public static void Run() { string filePath = @".\Resources\Pop by Largest Final.csv"; CsvReaderWithList reader = new CsvReaderWithList(filePath); List <Country> countries = reader.ReadAllCountries(); foreach (Country country in countries.OrderBy(x => x.Name)) { Console.WriteLine($"{PopulationFormatter.FormatPopulation(country.Population).PadLeft(15)}: {country.Name}"); } //intead of printing all values at once.batching countries up would be nice //but, LINQ doesn't support batching. use forloop for batching Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------"); // listing the first 20 countries without commas in their names var filteredCountries = countries.Where(x => !x.Name.Contains(',')).Take(20); //OR var filteredCountries2 = from country in countries where !country.Name.Contains(",") select country; //unlike LINQ method syntax, query syntax don't suppoert all LINQ features(ex: Take(20)) foreach (Country country in filteredCountries) { Console.WriteLine($"{PopulationFormatter.FormatPopulation(country.Population).PadLeft(15)}: {country.Name}"); } //WHERE >it only filters data but it won't remove it physically at an index.LINQ is read-only Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------------"); // listing the 10 highest population countries in alphabetical order. // Reverse Where() and Take() to see the impact of swapping chaining order round foreach (Country country in countries.Take(10).OrderBy(x => x.Name)) { Console.WriteLine($"{PopulationFormatter.FormatPopulation(country.Population).PadLeft(15)}: {country.Name}"); } //here think 'countries' as datasorce instead of collection. //to LINQ, contries collection is just something that can be enumerated. //Most collections implement IEnumerable<T> //IEnumerable<T> exposes the ability to supply objects on demand.LINQ methods can leverage that interface. //for LINQ, 'countries' is just wont care about it is collectio. or not. //how it can use orderby without knowing List<T> is a collection? //Take is from Enumerable class inside system.Linq, it works with any objects that implement 'IEnumerable<T>'. //almost all collections implement IEnumerable<T>, LINQ works for all collections //FOR LOOP is for ARRAY & LIST. (not dictionary, as it don't have an index) //LINQ works with ARRAY , LIST & DICTIONARY }
public static void Run() { List <int> ints = new List <int>(); //List<T> always starts with don't have a special constructor. //int[] ints = new int[10];//Arrays instantiated with special sytax [], as it part of .net Runtime //Lists are not part of .Net,normal syntax for new objects List <string> daysOfWeek = new List <string> { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }; //unlike array,here Under the hood the compilar turns collection initalizer{} to .Add("day") method like below. List <string> daysOfWeek1 = new List <string>(); daysOfWeek1.Add("Monday"); daysOfWeek1.Add("Tuesday"); daysOfWeek1.Add("Wednesday"); daysOfWeek1.Add("Thursday"); //---------------List<T> --------- //T is a generic type.Generic type applies to all the collections in C# except Arrays. //Arrays can't be generic. //T[] generic=new T[10];//invalid //-------------------------- string filePath = @".\Resources\Pop by Largest Final.csv"; CsvReaderWithList reader = new CsvReaderWithList(filePath); List <Country> countries = reader.ReadAllCountries(); // This is the code that inserts and then subsequently removes Lilliput. // Comment out the RemoveAt to see the list with Lilliput in it. Country lilliput = new Country("Lilliput", "LIL", "Somewhere", 2_000_000); int lilliputIndex = countries.FindIndex(x => x.Population < 2_000_000); countries.Insert(lilliputIndex, lilliput); Console.WriteLine("-----------" + lilliputIndex + "---" + lilliput.Name + "------------"); countries.RemoveAt(lilliputIndex); //INSERT * REMOVE from list casuses to shift all the data after index which reduces performance.careful foreach (Country country in countries) { Console.WriteLine($"{PopulationFormatter.FormatPopulation(country.Population).PadLeft(15)}: {country.Name}"); } Console.WriteLine($"{countries.Count} countries"); //finding item by code int index = countries.FindIndex(x => x.Code == "USA"); Country selectedCountry = countries[index]; Console.WriteLine("---------SelectedCountry: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(selectedCountry)); //OR //USE DICTIONARY //prefer //---------------MANIPULATING LIST DATA------------------------- //foreach is simple but it has no control. //for loop give finer control for LISTS AND ARRAYS.difficult for DICTIONARIES. string filePath1 = @".\Resources\Pop by Largest Final.csv"; CsvReaderWithList reader1 = new CsvReaderWithList(filePath1); List <Country> countries1 = reader.ReadAllCountries(); // comment this out to see all countries, without removing the ones with commas reader1.RemoveCommaCountries(countries1); Console.Write("Enter no. of countries to display> "); bool inputIsInt = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int userInput); if (!inputIsInt || userInput <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("You must type in a +ve integer. Exiting"); return; } //int maxToDisplay = Math.Min(userInput, countries.Count); int maxToDisplay = userInput; //display from start for (int i = 0; i < countries.Count; i++) { if (i > 0 && (i % maxToDisplay == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Hit return to continue, anything else to quit>"); if (Console.ReadLine() != "") { break; } } Country country = countries[i]; Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1}: {PopulationFormatter.FormatPopulation(country.Population).PadLeft(15)}: {country.Name}"); } //display from end for (int i = countries.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int displayIndex = countries.Count - 1 - i; if (displayIndex > 0 && (displayIndex % maxToDisplay == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Hit return to continue, anything else to quit>"); if (Console.ReadLine() != "") { break; } } Country country = countries[i]; Console.WriteLine($"{displayIndex + 1}: {PopulationFormatter.FormatPopulation(country.Population).PadLeft(15)}: {country.Name}"); } }