/// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)
            LoggerService.Debug(">>GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to create query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            Query pageQuery = new Query();

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: created query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage  = new ItemTypeCriteria(64); // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria  pageUrl = new PageURLCriteria(Url);

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);

            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId);
            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;
            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: added criteria to query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: about to execute query", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();
            LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed query", LoggingCategory.Performance);

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                retVal = PageContentAssembler.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
                LoggerService.Debug("GetContentByUrl: executed PageContentAssembler", LoggingCategory.Performance);
            LoggerService.Debug("<<GetContentByUrl({0})", LoggingCategory.Performance, Url);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        public string GetContentByUrl(string Url)
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            Query            pageQuery = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria isPage    = new ItemTypeCriteria(64); // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria  pageUrl   = new PageURLCriteria(Url);

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);

            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId);
            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;

            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                PageContentAssembler loadPage = new PageContentAssembler();
                retVal = loadPage.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
Example #3
        private static void runTest(string culture)
            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture   = new CultureInfo(culture);
            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(culture);

            Console.Write("CurrentCulture is {0}. Result: ", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(new ItemTypeCriteria(64), new PageURLCriteria(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageUrl"]));

            allCriteria.AddCriteria(new PublicationCriteria(int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["publicationId"])));

            Query pageQuery = new Query();

            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;

            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                foreach (string uri in resultUris)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}\n", uri);
                Console.WriteLine("NO RESULTS\n");
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the raw string (xml) from the broker db by URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Url">URL of the page</param>
        /// <returns>String with page xml or empty string if no page was found</returns>
        private string GetStringContentFromBrokerByUrl(string Url)
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            Query               pageQuery   = new Query();
            ItemTypeCriteria    isPage      = new ItemTypeCriteria(64);               // TODO There must be an enum of these somewhere
            PageURLCriteria     pageUrl     = new PageURLCriteria(Url);
            PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(PublicationId); //Todo: add logic to determine site on url

            Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isPage, pageUrl);


            pageQuery.Criteria = allCriteria;

            string[] resultUris = pageQuery.ExecuteQuery();

            if (resultUris.Length > 0)
                PageContentAssembler loadPage = new PageContentAssembler();
                retVal = loadPage.GetContent(resultUris[0]);
Example #5
        public byte[] GetBinaryByUrl(string url)
            string encodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(url); // ?? why here? why now?

            Query findBinary = new Query();
            PublicationURLCriteria urlCriteria = new PublicationURLCriteria(url);
            //MultimediaCriteria isBinary = new MultimediaCriteria(true);

            //Criteria allCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(isBinary, urlCriteria);
            Criteria allCriteria = urlCriteria;

            findBinary.Criteria = allCriteria;
            if (this.PublicationId != 0)
                PublicationCriteria correctSite = new PublicationCriteria(this.PublicationId);

            string[] binaryUri = findBinary.ExecuteQuery();

            if (binaryUri.Length == 0)
                // TODO: find out how to retrieve binary data

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #6
        public ActionResult CreateReq(CreateCriteriaModel req)
            ViewBag.ExistMess = Criteria.AddCriteria(req.Criteria, "CriteriaOption");
            CreateCriteriaModel NewCriteria = new CreateCriteriaModel();

            NewCriteria.CriteriaOption      = Criteria.CriteraiValue();
            NewCriteria.Criteria            = new Criteria();
            NewCriteria.listofCriteriaValue = Criteria.GetCriteriaValue();
Example #7
        public ActionResult ViewReq(CreateCriteriaModel req)
            ViewBag.ExistMess = Criteria.AddCriteria(req.Criteria, "ClinicCriteria");
            CreateCriteriaModel NewCriteria = new CreateCriteriaModel();

            NewCriteria.listofClinic        = clinicModel.GetClinicList();
            NewCriteria.listofCriteria      = Criteria.GetReqList("-10");
            NewCriteria.CriteriaOption      = Criteria.CriteraiValue();
            NewCriteria.Criteria            = new Criteria();
            NewCriteria.listofCriteriaValue = Criteria.GetCriteriaValue();