Example #1
    public void TestCanEncryptAndDecrypt()
        CryptState encoderState = new CryptState();
        CryptState decoderState = new CryptState();
        CryptSetup encoderSetup = new CryptSetup();
        CryptSetup decoderSetup = new CryptSetup();

        // Make the key and nonces random
        encoderSetup.Key         = GetRandomArray(16);
        encoderSetup.ClientNonce = GetRandomArray(16);
        encoderSetup.ServerNonce = GetRandomArray(16);

        // The decoder uses the same stuff, but with client/server nonce exchanged with one another
        decoderSetup.Key         = encoderSetup.Key;
        decoderSetup.ClientNonce = (byte[])encoderSetup.ServerNonce.Clone();
        decoderSetup.ServerNonce = (byte[])encoderSetup.ClientNonce.Clone();

        encoderState.CryptSetup = encoderSetup;
        decoderState.CryptSetup = decoderSetup;

        byte[] buffer = GetRandomArray(buffer_length);

        for (int trial = 0; trial < num_trials; trial++)
            byte[] encrypted = encoderState.Encrypt(buffer, buffer_length);
            byte[] decrypted = decoderState.Decrypt(encrypted, encrypted.Length);

            if (encrypted == null)
                Debug.Log("Nothing decrypted?");
            if (decrypted == null)
                Debug.Log("Nothing decrypted?");

            for (int i = 0; i < buffer_length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(buffer[i], decrypted[i]);