Example #1
        static T DeserializeBadDataHelper <T, U>(CreationDelegate <U> creator) where U : Bond.IO.IInputStream, Bond.IO.ICloneable <U>
            // Untagged protocol used to trigger errors more easily
            var reader = new SimpleBinaryReader <U>(creator(badData));

            return(new Deserializer <SimpleBinaryReader <U> >(typeof(T)).Deserialize <T>(reader));
Example #2
        private static async Task DeployDataWorkerQueue(TextWriter writer, bool recreate = false)
            // "dumpling-service data-worker queue path"
            // "dumpling-service bus connection string"
            var dataworkerQueuePath  = NearbyConfig.Settings["dumpling-service data-worker queue path"];
            var servicebusConnString = NearbyConfig.Settings["dumpling-service bus connection string"];

            NamespaceManager manager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(servicebusConnString);

            CreationDelegate createQueue = async() =>
                writer.WriteLine("creating new dataworker queue");
                await manager.CreateQueueAsync(dataworkerQueuePath);

            var exists = await manager.QueueExistsAsync(dataworkerQueuePath);

            if (exists && recreate)
                writer.WriteLine("dataworker queue exists; deleting current instance");
                await manager.DeleteQueueAsync(dataworkerQueuePath);

            else if (!exists)
                writer.WriteLine($"'{dataworkerQueuePath}' exists already and we're not recreating");
Example #3
 public static IInjectionBinding Make <T>(CreationDelegate _pattern) where T : class, IInjectingItem
     return(new Binding <I>()
         ConcreteType = typeof(T), InterfaceType = typeof(I), _delegate = _pattern
Example #4
 public static void CreatePoolableBinding <Interface, Concrete>(CreationDelegate _creation, IPool _pool) where Interface : class, IInjectingItem, IPoolable
     where Concrete  : class, IInjectingItem, IPoolable
     ExistingEntry <Interface>().OnHasValue(x => Registry.Remove(x));
     Binding <Interface> .Make <Concrete>(_creation)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This topic is used to route messages to the correct analysis machine for analytics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task DeployAnalysisTopic(TextWriter writer, bool recreate = false)
            var SubscriptionsAndConditions = new Dictionary <string, SqlFilter>()
                { "ubuntu", new SqlFilter("target_os = 'ubuntu'") },
                { "centos", new SqlFilter("target_os = 'centos' OR target_os = 'rhel' OR target_os = 'redhat'") },
                { "windows", new SqlFilter("target_os = 'windows'") }
            // check if the topic exists, then create it.
            var nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(NearbyConfig.Settings["dumpling-service bus connection string"]);

            var topicName = NearbyConfig.Settings["dumpling-service analysis topic path"];

            CreationDelegate createTopic = async() =>
                var topicDescription = new TopicDescription(topicName);

                await nsManager.CreateTopicAsync(topicDescription);

                writer.WriteLine("topic created");

            var exists = await nsManager.TopicExistsAsync(topicName);

            if (exists && recreate)
                writer.WriteLine($"topic {topicName} deleting it");
                await nsManager.DeleteTopicAsync(topicName);

            else if (!exists)
                writer.WriteLine($"'{topicName}' exists and we are not recreating.");

            // Topic is created, now we'll do the subscriptions.
            foreach (var subscription in SubscriptionsAndConditions)
                // I use this to avoid repeating myself in the createSubscription(...) calls below.
                CreationDelegate createSubscription = async() =>
                    SubscriptionDescription description = new SubscriptionDescription(topicName, subscription.Key);
                    // When an item is retrieved from the subscription, a machine owns that lock, and then must clean up after it.
                    // if the lock expires that machine will not be able to delete the message and it is possible for another machine to take it.
                    description.LockDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

                    // after 16 hours, dead letter any messages in the queue. In my experience this is necessary
                    // because sometimes messages can get 'stuck' if they take too long to evaluate. We won't just delete
                    // them though, we'll dead letter them.
                    description.DefaultMessageTimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromHours(16);
                    description.EnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration = true;

                    await nsManager.CreateSubscriptionAsync(description, subscription.Value);

                    writer.WriteLine($"created subscription: {subscription.Key}");

                // next we'll (re)create the subscriptions
                exists = await nsManager.SubscriptionExistsAsync(topicName, subscription.Key);

                if (exists && recreate)
                    writer.WriteLine($"'{subscription.Key}' already exists; deleting");

                    await nsManager.DeleteSubscriptionAsync(topicName, subscription.Key);

                else if (!exists)
                    writer.WriteLine($"'{subscription.Key}' already exists and we're not recreating.");
 public BuiltInOperator(string op, CreationDelegate factoryMethod, SchemaDelegate schemaMethod)
     _operator      = op;
     _factoryMethod = factoryMethod;
     _schemaMethod  = schemaMethod;
Example #7
 public Pool(CreationDelegate creator, int maxPoolItems)
     m_items          = new T[maxPoolItems < 32 ? maxPoolItems : 32];
     m_maxPooledItems = maxPoolItems;
     m_create         = creator;
Example #8
 public static void CreateBinding <Interface, Concrete>(CreationDelegate _creation) where Interface : class, IInjectingItem
     where Concrete : class, IInjectingItem
     ExistingEntry <Interface>().OnHasValue(x => Registry.Remove(x));
     Binding <Interface> .Make <Concrete>(_creation).AddTo(Registry.Add);