Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add cube dimension (instead of cube db)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cubedb"></param>
        /// <param name="cube"></param>
        /// <param name="dimID"></param>
        /// <param name="dimension_type"></param>
        /// <param name="cube_dimName"></param>
        /// <param name="visible"></param>
        internal static void ADD_CUBE_DIMENSION(
            DB_SQLHELPER_BASE sqlHelper,
            Database cubedb,
            Cube cube,
            String dimID,
            String dimension_type,
            String cube_dimName = "",
            bool visible        = true)
            Dimension dim = cubedb.Dimensions.Find(dimID);

            if (dim == null)

                    String.Format("Detected dimension name [{0}] is not existed in current cube db", cube_dimName),
            CubeDimension cube_dim = cube.Dimensions.Add(dim.ID);

            cube_dim.Visible = visible;
            cube_dim.Name    = dim.Name;
                String.Format("Added dimension [{0}] into cube (instead of cube db)", cube.Dimensions.FindByName(dim.Name).Name),
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add regular dim usage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cube"></param>
        /// <param name="measureGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="factDataItem"></param>
        /// <param name="dimID"></param>
        /// <param name="dimAttrId"></param>
        /// <returns>Regular dim usage</returns>
        internal static RegularMeasureGroupDimension ADD_DIM_USAGE_REGULAR_RELATIONSHIP(
            DB_SQLHELPER_BASE sqlHelper,
            Cube cube,
            MeasureGroup measureGroup,
            DataItem factDataItem,
            String dimID,
            String dimAttrId)
            RegularMeasureGroupDimension regMgDim = null;
            CubeDimension curDim = cube.Dimensions.Find(dimID);

            if (curDim == null)
                    String.Format("Cann't find dimension {0}", dimID),

            regMgDim = new RegularMeasureGroupDimension(curDim.Name);
            regMgDim.CubeDimensionID = dimID;
            MeasureGroupAttribute mgAttr = regMgDim.Attributes.Add(dimAttrId);

            mgAttr.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;
Example #3
        public void CreateMiningModel()
            //connecting the server and database
            Server myServer = new Server();

            Database      myDatabase  = myServer.Databases["FoodMart"];
            Cube          myCube      = myDatabase.Cubes["FoodMart 2000"];
            CubeDimension myDimension = myCube.Dimensions["Customer"];

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningStructure myMiningStructure =
                myDatabase.MiningStructures.Add("CustomerSegement", "CustomerSegement");

            //Bind the mining structure to a cube.
            myMiningStructure.Source = new CubeDimensionBinding(".",
                                                                myCube.ID, myDimension.ID);

            // Create the key column.
            CubeAttribute customerKey = myCube.Dimensions["Customer"].Attributes["Customer"];
            ScalarMiningStructureColumn keyStructureColumn =
                CreateMiningStructureColumn(customerKey, true);


            //Member Card attribute
            CubeAttribute memberCard =
                myCube.Dimensions["Customer"].Attributes["Member Card"];
            ScalarMiningStructureColumn memberCardStructureColumn = CreateMiningStructureColumn(memberCard, false);


            //Total Children attribute
            CubeAttribute totalChildren = myCube.Dimensions["Customer"].Attributes["Total Children"];
            ScalarMiningStructureColumn totalChildrenStructureColumn = CreateMiningStructureColumn(totalChildren, false);


            //Store Sales measure ToDo: fix this!
            //Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Measure storeSales = myCube.MeasureGroups[0].Measures["Store Sales"];
            //ScalarMiningStructureColumn storeSalesStructureColumn = CreateMiningStructureColumn(storeSales, false);

            //Create a mining model from the mining structure. By default, all the
            //structure columns are used. Nonkey columns are with usage input
            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningModel myMiningModel = myMiningStructure.CreateMiningModel(true, "CustomerSegment");

            //Set the algorithm to be clustering.
            myMiningModel.Algorithm = MiningModelAlgorithms.MicrosoftClustering;

            //Process structure and model
            catch (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException e)
                string err = e.Message;
        ///<param name="dataPoints"></param>
        ///<param name="dimension"></param>
        public static IEnumerable GetDimension1Vector(IEnumerable <PricingStructurePoint> dataPoints,
                                                      CubeDimension dimension)
            var result = GetDimensionValues(dataPoints, dimension);

 public DimensionUsage(string relationshipType, MeasureGroup mg, CubeDimension dimCube, Dimension dim) //, string factTableColumn, string attributeColumn)
     if (mg != null)
         mCubeName     = mg.Parent.Name;
         mDatabaseName = mg.Parent.Parent.Name;
         mMeasureGroup = mg.Name;
     else if (dimCube != null)
         mCubeName     = dimCube.Parent.Name;
         mDatabaseName = dimCube.Parent.Parent.Name;
     if (dimCube != null)
         mDimensionName = dimCube.Name;
         if (dimCube.Name != dim.Name)
             mDimensionName += " (" + dim.Name + ")";
     mRelationshipType = relationshipType;
     //mFactTableColumnName = factTableColumn;
     //mAttributeColumnName = attributeColumn;
Example #6
        private void Dimension_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ASDatabase.SelectedIndex > -1 && Cube.SelectedIndex > -1 && Dimension.SelectedIndex > -1)
                using (Server S = new Server())
                    if (rbDimension.Checked == true)
                        CubeDimension CD = S.Databases.GetByName(ASDatabase.SelectedItem.ToString()).Cubes.GetByName(Cube.SelectedItem.ToString()).Dimensions.GetByName(Dimension.SelectedItem.ToString());
                        Dimension     D  = CD.Dimension;

                        DataTable AT = GetAttributesByDimension(D);
                        //dataGridView1.Columns.Remove("Attributes List");
                        dataGridView1.DataSource = AT;

                    if (rbMeasureGroups.Checked == true)
                        MeasureGroup      MG = S.Databases.GetByName(ASDatabase.SelectedItem.ToString()).Cubes.GetByName(Cube.SelectedItem.ToString()).MeasureGroups.GetByName(Dimension.SelectedItem.ToString());
                        MeasureCollection MC = MG.Measures;

                        DataTable MA = getMeasureAttributes(MC);
                        dataGridView1.DataSource = MA;

                        DataTable PT = getMeasureGroupPartitions(MG);
                        PartitionsGrid.DataSource = PT;
 //, string factTableColumn, string attributeColumn)
 public DimensionUsage(string relationshipType, MeasureGroup mg, CubeDimension dimCube, Dimension dim)
     mCubeName = mg.Parent.Name;
     mDatabaseName = mg.Parent.Parent.Name;
     mDimensionName = dimCube.Name;
     if (dimCube.Name != dim.Name)  mDimensionName += " (" + dim.Name + ")";
     mMeasureGroup = mg.Name;
     mRelationshipType = relationshipType;
     //mFactTableColumnName = factTableColumn;
     //mAttributeColumnName = attributeColumn;
Example #8
        private void Dimension_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (Server S = new Server())
                string connectionString;
                connectionString = "DataSource=" + ServerName.Text;

                CubeDimension CD = S.Databases.GetByName(ASDatabase.SelectedItem.ToString()).Cubes.GetByName(Cube.SelectedItem.ToString()).Dimensions.GetByName(Dimension.SelectedItem.ToString());
                Dimension     D  = CD.Dimension;

                DataTable AT = GetAttributesByDimension(D);
                //dataGridView1.Columns.Remove("Attributes List");
                dataGridView1.DataSource = AT;
Example #9
        // Mining sample model
        private void CreateMarketBasketModel()
            CubeAttribute basketAttribute;
            CubeAttribute itemAttribute;
            Server        myServer = new Server();

            Database      myDatabase  = myServer.Databases["FoodMart"];
            Cube          myCube      = myDatabase.Cubes["FoodMart 2000"];
            CubeDimension myDimension = myCube.Dimensions["Customer"];

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningStructure myMiningStructure =
                myDatabase.MiningStructures.Add("MarketBasket", "MarketBasket");

            myMiningStructure.Source = new CubeDimensionBinding(".", myCube.ID, myDimension.ID);
            basketAttribute          = myCube.Dimensions["Customer"].Attributes["Customer"];
            itemAttribute            = myCube.Dimensions["Product"].Attributes["Product"];

            //basket structure column
            ScalarMiningStructureColumn basket = CreateMiningStructureColumn(basketAttribute, true);

            basket.Name = "Basket";

            //item structure column - nested table
            ScalarMiningStructureColumn item =
                CreateMiningStructureColumn(itemAttribute, true);

            item.Name = "Item";

            MeasureGroup measureGroup            = myCube.MeasureGroups[0];
            TableMiningStructureColumn purchases =

            purchases.Name = "Purchases";

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningModel myMiningModel = myMiningStructure.CreateMiningModel();
            myMiningModel.Name = "MarketBasket";
            myMiningModel.Columns["Purchases"].Usage = MiningModelColumnUsages.PredictOnly;
            myMiningModel.Algorithm = MiningModelAlgorithms.MicrosoftAssociationRules;

    #region Setters

    //Region in which new Data is set from UI

    public void ChangeGridCubeDimension(CubeDimension dimension, float newVal)
        if (gridCubeDimensions_u == Vector3.zero)
            gridCubeDimensions_u = Vector3.one;
        if (dimension == CubeDimension.X)
            gridCubeDimensions_u.x = newVal;
        else if (dimension == CubeDimension.Y)
            gridCubeDimensions_u.y = newVal;
        else if (dimension == CubeDimension.Z)
            gridCubeDimensions_u.z = newVal;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate cube.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objCube">Cube instance.</param>
        /// <param name="objDimension">Dimension instance.</param>
        /// <param name="objMeasureGroup">MeasureGroup instance.</param>
        /// <param name="strFactTableName">FactTable Name.</param>
        /// <param name="strTableKey">Table Key.</param>
        private static void GenerateCube(Cube objCube, Dimension objDimension, MeasureGroup objMeasureGroup, string strFactTableName, string strTableKey)
                CubeDimension objCubeDim = new CubeDimension();
                RegularMeasureGroupDimension objRegMGDim = new RegularMeasureGroupDimension();
                MeasureGroupAttribute        objMGA      = new MeasureGroupAttribute();
                //Add Dimension to the Cube
                objCubeDim = objCube.Dimensions.Add(objDimension.ID);
                //Use Regular Relationship Between Dimension and FactTable Measure Group
                objRegMGDim = objMeasureGroup.Dimensions.Add(objCubeDim.ID);
                //Link TableKey in DimensionTable with TableKey in FactTable Measure Group
                objMGA = objRegMGDim.Attributes.Add(objDimension.KeyAttribute.ID);

                objMGA.Type = MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity;
                objMGA.KeyColumns.Add(strFactTableName, strTableKey, OleDbType.Integer);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error in Creating the Cube, MeasureGroup, Measure, and Partition Objects - GenerateCube. Error Message -> " + ex.Message);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove dimension
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cubedb"></param>
        /// <param name="cube"></param>
        /// <param name="dimID"></param>
        internal static void REMOVE_DIMENSIONS(
            DB_SQLHELPER_BASE sqlHelper,
            Database cubedb,
            Cube cube,
            String dimID)
            CubeDimension cube_dim = cube.Dimensions.Find(dimID);

            if (cube_dim != null)

            Dimension dim = cubedb.Dimensions.Find(dimID);

            if (dim != null)
                    String.Format("Delete [{0}] dimension", dim.Name),
        public static List <CubeAttribute> GetCubeAttributesWithSlice(string sQuerySubcubeVerbose, Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MeasureGroup mg)
            List <CubeAttribute> list = new List <CubeAttribute>();
            int iDimensionIndex       = 0;

            foreach (string sLine in sQuerySubcubeVerbose.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\r", "\n").Split(new char[] { '\n' }))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLine.Trim()))
                    break; //stop when we get to a blank line
                System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = _regexVerboseCubeDimension.Match(sLine);
                string        sCubeDimensionName           = match.Groups["dimension"].Value;
                CubeDimension cd = mg.Parent.Dimensions.FindByName(sCubeDimensionName);
                if (cd == null)
                string sCubeDimensionID = cd.ID;

                string   sAttributes   = match.Groups["attributes"].Value;
                string[] arrAttributes = sAttributes.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                for (int iAttribute = 0; iAttribute < arrAttributes.Length && iAttribute < cd.Attributes.Count; iAttribute++)
                    string sAttributeSlice = arrAttributes[iAttribute];
                    if (sAttributeSlice == "0" || sAttributeSlice == "1" || sAttributeSlice == "*")
                    CubeAttribute ca = cd.Attributes[iAttribute];

Example #14
        public TabularItems.Table GetTable(string tableName)
            Database database = GetDatabase(this.databaseName);

            Cube cube = database.Cubes.FindByName(cubeName);

            if (cube == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                        "Cube  '{0}' does not exist in database '{1}'",
                                                        cubeName, database));

            CubeDimension table = cube.Dimensions.FindByName(tableName);

            if (table == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                        "Table '{0}' because it does not exist in cube '{1}'",
                                                        tableName, cubeName));

            return(new TabularItems.Table(table));
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats all the attributes in the dimension into a comment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimension">Dimension to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A comment specific string.</returns>
        private static string FormatAttributesComment(CubeDimension dimension)
            StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var attribute in dimension.FindAttributes()
                .OrderBy(x => x.AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder)
                .ThenBy(x => x.Name))
                var displayFolder = FormatDisplayFolder(attribute.AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder);


                Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t{0}{1}", displayFolder, attribute.Name);

            return comment.ToString();
Example #16
         * Create mining structures and models for olap
        public string CreateCubeMiningStructure(string sStructName, string sAlgorithm, int sCubeName, string sDimensionName, string sKeyColumn,
                                                List <string> lsInputColumns, List <string> lsPredictColumns, List <string> lsMeasureInput, List <string> lsMeasurePredict, List <bool> lbPredictItems,
                                                int parOne, int parTwo)
                // connect to cube
                Server objServer = new Server();
                objServer.Connect("DataSource=" + sServer + ";Initial Catalog=" + sCatalog);
                Database       objDb   = objServer.Databases[sCatalog];
                Cube           objCube = objDb.Cubes[sCubeName];
                DataSourceView myView  = objDb.DataSourceViews[0];

                // create mining structure
                CubeDimension objDimension = objCube.Dimensions.GetByName(sDimensionName);

                // drop the existing structures with the same name
                Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningStructure currentMiningStruct = objDb.MiningStructures.FindByName(sStructName);
                if (currentMiningStruct != null)

                Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningStructure myMiningStructure = objDb.MiningStructures.Add(sStructName, sStructName);
                myMiningStructure.Source = new CubeDimensionBinding(".", objCube.ID, objDimension.ID);

                /***************** Key column *****************/
                // key column
                CubeAttribute objKey = objCube.Dimensions.GetByName(sDimensionName).Attributes[0];
                ScalarMiningStructureColumn objKeyColumn = CreateMiningStructureColumn(objKey, true);
                objKeyColumn.Name = sKeyColumn;

                /***************** Other columns *****************/
                // create mining columns
                for (int i = 0; i < lsInputColumns.Count; i++)
                    // get attribute
                    CubeAttribute objAttribute = new CubeAttribute();
                    objAttribute = objCube.Dimensions.GetByName(sDimensionName).Attributes[0];

                    // create mining column
                    ScalarMiningStructureColumn objColumn = CreateMiningStructureColumn(objAttribute, false);
                    objColumn.Name = lsInputColumns[i];

                    /***************** Measure column *****************/
                    // create mining columns for measures
                    for (int j = 0; j < lsMeasureInput.Count; j++)
                        MeasureGroup objMeasureGroup          = objCube.MeasureGroups[lsMeasureInput[j]];
                        TableMiningStructureColumn objMeasure = CreateMiningStructureColumn(objMeasureGroup);

                        objMeasure.Name = lsMeasureInput[j];

                /***************** Columns for prediction - will be updated in model *****************/
                // create mining columns
                for (int i = 0; i < lsPredictColumns.Count; i++)
                    // get attribute
                    CubeAttribute objAttribute = new CubeAttribute();
                    objAttribute = objCube.Dimensions.GetByName(sDimensionName).Attributes[0];

                    // if value = false (input & predict) then skip
                    if (lbPredictItems[i] == false)
                        // create mining column
                        ScalarMiningStructureColumn objColumn = CreateMiningStructureColumn(objAttribute, false);
                        objColumn.Name = lsPredictColumns[i];

                // update

                /***************** Mining model *****************/
                // create mining models
                CreateMiningModel(myMiningStructure, sStructName, sAlgorithm, lsPredictColumns, lsMeasurePredict, lbPredictItems, parOne, parTwo);

                // process

            catch (Exception e)
        private static List <DimensionUsage> RecurseTabularRelationships(Dimension dMG, MeasureGroup mgOuter, bool bIsBusMatrix)
            List <DimensionUsage> list = new List <DimensionUsage>();

            foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Relationship relOuter in dMG.Relationships)
                bool               bFound  = false;
                MeasureGroup       mgFrom  = dMG.Parent.Cubes[0].MeasureGroups[relOuter.FromRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                DimensionAttribute daFrom  = dMG.Attributes[relOuter.FromRelationshipEnd.Attributes[0].AttributeID];
                Dimension          dTo     = dMG.Parent.Dimensions[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                DimensionAttribute daTo    = dTo.Attributes[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.Attributes[0].AttributeID];
                CubeDimension      dToCube = dMG.Parent.Cubes[0].Dimensions[relOuter.ToRelationshipEnd.DimensionID];
                foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgdOuter in mgFrom.Dimensions)
                    ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension rmgdOuter = mgdOuter as ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension;
                    if (rmgdOuter != null && rmgdOuter.Materialization == ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Regular && rmgdOuter.RelationshipID == relOuter.ID)
                        //active relationships have a materialized reference relationship
                        bFound = true;
                string sActiveFlag = "Active";
                if (!bFound)
                    sActiveFlag = "Inactive";
                    if (bIsBusMatrix)
                        continue;               //don't show inactive relationships in bus matrix view

                DimensionUsage usage = new DimensionUsage(sActiveFlag, mgOuter, dToCube, dTo);
                usage.Column1Name  = "Foreign Key Column";
                usage.Column1Value = daFrom.Name;
                usage.Column2Name  = "Primary Key Column";
                usage.Column2Value = daTo.Name;

                bool bFoundVisibleAttribute = false;
                foreach (DimensionAttribute da in dTo.Attributes)
                    if (da.AttributeHierarchyVisible)
                        bFoundVisibleAttribute = true;
                if (bFoundVisibleAttribute) //only if the To end has visible attributes should we show it as a dimension

                if (bIsBusMatrix)
                    //recurse if it's the bus matrix view
                    list.AddRange(RecurseTabularRelationships(dTo, mgOuter, bIsBusMatrix));

Example #18
 private void SetCubeDimensions()
     _XAxis = new CubeDimension(Center.X, Dimension);
     _YAxis = new CubeDimension(Center.Y, Dimension);
     _ZAxis = new CubeDimension(Center.Z, Dimension);
Example #19
        public void AddMiningStructure()
            Server srv = new Server();

            srv.Connect("DataSource=CLARITY-7HYGMQM\\ANA;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW 2008");
            Database db     = srv.Databases["Adventure Works DW 2008"];
            Cube     myCube = db.Cubes["Adventure Works"];

            CubeDimension myDimension = myCube.Dimensions.GetByName("Customer");

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningStructure myMiningStructure = db.MiningStructures.Add("TestMining", "TestMining");
            myMiningStructure.Source = new CubeDimensionBinding(".", myCube.ID, myDimension.ID);

            // get current mining models
            // Demo code
            foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningStructure ms in db.MiningStructures)

                foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningModel mm in ms.MiningModels)

            CubeAttribute basketAttribute;
            CubeAttribute itemAttribute;

            basketAttribute = myCube.Dimensions.GetByName("Customer").Attributes[0];
            itemAttribute   = myCube.Dimensions.GetByName("Product").Attributes[0];

            //basket structure column
            ScalarMiningStructureColumn basket = CreateMiningStructureColumn(basketAttribute, true);

            basket.Name = "Basket";

            //item structure column - nested table
            ScalarMiningStructureColumn item = CreateMiningStructureColumn(itemAttribute, true);

            item.Name = "Item";

            MeasureGroup measureGroup            = myCube.MeasureGroups[0];
            TableMiningStructureColumn purchases = CreateMiningStructureColumn(measureGroup);

            purchases.Name = "Purchases";

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MiningModel myMiningModel = myMiningStructure.CreateMiningModel();
            myMiningModel.Name = "MarketBasket";
            myMiningModel.Columns["Purchases"].Usage = MiningModelColumnUsages.PredictOnly;
            myMiningModel.Algorithm = MiningModelAlgorithms.MicrosoftAssociationRules;

            catch (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException e)
                this.sResult = e.StackTrace;
        public override void OnWindowActivated(Window GotFocus, Window LostFocus)
                package.Log.Debug("TriStatPerspectives OnWindowActivated fired");
                if (GotFocus == null)
                IDesignerHost designer = GotFocus.Object as IDesignerHost;
                if (designer == null)
                ProjectItem pi = GotFocus.ProjectItem;
                if ((pi == null) || (!(pi.Object is Cube)))
                EditorWindow   win     = (EditorWindow)designer.GetService(typeof(Microsoft.DataWarehouse.ComponentModel.IComponentNavigator));
                VsStyleToolBar toolbar = (VsStyleToolBar)win.SelectedView.GetType().InvokeMember("ToolBar", getflags, null, win.SelectedView, null);
                Cube           cube    = (Cube)pi.Object;

                IntPtr ptr     = win.Handle;
                string sHandle = ptr.ToInt64().ToString();

                if (!windowHandlesFixedForPerspectives.ContainsKey(sHandle))
                    windowHandlesFixedForPerspectives.Add(sHandle, win);
                    win.ActiveViewChanged += new EventHandler(win_ActiveViewChanged);

                //if (win.SelectedView.Caption == "Perspectives")
                if (win.SelectedView.MenuItemCommandID.ID == (int)BIDSViewMenuItemCommandID.Perspectives)
                    Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.Scripts mdxScriptCache = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.Scripts(cube);

                    Control perspectiveBuilder = (Control)win.SelectedView.GetType().InvokeMember("ViewControl", getflags, null, win.SelectedView, null); //Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.PerspectivesBuilder
                    Control grid = perspectiveBuilder.Controls[0];                                                                                        //Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.Grid.DlgGridControl

                    if (!windowHandlesFixedForGridEvents.ContainsKey(sHandle))
                        grid.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(grid_MouseClick);
                        grid.KeyPress   += new KeyPressEventHandler(grid_KeyPress);
#if !(YUKON || KATMAI)
                        _IsMetroOrGreater = VisualStudioHelpers.IsMetroOrGreater(win);
                        HookCellPaintEvent(grid, true);
                        windowHandlesFixedForGridEvents.Add(sHandle, win);

                    System.Reflection.BindingFlags getpropertyflags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;

                    object dlgStorage = null;
#if !(YUKON)
                    dlgStorage = grid.GetType().BaseType.BaseType.InvokeMember("DlgStorage", getpropertyflags, null, grid, null);
                    dlgStorage = grid.GetType().BaseType.InvokeMember("DlgStorage", getpropertyflags, null, grid, null); //Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.Grid.IDlgStorage

                    object storage = dlgStorage.GetType().InvokeMember("Storage", getpropertyflags, null, dlgStorage, null); //Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.Grid.MemDataStorage

                    System.Reflection.BindingFlags getfieldflags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetField | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;
                    ArrayList rows = (ArrayList)storage.GetType().BaseType.InvokeMember("m_arrRows", getfieldflags, null, storage, new object[] { });
                    //ArrayList columns = (ArrayList)storage.GetType().BaseType.InvokeMember("m_arrColumns", getfieldflags, null, storage, new object[] { });
                    object[] perspectivesColumns = (object[])rows[0];

                    ArrayList allGridCubeObjects = (ArrayList)perspectiveBuilder.GetType().InvokeMember("allGridCubeObjects", getfieldflags, null, perspectiveBuilder, null);

                    for (int i = 3; i < rows.Count; i++)
                        object[] columns       = (object[])rows[i];
                        object   cell          = columns[2]; //Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.Grid.GridCell
                        string   rowObjectType = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                        if (rowObjectType == "MeasureGroup")
                            cell = columns[1];
                            string       rowObjectName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                            MeasureGroup mg            = cube.MeasureGroups.GetByName(rowObjectName);
                            for (int j = 3; j < columns.Length; j += 2)
                                cell = perspectivesColumns[j + 1];
                                string      perspectiveName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                                Perspective perspective     = cube.Perspectives.GetByName(perspectiveName);
                                cell = columns[j];
                                bool bHighlight = false;
                                if (perspective.MeasureGroups.Contains(mg.ID))
                                    PerspectiveMeasureGroup pmg = perspective.MeasureGroups[mg.ID];
                                    foreach (Measure m in mg.Measures)
                                        if (m.Visible && !pmg.Measures.Contains(m.ID))
                                            bHighlight = true;

                                HighlightCell(bHighlight, columns, cell, j);
                        else if (rowObjectType == "CubeDimension")
                            cell = columns[1];
                            string        rowObjectName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                            CubeDimension cd            = cube.Dimensions.GetByName(rowObjectName);
                            for (int j = 3; j < columns.Length; j += 2)
                                cell = perspectivesColumns[j + 1];
                                string      perspectiveName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                                Perspective perspective     = cube.Perspectives.GetByName(perspectiveName);
                                cell = columns[j];
                                bool bHighlight = false;
                                if (perspective.Dimensions.Contains(cd.ID))
                                    PerspectiveDimension pcd = perspective.Dimensions[cd.ID];
                                    foreach (CubeHierarchy h in cd.Hierarchies)
                                        if (h.Visible && h.Enabled && !pcd.Hierarchies.Contains(h.HierarchyID))
                                            bHighlight = true;
                                    if (!bHighlight)
                                        foreach (CubeAttribute a in cd.Attributes)
                                            if (a.AttributeHierarchyVisible && a.AttributeHierarchyEnabled && a.Attribute.AttributeHierarchyVisible && a.Attribute.AttributeHierarchyEnabled && !pcd.Attributes.Contains(a.AttributeID))
                                                bHighlight = true;

                                HighlightCell(bHighlight, columns, cell, j);
                        else if (rowObjectType == "Kpi")
                            cell = columns[1];
                            string rowObjectName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                            rowObjectName = rowObjectName.Trim();
                            Kpi kpi = cube.Kpis.GetByName(rowObjectName);
                            for (int j = 3; j < columns.Length; j += 2)
                                cell = perspectivesColumns[j + 1];
                                string      perspectiveName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                                Perspective perspective     = cube.Perspectives.GetByName(perspectiveName);
                                cell = columns[j];
                                bool bHighlight = false;
                                if (perspective.Kpis.Contains(kpi.ID))
                                    PerspectiveKpi pkpi = perspective.Kpis[kpi.ID];
                                    bHighlight = ShouldPerspectiveKpiBeHighlighted(pkpi, mdxScriptCache);

                                HighlightCell(bHighlight, columns, cell, j);
                        else if (rowObjectType.EndsWith("Action"))
                            cell = columns[1];
                            string rowObjectName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                            rowObjectName = rowObjectName.Trim();
                            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Action action = cube.Actions.GetByName(rowObjectName);
                            for (int j = 3; j < columns.Length; j += 2)
                                cell = perspectivesColumns[j + 1];
                                string      perspectiveName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                                Perspective perspective     = cube.Perspectives.GetByName(perspectiveName);
                                cell = columns[j];
                                bool bHighlight = false;
                                if (perspective.Actions.Contains(action.ID))
                                    bHighlight = true;
                                    if (action.TargetType == ActionTargetType.DimensionMembers)
                                        foreach (PerspectiveDimension dim in perspective.Dimensions)
                                            if (string.Compare(action.Target, "[" + dim.CubeDimension.Name + "]", true) == 0)
                                                bHighlight = false;
                                    else if (action.TargetType == ActionTargetType.AttributeMembers || action.TargetType == ActionTargetType.HierarchyMembers)
                                        foreach (PerspectiveDimension dim in perspective.Dimensions)
                                            foreach (PerspectiveAttribute attr in dim.Attributes)
                                                if (string.Compare(action.Target, "[" + attr.Parent.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + attr.Attribute.Name + "]", true) == 0)
                                                    bHighlight = false;
                                    else if (action.TargetType == ActionTargetType.Level || action.TargetType == ActionTargetType.LevelMembers)
                                        foreach (PerspectiveDimension dim in perspective.Dimensions)
                                            foreach (PerspectiveHierarchy hier in dim.Hierarchies)
                                                foreach (Level level in hier.Hierarchy.Levels)
                                                    if (string.Compare(action.Target, "[" + hier.Parent.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + hier.Hierarchy.Name + "].[" + level.Name + "]", true) == 0)
                                                        bHighlight = false;
                                    else if (action.TargetType == ActionTargetType.HierarchyMembers)
                                        foreach (PerspectiveDimension dim in perspective.Dimensions)
                                            foreach (PerspectiveHierarchy hier in dim.Hierarchies)
                                                if (string.Compare(action.Target, "[" + hier.Parent.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + hier.Hierarchy.Name + "]", true) == 0)
                                                    bHighlight = false;
                                        bHighlight = false;

                                HighlightCell(bHighlight, columns, cell, j);
                        else if (rowObjectType == "CalculatedMember")
                            cell = columns[1];
                            string rowObjectName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                            rowObjectName = rowObjectName.Trim();

                            for (int j = 3; j < columns.Length; j += 2)
                                cell = perspectivesColumns[j + 1];
                                string      perspectiveName = (string)cell.GetType().InvokeMember("CellData", getpropertyflags, null, cell, null);
                                Perspective perspective     = cube.Perspectives.GetByName(perspectiveName);
                                cell = columns[j];

                                Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.Script calc = (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Design.Script)allGridCubeObjects[i].GetType().InvokeMember("Object", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetField, null, allGridCubeObjects[i], null);
                                if (CalcIsHidden(calc))

                                bool bHighlight = false;
                                if (calc != null && calc.CalculationProperty != null && perspective.Calculations.Contains(calc.CalculationProperty.CalculationReference) && !CalcIsHidden(calc))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(calc.CalculationProperty.AssociatedMeasureGroupID))
                                        if (!perspective.MeasureGroups.Contains(calc.CalculationProperty.AssociatedMeasureGroupID))
                                            bHighlight = true;

                                HighlightCell(bHighlight, columns, cell, j);
            catch { }
Example #21
        static void PartitionInfo()
            string srv_name  = @"SCRBMSBDK000660";
            string db_name   = "FBR_FYPnL_DPRD";
            string cube_name = "FYPnL Cube";
            string mg_name   = "USD";

            //TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("date.txt", true);

            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server   srv;
            Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Database db;

            srv = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server();
                logMessageFmt("Databases on [{0}]: {1}", srv_name, srv.Databases.Count);

                db = srv.Databases.FindByName(db_name);

                Cube cube = db.Cubes.FindByName(cube_name);

                CubeDimension      cubedim = cube.Dimensions[0];
                Dimension          dbdim   = cubedim.Dimension;
                DimensionAttribute dbattr  = dbdim.Attributes[0];

                //var Source = dbattr.Source;
                System.Data.DataSet ds = dbdim.DataSourceView.Schema;
                string    dsid         = db.DataSourceViews[0].DataSourceID;
                DataTable dt           = db.DataSourceViews[0].Schema.Tables[0];
                //DataTable dt = ds.Tables["SHARED_DimBrand"];
                //ep = dt.ExtendedProperties.

                MeasureGroup                 mg    = cube.MeasureGroups.FindByName(mg_name);
                MeasureGroupDimension        mgd   = mg.Dimensions[0];
                List <MeasureGroupAttribute> alist = new List <MeasureGroupAttribute>();

                if (mgd is RegularMeasureGroupDimension)
                    RegularMeasureGroupDimension rmgd = (RegularMeasureGroupDimension)mgd;
                    foreach (MeasureGroupAttribute mgattr in rmgd.Attributes)
                        if (mgattr.Type == MeasureGroupAttributeType.Granularity)
                    //MeasureGroupAttribute mgattr = rmgd.Attributes.f["Key"];
                Type t = alist[0].KeyColumns[0].Source.GetType();

                Measure msr = mg.Measures[0];

                foreach (Partition part in mg.Partitions)
                    string         src;
                    TabularBinding tb = part.Source;
                    if (tb is QueryBinding)
                        src = String.Format("QUERY: {0}", ((QueryBinding)tb).QueryDefinition);
                    else if (tb is TableBinding)
                        src = String.Format("TABLE: {0}.{1}", ((TableBinding)tb).DbSchemaName, ((TableBinding)tb).DbTableName);
                    else if (tb is DsvTableBinding)
                        src = String.Format("DSV: {0}.{1}", ((DsvTableBinding)tb).DataSourceViewID, ((DsvTableBinding)tb).TableID);
                        src = String.Empty;

                    logMessageFmt("Partition [{0}]: {1}", part.Name, src /*part.EstimatedRows*/);
                //Partition part = mg.Partitions[0]; //.FindByName(part_name);

                if (srv.Connected == true)
        ///<param name="dataPoints"></param>
        ///<param name="dimension"></param>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        public static IList GetDimensionValues(IEnumerable <PricingStructurePoint> dataPoints, CubeDimension dimension)
            var strikeList     = new List <Decimal>();
            var expirationList = new List <TimeDimension>();
            var termList       = new List <TimeDimension>();
            var volatilityList = new List <Decimal>();

            foreach (var pricingStructurePoint in dataPoints)
                var pricingDataPointCoordinate = pricingStructurePoint.coordinate[0];
                if (null != pricingDataPointCoordinate.strike && pricingDataPointCoordinate.strike.Length > 0)
                    var strike = pricingDataPointCoordinate.strike[0];
                if (null != pricingDataPointCoordinate.expiration && pricingDataPointCoordinate.expiration.Length > 0)
                    var expiration = pricingDataPointCoordinate.expiration[0];
                if (null != pricingDataPointCoordinate.term && pricingDataPointCoordinate.term.Length > 0)
                    var term = pricingDataPointCoordinate.term[0];
            switch (dimension)
            case CubeDimension.Term:
                return(termList.Distinct(new TimeDimensionEqualityComparer()).ToArray());

            case CubeDimension.Expiration:
                return(expirationList.Distinct(new TimeDimensionEqualityComparer()).ToArray());

            case CubeDimension.Strike:

            case CubeDimension.Volatility:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(dimension));
        ///<param name="dataPoints"></param>
        ///<param name="dimension"></param>
        ///<exception cref="NotSupportedException"></exception>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        public static int GetSizeOfDimension(IEnumerable <PricingStructurePoint> dataPoints, CubeDimension dimension)
            var strikeList     = new List <Decimal>();
            var expirationList = new List <TimeDimension>();
            var termList       = new List <TimeDimension>();

            foreach (var pricingStructurePoint in dataPoints)
                var pricingDataPointCoordinate = pricingStructurePoint.coordinate[0];
                if (null != pricingDataPointCoordinate.strike && pricingDataPointCoordinate.strike.Length > 0)
                    var strike = pricingDataPointCoordinate.strike[0];
                if (null != pricingDataPointCoordinate.expiration && pricingDataPointCoordinate.expiration.Length > 0)
                    var expiration = pricingDataPointCoordinate.expiration[0];
                if (null != pricingDataPointCoordinate.term && pricingDataPointCoordinate.term.Length > 0)
                    var term = pricingDataPointCoordinate.term[0];
            var numberOfMissingDimensions = 0;
            var numberOfUniqueStrikes     = strikeList.Distinct().Count();

            if (numberOfUniqueStrikes <= 1)
            var numberOfUniqueExpirations = expirationList.Distinct(new TimeDimensionEqualityComparer()).Count();

            if (numberOfUniqueExpirations <= 1)
            var numberOfUniqueTerms = termList.Distinct(new TimeDimensionEqualityComparer()).Count();

            if (numberOfUniqueTerms <= 1)
            if (1 != numberOfMissingDimensions)
                var message =
                    $"Number of missing dimensions is not 1 (actual value : '{numberOfMissingDimensions}'). Only 1 dimension out of 3 (strike, tenor, expiration) could be missing in a surface.";
                throw new NotSupportedException(message);
            switch (dimension)
            case CubeDimension.Term:

            case CubeDimension.Expiration:

            case CubeDimension.Strike:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(dimension));
        private static List <AggValidationWarning> CheckAggDesign(AggregationDesign aggDesign, string sCorrectAggregationDesignName, string sReportTitle)
            List <AggValidationWarning> masterWarnings = new List <AggValidationWarning>();

            //check for m2m agg problems
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    if (aggDim.Attributes.Count > 0 && aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                        ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension m2mDim = (ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension;
                        MeasureGroup intermediateMG            = m2mDim.MeasureGroup;
                        List <MeasureGroupAttribute> missing   = new List <MeasureGroupAttribute>();
                        foreach (MeasureGroupDimension commonDim in intermediateMG.Dimensions)
                            RegularMeasureGroupDimension regCommonDim = commonDim as RegularMeasureGroupDimension;
                            if (commonDim.CubeDimensionID != aggDim.CubeDimensionID || regCommonDim == null)
                                if (!aggDim.ParentMeasureGroup.Dimensions.Contains(commonDim.CubeDimensionID))
                                    continue;                                                                            //this isn't a shared dimension
                                MeasureGroupDimension dataMeasureGroupDim = aggDim.ParentMeasureGroup.Dimensions[commonDim.CubeDimensionID];
                                if (dataMeasureGroupDim is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                                    continue;                                                         //this shared dimension is m2m on the data measure group so don't include it
                                //this is a common dimension and the granularity attribute on the intermediate measure group needs to be in the agg
                                bool bFoundGranularityAgg          = false;
                                MeasureGroupAttribute mga          = GetGranularityAttribute(regCommonDim);
                                AggregationDimension  aggCommonDim = agg.Dimensions.Find(commonDim.CubeDimensionID);
                                if (aggCommonDim != null)
                                    if (aggCommonDim.Attributes.Find(mga.AttributeID) != null)
                                        bFoundGranularityAgg = true;
                                if (!bFoundGranularityAgg && mga != null)
                        string sWarning = "This aggregation contains many-to-many dimension [" + m2mDim.CubeDimension.Name + "]. It will not be used unless it also contains ";
                        for (int i = 0; i < missing.Count; i++)
                            MeasureGroupAttribute mga = missing[i];
                            if (i > 0)
                                sWarning += " and ";
                            sWarning += "[" + mga.Parent.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + mga.Attribute.Name + "]";

                        if (missing.Count == 0)
                            sWarning = "";
                            sWarning += ". ";
                        sWarning += "The many-to-many dimension [" + m2mDim.CubeDimension.Name + "] itself should not be included in the aggregation to workaround a bug.";

                        masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for non-materialized reference dimensions
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    if (aggDim.Attributes.Count > 0 && aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension is ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)
                        ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension refDim = (ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension)aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension;
                        if (refDim.Materialization == ReferenceDimensionMaterialization.Indirect)
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains a non-materialized reference dimension [" + refDim.CubeDimension.Name + "] which is not supported.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check whether all measures are semi-additive
            bool bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive = true;

            foreach (Measure m in aggDesign.Parent.Measures)
                if (m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Count || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.DistinctCount || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Sum || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Min || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.Max || m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.None)
                    bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive = false;
                else if (m.AggregateFunction == AggregationFunction.ByAccount)
                    //if it's a ByAccount measure, we need to check the list of AggregationFunctions on each account
                    foreach (Account acct in aggDesign.ParentDatabase.Accounts)
                        if (acct.AggregationFunction == AggregationFunction.Sum) //Sum is the only additive AggregationFunction allowed in account intelligence
                            bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive = false;

            //if all measures are semi-additive, find the Time dimension the semi-additive behavior operates on (which we think is the first Time dimension)
            if (bAllMeasuresAreSemiAdditive)
                CubeDimension         semiAdditiveDim   = null;
                MeasureGroupDimension semiAdditiveMgDim = null;
                foreach (CubeDimension cd in aggDesign.ParentCube.Dimensions)
                    MeasureGroupDimension mgd = aggDesign.Parent.Dimensions.Find(cd.ID);
                    if (mgd != null && mgd.Dimension.Type == DimensionType.Time)
                        semiAdditiveDim   = mgd.CubeDimension;
                        semiAdditiveMgDim = mgd;

                if (semiAdditiveDim == null || semiAdditiveMgDim == null || !(semiAdditiveMgDim is RegularMeasureGroupDimension))
                    //TODO: should we warn about this?
                    foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                        AggregationDimension  semiAdditiveAggDim = agg.Dimensions.Find(semiAdditiveDim.ID);
                        MeasureGroupAttribute granularity        = GetGranularityAttribute((RegularMeasureGroupDimension)semiAdditiveMgDim);
                        if (semiAdditiveAggDim == null || semiAdditiveAggDim.Attributes.Find(granularity.AttributeID) == null)
                            string sWarning = "This measure group contains only semi-additive measures. This aggregation will not be used when semi-additive measure values are retrieved because it does not include the granularity attribute of the semi-additive dimension ([" + semiAdditiveDim.Name + "].[" + granularity.Attribute.Name + "]). (The Exists-with-a-measure-group function can still run off this aggregation, though.)";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for aggs on parent-child attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (attr.Attribute.Usage == AttributeUsage.Parent)
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + attr.Attribute.Name + "] which is a parent-child attribute. This is not allowed. The aggregation should include [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + aggDim.Dimension.KeyAttribute.Name + "] instead.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for aggs on AttributeHierarchyEnabled=false attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (!attr.CubeAttribute.AttributeHierarchyEnabled)
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + attr.Attribute.Name + "] which is not enabled as an attribute hierarchy. This is not allowed.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //find a list of ALTER statements that alter the DEFAULT_MEMBER property in the calc script
            List <string> attributesWithDefaultMemberAlteredInCalcScript = new List <string>();

            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regEx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"ALTER\s+CUBE\s+(CURRENTCUBE|\[?" + aggDesign.ParentCube.Name + @"\]?)\s+UPDATE\s+DIMENSION\s+(.+?)\s*\,\s*DEFAULT_MEMBER\s+", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Multiline);
            foreach (MdxScript script in aggDesign.ParentCube.MdxScripts)
                if (script.DefaultScript)
                    StringBuilder sCommands = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (Command cmd in script.Commands)
                    foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match in regEx.Matches(sCommands.ToString()))
                        catch { }

            //build list of cube dimension attributes that have default members, are not aggregatable, or are marked as AggregationUsage=Full
            foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgDim in aggDesign.Parent.Dimensions)
                if (mgDim is ManyToManyMeasureGroupDimension)
                    continue;                                           //don't suggest adding any m2m dimensions
                CubeDimension cd = mgDim.CubeDimension;
                foreach (CubeAttribute ca in cd.Attributes)
                    if (!ca.AttributeHierarchyEnabled)
                    if (!IsAtOrAboveGranularity(ca.Attribute, mgDim))

                    foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                        AggregationDimension aggDim = agg.Dimensions.Find(cd.ID);
                        if (ca.Attribute.Usage == AttributeUsage.Parent)
                            if (!(mgDim is RegularMeasureGroupDimension))
                            if (!IsAtOrAboveGranularity(cd.Dimension.KeyAttribute, mgDim))

                            //if this is a parent-child attribute and the key isn't in the agg, then check whether the parent-child attribute has a DefaultMember or is aggregatable
                            if (aggDim == null || aggDim.Attributes.Find(cd.Dimension.KeyAttribute.ID) == null)
                                string sWarning = "";
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ca.Attribute.DefaultMember) || attributesWithDefaultMemberAlteredInCalcScript.Contains(((string)("[" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "]")).ToLower()))
                                    sWarning += "has a DefaultMember";

                                if (!ca.Attribute.IsAggregatable)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                        sWarning += " and ";
                                    sWarning += "is not aggregatable";

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                    sWarning = "This aggregation should probably contain [" + cd.Name + "].[" + cd.Dimension.KeyAttribute.Name + "] because [" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "] is a parent-child attribute which " + sWarning + ".";
                                    masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));
                        //for non-parent-child attributes...
                        else if (aggDim == null || aggDim.Attributes.Find(ca.AttributeID) == null)
                            string sWarning = "";
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ca.Attribute.DefaultMember) || attributesWithDefaultMemberAlteredInCalcScript.Contains(((string)("[" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "]")).ToLower()))
                                sWarning += "has a DefaultMember";

                            if (!ca.Attribute.IsAggregatable)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                    sWarning += " and ";
                                sWarning += "is not aggregatable";

                            if (ca.AggregationUsage == AggregationUsage.Full)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                    sWarning += " and ";
                                sWarning += "is marked as AggregationUsage=Full";

                            if (aggDim != null && AggContainsChild(aggDim, ca.Attribute))
                                continue;                                                           //if this attribute is redundant, then no need to warn about it
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWarning))
                                sWarning = "This aggregation should probably contain [" + cd.Name + "].[" + ca.Attribute.Name + "] which " + sWarning + ".";
                                masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //look for aggs with redundant attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                bool bHasRedundancy = false;
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (AggContainsParent(aggDim, attr.Attribute))
                            bHasRedundancy = true;
                    if (bHasRedundancy)
                if (bHasRedundancy)
                    string sWarning = "This aggregation contains redundant attributes which unnecessarily bloat the size of the aggregation.";
                    masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

            //check for aggs on below granularity attributes
            foreach (Aggregation agg in aggDesign.Aggregations)
                foreach (AggregationDimension aggDim in agg.Dimensions)
                    foreach (AggregationAttribute attr in aggDim.Attributes)
                        if (!IsAtOrAboveGranularity(attr.Attribute, aggDim.MeasureGroupDimension))
                            string sWarning = "This aggregation contains [" + aggDim.CubeDimension.Name + "].[" + attr.Attribute.Name + "] which is below granularity. This is not allowed.";
                            masterWarnings.Add(new AggValidationWarning(agg, sCorrectAggregationDesignName, sWarning, sReportTitle));

Example #25
File: Table.cs Project: sk1020/tfs
        private void PopulateProperties()
            // find the datasourceid for the Table - and also the datasourceid
            foreach (DataSourceView dsv in _parentTabularModel.AmoDatabase.DataSourceViews)
                _datasourceId = dsv.DataSourceID;
                foreach (DataTable tbl in dsv.Schema.Tables)
                    if ((tbl.TableName == _amoDimension.ID) ||
                        (_amoDimension.Source is DsvTableBinding && tbl.TableName == ((DsvTableBinding)_amoDimension.Source).TableID)
                        _amoTable = tbl;

                        //_tableInDsv = tbl;
                        if (tbl.ExtendedProperties["DataSourceID"] != null)
                            _datasourceId = tbl.ExtendedProperties["DataSourceID"].ToString();

            foreach (CubeDimension cd in _parentTabularModel.AmoDatabase.Cubes[0].Dimensions)
                if (cd.ID == _amoDimension.ID)
                    _amoCubeDimension = cd;

            foreach (MeasureGroup mg in _parentTabularModel.AmoDatabase.Cubes[0].MeasureGroups)
                if (mg.ID == _amoDimension.ID)
                    _amoMeasureGroup = mg;

            string baseColumns       = "";
            string calculatedColumns = "";

            foreach (DimensionAttribute attribute in _amoDimension.Attributes)
                // ignore key attribute - which is internal built in "RowNumber"
                //if (attribute.ID != _amoDimension.KeyAttribute.ID)
                if (attribute.ID != "__XL_RowNumber")  //if (attribute.ID != "RowNumber") //Before SQL 2016, was just "RowNumber"
                    // if calculated column, show expression
                    if (attribute.NameColumn.Source is ExpressionBinding)
                        string expression = ((ExpressionBinding)attribute.NameColumn.Source).Expression;
                        calculatedColumns += "[" + attribute.Name + "]:=" + expression + "; " + SetColumnFormatAndVisibility(attribute) + "\n";
                        string baseColumn = "[" + attribute.Name + "]";

                        /*  DATA TYPE MAPPING
                         *  Text: WChar
                         *  Whole Number: BigInt
                         *  Decimal Number: Double
                         *  True/False: Boolean
                         *  Currency: Currency
                         *  Date: Date
                         *  Binary: Binary
                        // insert spaces to line up data types nicely
                        if (baseColumn.Length < _spacing)
                            baseColumn += new String(' ', _spacing - baseColumn.Length);

                        switch (attribute.KeyColumns[0].DataType)
                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.WChar:
                            baseColumn += " Data Type: Text, ";

                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.BigInt:
                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Integer:
                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.SmallInt:
                            baseColumn += " Data Type: Whole Number, ";

                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Double:
                            baseColumn += " Data Type: Decimal Number, ";

                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Boolean:
                            baseColumn += " Data Type: True/False, ";

                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Currency:
                            baseColumn += " Data Type: Currency, ";

                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Date:
                            baseColumn += " Data Type: Date, ";

                        case System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Binary:
                            baseColumn += " Data Type: Binary, ";


                        // Format & visibility
                        baseColumn += SetColumnFormatAndVisibility(attribute);

                        baseColumns += baseColumn + "\n";

            _objectDefinition += "Base Columns:\n" + baseColumns + "\n";
            _objectDefinition += "Calculated Columns:\n" + calculatedColumns + "\n";

            _objectDefinition += "Hierarchies:\n";
            if (_amoDimension.Hierarchies.Count == 0)
                _objectDefinition += "\n";
                foreach (Hierarchy hierarchy in _amoDimension.Hierarchies)
                    _objectDefinition += "[" + hierarchy.Name + "] ";
                    //if ((_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionDisplayFolders || _parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionTranslations) && hierarchy.Name.Length + 2 < _spacing)
                    //    _objectDefinition += new String(' ', _spacing - hierarchy.Name.Length - 2);

                    //if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionDisplayFolders)
                    //    _objectDefinition += "Display Folder: ";
                    //    if (hierarchy.DisplayFolder != null)
                    //    {
                    //        _objectDefinition += hierarchy.DisplayFolder;
                    //    }
                    //    if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionTranslations) _objectDefinition += ", ";
                    //if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionTranslations)
                    //    _objectDefinition += "Hierarchy Translations: ";
                    //    if (hierarchy.Translations.Count > 0)
                    //    {
                    //        _objectDefinition += "[";
                    //        foreach (Translation hierarchyTranslation in hierarchy.Translations)
                    //        {
                    //            _objectDefinition += CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(hierarchyTranslation.Language).DisplayName + ": " + hierarchyTranslation.Caption + ", ";
                    //        }
                    //        _objectDefinition = _objectDefinition.Substring(0, _objectDefinition.Length - 2) + "]";
                    //    }

                    //    if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionDisplayFolders)
                    //    {
                    //        _objectDefinition += ", Display Folder Translations: ";
                    //        if (hierarchy.Translations.Count > 0)
                    //        {
                    //            _objectDefinition += "[";
                    //            foreach (Translation hierarchyTranslation in hierarchy.Translations)
                    //            {
                    //                _objectDefinition += CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(hierarchyTranslation.Language).DisplayName + ": " + hierarchyTranslation.DisplayFolder + ", ";
                    //            }
                    //            _objectDefinition = _objectDefinition.Substring(0, _objectDefinition.Length - 2) + "]";
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    _objectDefinition += "\nLevels:\n";
                    foreach (Level level in hierarchy.Levels)
                        _objectDefinition += "   [" + level.Name + "]";
                        //if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionTranslations && level.Name.Length + 4 < _spacing)
                        //    _objectDefinition += new String(' ', _spacing - level.Name.Length - 4);

                        //if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionTranslations)
                        //    _objectDefinition += "Level Translations: ";
                        //    if (level.Translations.Count > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        _objectDefinition += "[";
                        //        foreach (Translation levelTranslation in level.Translations)
                        //        {
                        //            _objectDefinition += CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(levelTranslation.Language).DisplayName + ": " + levelTranslation.Caption + ", ";
                        //        }
                        //        _objectDefinition = _objectDefinition.Substring(0, _objectDefinition.Length - 2) + "]";
                        //    }

                        //    if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionDisplayFolders)
                        //    {
                        //        _objectDefinition += ", Display Folder Translations: ";
                        //        if (level.Translations.Count > 0)
                        //        {
                        //            _objectDefinition += "[";
                        //            foreach (Translation levelTranslation in level.Translations)
                        //            {
                        //                _objectDefinition += CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(levelTranslation.Language).DisplayName + ": " + levelTranslation.DisplayFolder + ", ";
                        //            }
                        //            _objectDefinition = _objectDefinition.Substring(0, _objectDefinition.Length - 2) + "]";
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        _objectDefinition += "\n";
                    _objectDefinition += "\n";

            if (_amoCubeDimension != null)
                _objectDefinition += "Format & Visibility:\nHidden:" + (!_amoCubeDimension.Visible).ToString();

                //if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionTranslations)
                //    _objectDefinition += ", Table Translations: ";
                //    if (_amoCubeDimension.Translations.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        _objectDefinition += "[";
                //        foreach (Translation tableTranslation in _amoCubeDimension.Translations)
                //        {
                //            _objectDefinition += CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(tableTranslation.Language).DisplayName + ": " + tableTranslation.Caption + ", ";
                //        }
                //        _objectDefinition = _objectDefinition.Substring(0, _objectDefinition.Length - 2) + "]";
                //    }

                //    if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionDisplayFolders)
                //    {
                //        _objectDefinition += ", Display Folder Translations: ";
                //        if (_amoCubeDimension.Translations.Count > 0)
                //        {
                //            _objectDefinition += "[";
                //            foreach (Translation tableDisplayFolderTranslation in _amoCubeDimension.Translations)
                //            {
                //                _objectDefinition += CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(tableDisplayFolderTranslation.Language).DisplayName + ": " + tableDisplayFolderTranslation.DisplayFolder + ", ";
                //            }
                //            _objectDefinition = _objectDefinition.Substring(0, _objectDefinition.Length - 2) + "]";
                //        }
                //    }

                _objectDefinition += "\n";

            if (_parentTabularModel.ComparisonInfo.OptionsInfo.OptionPartitions && _amoMeasureGroup != null)
                _objectDefinition += "\nPartitions:\n";

                List <string> partitionNames = new List <string>();  // put in here to sort
                foreach (Partition partition in _amoMeasureGroup.Partitions)

                foreach (string partitionName in partitionNames)
                    foreach (Partition partition in _amoMeasureGroup.Partitions)
                        if (partition.Name == partitionName)
                            _objectDefinition += "Name: [" + partition.Name + "]\nSQL:\n" + ((QueryBinding)partition.Source).QueryDefinition + "\n";

            foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Relationship relationship in _amoDimension.Relationships)
                _relationships.Add(new Relationship(this, relationship));
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a sample MDX query for the supplied parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measure">Measure to query.</param>
        /// <param name="dimension">Dimension to slice by.</param>
        /// <param name="cube">Cube to query.</param>
        /// <returns>An MDX query</returns>
        private string GenerateMdxQueryFor(Measure measure, CubeDimension dimension, Cube cube)
            const string MdxTemplate = @"
            select {
            } on 0
            from [$(CubeName)]";

            const string SlicerTemplate = @"
            where (

            StringBuilder mdxBuilder = new StringBuilder(MdxTemplate);

            mdxBuilder.Replace("$(MeasureName)", measure.Name);
            mdxBuilder.Replace("$(CubeName)", cube.Name);

            if (dimension != null)

                mdxBuilder.Replace("$(DimensionName)", dimension.Name);
                mdxBuilder.Replace("$(AllMemberName)", dimension.Dimension.AttributeAllMemberName);

            return mdxBuilder.ToString();
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if this is a match to the cube metadata.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dimension">Dimension to match.</param>
        /// <param name="measureGroup">Measure group to match.</param>
        /// <returns>True if its a match.</returns>
        public bool IsMetadataMatch(CubeDimension dimension, MeasureGroup measureGroup)
            string cubeName = measureGroup.Parent.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

            if (cubeName != this.CubeName)
                return false;

            string measureGroupName = measureGroup.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

            if (measureGroupName != this.MeasureGroupName)
                return false;

            string dimensionName = dimension.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

            if (dimensionName != this.DimensionName)
                return false;

            return true;