Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// ~~~~~~~~~~ Running the system: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ///   From IDE:
 ///      Configure the "BeFaster.App" solution to Run on External Console then run.
 ///   From command line:
 ///      msbuild befaster.sln; src\BeFaster.App\bin\Debug\BeFaster.App.exe
 ///   To run your unit tests locally:
 ///      Run the "BeFaster.App.Tests - Unit Tests" configuration.
 /// ~~~~~~~~~~ The workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ///   By running this file you interact with a challenge server.
 ///   The interaction follows a request-response pattern:
 ///        * You are presented with your current progress and a list of actions.
 ///        * You trigger one of the actions by typing it on the console.
 ///        * After the action feedback is presented, the execution will stop.
 ///   +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 ///   | Step | The usual workflow                                          |
 ///   +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 ///   |  1.  | Run this file.                                              |
 ///   |  2.  | Start a challenge by typing "start".                        |
 ///   |  3.  | Read description from the "challenges" folder               |
 ///   |  4.  | Implement the required method in                            |
 ///   |      |   .\src\BeFaster.App\Solutions                              |
 ///   |  5.  | Deploy to production by typing "deploy".                    |
 ///   |  6.  | Observe output, check for failed requests.                  |
 ///   |  7.  | If passed, go to step 3.                                    |
 ///   +------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">Action.</param>
 private static void Main(string[] args)
     .WithSolutionFor("sum", p => SumSolution.Sum(p[0].AsInt(), p[1].AsInt()))
     .WithSolutionFor("hello", p => HelloSolution.Hello(p[0]))
     .WithSolutionFor("fizz_buzz", p => FizzBuzzSolution.FizzBuzz(p[0].AsInt()))
     .WithSolutionFor("checkout", p => CheckoutSolution.Checkout(p[0]))
Example #2
 public static ImplementationRunnerConfig GetRunnerConfig() =>
 new ImplementationRunnerConfig()
Example #3
 public static ChallengeSessionConfig GetConfig() =>
 .WithColours(CredentialsConfigFile.Get("tdl_use_coloured_output", true))
 .WithRecordingSystemShouldBeOn(CredentialsConfigFile.Get("tdl_require_rec", true));
Example #4
 public static ImplementationRunnerConfig GetRunnerConfig() =>
 new ImplementationRunnerConfig()