public DemoData() { Grid = new CswExtJsGrid(GridPrefix); }
public Ret() { Grid = new CswExtJsGrid(GridPrefix); }
} // DataTableToGrid() public JObject DataTableToJSON(DataTable DT, bool Editable = false, string GroupByCol = "", CswEnumExtJsXType GroupByColType = null) { CswExtJsGrid grid = DataTableToGrid(DT, Editable, GroupByCol, GroupByColType); return(grid.ToJson()); } // DataTableToJSON()
} // _getUniquePrefix() public JObject TreeToJson(string Title, CswNbtView View, ICswNbtTree Tree, bool IsPropertyGrid = false, string GroupByCol = "") { JObject Ret = new JObject(); if (null != View) { string gridUniquePrefix = _getUniquePrefix(View); CswExtJsGrid grid = new CswExtJsGrid(gridUniquePrefix); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupByCol)) { GroupByCol = View.GridGroupByCol; } grid.groupfield = GroupByCol; grid.title = Title; if (_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser != null && _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.PageSize > 0) { grid.PageSize = _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.PageSize; } if (IsPropertyGrid && Tree.getChildNodeCount() > 0) { Tree.goToNthChild(0); } grid.Truncated = Tree.getCurrentNodeChildrenTruncated(); CswExtJsGridDataIndex nodeIdDataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, "nodeId"); { CswExtJsGridField nodeIdFld = new CswExtJsGridField { dataIndex = nodeIdDataIndex }; grid.fields.Add(nodeIdFld); CswExtJsGridColumn nodeIdCol = new CswExtJsGridColumn { header = "Internal ID", dataIndex = nodeIdDataIndex, hidden = true }; grid.columns.Add(nodeIdCol); } CswExtJsGridDataIndex nodekeyDataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, "nodekey"); { CswExtJsGridField nodekeyFld = new CswExtJsGridField { dataIndex = nodekeyDataIndex }; grid.fields.Add(nodekeyFld); CswExtJsGridColumn nodekeyCol = new CswExtJsGridColumn { header = "Internal Key", dataIndex = nodekeyDataIndex, hidden = true }; grid.columns.Add(nodekeyCol); } CswExtJsGridDataIndex nodenameDataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, "nodename"); { CswExtJsGridField nodenameFld = new CswExtJsGridField { dataIndex = nodenameDataIndex }; grid.fields.Add(nodenameFld); CswExtJsGridColumn nodenameCol = new CswExtJsGridColumn { header = "Internal Name", dataIndex = nodenameDataIndex, hidden = true }; grid.columns.Add(nodenameCol); } CswExtJsGridDataIndex NodeTypeDataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, "nodetypeid"); { CswExtJsGridField NodeTypeField = new CswExtJsGridField { dataIndex = NodeTypeDataIndex }; grid.fields.Add(NodeTypeField); CswExtJsGridColumn NodeTypeColumn = new CswExtJsGridColumn { header = "Internal Type ID", dataIndex = NodeTypeDataIndex, hidden = true }; grid.columns.Add(NodeTypeColumn); } CswExtJsGridDataIndex ObjectClassDataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, "objectclassid"); { CswExtJsGridField ObjectClassField = new CswExtJsGridField { dataIndex = ObjectClassDataIndex }; grid.fields.Add(ObjectClassField); CswExtJsGridColumn ObjectClassColumn = new CswExtJsGridColumn { header = "Internal Parent Type ID", dataIndex = ObjectClassDataIndex, hidden = true }; grid.columns.Add(ObjectClassColumn); } // View Properties determine Columns and Fields foreach (CswNbtViewProperty ViewProp in View.getOrderedViewProps(true)) { if (null != ViewProp) { ICswNbtMetaDataProp MetaDataProp = null; if (ViewProp.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.NodeTypePropId) { MetaDataProp = ViewProp.NodeTypeProp; } else if (ViewProp.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.ObjectClassPropId) { MetaDataProp = ViewProp.ObjectClassProp; } // Because properties in the view might be by object class, but properties on the tree will always be by nodetype, // we have to use name, not id, as the dataIndex if (null != MetaDataProp) { string header = MetaDataProp.PropNameWithQuestionNo; CswExtJsGridDataIndex dataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, MetaDataProp.PropName); // don't use PropNameWithQuestionNo here, because it won't match the propname from the tree // Potential bug here! // If the same property is added to the view more than once, we'll only use the grid definition for the first instance if (false == grid.columnsContains(header)) { CswExtJsGridField fld = new CswExtJsGridField { dataIndex = dataIndex }; CswExtJsGridColumn col = new CswExtJsGridColumn { header = header, dataIndex = dataIndex, hidden = (false == ViewProp.ShowInGrid) }; switch (ViewProp.FieldType) { case CswEnumNbtFieldType.Button: col.MenuDisabled = true; col.IsSortable = false; break; case CswEnumNbtFieldType.Number: fld.type = "number"; col.xtype = CswEnumExtJsXType.numbercolumn; break; case CswEnumNbtFieldType.DateTime: fld.type = "date"; col.xtype = CswEnumExtJsXType.datecolumn; // case 26782 - Set dateformat as client date format string dateformat = string.Empty; string DateDisplayMode = CswEnumNbtDateDisplayMode.Date.ToString(); if (ViewProp.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.NodeTypePropId && ViewProp.NodeTypeProp != null) { DateDisplayMode = ViewProp.NodeTypeProp.DesignNode.getAttributeValueByName(CswNbtFieldTypeRuleDateTime.AttributeName.DateType); } else if (ViewProp.Type == CswEnumNbtViewPropType.ObjectClassPropId && ViewProp.ObjectClassProp != null) { DateDisplayMode = ViewProp.ObjectClassProp.Extended; } if (DateDisplayMode == string.Empty || DateDisplayMode == CswEnumNbtDateDisplayMode.Date.ToString() || DateDisplayMode == CswEnumNbtDateDisplayMode.DateTime.ToString()) { dateformat += CswTools.ConvertNetToPHP(_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.DateFormat); if (DateDisplayMode == CswEnumNbtDateDisplayMode.DateTime.ToString()) { dateformat += " "; } } if (DateDisplayMode == CswEnumNbtDateDisplayMode.Time.ToString() || DateDisplayMode == CswEnumNbtDateDisplayMode.DateTime.ToString()) { dateformat += CswTools.ConvertNetToPHP(_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.TimeFormat); } col.dateformat = dateformat; break; } if (ViewProp.Width > 0) { col.width = ViewProp.Width * 7; // approx. characters to pixels } grid.columns.Add(col); grid.fields.Add(fld); } // if( false == grid.columnsContains( header ) ) } // if(null != MetaDataProp ) } // if( ViewProp != null ) } // foreach( CswNbtViewProperty ViewProp in View.getOrderedViewProps() ) // Nodes in the Tree determine Rows for (Int32 c = 0; c < Tree.getChildNodeCount(); c++) { CswExtJsGridRow gridrow = new CswExtJsGridRow(c, gridUniquePrefix); Tree.goToNthChild(c); CswNbtTreeNode TreeNode = Tree.getCurrentTreeNode();, Tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition().ToString());, Tree.getNodeKeyForCurrentPosition().ToString());, Tree.getNodeNameForCurrentPosition().ToString());, TreeNode.NodeTypeId.ToString());, TreeNode.ObjectClassId.ToString()); CswNbtMetaDataNodeType NodeType = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeType(Tree.getNodeKeyForCurrentPosition().NodeTypeId); gridrow.canView = _CswNbtResources.Permit.canNodeType(CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission.View, NodeType) && _CswNbtResources.Permit.isNodeWritable(CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission.View, NodeType, Tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition()); gridrow.canEdit = (_CswNbtResources.Permit.canNodeType(CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission.Edit, NodeType) && (_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.IsAdministrator() || _CswNbtResources.Permit.isNodeWritable(CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission.Edit, NodeType, NodeId: Tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition())) && false == Tree.getNodeLockedForCurrentPosition()); gridrow.canDelete = (_CswNbtResources.Permit.canNodeType(CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission.Delete, NodeType) && _CswNbtResources.Permit.isNodeWritable(CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission.Delete, NodeType, NodeId: Tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition()) ); gridrow.isLocked = Tree.getNodeLockedForCurrentPosition(); gridrow.isDisabled = (false == Tree.getNodeIncludedForCurrentPosition()); if (null != _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser) { gridrow.isFavorite = Tree.getNodeFavoritedForCurrentPosition(); } _TreeNodeToGrid(View, Tree, grid, gridrow); Tree.goToParentNode(); grid.rowData.rows.Add(gridrow); } Ret = grid.ToJson(); } return(Ret); } // TreeToJson()
} // _TreeNodeToGrid() public CswExtJsGrid DataTableToGrid(DataTable DT, bool Editable = false, string GroupByCol = "", CswEnumExtJsXType GroupByColType = null, bool IncludeEditFields = true, Dictionary <string, Type> ColumnTypeOverrides = null) { string NodeIdColName = "nodeid"; string MenuOptionsColName = "menuoptions"; string gridUniquePrefix = DT.TableName; CswExtJsGrid grid = new CswExtJsGrid(gridUniquePrefix, IncludeEditFields); grid.groupfield = GroupByCol; grid.title = DT.TableName; if (_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser != null && _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.PageSize > 0) { grid.PageSize = _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.PageSize; } //CswExtJsGridDataIndex nodeIdDataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex( gridUniquePrefix, NodeIdColName ); //{ // CswExtJsGridField nodeIdFld = new CswExtJsGridField { dataIndex = nodeIdDataIndex }; // grid.fields.Add( nodeIdFld ); // CswExtJsGridColumn nodeIdCol = new CswExtJsGridColumn { header = "nodeId", dataIndex = nodeIdDataIndex, hidden = true }; // grid.columns.Add( nodeIdCol ); //} foreach (DataColumn CurrentColumn in DT.Columns) { Type CurrentColumnType = null; if (null != ColumnTypeOverrides) { if (false == ColumnTypeOverrides.ContainsKey(CurrentColumn.ColumnName)) { CurrentColumnType = CurrentColumn.DataType; } else { CurrentColumnType = ColumnTypeOverrides[CurrentColumn.ColumnName]; } } else { CurrentColumnType = CurrentColumn.DataType; } CswExtJsGridDataIndex dataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, CurrentColumn.ColumnName); CswExtJsGridField fld = new CswExtJsGridField(); grid.fields.Add(fld); fld.dataIndex = dataIndex; CswExtJsGridColumn gridcol = new CswExtJsGridColumn(); gridcol.header = CurrentColumn.ColumnName; gridcol.dataIndex = dataIndex; gridcol.width = Math.Max(100, (7 + CurrentColumn.ColumnName.Length * 8)); if ((NodeIdColName.ToLower() == CurrentColumn.ColumnName.ToLower()) || (MenuOptionsColName.ToLower() == CurrentColumn.ColumnName.ToLower())) { gridcol.hidden = true; } if (CurrentColumnType == typeof(string)) { fld.type = "string"; } else if (CurrentColumnType == typeof(bool)) { fld.type = "bool"; gridcol.xtype = CswEnumExtJsXType.booleancolumn; } else if (CurrentColumnType == typeof(Int32) || (GroupByColType != null && CurrentColumn.ColumnName.ToLower().Equals(GroupByCol.ToLower()) && GroupByColType.Equals(CswEnumExtJsXType.numbercolumn))) { fld.type = "number"; gridcol.xtype = CswEnumExtJsXType.numbercolumn; gridcol.Format = "0"; } else if (CurrentColumnType == typeof(DateTime) || (GroupByColType != null && CurrentColumn.ColumnName.ToLower().Equals(GroupByCol.ToLower()) && GroupByColType.Equals(CswEnumExtJsXType.datecolumn))) { string userDateFormat = _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.DateFormat; string userTimeFormat = _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.TimeFormat; gridcol.dateformat = CswTools.ConvertNetToPHP(userDateFormat) + " " + CswTools.ConvertNetToPHP(userTimeFormat); fld.type = "date"; gridcol.xtype = CswEnumExtJsXType.datecolumn; gridcol.Format = "m/d/y H:i:s"; } else if (CurrentColumnType == typeof(sbyte)) //sbyte indidcates a "button" column :-( { gridcol.xtype = CswEnumExtJsXType.gridcolumn; gridcol.MenuDisabled = true; gridcol.IsSortable = false; } grid.columns.Add(gridcol); } Int32 RowNo = 0; foreach (DataRow Row in DT.Rows) { CswExtJsGridRow gridrow = new CswExtJsGridRow(RowNo, gridUniquePrefix); string NodeIdForGridRowData = string.Empty; foreach (DataColumn CurrentColumn in DT.Columns) { Type CurrentColumnType = null; if (null != ColumnTypeOverrides) { if (false == ColumnTypeOverrides.ContainsKey(CurrentColumn.ColumnName)) { CurrentColumnType = CurrentColumn.DataType; } else { CurrentColumnType = ColumnTypeOverrides[CurrentColumn.ColumnName]; } } else { CurrentColumnType = CurrentColumn.DataType; } CswExtJsGridDataIndex index = null; index = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, CurrentColumn.ColumnName);[index] = CswConvert.ToString(Row[CurrentColumn]); if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains(NodeIdColName) && DBNull.Value != Row[NodeIdColName] && typeof(sbyte) == CurrentColumnType) { string MenuOptions = string.Empty; if (Row.Table.Columns.Contains(MenuOptionsColName)) { MenuOptions = Row[MenuOptionsColName].ToString(); } NodeIdForGridRowData = Row[NodeIdColName].ToString(); CswExtJsGridButton CurrentButton = new CswExtJsGridButton { DataIndex = index.ToString(), RowNo = RowNo, MenuOptions = MenuOptions, SelectedText = CurrentColumn.ColumnName, PropAttr = NodeIdForGridRowData }; //nu the button grid.rowData.btns.Add(CurrentButton); //add the button }//if it's the hi-jacked data tabe that means BUTTON }//iterate collumns grid.rowData.rows.Add(gridrow); RowNo += 1; } // foreach( DataRow Row in DT.Rows ) return(grid); } // DataTableToGrid()
} // TreeToJson() private void _TreeNodeToGrid(CswNbtView View, ICswNbtTree Tree, CswExtJsGrid grid, CswExtJsGridRow gridrow) { string gridUniquePrefix = _getUniquePrefix(View); Collection <CswNbtTreeNodeProp> ChildProps = Tree.getChildNodePropsOfNode(); foreach (CswNbtTreeNodeProp Prop in ChildProps) { // Potential bug here! // If the view defines the property by objectclass propname, but the nodetype propname differs, this might break CswExtJsGridDataIndex dataIndex = new CswExtJsGridDataIndex(gridUniquePrefix, Prop.PropName); bool IsHidden = Prop.Hidden; bool IsLocked = Tree.getNodeLockedForCurrentPosition(); string newValue = string.Empty; if (false == IsHidden) { CswPrimaryKey NodeId = Tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition(); CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp MetaDataProp = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeProp(Prop.NodeTypePropId); string oldValue = Prop.Gestalt; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldValue)) { oldValue = null; } switch (Prop.FieldType) { case CswEnumNbtFieldType.Button: if (false == IsLocked) { CswNbtFieldTypeRuleButton buttonFTR = (CswNbtFieldTypeRuleButton)MetaDataProp.getFieldTypeRule(); grid.rowData.btns.Add(new CswExtJsGridButton { DataIndex = dataIndex.ToString(), RowNo = gridrow.RowNo, MenuOptions = Prop[buttonFTR.MenuOptionsSubField.Column], SelectedText = oldValue ?? Prop.PropName, PropAttr = new CswPropIdAttr(NodeId, Prop.NodeTypePropId).ToString(), Mode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaDataProp.DesignNode.getAttributeValueByColumn(CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeColumn.Extended)) ? "button" : MetaDataProp.DesignNode.getAttributeValueByColumn(CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeColumn.Extended) }); } break; case CswEnumNbtFieldType.File: string LinkUrl = CswNbtNodePropBlob.getLink(Prop.JctNodePropId, NodeId); if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(LinkUrl) && false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldValue)) { newValue = "<a target=\"blank\" href=\"" + LinkUrl + "\">" + (oldValue) + "</a>"; } break; case CswEnumNbtFieldType.Image: string ImageUrl = CswNbtNodePropImage.getLink(Prop.JctNodePropId, NodeId); if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageUrl)) { newValue = "<a target=\"blank\" href=\"" + ImageUrl + "\">" + (oldValue ?? "Image") + "</a>"; } break; case CswEnumNbtFieldType.Link: //string Href = CswNbtNodePropLink.GetFullURL( MetaDataProp.Attribute1, Prop.Field1_Big, MetaDataProp.Attribute2 ); string Href = CswNbtNodePropLink.GetFullURL(MetaDataProp.DesignNode.getAttributeValueByColumn(CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeColumn.Attribute1), Prop.Field1_Big, MetaDataProp.DesignNode.getAttributeValueByColumn(CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeColumn.Attribute2)); if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(Href)) { newValue = "<a target=\"blank\" href=\"" + Href + "\">" + (oldValue ?? "Link") + "</a>"; } break; case CswEnumNbtFieldType.Logical: newValue = CswConvert.ToDisplayString(CswConvert.ToTristate(oldValue)); break; case CswEnumNbtFieldType.MOL: string molUrl = CswNbtNodePropMol.getLink(Prop.JctNodePropId, NodeId); if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(molUrl)) { newValue = "<a target=\"blank\" href=\"" + molUrl + "\">" + "Structure.jpg" + "</a>"; } break; default: newValue = oldValue; break; } }[dataIndex] = newValue; } // foreach( JObject Prop in ChildProps ) // Recurse, but add properties of child nodes to the same gridrow for (Int32 c = 0; c < Tree.getChildNodeCount(); c++) { Tree.goToNthChild(c); _TreeNodeToGrid(View, Tree, grid, gridrow); Tree.goToParentNode(); } } // _TreeNodeToGrid()