Example #1
        public static void ImportDataFedEx(String fileName, String fullPath)
            //ALS: no db...
            //ClientsDataClassesDataContext clientdb = new ClientsDataClassesDataContext();
            //FreightBillDataClassesDataContext fbdb = new FreightBillDataClassesDataContext();

            //initialize tracking number (column 6) and loop until the number changes
            String FBInvoiceNumber = String.Empty;
            String TrackingNumber  = String.Empty;

            // get total from the K column - used for validation - it equals the total invoice amount
            Decimal TotalInvoice         = 0;
            Decimal TotalInvoiceValidate = 0;

            //calulate this Fridays date
            var      today      = DateTime.Today;
            var      startDay   = ((int)today.DayOfWeek);
            DateTime thisFriday = today.AddDays(5 - startDay);

            DateTime?WeekendingDate = thisFriday;
            DateTime?BatchDate      = today; //Maxine 9/9/2015 changed the batch date from friday to date of import
            DateTime?InvoiceDate    = thisFriday;
            DateTime DueDate        = thisFriday;
            String   InvoiceNumber  = String.Format("{0}HOP10", thisFriday.ToString("MMddyy")); //.Replace("/", ""));

            // init the variables
            String  RecipentNumber    = String.Empty;
            String  CarrierAcctNumber = String.Empty;
            String  InvTypeCode       = String.Empty;
            String  InvDetailCode     = String.Empty;
            String  ProDate           = String.Empty;
            String  Ref1              = String.Empty;
            String  Ref2              = String.Empty;
            String  Ref3              = String.Empty;
            String  PayCode           = String.Empty;
            int     Pieces            = 0;
            String  ProNumber         = String.Empty;
            int     ActualWeight      = 0;
            int     BilledWeight      = 0;
            String  ChargeClassCode   = String.Empty;
            String  ProTransNote      = String.Empty;
            Decimal PayAmount         = 0;
            String  ShipperName       = String.Empty;
            String  ShipperAddress1   = String.Empty;
            String  ShipperAddress2   = String.Empty;
            String  ShipperCity       = String.Empty;
            String  ShipperState      = String.Empty;
            String  ShipperZip        = String.Empty;
            String  ShipperCountry    = String.Empty;
            String  ConsigneeName     = String.Empty;
            String  ConsigneeAddress1 = String.Empty;
            String  ConsigneeAddress2 = String.Empty;
            String  ConsigneeCity     = String.Empty;
            String  ConsigneeState    = String.Empty;
            String  ConsigneeZip      = String.Empty;
            String  ConsigneeCountry  = String.Empty;
            Decimal FSC          = 0;
            String  LoadCode     = String.Empty;
            String  ErrorCode    = String.Empty;
            String  Status       = String.Empty;
            String  GLCode       = String.Empty;
            String  SLCode       = String.Empty;
            String  ServiceLevel = String.Empty;

            //fullPath = String.Format("{0}{1}", fullPath, fileName);
            CsvFileClass.CsvFile[] CsvFile;
            var f = File.ReadAllLines(fullPath);

            int lCount = f.Length;

            CsvFile = new CsvFileClass.CsvFile[lCount];

            using (CsvFileReader reader = new CsvFileReader(fullPath))
                bool hasRow = true;
                int  i      = 0;

                TotalInvoiceValidate = 0;

                CsvRow row = new CsvRow();
                if (row.Count() == 0)


                while (hasRow)
                    CsvFile[i] = new CsvFileClass.CsvFile
                        // row array is zero base...
                        //RecipentNumber = Convert.ToString(row[1]),
                        AccountNumber = Convert.ToString(row[0]),
                        //InvTypeCode = Convert.ToString(row[6]),
                        //InvDetailCode = Convert.ToString(row[7]),
                        ProDate      = Convert.ToString(row[13]),
                        Ref1         = Convert.ToString(row[48]),
                        Ref2         = Convert.ToString(row[49]),
                        Ref3         = Convert.ToString(row[50]),
                        PayCode      = Convert.ToString(row[17]),
                        Pieces       = Convert.ToString(row[18]),
                        ProNumber    = Convert.ToString(row[20]),
                        ActualWeight = Convert.ToString(row[26].ToString()),
                        BilledWeight = Convert.ToString(row[28].ToString()),
                        //ChargeClassCode = Convert.ToString(row[43]),
                        //ProTransNote = Convert.ToString(row[45]),
                        //FSCCheck = Convert.ToString(row[43]),
                        PayAmount   = Convert.ToString(row[10].ToString()), // bill and pay amounts
                        ShipperName = Convert.ToString(row[40]),
                        //ShipperAddress1 = Convert.ToString(row[68]),
                        //ShipperAddress2 = Convert.ToString(row[69]),
                        ShipperCity  = Convert.ToString(row[444]),
                        ShipperState = Convert.ToString(row[45]),
                        ShipperZip   = Convert.ToString(row[46]),
                        //ShipperCountry = Convert.ToString(row[73]),
                        ConsigneeName = Convert.ToString(row[33]),
                        //ConsigneeAddress1 = Convert.ToString(row[76]),
                        //ConsigneeAddress2 = Convert.ToString(row[77]),
                        ConsigneeCity  = Convert.ToString(row[36]),
                        ConsigneeState = Convert.ToString(row[37]),
                        ConsigneeZip   = Convert.ToString(row[38]),
                        //ErrorCodeCheck = Convert.ToString(row[2]),
                        PaymentType = Convert.ToString(row[6]),
                        //TotalInvoice = Convert.ToString(row[10]),
                        PieceCount = Convert.ToString(row[22])
                                     // FBInvoiceNumber = Convert.ToString(row[5])

                    //get the next row

                    hasRow = reader.ReadRow(row);

            CsvFile = CsvFile.AsEnumerable().OrderBy(l => l.FBInvoiceNumber).ThenBy(l => l.ProNumber).ToArray();

            TotalInvoiceValidate = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < CsvFile.Length; i++)
                if (TrackingNumber != CsvFile[i].ProNumber)

                    TrackingNumber = CsvFile[i].ProNumber;
                    //new tracking number reset variables
                    PayAmount    = 0;
                    ActualWeight = 0;
                    BilledWeight = 0;
                    Pieces       = 0;
                    FSC          = 0;

                if (TotalInvoice != TotalInvoiceValidate && FBInvoiceNumber != CsvFile[i].FBInvoiceNumber)
                    writelog(String.Format("VALIDATION ERROR! Total Invoice {0} is not equal to all of the records {1} for Invoice Number {2}", TotalInvoice, TotalInvoiceValidate, FBInvoiceNumber));

                TotalInvoice = Convert.ToDecimal(CsvFile[i].TotalInvoice);
                if (FBInvoiceNumber != CsvFile[i].FBInvoiceNumber)
                    FBInvoiceNumber      = CsvFile[i].FBInvoiceNumber;
                    TotalInvoiceValidate = 0;

                while (i < CsvFile.Length && TrackingNumber == CsvFile[i].ProNumber && FBInvoiceNumber == CsvFile[i].FBInvoiceNumber)
                    //RecipentNumber = CsvFile[i].RecipentNumber;
                    //CarrierAcctNumber = CsvFile[i].AccountNumber;
                    //InvTypeCode = CsvFile[i].InvTypeCode;
                    //InvDetailCode = CsvFile[i].InvDetailCode;
                    ProDate = CsvFile[i].ProDate;
                    Ref1    = CsvFile[i].Ref1;
                    Ref2    = CsvFile[i].Ref2;
                    Ref3    = CsvFile[i].Ref3;
                    PayCode = CsvFile[i].PayCode;
                    int result = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(CsvFile[i].Pieces, out result))
                        Pieces += Convert.ToInt32(CsvFile[i].Pieces);
                    if (TrackingNumber == String.Empty)
                        ProNumber = FBInvoiceNumber;
                        ProNumber = CsvFile[i].ProNumber;

                    if (int.TryParse(CsvFile[i].ActualWeight, out result))
                        ActualWeight = Convert.ToInt32(CsvFile[i].ActualWeight);
                    result = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(CsvFile[i].BilledWeight, out result))
                        BilledWeight = Convert.ToInt32(CsvFile[i].BilledWeight);
                    //ChargeClassCode = CsvFile[i].ChargeClassCode;
                    //ProTransNote = CsvFile[i].ProTransNote;
                    if (CsvFile[i].FSCCheck == "FSC")
                        FSC       += Convert.ToDecimal(CsvFile[i].PayAmount);
                        PayAmount += Convert.ToDecimal(CsvFile[i].PayAmount);
                        PayAmount += Convert.ToDecimal(CsvFile[i].PayAmount);

                    ShipperName = CsvFile[i].ShipperName;
                    //ShipperAddress1 = CsvFile[i].ShipperAddress1;
                    //ShipperAddress2 = CsvFile[i].ShipperAddress2;
                    ShipperCity  = CsvFile[i].ShipperCity;
                    ShipperState = CsvFile[i].ShipperState;
                    if (CsvFile[i].ShipperZip.Length > 5)
                        ShipperZip = CsvFile[i].ShipperZip.Substring(0, 4);
                        ShipperZip = CsvFile[i].ShipperZip;
                    //ShipperCountry = CsvFile[i].ShipperCountry;
                    ConsigneeName = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeName;
                    //ConsigneeAddress1 = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeAddress1;
                    //ConsigneeAddress2 = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeAddress2;
                    ConsigneeCity  = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeCity;
                    ConsigneeState = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeState;
                    if (CsvFile[i].ConsigneeZip.Length > 5)
                        ConsigneeZip = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeZip.Substring(0, 4);
                        ConsigneeZip = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeZip;
                    //ConsigneeCountry = CsvFile[i].ConsigneeCountry;
                    Status = "O";
                    //apply the rules
                    if ((ConsigneeName != null && ConsigneeCity != null & ConsigneeZip != null) && ConsigneeState == null)
                        LoadCode = "INT";
                    else if ((ShipperName != null && ShipperCity != null & ShipperZip != null) && ShipperState == null)
                        LoadCode = "INT";
                        LoadCode = "P";
                    if (CsvFile[i].AccountNumber == null)
                        ErrorCode = "J";
                    else if (CheckForDupePro(CsvFile[i].ProNumber))
                        ErrorCode = "J";
                        if (CsvFile[i].FSCCheck == "FRT")
                            ProTransNote = String.Format("DUPLICATE PRO {0}", CsvFile[i].ProTransNote);
                        else if (CsvFile[i].FSCCheck == "FRT" && ProTransNote == null)
                            ProTransNote = CsvFile[i].ProTransNote;
                    else if (ProNumber == null && CheckForDupePro(CsvFile[i].FBInvoiceNumber))
                        ErrorCode = "J";
                        if (CsvFile[i].FSCCheck == "FRT")
                            ProTransNote = String.Format("DUPLICATE PRO_INVOICE_ {0}", CsvFile[i].ProTransNote);
                        else if (CsvFile[i].FSCCheck == "FRT" && ProTransNote == null)
                            ProTransNote = CsvFile[i].ProTransNote;
                        ErrorCode = "A";

                    GLCode = QueryGLInformation(ProNumber);


                    ////get the next row
                    //row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                    ////hasRow = reader.ReadRow(row);
                TotalInvoiceValidate += PayAmount;
                // dropped from the while - update index
                // create the freight bill
                //get the clientid
                //ALS: need db
                //var id = (from c in clientdb.Clients
                //          where c.Code == "HOP10"
                //          select c.ClientsId).FirstOrDefault();
                Guid id = new Guid("6c800fed-1b77-4bfe-8244-cfc246448594"); //PPP10 sample

                if (id != Guid.Empty && ProNumber != "")
                    writelog(String.Format("adding: {0}, weekending date {1} ", FBInvoiceNumber, WeekendingDate));

                    //id is the ClientsId

                    //get the CarrierSCACsId for FEDX
                    int CarrierSCACsId = GetCarrierSCACsId("FEDX");

                    //get shipper addressid or GetShippersIdreate the address and return the id
                    int ShippersId = GetShippersId(id, ShipperName, ShipperCity, ShipperState, ShipperZip);
                    //get consignees addressid or create the address and return the id;
                    int ConsigneesId = GetConsigneesId(id, ConsigneeName, ConsigneeCity, ConsigneeState, ConsigneeZip);

                    //using TBill.Load Code - get the load code id to store in FB
                    //Load Code
                    int LoadCodeId = GetLoadCodeId(LoadCode);
                    //using TBill.Create Payment recordent Type - get the PaymentType key
                    int PaymentTypesId = GetPaymentTypeId(CsvFile[i].PaymentType);
                    //using TBill.Error Code to get the InvoiceStatuses key
                    int InvoiceStatusesId = GetInvoiceStatusesId(ErrorCode);

                        Invoices invoice = new Invoices()
                            WeekendingDate      = ErrorCode == "J" ? null : WeekendingDate,
                            BatchDate           = ErrorCode == "J" ? null : BatchDate,
                            ProNumber           = ProNumber,
                            InvoiceNumber       = FBInvoiceNumber,
                            ProDate             = Convert.ToDateTime(ProDate),
                            CarrierSCACsId      = CarrierSCACsId,
                            ConsigneesId        = ConsigneesId,
                            ClientsId           = id,
                            InvoiceStatusId     = InvoiceStatusesId,
                            LoadsId             = LoadCodeId,
                            EmployeesId         = 51,
                            PaymentTypesId      = PaymentTypesId,
                            ShippersId          = ShippersId,
                            GeneralLedgerNumber = QueryGLInformation(ProNumber),
                            ActualWeight        = ActualWeight,
                            BilledWeight        = BilledWeight,
                            PaymentAmount       = PayAmount,
                            BilledAmount        = PayAmount,
                            Status = Status,

                            FuelSurcharge = FSC,
                            //Maxine - 8/20/2013 - default to 1 per Al
                            PieceCount = Pieces == 0 ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Pieces),
                            //PalletCount = 1,
                            //DeliveryDate = bill.Delivery_Date == null ? (Nullable<DateTime>)null : bill.Delivery_Date,
                            //CreatedBy = CreateById,
                            CreatedDate = DateTime.Today,
                            //UpdatedBy = UpdatedById,
                            //UpdatedDate = bill.PRO_Update_Date_Time == null ? (Nullable<DateTime>)null : bill.PRO_Trans_Update_DAte_Time,

                            Deleted = false,
                            //PreferredCarrierSCAC = bill.Preferred_Carrier_SCAC  == null ? null : bill.Preferred_Carrier_SCAC,
                            //PreferredCarrierAmount = bill.Preferred_Carrier_Amount  == null ? 0 : (decimal)bill.Preferred_Carrier_Amount

                        //now create the support/details table since we have the invoiceid
                        bool success = false;
                        //using TBill CTL Invoice Number to create a new record in the InvoiceDetails table
                        //this record needs the InvoicesId
                        if (ErrorCode == "J")
                            success = CreateInvoiceDetailsRecord(invoice.InvoicesId, null, null, null);
                            success = CreateInvoiceDetailsRecord(invoice.InvoicesId, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate, DueDate);
                        //using TBill.Reference1,2,3 create a record in the ReferencesDetails table
                        ////this record needs the InvoicesId
                        if (Ref1 != null || Ref2 != null)
                            success = CreateReferencesDetailsRecord(invoice.InvoicesId, Ref1, Ref2);
                        ////using TBill BIDReason - create a record in the BillsInDisputeDetails table
                        ////this record needs the InvoicesId
                        //if (BIDReason != null)
                        //    int BillInDisputeReasonsId = GetBillInDisputeReasonsId(BIDReason);
                        //    success = CreateBillsInDisputeDReasonRecord(invoice.InvoicesId, BillInDisputeReasonsId, bill.BIDReasonOther, bill.BIDOrgAmt, bill.BIDSBAmt, bill.BIDActualWeight);
                        //using bill.class code to get the FreightClassId from the FreightClasses table
                        //this record needs the InvoicesId to relate back to the FB
                        //if (bill.Class_Code != null)
                        //    int FreightClassId = GetFreightClassId(ClassCode);
                        //    success = CreateInvoice_FreightClassesRecord(invoice.InvoicesId, FreightClassId, ActualWeight, BilledWeight, Pieces);
                        //using TBill.Pro Transaction Note as a key to ProTransNote table to get the key - create a ProTransNotesDetail record - need InvoicesId
                        //NOTE: is no matches then put the Pro Transaction Note in the Note column of the new record
                        //ProTransNotesDetailsId - this record needs the InvoicesId
                        if (ProTransNote != null)
                            int ProTransNoteId = 0;
                            ProTransNoteId = GetProTransNoteId(ProTransNote);

                            //if (ProTransNoteId > 0)
                            success = CreateProTansNoteDetailsRecord(invoice.InvoicesId, ProTransNoteId, ProTransNote);
                    } //ends try
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        writelog(String.Format("error! creating invoice pro number {0}", ProNumber));

                //}// end while
            } //end using
            //move the file to the processed folder
            File.Move(fullPath, String.Format(ConfigHelper.FetchStringValue("PostProcessFolder", true), fileName));