static CreatureTable JsonToZoneTable(string json) { Console.WriteLine("Deserializing JSON File. Please Wait."); CreatureTable tl = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CreatureTable>(json); Console.WriteLine("Finished deserializing JSON File."); return(tl); }
static string ZoneTableToJson(CreatureTable zt) { Console.WriteLine("Serializing CreatureTable. Please Wait."); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(zt, Formatting.Indented); Console.WriteLine("Finished serializing JSON File"); return(json); }
// Sort on this column. private void CreatureTable_ColumnClick(object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e) { // Get the new sorting column. ColumnHeader new_sorting_column = CreatureTable.Columns[e.Column]; // Figure out the new sorting order. System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder sort_order; if (SortingColumn == null) { // New column. Sort ascending. sort_order = SortOrder.Ascending; } else { // See if this is the same column. if (new_sorting_column == SortingColumn) { // Same column. Switch the sort order. if (SortingColumn.Text.StartsWith("> ")) { sort_order = SortOrder.Descending; } else { sort_order = SortOrder.Ascending; } } else { // New column. Sort ascending. sort_order = SortOrder.Ascending; } // Remove the old sort indicator. SortingColumn.Text = SortingColumn.Text.Substring(2); } // Display the new sort order. SortingColumn = new_sorting_column; if (sort_order == SortOrder.Ascending) { SortingColumn.Text = "> " + SortingColumn.Text; } else { SortingColumn.Text = "< " + SortingColumn.Text; } // Create a comparer. CreatureTable.ListViewItemSorter = new ListViewComparer(e.Column, sort_order); // Sort. CreatureTable.Sort(); }
private void PickCreatureFromDb(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dbId = uint.Parse(PickCreature_textBox.Text); var creature = CreatureTable.GetCreature(dbId); if (creature != null) { ManageCreature_ClassId_TextBox.Text = creature.ClassId.ToString(); ManageCreature_Faction_TextBox.Text = creature.Faction.ToString(); ManageCreature_Level_TextBox.Text = creature.Level.ToString(); ManageCreature_MaxHitPoints_TextBox.Text = creature.Level.ToString(); ManageCreature_NameId_TextBox.Text = creature.NameId.ToString(); ManageCreature_Comment_TextBox.Text = creature.Comment; ManageCreature_ClassName_Label.Text = Program.LoadedCreatures[creature.ClassId].ClassName; } else { MessageBox.Show("There is no creature with that dbId in database!"); } }
public void CycleTarget(RagdollHand interactor = null, bool inc = true) { if (inc) { currentTarget = (currentTarget >= module.reinforcements.Count - 1) ? 0 : currentTarget + 1; } else { currentTarget = (currentTarget <= 0) ? module.reinforcements.Count - 1 : currentTarget - 1; } reinforcementData = module.reinforcements[currentTarget]; creatureTable = Catalog.GetData <CreatureTable>(reinforcementData.creatureTable, true); SetGraphic(); SetColour(); if (interactor) { Utils.PlayHaptic(interactor.side == Side.Left, interactor.side == Side.Right, Utils.HapticIntensity.Minor); } useSound.clip = module.useSoundAsset.PickAudioClip(); useSound.Play(); }
protected void Awake() { item = GetComponent <Item>(); module = <ItemModuleComlink>(); item.OnHeldActionEvent += OnHeldAction; item.OnGrabEvent += OnGrabEvent; item.OnUngrabEvent += OnUngrabEvent; item.OnSnapEvent += OnSnapEvent; idleSound = item.GetCustomReference("IdleSound").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); pingSound = item.GetCustomReference("PingSound").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); startSound = item.GetCustomReference("StartSound").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); stopSound = item.GetCustomReference("StopSound").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); useSound = item.GetCustomReference("UseSound").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); hologram = item.GetCustomReference("Hologram").gameObject; hologramLight = item.GetCustomReference("HologramLight").GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); hologramLogo = item.GetCustomReference("HologramLogo").GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); light = item.GetCustomReference("Light").GetComponent <Light>(); text = item.GetCustomReference("Text").GetComponent <Text>(); materials = item.GetCustomReference("Materials").GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials; hologram.SetActive(false); spawnLocations = new List <SpawnLocation>(FindObjectsOfType <SpawnLocation>()); item.TryGetSavedValue("faction", out string tempFaction); item.TryGetSavedValue("target", out string tempTarget); int.TryParse(tempFaction, out currentFaction); int.TryParse(tempTarget, out currentTarget); factionData = module.factions[currentFaction]; reinforcementData = module.reinforcements[currentTarget]; creatureTable = Catalog.GetData <CreatureTable>(reinforcementData.creatureTable, true); SetGraphic(); SetColour(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "CreatureTable file Converter v1.0 - OpenDarkEden"; //args = new string[] { "C:\\OpenDarkEden\\CreatureTable Converter\\bin\\Debug\\creature.inf" }; Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" CreatureTable file Converter v1.0 "); Console.WriteLine(" Open DarkEden "); Console.WriteLine(" Author: Matheus M. Cardoso "); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); if (args.Length == 0) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("No valid creaturetable or json was passed as an argument to this program."); Console.WriteLine("Drag and drop a valid v6 CreatureTable file (.inf) or a valid JSON file (.js)"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } if (!File.Exists(args[0])) { string msg = "File \"{0}\" not found."; object[] objs = { args[0] }; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(String.Format(msg, objs)); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(args[0]); if (dir.Extension != ".inf" && dir.Extension != ".js") { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Not a .inf or .js file."); Console.WriteLine("Drag and drop a valid v6 CreatureTable file (.inf) or a valid JSON file (.js)"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } if (dir.Extension == ".inf") { FileStream file = File.Open(args[0], FileMode.Open); CreatureTable zt = new CreatureTable(ref file); File.WriteAllText(dir.FullName + ".js", ZoneTableToJson(zt)); } if (dir.Extension == ".js") { try { FileStream file = File.Open(Path.ChangeExtension(dir.FullName, null), FileMode.OpenOrCreate); JsonToZoneTable(File.ReadAllText(args[0])).SaveToFile(ref file); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; if (e as JsonException != null) { Console.WriteLine("Could not deserialize JSON File. Check the syntax:"); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } else { Console.WriteLine("Something bad happened:"); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
private void UpdateCreature_Button_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { var creature = new CreaturesEntry { DbId = uint.Parse(PickCreature_textBox.Text) }; // check classId if (uint.TryParse(ManageCreature_ClassId_TextBox.Text, out var classId)) { if (Program.LoadedCreatures.ContainsKey(classId)) { creature.ClassId = classId; } else { MessageBox.Show("Given classId is not creature"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("classId parameter is empty"); return; } // check for faction if (uint.TryParse(ManageCreature_Faction_TextBox.Text, out var faction)) { creature.Faction = faction; } else { MessageBox.Show("faction parameter is empty"); return; } // check for level if (uint.TryParse(ManageCreature_Level_TextBox.Text, out var level)) { if (level > 50 || level < 1) { MessageBox.Show("invalid level parameter"); return; } creature.Level = level; } else { MessageBox.Show("level parameter is empty"); return; } // check for maxHitPoints if (uint.TryParse(ManageCreature_MaxHitPoints_TextBox.Text, out var maxHitPoints)) { if (maxHitPoints < 1) { MessageBox.Show("invalid maxHitPoints parameter"); return; } creature.MaxHitPoints = maxHitPoints; } else { MessageBox.Show("maxHitPoints parameter is empty"); return; } // check for nameId if (uint.TryParse(ManageCreature_NameId_TextBox.Text, out var nameId)) { creature.NameId = nameId; } else { MessageBox.Show("nameId parameter is empty"); return; } // check for comment if (ManageCreature_Comment_TextBox.Text == "" || ManageCreature_Comment_TextBox.Text == "0") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter some comment about creature"); return; } else { creature.Comment = ManageCreature_Comment_TextBox.Text; } CreatureTable.UpdateCreature(creature); MessageBox.Show($"Update creature with: DbId {creature.DbId}"); }
private void CreateCreatureButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var creature = new CreaturesEntry(); // check classId if (uint.TryParse(ClassId_textBox.Text, out var classId)) { if (Program.LoadedCreatures.ContainsKey(classId)) { creature.ClassId = classId; } else { MessageBox.Show("Given classId is not creature"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("classId parameter is empty"); return; } // check for faction if (uint.TryParse(Faction_textBox.Text, out var faction)) { creature.Faction = faction; } else { MessageBox.Show("faction parameter is empty"); return; } // check for level if (uint.TryParse(Level_ComboBox.Text, out var level)) { if (level > 50 || level < 1) { MessageBox.Show("invalid level parameter"); return; } creature.Level = level; } else { MessageBox.Show("level parameter is empty"); return; } // check for maxHitPoints if (uint.TryParse(MaxHitPoints_textBox.Text, out var maxHitPoints)) { if (maxHitPoints < 1) { MessageBox.Show("invalid maxHitPoints parameter"); return; } creature.MaxHitPoints = maxHitPoints; } else { MessageBox.Show("maxHitPoints parameter is empty"); return; } // check for nameId if (uint.TryParse(NameId_textBox.Text, out var nameId)) { creature.NameId = nameId; } else { MessageBox.Show("nameId parameter is empty"); return; } // check for comment if (Comment_textBox.Text == "" || Comment_textBox.Text == "0") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter some comment about creature"); return; } else { creature.Comment = Comment_textBox.Text; } if (!CreatureTable.AddCreature(creature)) { MessageBox.Show("TechnicalDifficulty"); return; } if (CC_SetAppearence_CheckButton.Checked == true) { if (CC_Helmet_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem helmet) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 1, helmet.Value, new Color(CC_Helmet_Panel.BackColor).Hue); } if (CC_Shoes_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem shoes) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 2, shoes.Value, new Color(CC_Shoes_Panel.BackColor).Hue); } if (CC_Gloves_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem gloves) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 3, gloves.Value, new Color(CC_Helmet_Panel.BackColor).Hue); } if (CC_Weapon_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem weapon) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 13, weapon.Value, 0); // weapons don't need color } if (CC_Hair_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem hair) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 14, hair.Value, new Color(CC_Hair_Panel.BackColor).Hue); } if (CC_Torso_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem torso) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 15, torso.Value, new Color(CC_Torso_Panel.BackColor).Hue); } if (CC_Legs_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem legs) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 16, legs.Value, new Color(CC_Legs_Panel.BackColor).Hue); } if (CC_Face_ComboBox.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem face) { CreatureAppearanceTable.SetCreatureAppearance(creature.DbId, 17, face.Value, new Color(CC_Face_Panel.BackColor).Hue); } } MessageBox.Show($"Created Creature {creature.DbId}"); }