/// <summary>Called when a @font-face font is done loading.</summary>
        public void FontLoaded(DynamicFont font)
            Css.TextRenderingProperty text = RenderData.Text;

            if (text != null)
        /// <summary>Runs before reflow.</summary>
        public override void UpdateCss(Renderman renderer)
            // Clear the blocks:
            FirstBox = null;
            LastBox  = null;

            // Get the text renderer (or create it):
            Css.TextRenderingProperty text = RequireTextProperty();

            // Get computed style:
            ComputedStyle cs = computedStyle;

            // Get the first box as it contains the fontface/ size:
            LayoutBox box = cs.FirstBox;

            // Colour too:
            Color fontColour = cs.Resolve(Css.Properties.ColorProperty.GlobalProperty).GetColour(this, Css.Properties.ColorProperty.GlobalProperty);

            // Colour:
            text.BaseColour = fontColour;

            // Font size update:
            float fontSize = box.FontSize;

            text.FontSize = fontSize;

            // Spacing:
            float wordSpacing   = cs.ResolveDecimal(Css.Properties.WordSpacing.GlobalProperty);
            float letterSpacing = cs.ResolveDecimal(Css.Properties.LetterSpacing.GlobalProperty);

            // If word spacing is not 'normal', remove 1em from it (Note that letter spacing is always additive):
            if (wordSpacing == -1f)
                wordSpacing = 0f;
                wordSpacing -= fontSize;

            text.WordSpacing   = wordSpacing;
            text.LetterSpacing = letterSpacing;

            // Decoration:
            int decoration = cs.ResolveInt(Css.Properties.TextDecorationLine.GlobalProperty);

            if (decoration == 0)
                // Remove a line if we have one:
                text.TextLine = null;
                // Got a line!
                if (text.TextLine == null)
                    text.TextLine = new TextDecorationInfo(decoration);

                // Get the colour:
                Css.Value lineColour = cs.Resolve(Css.Properties.TextDecorationColor.GlobalProperty);

                if (lineColour == null || lineColour.IsType(typeof(Css.Keywords.CurrentColor)))
                    // No override:
                    text.TextLine.ColourOverride = false;
                    // Set the colour:
                    text.TextLine.SetColour(lineColour.GetColour(this, Css.Properties.TextDecorationColor.GlobalProperty));

            // Get the font face:
            text.FontToDraw = box.FontFace;

            // Overflow-wrap mode (only active for 'break-word' which is just '1'):
            text.OverflowWrapActive = (cs.ResolveInt(Css.Properties.OverflowWrap.GlobalProperty) == 1);

            // Check if the text is 'dirty'.
            // If it is, that means we'll need to rebuild the TextRenderingProperty's Glyph array.

            if (text.Dirty)
                // Setup text now:
                // (Resets text.Characters based on all the text related CSS properties like variant etc).
                text.LoadCharacters((Node as RenderableTextNode).characterData_, this);

            if (text.Characters == null || text.AllEmpty)
                text.FontSize = 0f;
        public override void Reflow(Renderman renderer)
            // Get the text renderer (or create it):
            Css.TextRenderingProperty text = RequireTextProperty();

            if (text.Characters == null || text.AllEmpty)

            LayoutBox box = null;

            // Get the baseline offset:
            float baseline = text.FontSize * text.FontToDraw.Descender;

            // Compute our line boxes based on text.Characters and the available space.
            // Safely ignore direction here because either way the selected characters are the same.
            // Note that things like first-letter are also considered.

            // Get the top of the stack:
            LineBoxMeta lbm           = renderer.TopOfStack;
            float       cssLineHeight = lbm.CssLineHeight;

            // Is it justify (if so, every word is its own box):
            bool breakAllWords = (lbm.HorizontalAlign == HorizontalAlignMode.Justify);

            // Offset the baseline:
            float lineHeightOffset = (cssLineHeight - text.FontSize) / 2f;

            text.LineHeightOffset = lineHeightOffset;
            baseline += lineHeightOffset;

            float wordWidth        = 0f;
            float boxWidth         = 0f;
            bool  wrappable        = ((lbm.WhiteSpace & WhiteSpaceMode.Wrappable) != 0);
            int   i                = 0;
            int   latestBreakpoint = -1;
            // bidi text direction (0 = Not set yet, UnicodeBidiMode.LeftwardsNormal, UnicodeBidiMode.RightwardsNormal)
            int direction = 0;
            // Direction before the current block of weak chars.
            int beforeWeak = 0;

            while (i < text.Characters.Length)
                // Get the glyph:
                InfiniText.Glyph glyph = text.Characters[i];

                if (glyph == null)
                    // Skip!

                // The glyph's width is..
                float width = (glyph.AdvanceWidth * text.FontSize) + text.LetterSpacing;

                if (box == null)
                    // The box always has an inner height of 'font size':
                    if (renderer.FirstLetter != null)
                        // Clear FL immediately (so it can't go recursive):
                        SparkInformerNode firstLetter = renderer.FirstLetter;
                        renderer.FirstLetter = null;

                        // Update its internal text node:
                        RenderableTextNode textNode = firstLetter.firstChild as RenderableTextNode;

                        // Note that we have to do it this way as the node might
                        // change the *font*.
                        textNode.characterData_ = ((char)glyph.Charcode) + "";
                        Css.TextRenderingProperty textData = textNode.RenderData.RequireTextProperty();
                        textData.Dirty = true;

                        // Ask it to reflow right now (must ask the node so it correctly takes the style into account):


                    // Create the box now:
                    box = new LayoutBox();
                    box.PositionMode = PositionMode.Static;
                    box.DisplayMode  = DisplayMode.Inline;
                    box.Baseline     = baseline;
                    box.TextStart    = i;

                    // Adopt current direction:
                    box.UnicodeBidi = direction;

                    if (FirstBox == null)
                        FirstBox = box;
                        LastBox  = box;
                        // add to this element:
                        LastBox.NextInElement = box;
                        LastBox = box;

                    // line-height is the inner height here:
                    box.InnerHeight = cssLineHeight;
                    boxWidth        = 0f;
                    wordWidth       = 0f;

                // Are we breaking this word?
                bool implicitNewline = (glyph.Charcode == (int)'\n');
                int  breakMode       = implicitNewline ? 1 : 0;

                // direction:
                int dir = glyph.Directionality;

                if (dir == InfiniText.BidiBlock.Rightwards)
                    // Rightwards (includes weak ones):

                    // Was the previous one 'weak'?
                    if (dir == InfiniText.BidiBlock.WeakLeftToRight)
                        // Update before weak:
                        beforeWeak = direction;
                        // Not weak:
                        beforeWeak = 0;

                    if (direction != UnicodeBidiMode.RightwardsNormal)
                        if (direction == 0)
                            // Not set yet - Set the mode into the box:
                            box.UnicodeBidi = UnicodeBidiMode.RightwardsNormal;
                            // Changed from leftwards to rightwards. Break the boxes here.
                            breakMode = 3;

                        // Update dir:
                        direction = UnicodeBidiMode.RightwardsNormal;
                else if (dir == InfiniText.BidiBlock.RightToLeft)
                    // Leftwards

                    if (direction != UnicodeBidiMode.LeftwardsNormal)
                        if (direction == 0)
                            // Not set yet - Set the mode into the box:
                            box.UnicodeBidi = UnicodeBidiMode.LeftwardsNormal;
                            // Changed from rightwards to leftwards. Break the boxes here.
                            breakMode = 3;

                        // Update dir:
                        direction = UnicodeBidiMode.LeftwardsNormal;

                    // Never weak:
                    beforeWeak = 0;
                else if (beforeWeak != 0)
                    // Neutral otherwise
                    // (adopts whatever the current is, unless the previous one was *weak*,
                    // in which case, it adopts whatever the direction was before that):
                    if (direction != beforeWeak)
                        // Change direction!
                        direction = beforeWeak;
                        breakMode = 3;

                // Got a space?
                bool space = (glyph.Charcode == (int)' ');

                if (space)
                    // Advance width:
                    width += text.WordSpacing;

                    if (breakAllWords)
                        breakMode = 3;
                        latestBreakpoint = i;

                    // Lock in the previous text:
                    boxWidth += wordWidth + width;
                    wordWidth = 0f;
                    // Advance word width now:
                    wordWidth += width;

                // Word wrapping next:
                if (breakMode == 0 && wrappable && i != box.TextStart)
                    // Test if we can break here:
                    breakMode = lbm.GetLineSpace(wordWidth, boxWidth);

                    // Return to the previous space if we should.
                    if (breakMode == 2 && text.OverflowWrapActive)
                        // The word doesn't fit at all (2) and we're supposed to break it.
                        boxWidth += wordWidth - width;
                        wordWidth = 0f;
                    else if (breakMode != 0)
                        if (latestBreakpoint == -1)
                            // Isn't a previous space!

                            if (breakMode == 2)
                                // Instead, we'll try and break a parent.
                                // This typically happens with inline elements
                                // which are right on the end of the host line.

                                // Don't break the node:
                                breakMode = 0;
                            else if (breakMode == 3)
                                // Break but no newline - just advance to the following char:
                            else if (lbm.PenX != lbm.LineStart)
                                // Newline:

                                // Don't break the node:
                                breakMode = 0;
                                // Don't break the node:
                                breakMode = 0;
                            i = latestBreakpoint + 1;

                if (breakMode != 0)
                    // We're breaking!
                    box.InnerWidth   = boxWidth;
                    box.TextEnd      = i;
                    latestBreakpoint = i;

                    // If the previous glyph is a space, update EndSpaceSize:
                    if (space)
                        // Update ending spaces:
                        box.EndSpaceSize = width;

                    // Ensure dimensions are set:
                    box.SetDimensions(false, false);

                    // Add the box to the line:

                    // Update dim's:

                    // Clear:
                    box      = null;
                    boxWidth = 0f;

                    if (breakMode != 3)
                        // Newline:
                        if (implicitNewline)
                            // Also the last line:
                            lbm.CompleteLine(LineBreakMode.Normal | LineBreakMode.Last);
                            // Normal:

                            // Process it again.

                // Next character:

            if (box != null)
                // Always apply inner width:
                box.InnerWidth = boxWidth + wordWidth;
                box.TextEnd    = text.Characters.Length;

                // Ensure dimensions are set:
                box.SetDimensions(false, false);

                // Add the box to the line:

                // Update dim's: