void RefreshEditor()
        if (chunk.objects == null)
        string[] chunkItems = new string[chunk.objects.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < chunkItems.Length; i++)
            chunkItems[i] = chunk.objects[i].texture + "." + chunk.objects[i].id.ToString();
        ChunkItemList = new Listbox(chunkItems, "Items", new Rect(10, 480, 200, 140), 20);

        string[] savedChunks = CubeFile.CheckDirectory("SavedFiles/Chunks");
        SavedChunksList = new Listbox(savedChunks, "SavedChunks", new Rect(10, 295, 200, 140), 20);
        foreach (var item in SavedChunksList.items)
            item.action = window.LoadChunk;
            Debug.Log(item.content[0].text + " " + chunk.Name);
            if (item.content[0].text.Contains(chunk.Name))
        //chunk = new Chunk("NewChunk", new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), 0, 0, new List<LevelObj>(), 0);
    static void Init()
        objSelectorGrid = new LevelObj(new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), Resources.Load <Texture>("HexaGridRed"), 0, 0);

        grid          = new Grid(800, 400, new Rect(215, 90, 500, 400), 40, 40);
        ChunkItemList = new Listbox(new string[] { "None" }, "LevelChunksHirarchy", new Rect(10, 480, 200, 140), 20);

        window         = (ChuckEditor)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ChuckEditor));
        window.minSize = new Vector2(735, 650);
        chunk          = new Chunk("NewChunk", new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), 0, 0, new List <LevelObj>());
        string[] savedChunks = CubeFile.CheckDirectory("SavedFiles/Chunks");
        window.Canvas = new ObjRect(180, 90, 800, 400);
        window.movingCenterOfChunk = false;
        SavedChunksList            = new Listbox(savedChunks, "SavedLevels", new Rect(10, 295, 200, 140), 20);
        window.autoAdjustCOC       = true;
        foreach (var item in SavedChunksList.items)
            item.action = window.LoadChunk;
        window.gridScalerRect = new Rect(715, 490, 20, 150);
        //foreach (var item in ChunkItemList.items)
        //    item.action = window.SelectItemOnScene;
        window.lastGrabbedObjScale = new Vector2(40, 40);
        window.deletedItems        = new List <string>(0);
        window.grabbedObj          = new Rect(0, 0, window.lastGrabbedObjScale.x, window.lastGrabbedObjScale.y);
        string[] availObjs = window.LoadAvailableObjects();

        TextureList = new Listbox(availObjs, "AvailableObjects", new Rect(10, 110, 200, 140), 20);

        foreach (var item in TextureList.items)
            item.action = window.changeSelectedBlockTexture;

        window.layers     = new bool[10];
        window.layers[0]  = true;
        window.layersName = new string[] { "L1",
                                           "L10" };

        window.wantsMouseMove = true;
Example #3
    void CreateLayerSection(int index)
        ChunkGenerator generator = target as ChunkGenerator;


        if (GUILayout.Button(Resources.Load <Texture>("RedTriangle"), GUILayout.Width(20), GUILayout.Height(20)))
            generator.visibleLayers[index] = false;
        GUILayout.Box("Layer " + index.ToString());
        GUILayout.Box("Remember, in order to better see previews, put the CoC on top-left corner of the chunk.");

        GUILayout.Label("Search: ", GUILayout.Width(60));
        layersInfo[index].searchPhrase = GUILayout.TextField(layersInfo[index].searchPhrase);

        layersInfo[index].showNotSelecteds = GUILayout.Toggle(layersInfo[index].showNotSelecteds, "ShowNotSelecteds");
        layersInfo[index].showSelecteds    = GUILayout.Toggle(layersInfo[index].showSelecteds, "ShowSelecteds");
        layersInfo[index].showPreview      = GUILayout.Toggle(layersInfo[index].showPreview, "Show Preview");
        string[] savedChunkNames = CubeFile.CheckDirectory("SavedFiles/Chunks");
        if (GUILayout.Button("Build Prefabs"))
            BuildChunkPrefab(savedChunkNames, index);
        if (generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected.Length < savedChunkNames.Length)
            generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected = new bool[savedChunkNames.Length];

        float maxX = 0;
        float minX = 0;
        float maxY = 0;
        float minY = 0;

        if (generator.levelLayers[index].hSpeed.Length == 0)
            generator.levelLayers[index].hSpeed = new float[savedChunkNames.Length];
        for (int j = 0; j < savedChunkNames.Length; j++)
            if (!savedChunkNames[j].Contains(layersInfo[index].searchPhrase))
            if (!(layersInfo[index].showSelecteds && layersInfo[index].showNotSelecteds))
                if ((layersInfo[index].showSelecteds && !generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected[j]) || (layersInfo[index].showNotSelecteds && generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected[j]) ||
                    (!layersInfo[index].showSelecteds && !layersInfo[index].showNotSelecteds))
            Chunk c1 = CubeFile.DeSerializeObject <Chunk>(savedChunkNames[j], "Chunks");
            Rect  ChunksRect;
            if (layersInfo[index].showPreview)
                maxX = c1.objects[0].position.left + c1.objects[0].position.width;
                minX = c1.objects[0].position.left;
                maxY = c1.objects[0].position.top + c1.objects[0].position.height;
                minY = c1.objects[0].position.top;
                foreach (var item in c1.objects)
                    maxX = Mathf.Max(maxX, item.position.left + item.position.width);
                    minX = Mathf.Min(minX, item.position.left);
                    maxY = Mathf.Max(maxY, item.position.top + item.position.height);
                    minY = Mathf.Min(minY, item.position.top);

                float scaler = (maxY - minY > maxX - minX ? 450.0f : 300.0f) / Mathf.Max((maxX - minX), (maxY - minY));
                ChunksRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(400, 200);
                GUI.Box(ChunksRect, GUIContent.none);
                Vector2 Offset = new Vector2(ChunksRect.xMin + 20, ChunksRect.yMin + 20);
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    foreach (var chunkObject in c1.objects)
                        if (chunkObject.position.depth != ((i + 1) * 0.5f))
                        Rect tmpRect = new Rect(Offset.x + (chunkObject.position.left) * scaler,
                                                Offset.y + (chunkObject.position.top) * scaler,
                                                chunkObject.position.width * scaler,
                                                chunkObject.position.height * scaler);
                        GUI.Label(tmpRect, Resources.Load <Texture>("Objects/" + chunkObject.texture));
                ChunksRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(200, 30);
            Color guiDefColor = GUI.color;
            if (generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected[j])
                GUI.color = Color.green;
                GUI.color = Color.red;
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ChunksRect.xMax - 105, ChunksRect.yMax - 24, 100, 20), !generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected[j] ? "Select" : "Deselect"))
                generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected[j] = true ^ generator.levelLayers[index].chunksSelected[j];
            GUI.color = guiDefColor;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(ChunksRect.xMax - 210, ChunksRect.yMax - 24, 100, 20), c1.Name);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(ChunksRect.xMax - 400, ChunksRect.yMax - 44, 100, 20), "Speed: ");
            generator.levelLayers[index].hSpeed[j] = float.Parse(GUI.TextField(new Rect(ChunksRect.xMax - 300, ChunksRect.yMax - 44, 100, 20), generator.levelLayers[index].hSpeed[j].ToString()));
            GUI.Label(new Rect(ChunksRect.xMax - 400, ChunksRect.yMax - 24, 200, 20), "Chunk Size: " + (maxX - minX).ToString() + " X " + (maxY - minY).ToString());