Example #1
        void SubscribeToEvents()
            if (false)
                Engine.PostRenderUpdate += e => {
                    Scene.GetComponent <DynamicNavigationMesh>().DrawDebugGeometry(true);

            crowdManager.CrowdAgentReposition += args => {
                Node    node     = args.Node;
                Vector3 velocity = args.Velocity * -1;
                var     animCtrl = node.GetComponent <AnimationController>();
                if (animCtrl != null)
                    float speed = velocity.Length;
                    if (animCtrl.IsPlaying(WalkingAnimation))
                        float speedRatio = speed / args.CrowdAgent.MaxSpeed;
                        // Face the direction of its velocity but moderate the turning speed based on the speed ratio as we do not have timeStep here
                        node.SetRotationSilent(Quaternion.FromRotationTo(Vector3.UnitZ, velocity));
                        // Throttle the animation speed based on agent speed ratio (ratio = 1 is full throttle)
                        animCtrl.SetSpeed(WalkingAnimation, speedRatio);
                        animCtrl.Play(WalkingAnimation, 0, true, 0.1f);

                    // If speed is too low then stopping the animation
                    if (speed < args.CrowdAgent.Radius)
                        animCtrl.Stop(WalkingAnimation, 0.8f);
                        animCtrl.Play(IdleAnimation, 0, true, 0.2f);
Example #2
        void SubscribeToEvents()
            SubscribeToEvent <PostRenderUpdateEvent>(e =>
                if (drawDebug)
                    // Visualize navigation mesh, obstacles and off-mesh connections
                    scene.GetComponent <DynamicNavigationMesh>().DrawDebugGeometry(true);
                    // Visualize agents' path and position to reach

            SubscribeToEvent <CrowdAgentFailureEvent>(e =>
                Node node = e.Node;
                CrowdAgentState agentState = (CrowdAgentState)e.CrowdAgentState;

                // If the agent's state is invalid, likely from spawning on the side of a box, find a point in a larger area
                if (agentState == CrowdAgentState.CA_STATE_INVALID)
                    // Get a point on the navmesh using more generous extents
                    Vector3 newPos = scene.GetComponent <DynamicNavigationMesh>().FindNearestPoint(node.Position, new Vector3(5.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f));
                    // Set the new node position, CrowdAgent component will automatically reset the state of the agent
                    node.Position = newPos;

            SubscribeToEvent <CrowdAgentRepositionEvent>(e =>
                string WALKING_ANI = "Models/Jack_Walk.ani";

                Node node        = e.Node;
                Vector3 velocity = e.Velocity;

                // Only Jack agent has animation controller
                AnimationController animCtrl = node.GetComponent <AnimationController>();
                if (animCtrl != null)
                    float speed = velocity.Length;
                    if (animCtrl.IsPlaying(WALKING_ANI))
                        float speedRatio = speed / e.CrowdAgent.MaxSpeed;
                        // Face the direction of its velocity but moderate the turning speed based on the speed ratio as we do not have timeStep here
                        node.Rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(node.Rotation, Quaternion.FromRotationTo(Vector3.UnitZ, velocity), 10f * e.TimeStep * speedRatio);
                        // Throttle the animation speed based on agent speed ratio (ratio = 1 is full throttle)
                        animCtrl.SetSpeed(WALKING_ANI, speedRatio);
                        animCtrl.Play(WALKING_ANI, 0, true, 0.1f);

                    // If speed is too low then stopping the animation
                    if (speed < e.CrowdAgent.Radius)
                        animCtrl.Stop(WALKING_ANI, 0.8f);