Example #1
        public IActionResult Assign(int setID)
            var saved = _context.worksets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.WorksetID == setID);
            var model = new CreateSetViewModel()
                TimeAllowed     = saved.Time_Allowed,
                RandomQuestions = saved.RandomOrdering,
                Groups          = UserHelper.GetGroups(UserHelper.GetUserId(HttpContext.Session)),
                SetType         = saved.SetType

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new deck (a streamloots "set") with the specified name, and returns the setId for that deck.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deckName">The name of the deck to create.</param>
        /// <returns>The setId of the new deck (streamloots "set")</returns>
        async Task <string> AddDeck(string deckName)
            CreateSetViewModel setData = new CreateSetViewModel();

            setData.name           = deckName;
            setData.slug           = STR_DragonHumpersSlug;
            setData.craftableCards = true;
            setData.@default       = false;
            setData.imageUrl       = "https://static.streamloots.com/b355d1ef-d931-4c16-a48f-8bed0076401b/collections/collection_icon_001.png";
            SetViewModel setCardViewModel = await CreateSet(setData);

Example #3
        public async Task <SetViewModel> CreateSet(CreateSetViewModel setData)
            ByteArrayContent byteContent = ToSerializedBytes(setData);
            //string serializedBytes = byteContent.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = await client.PostAsync($"https://api.streamloots.com/sets", byteContent);

            if (await ErrorsReported(httpResponseMessage))
            string result = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SetViewModel>(result));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method opens the creation page of a new workset
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IActionResult Create()
            // Checks if the user has the privilages to create a new workset
            if (UserHelper.UserInRole(UserHelper.GetUserId(HttpContext.Session), UserHelper.ROLE_TEACHER) ||
                UserHelper.UserInRole(UserHelper.GetUserId(HttpContext.Session), UserHelper.ROLE_ADMIN))
                // Creates the new createworkset model
                var Model = new CreateSetViewModel();

                // Gets the groups the teacher has access too from the database.
                Model.Groups = UserHelper.GetGroups(UserHelper.GetUserId(HttpContext.Session));
            // Errors if they do not have access.
Example #5
        public IActionResult Assign(CreateSetViewModel model)
            Worksets sets = new Worksets()
                GroupID        = model.GroupID,
                WorksetName    = model.WorksetName,
                SetBy          = UserHelper.GetUserId(HttpContext.Session),
                Time_Allowed   = model.TimeAllowed,
                Date_Set       = DateTime.Now.Date,
                SetType        = model.SetType,
                Date_Due       = model.Date_Due,
                ExamStyle      = model.SelectFromList,
                RandomOrdering = model.RandomQuestions

Example #6
        public IActionResult Create(CreateSetViewModel model)
            // Checks that valid model has been returned
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                model.Groups = UserHelper.GetGroups(UserHelper.GetUserId(HttpContext.Session));

            // Creates the workset from the given information
            Worksets sets = new Worksets()
                GroupID        = model.GroupID,
                WorksetName    = model.WorksetName,
                SetBy          = UserHelper.GetUserId(HttpContext.Session),
                Time_Allowed   = model.TimeAllowed,
                Date_Set       = DateTime.Now.Date,
                SetType        = model.SetType,
                Date_Due       = model.Date_Due,
                ExamStyle      = model.SelectFromList,
                RandomOrdering = model.RandomQuestions

            // Checks if the workset should have no group because it was saved for later
            if (sets.GroupID == -2)
                sets.GroupID = null;

            // Adds the workset to the database and gets its ID
            sets.WorksetID = DatabaseConnector.AddWorkset(sets);

            // Creates the model that nit used to build the workset
            var Model = new BuildViewModel()
                WorkSetID   = sets.WorksetID,
                createdWork = new CreatedWork()
                    SelectFromList = sets.ExamStyle,
                    CatagoryTypes  = GetAllQuestions()

            return(View("Build", Model));