Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Analyze the records to determine which should be included in the feed
		/// based on dependencies.
		/// </summary>
		public async Task Analyze()
			// load some small tables into memory for performance
			var cache = new DataLineCache();
			await cache.Load(Repo.Lines(), new[] { nameof(CsvOrg), nameof(CsvCourse), nameof(CsvClass) });

			var orgIds = new List<string>();
			// include Orgs that have been selected for sync
			foreach (var org in cache.GetMap<CsvOrg>().Values.Where(IsUnappliedChange))
			await Repo.Committer.Invoke();

			// courses are manually marked for sync, so choose only those
			foreach (var course in cache.GetMap<CsvCourse>().Values.Where(l => l.IncludeInSync).Where(IsUnappliedChange))
			await Repo.Committer.Invoke();

			// now walk the classes and include those which map to an included course and are part of the selected orgs.
			var classMap = cache.GetMap<CsvClass>();
			var courseIds = cache.GetMap<CsvCourse>()
				.Where(l => l.IncludeInSync)
				.Select(l => l.SourcedId)

			foreach (var _class in classMap.Values.Where(IsUnappliedChangeWithoutIncludedInSync))
				CsvClass csvClass = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CsvClass>(_class.RawData);
				if (courseIds.Contains(csvClass.courseSourcedId) && orgIds.Contains(csvClass.schoolSourcedId))
				await Repo.Committer.InvokeIfChunk();
			await Repo.Committer.InvokeIfAny();

			// process enrollments in the database associated with the District based on the conditions below (in chunks of 200)
			await Repo.Lines<CsvEnrollment>().ForEachInChunksAsync(chunkSize: 200,
				action: async (enrollment) =>
					CsvEnrollment csvEnrollment = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CsvEnrollment>(enrollment.RawData);

					// figure out if we need to process this enrollment
					if (!classMap.ContainsKey(csvEnrollment.classSourcedId) ||      // look up class associated with enrollment
						!classMap[csvEnrollment.classSourcedId].IncludeInSync ||    // only include enrollment if the class is included
						!IsUnappliedChangeWithoutIncludedInSync(enrollment))        // only include if unapplied change in enrollment

					var user = await Repo.Lines<CsvUser>().SingleOrDefaultAsync(l => l.SourcedId == csvEnrollment.userSourcedId);
					if (user == null) // should never happen
						enrollment.Error = $"Missing user for {csvEnrollment.userSourcedId}";
						Logger.Here().LogError($"Missing user for enrollment for line {enrollment.DataSyncLineId}");

					// mark enrollment for sync

					// mark user for sync
					//DataSyncLine user = userMap[csvEnrollment.userSourcedId];
					if (IsUnappliedChangeWithoutIncludedInSync(user))
				onChunkComplete: async () => await Repo.Committer.Invoke());

			// now process any user changes we may have missed
			await Repo.Lines<CsvUser>().Where(u => u.IncludeInSync
				&& u.LoadStatus != LoadStatus.NoChange
				&& u.SyncStatus != SyncStatus.ReadyToApply)
				.ForEachInChunksForShrinkingList(chunkSize: 200,
					#pragma warning disable CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
					action: async (user) => IncludeReadyTouch(user),
					#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
					onChunkComplete: async () => await Repo.Committer.Invoke());

			await Repo.Committer.Invoke();
Example #2
        //Metoda care citeste un csv si returneaza datele citite intr-un DataTable
        private DataTable readCsv(string path)
            //Creez un tabel de tip DataTable in care o sa introduc valorile din CSV
            DataTable tabel = new DataTable("Csv");

            tabel.Columns.Add("LogTime", typeof(DateTime));
            tabel.Columns.Add("Action", typeof(string));
            tabel.Columns.Add("FolderPath", typeof(string));
            tabel.Columns.Add("FileName", typeof(string));
            tabel.Columns.Add("Username", typeof(string));
            tabel.Columns.Add("IpAdress", typeof(string));
            tabel.Columns.Add("XferSize", typeof(int));
            tabel.Columns.Add("Duration", typeof(double));
            tabel.Columns.Add("AgentBrand", typeof(string));
            tabel.Columns.Add("AgentVersion", typeof(string));
            tabel.Columns.Add("Error", typeof(int));

            Log.Info(String.Format("Incepe parsarea fisierului: {0}", path));
                // Pentru citirea datelor din CSV folosesc StreamReader
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
                //Citesc prima linie si nu fac nimic cu ea pentru ca e header-ul CSV-ului

                //Un while in care citesc fiecare linie din CSV pana cand se termina stream-ul
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    var line    = reader.ReadLine();
                    var element = line.Split(',');

                    DateTime logTime;
                    DateTime?logTime2 = null;
                    //Parsez data din CSV
                    bool succes = DateTime.TryParseExact(element[0].Trim('"'), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out logTime);
                    if (succes == true)
                        logTime2 = logTime;
                    //Instantiez un obiect de tip CsvClass, care are ca proprietati elementele citite pe randul respectiv
                    CsvClass CsvClass = new CsvClass(logTime2, element[1].Trim('"'), element[2].Trim('"'), element[3].Trim('"'), element[4].Trim('"'),
                                                     element[5].Trim('"'), Convert.ToInt32(element[6].Trim('"')), Convert.ToDouble(element[7].Trim('"')),
                                                     element[8].Trim('"'), element[9].Trim('"'), Convert.ToInt32(element[10].Trim('"')));
                    //Adaug pe un rand datele citite
                    DataRow rand = tabel.NewRow();
                    if (CsvClass.LogTime == null)
                        rand["LogTime"] = DBNull.Value;
                        rand["LogTime"] = CsvClass.LogTime;
                    rand["Action"]       = CsvClass.Action;
                    rand["FolderPath"]   = CsvClass.FolderPath;
                    rand["FileName"]     = CsvClass.Filename;
                    rand["Username"]     = CsvClass.Username;
                    rand["IpAdress"]     = CsvClass.IpAdress;
                    rand["XferSize"]     = CsvClass.XferSize;
                    rand["Duration"]     = CsvClass.Duration;
                    rand["AgentBrand"]   = CsvClass.AgentBrand;
                    rand["AgentVersion"] = CsvClass.AgentVersion;
                    rand["Error"]        = CsvClass.Error;

            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Au fost probleme la parsarea fisierului fisierului:", e);
                //Dupa ce am citit csv-ul, il mut intr-o alta locatie(marcare)

        //Metoda care citeste un csv si returneaza o lista de obiecte
        private List <CsvClass> readCsv(string path)
            //Creez o lista in care o sa adaug obiectele citite in CSV
            List <CsvClass> lista = new List <CsvClass>();

            Log.Info(String.Format("Incepe parsarea fisierului: {0}", path));
                // Pentru citirea datelor din CSV folosesc StreamReader
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
                //Citesc prima linie si nu fac nimic cu ea pentru ca e header-ul CSV-ului

                //Un while in care citesc fiecare linie din CSV pana cand se termina stream-ul
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    var line    = reader.ReadLine();
                    var element = line.Split(',');

                    int      element6;
                    int?     element6Null = null;
                    double   element7;
                    double?  element7Null = null;
                    int      element10;
                    int?     element10Null = null;
                    DateTime logTime;
                    DateTime?logTime2 = null;

                    //Parsez data din CSV, daca parsarea nu reuseste datetime-ul o sa fie null
                    bool succes = DateTime.TryParseExact(element[0].Trim('"'), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out logTime);
                    if (succes == true)
                        logTime2 = logTime;

                    //Parsez un element de tip Int,daca parsarea nu reuseste int-ul o sa fie null
                    bool tryParseElement6 = Int32.TryParse(element[6].Trim('"'), out element6);
                    if (tryParseElement6 == true)
                        element6Null = element6;

                    //Parsez un element de tip Double,daca parsarea nu reuseste double-ul o sa fie null
                    bool tryParseElement7 = Double.TryParse(element[7].Trim('"'), out element7);
                    if (tryParseElement7 == true)
                        element7Null = element7;

                    //Parsez un element de tip Int,daca parsarea nu reuseste int-ul o sa fie null
                    bool tryParseElement10 = Int32.TryParse(element[10].Trim('"'), out element10);
                    if (tryParseElement10 == true)
                        element10Null = element10;

                    //Instantiez un obiect de tip CsvClass, care are ca proprietati elementele citite pe randul respectiv
                    CsvClass CsvClass = new CsvClass(logTime2, element[1].Trim('"'), element[2].Trim('"'), element[3].Trim('"'), element[4].Trim('"'),
                                                     element[5].Trim('"'), element6Null, element7Null,
                                                     element[8].Trim('"'), element[9].Trim('"'), element10Null);
                    //Adaug obiectul citit in lista
                //Dupa ce stream-ul s-a terminat inchid reader-ul
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Au fost probleme la parsarea fisierului fisierului:", e);
                //Dupa ce am citit csv-ul, il mut intr-o alta locatie(marcare)

            //Returnez lista de obiecte