Example #1
        private void ShowCredentials(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var vm     = new CredentialsViewModel(_environment);
            var view   = new CredentialsView();
            var window = new DialogWindow(view)
                DataContext = vm

        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] CredentialsView credentials)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var identity = await GetClaimsIdentity(credentials.UserName, credentials.Password);

            if (identity == null)
                return(BadRequest(Errors.AddErrorToModelState("login_failure", "Invalid username or password.", ModelState)));

            var jwt = await Tokens.GenerateJwt(identity, _jwtFactory, credentials.UserName, _jwtOptions, new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented });

            return(new OkObjectResult(jwt));
        private void ShowCredentials(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var vm = new CredentialsViewModel(_environment)
                ShowBrowserLogin = this.FindControl <CheckBox>("useBrowser").IsChecked ?? false,
                ShowTokenLogin   = this.FindControl <CheckBox>("usePat").IsChecked ?? false,
                ShowBasicLogin   = this.FindControl <CheckBox>("useBasic").IsChecked ?? false,
                EnterpriseUrl    = this.FindControl <TextBox>("enterpriseUrl").Text,
                UserName         = this.FindControl <TextBox>("username").Text
            var view   = new CredentialsView();
            var window = new DialogWindow(view)
                DataContext = vm

Example #4
        private void ShowCredentials(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var vm = new CredentialsViewModel(_environment)
                ShowBrowserLogin = useBrowser.IsChecked ?? false,
                ShowTokenLogin   = usePat.IsChecked ?? false,
                ShowBasicLogin   = useBasic.IsChecked ?? false,
                Url      = instanceUrl.Text,
                UserName = username.Text
            var view   = new CredentialsView();
            var window = new DialogWindow(view)
                DataContext = vm

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CredentialsViewModel"/> class
        /// </summary>
        public CredentialsViewModel()
            // init commands
            this.SaveCommand   = new RelayCommand(x => this.OnSaveCommand());
            this.CancelCommand = new RelayCommand(x => this.OnCancelCommand());

            // init view
            this.view = new CredentialsView(this);

            // try loading keys
            byte[] appKey = UserSettingsUtility.LoadAppKey();
            byte[] appSid = UserSettingsUtility.LoadAppSid();

            // decrypt loaded keys if any
            if (appKey != null && appSid != null)
                this.AppSidText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(SecurityUtility.Decrpyt(appSid));
                this.AppKeyText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(SecurityUtility.Decrpyt(appKey));

            // display view
Example #6
        private async void OnRegistrationCancelled(object sender, EventArgs e)
            await RegistrationView.FadeTo(0, 100, Easing.CubicIn);

            CredentialsView.TranslateTo(0, 0, 150, Easing.CubicInOut);
Example #7
        private async void OnRegisterTapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
            await CredentialsView.TranslateTo(Width, 0, 150, Easing.CubicInOut);

            RegistrationView.FadeTo(1, 200, Easing.CubicIn);