200F; // p_46 point SeriesPoint p_46 = new SeriesPoint(); e_39.Points.Add(p_46); p_46.Argument = 6F; p_46.Value = 500F; // e_47 element LineSeries2D e_47 = new LineSeries2D(); e_38.Series.Add(e_47); e_47.Name = "e_47"; e_47.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255)); e_47.LineThickness = 1F; Binding binding_e_47_DataSource = new Binding("ChartData"); e_47.SetBinding(LineSeries2D.DataSourceProperty, binding_e_47_DataSource); items.Add(e_37); // e_48 element TabItem e_48 = new TabItem(); e_48.Name = "e_48"; e_48.Header = "Shapes"; // e_49 element Grid e_49 = new Grid(); e_48.Content = e_49; e_49.Name = "e_49"; RowDefinition row_e_49_0 = new RowDefinition(); e_49.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_49_0); RowDefinition row_e_49_1 = new RowDefinition(); e_49.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_49_1); RowDefinition row_e_49_2 = new RowDefinition(); e_49.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_49_2); ColumnDefinition col_e_49_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_49.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_49_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_49_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_49.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_49_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_49_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_49.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_49_2); // e_50 element Rectangle e_50 = new Rectangle(); e_49.Children.Add(e_50); e_50.Name = "e_50"; e_50.Height = 100F; e_50.Width = 200F; e_50.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_50.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(0, 128, 0, 255)); e_50.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_50.StrokeThickness = 5F; e_50.RadiusX = 10F; e_50.RadiusY = 10F; // e_51 element Rectangle e_51 = new Rectangle(); e_49.Children.Add(e_51); e_51.Name = "e_51"; e_51.Height = 100F; e_51.Width = 200F; e_51.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_51.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255)); Grid.SetColumn(e_51, 1); // e_52 element Rectangle e_52 = new Rectangle(); e_49.Children.Add(e_52); e_52.Name = "e_52"; e_52.Height = 100F; e_52.Width = 200F; e_52.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); LinearGradientBrush e_52_Fill = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_52_Fill.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_52_Fill.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_52_Fill.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_52_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0.5F)); e_52_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0F)); e_52.Fill = e_52_Fill; LinearGradientBrush e_52_Stroke = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_52_Stroke.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_52_Stroke.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_52_Stroke.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_52_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0.5F)); e_52_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0F)); e_52.Stroke = e_52_Stroke; e_52.StrokeThickness = 5F; e_52.RadiusX = 10F; e_52.RadiusY = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_52, 2); // e_53 element Ellipse e_53 = new Ellipse(); e_49.Children.Add(e_53); e_53.Name = "e_53"; e_53.Height = 100F; e_53.Width = 200F; e_53.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_53.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_53.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(0, 128, 0, 255)); e_53.StrokeThickness = 10F; Grid.SetRow(e_53, 1); // e_54 element Ellipse e_54 = new Ellipse(); e_49.Children.Add(e_54); e_54.Name = "e_54"; e_54.Height = 100F; e_54.Width = 200F; e_54.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); e_54.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255)); e_54.StrokeThickness = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_54, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_54, 1); // e_55 element Ellipse e_55 = new Ellipse(); e_49.Children.Add(e_55); e_55.Name = "e_55"; e_55.Height = 100F; e_55.Width = 200F; e_55.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); LinearGradientBrush e_55_Fill = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_55_Fill.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_55_Fill.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_55_Fill.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_55_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0.5F)); e_55_Fill.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0F)); e_55.Fill = e_55_Fill; LinearGradientBrush e_55_Stroke = new LinearGradientBrush(); e_55_Stroke.StartPoint = new PointF(0F, 0F); e_55_Stroke.EndPoint = new PointF(1F, 1F); e_55_Stroke.SpreadMethod = GradientSpreadMethod.Pad; e_55_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(0, 162, 255, 255), 0.5F)); e_55_Stroke.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new ColorW(255, 165, 0, 255), 0F)); e_55.Stroke = e_55_Stroke; e_55.StrokeThickness = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_55, 2); Grid.SetRow(e_55, 1); // e_56 element Line e_56 = new Line(); e_49.Children.Add(e_56); e_56.Name = "e_56"; e_56.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_56.StrokeThickness = 10F; e_56.X1 = 10F; e_56.X2 = 150F; e_56.Y1 = 10F; e_56.Y2 = 150F; Grid.SetRow(e_56, 2); // e_57 element Line e_57 = new Line(); e_49.Children.Add(e_57); e_57.Name = "e_57"; e_57.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_57.StrokeThickness = 10F; e_57.X1 = 100F; e_57.X2 = 100F; e_57.Y1 = 10F; e_57.Y2 = 100F; Grid.SetRow(e_57, 2); // e_58 element Line e_58 = new Line(); e_49.Children.Add(e_58); e_58.Name = "e_58"; e_58.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(128, 128, 128, 255)); e_58.StrokeThickness = 10F; e_58.X1 = 10F; e_58.X2 = 100F; e_58.Y1 = 100F; e_58.Y2 = 100F; Grid.SetRow(e_58, 2); // e_59 element Rectangle e_59 = new Rectangle(); e_49.Children.Add(e_59); e_59.Name = "e_59"; e_59.Height = 100F; e_59.Width = 200F; e_59.Margin = new Thickness(5F, 5F, 5F, 5F); ImageBrush e_59_Fill = new ImageBrush(); BitmapImage e_59_Fill_bm = new BitmapImage(); e_59_Fill_bm.TextureAsset = "Images/MonoGameLogo"; e_59_Fill.ImageSource = e_59_Fill_bm; e_59_Fill.Stretch = Stretch.None; e_59.Fill = e_59_Fill; e_59.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255)); e_59.StrokeThickness = 1F; e_59.RadiusX = 10F; e_59.RadiusY = 10F; Grid.SetColumn(e_59, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_59, 2); // e_60 element Image e_60 = new Image(); e_49.Children.Add(e_60); e_60.Name = "e_60"; Grid.SetColumn(e_60, 2); Grid.SetRow(e_60, 2); Binding binding_e_60_Source = new Binding("RenderTargetSource"); e_60.SetBinding(Image.SourceProperty, binding_e_60_Source); items.Add(e_48); // e_61 element TabItem e_61 = new TabItem(); e_61.Name = "e_61"; e_61.Header = "Animations"; // e_62 element Grid e_62 = new Grid(); e_61.Content = e_62; e_62.Name = "e_62"; ColumnDefinition col_e_62_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_62.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_62_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_62_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_62.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_62_1); // e_63 element StackPanel e_63 = new StackPanel(); e_62.Children.Add(e_63); e_63.Name = "e_63"; // animButton1 element Button animButton1 = new Button(); e_63.Children.Add(animButton1); animButton1.Name = "animButton1"; animButton1.TabIndex = 1; animButton1.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton1.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton2 element Button animButton2 = new Button(); e_63.Children.Add(animButton2); animButton2.Name = "animButton2"; animButton2.TabIndex = 2; animButton2.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton2.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton3 element Button animButton3 = new Button(); e_63.Children.Add(animButton3); animButton3.Name = "animButton3"; animButton3.TabIndex = 3; animButton3.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton3.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animButton4 element Button animButton4 = new Button(); e_63.Children.Add(animButton4); animButton4.Name = "animButton4"; animButton4.TabIndex = 4; animButton4.Content = "Mouse Over me!"; animButton4.SetResourceReference(Button.StyleProperty, "buttonAnimStyle"); // animBorder1 element Border animBorder1 = new Border(); e_62.Children.Add(animBorder1); animBorder1.Name = "animBorder1"; animBorder1.Height = 100F; animBorder1.Width = 200F; animBorder1.Margin = new Thickness(0F, 10F, 0F, 10F); animBorder1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; EventTrigger animBorder1_ET_0 = new EventTrigger(Border.LoadedEvent, animBorder1); animBorder1.Triggers.Add(animBorder1_ET_0); BeginStoryboard animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0 = new BeginStoryboard(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0"; animBorder1_ET_0.AddAction(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0); Storyboard animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB = new Storyboard(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0.Storyboard = animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB"; SolidColorBrushAnimation animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0 = new SolidColorBrushAnimation(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Name = "animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0"; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.AutoReverse = true; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5, 0)); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.From = new ColorW(255, 255, 0, 255); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.To = new ColorW(0, 0, 255, 255); ExponentialEase animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA = new ExponentialEase(); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.EasingFunction = animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, "animBorder1"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, Border.BackgroundProperty); animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder1_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0); Grid.SetColumn(animBorder1, 1); // animBorder2 element Border animBorder2 = new Border(); e_62.Children.Add(animBorder2); animBorder2.Name = "animBorder2"; animBorder2.Height = 50F; animBorder2.Width = 100F; animBorder2.Margin = new Thickness(50F, 35F, 50F, 35F); animBorder2.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; EventTrigger animBorder2_ET_0 = new EventTrigger(Border.LoadedEvent, animBorder2); animBorder2.Triggers.Add(animBorder2_ET_0); BeginStoryboard animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0 = new BeginStoryboard(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0"; animBorder2_ET_0.AddAction(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0); Storyboard animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB = new Storyboard(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0.Storyboard = animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB"; SolidColorBrushAnimation animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0 = new SolidColorBrushAnimation(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0"; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.AutoReverse = true; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3, 0)); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.From = new ColorW(255, 0, 0, 255); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.To = new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255); CubicEase animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA = new CubicEase(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0.EasingFunction = animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0_EA; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, "animBorder2"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0, Border.BackgroundProperty); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_0); FloatAnimation animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1 = new FloatAnimation(); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.Name = "animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1"; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.AutoReverse = true; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 4, 0)); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.From = 1F; animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1.To = 0F; Storyboard.SetTargetName(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1, "animBorder2"); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1, Border.OpacityProperty); animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB.Children.Add(animBorder2_ET_0_AC_0_SB_TL_1); Grid.SetColumn(animBorder2, 1); items.Add(e_61); // e_64 element TabItem e_64 = new TabItem(); e_64.Name = "e_64"; e_64.Header = "Tetris"; // e_65 element Border e_65 = new Border(); e_64.Content = e_65; e_65.Name = "e_65"; // e_66 element Grid e_66 = new Grid(); e_65.Child = e_66; e_66.Name = "e_66"; e_66.Margin = new Thickness(10F, 10F, 10F, 10F); RowDefinition row_e_66_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_66_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_66.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_66_0); RowDefinition row_e_66_1 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_66_1.Height = new GridLength(420F, GridUnitType.Pixel); e_66.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_66_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_66_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_66.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_66_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_66_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_66.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_66_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_66_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_66.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_66_2); // e_67 element StackPanel e_67 = new StackPanel(); e_66.Children.Add(e_67); e_67.Name = "e_67"; e_67.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; e_67.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; Grid.SetRow(e_67, 1); // e_68 element TextBlock e_68 = new TextBlock(); e_67.Children.Add(e_68); e_68.Name = "e_68"; e_68.Text = "Next"; // e_69 element Border e_69 = new Border(); e_67.Children.Add(e_69); e_69.Name = "e_69"; e_69.Height = 81F; e_69.Width = 81F; e_69.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255)); e_69.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0F, 0F, 1F, 1F); // tetrisNextContainer1 element Canvas tetrisNextContainer1 = new Canvas(); e_69.Child = tetrisNextContainer1; tetrisNextContainer1.Name = "tetrisNextContainer1"; tetrisNextContainer1.Height = 80F; tetrisNextContainer1.Width = 80F; // e_70 element Border e_70 = new Border(); e_66.Children.Add(e_70); e_70.Name = "e_70"; e_70.Height = 401F; e_70.Width = 201F; e_70.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(255, 255, 255, 255)); e_70.BorderThickness = new Thickness(0F, 0F, 1F, 1F); Grid.SetColumn(e_70, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_70, 1); // tetrisContainer1 element Canvas tetrisContainer1 = new Canvas(); e_70.Child = tetrisContainer1; tetrisContainer1.Name = "tetrisContainer1"; tetrisContainer1.Height = 400F; tetrisContainer1.Width = 200F; tetrisContainer1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; tetrisContainer1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; // e_71 element Grid e_71 = new Grid(); e_66.Children.Add(e_71); e_71.Name = "e_71"; RowDefinition row_e_71_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_71_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_71.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_71_0); RowDefinition row_e_71_1 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_71_1.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_71.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_71_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_71_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_71_0.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_71.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_71_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_71_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_71_1.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Star); e_71.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_71_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_71_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_71_2.Width = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_71.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_71_2); Grid.SetColumnSpan(e_71, 3); Binding binding_e_71_DataContext = new Binding("Tetris"); e_71.SetBinding(Grid.DataContextProperty, binding_e_71_DataContext); // e_72 element Button e_72 = new Button(); e_71.Children.Add(e_72); e_72.Name = "e_72"; e_72.Height = 30F; e_72.Content = "Start"; Grid.SetColumnSpan(e_72, 3); Binding binding_e_72_Command = new Binding("StartCommand"); e_72.SetBinding(Button.CommandProperty, binding_e_72_Command); // e_73 element Grid e_73 = new Grid(); e_71.Children.Add(e_73); e_73.Name = "e_73"; RowDefinition row_e_73_0 = new RowDefinition(); row_e_73_0.Height = new GridLength(1F, GridUnitType.Auto); e_73.RowDefinitions.Add(row_e_73_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_73_0 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_73.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_73_0); ColumnDefinition col_e_73_1 = new ColumnDefinition(); col_e_73_1.Width = new GridLength(70F, GridUnitType.Pixel); e_73.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_73_1); ColumnDefinition col_e_73_2 = new ColumnDefinition(); e_73.ColumnDefinitions.Add(col_e_73_2); Grid.SetColumn(e_73, 1); Grid.SetRow(e_73, 1); // spPlayer1 element StackPanel spPlayer1 = new StackPanel(); e_73.Children.Add(spPlayer1); spPlayer1.Name = "spPlayer1"; spPlayer1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right; spPlayer1.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; // e_74 element TextBlock e_74 = new TextBlock(); spPlayer1.Children.Add(e_74); e_74.Name = "e_74"; Binding binding_e_74_Text = new Binding("Score"); e_74.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_e_74_Text); // e_75 element TextBlock e_75 = new TextBlock(); spPlayer1.Children.Add(e_75); e_75.Name = "e_75"; Binding binding_e_75_Text = new Binding("Lines"); e_75.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_e_75_Text); // e_76 element TextBlock e_76 = new TextBlock(); spPlayer1.Children.Add(e_76); e_76.Name = "e_76"; Binding binding_e_76_Text = new Binding("Level"); e_76.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding_e_76_Text); // e_77 element StackPanel e_77 = new StackPanel(); e_73.Children.Add(e_77); e_77.Name = "e_77"; e_77.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; e_77.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; Grid.SetColumn(e_77, 1); // e_78 element TextBlock e_78 = new TextBlock(); e_77.Children.Add(e_78); e_78.Name = "e_78"; e_78.Text = "SCORE"; // e_79 element TextBlock e_79 = new TextBlock(); e_77.Children.Add(e_79); e_79.Name = "e_79"; e_79.Text = "LINES"; // e_80 element TextBlock e_80 = new TextBlock(); e_77.Children.Add(e_80); e_80.Name = "e_80"; e_80.Text = "LEVEL"; // e_81 element StackPanel e_81 = new StackPanel(); e_73.Children.Add(e_81); e_81.Name = "e_81"; e_81.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; e_81.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; // e_82 element TextBlock e_82 = new TextBlock(); e_81.Children.Add(e_82); e_82.Name = "e_82"; e_82.Text = "Use A,S,D,W for left, down, right, rotate"; items.Add(e_64); // e_83 element TabItem e_83 = new TabItem(); e_83.Name = "e_83"; e_83.Header = "User Control"; // e_84 element UserControlTest e_84 = new UserControlTest(); e_83.Content = e_84; e_84.Name = "e_84"; items.Add(e_83); return items; }