//Creates raster dataset using GP CreateRasterDataset class
        static void CreateRasterDS()
                //Initialize GeoProcessor
                Geoprocessor geoProcessor = new Geoprocessor();

                //Create file geodatabase
                CreateFileGDB createFileGDB = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFileGDB.out_folder_path = outputFolder;
                createFileGDB.out_name        = outFGDB;

                geoProcessor.Execute(createFileGDB, null);

                //Create a Raster Dataset
                CreateRasterDataset createRasterDataset = new CreateRasterDataset();

                //Set parameters
                //Set output location and name
                createRasterDataset.out_name = dsName;
                createRasterDataset.out_path = FGDBPath;

                //Set number of band to 3
                createRasterDataset.number_of_bands = 3;

                //Set pixel type to unsigned 8 bit integer
                createRasterDataset.pixel_type = "8_BIT_UNSIGNED";

                //Build pyramid layers with GDB calculated number of levels
                createRasterDataset.pyramids = "PYRAMIDS -1 BILINEAR";

                //Set GDB dataset properties
                //Set JPEG compression of quality 50
                createRasterDataset.compression = "JPEG 50";

                //Set pyramid origin point so it takes advantage of partial pyramid building when mosaicking
                //Need to make sure that any raster that will be mosaicked is to the southeast of this point
                //If the rasters are in GCS, the following origin point is good.
                //createRasterDataset.pyramid_origin = "-180 90";

                //Execute the tool to create a raster dataset
                geoProcessor.Execute(createRasterDataset, null);
            catch (Exception exc)
        //Creates raster dataset using GP CreateRasterDataset class
        static void CreateRasterDS() 
                //Initialize GeoProcessor
                Geoprocessor geoProcessor = new Geoprocessor();

                //Create file geodatabase 
                CreateFileGDB createFileGDB = new CreateFileGDB();
                createFileGDB.out_folder_path = outputFolder;
                createFileGDB.out_name = outFGDB;

                geoProcessor.Execute(createFileGDB, null);

                //Create a Raster Dataset 
                CreateRasterDataset createRasterDataset = new CreateRasterDataset();

                //Set parameters
                //Set output location and name
                createRasterDataset.out_name = dsName;
                createRasterDataset.out_path = FGDBPath;

                //Set number of band to 3
                createRasterDataset.number_of_bands = 3;

                //Set pixel type to unsigned 8 bit integer
                createRasterDataset.pixel_type = "8_BIT_UNSIGNED";

                //Build pyramid layers with GDB calculated number of levels
                createRasterDataset.pyramids = "PYRAMIDS -1 BILINEAR";

                //Set GDB dataset properties
                //Set JPEG compression of quality 50
                createRasterDataset.compression = "JPEG 50";

                //Set pyramid origin point so it takes advantage of partial pyramid building when mosaicking
                //Need to make sure that any raster that will be mosaicked is to the southeast of this point
                //If the rasters are in GCS, the following origin point is good.
                //createRasterDataset.pyramid_origin = "-180 90";

                //Execute the tool to create a raster dataset
                geoProcessor.Execute(createRasterDataset, null);
            catch (Exception exc)
        private string ExportPages(IActiveView docActiveView, int iDPI, string filename, enumExportType exportType, double paperWidth, double paperHeight, int blockCount)
            string filepath = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("\\"));
            string NameExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename);
            if (docActiveView is IPageLayout)
            double width = 0, height = 0;   //实际长宽
            //计算分页地图大小 paperWidth,paperHeight
            //分块数量 blockCount
            //计算分页图片大小 iWidth,iHeight
            #region 计算出图参数
            var pPageLayout = docActiveView as IPageLayout;
            pPageLayout.Page.QuerySize(out width, out height);
            IUnitConverter pUnitCon = new UnitConverterClass();
            switch (exportType)
                case enumExportType.byPaperSize:
                    if (paperWidth <= 0 || paperHeight <= 0)
                    { paperWidth = 210; paperHeight = 297; }
                    paperWidth = pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperWidth, esriUnits.esriMillimeters, pPageLayout.Page.Units);
                    paperHeight = pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperHeight, esriUnits.esriMillimeters, pPageLayout.Page.Units);
                    bool bW = (width > paperWidth + 0.001) ? true : false;
                    bool bH = (height > paperHeight + 0.001) ? true : false;
                    blockCount = (bW && bH) ? 4 : 1;
                case enumExportType.byBlockCount:
                    if (blockCount < 1) blockCount = 1;
                    paperWidth = width / blockCount;
                    paperHeight = height / blockCount;
            int iWidth = (int)(pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperWidth, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * iDPI);
            int iHeight = (int)(pUnitCon.ConvertUnits(paperHeight, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriUnits.esriInches) * iDPI);

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
                var pWS = OpenWorkspace(filename, enumWsFactoryType.Raster) as IRasterWorkspace;
                var pRDs = pWS.OpenRasterDataset(NameExt);
                var pDS = pRDs as IDataset;

            if (blockCount > 1)
                #region 创建子目录,获得扩展名
                string NameNoExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
                string sExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower();
                string subPath = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf("."));
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(subPath))
                    System.IO.Directory.Delete(subPath, true);
                    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(subPath))
                        subPath = subPath + "_1";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    subPath = subPath + "_1";

                string worldfileExt = "." + sExt[1].ToString() + sExt[sExt.Length - 1].ToString() + "w";

                #region 分页输出
                int index = 0;
                int minX = 0, maxY = iHeight;
                double w, h = 0;
                string t_name = subPath + @"\" + NameNoExt + "_";
                IExport docExport = CreateExport(filename, 1);
                IEnvelope pEnv1 = new EnvelopeClass();
                while (h < height - 0.0001)
                    w = 0;
                    minX = 0;
                    while (w < width - 0.0001)
                        pEnv1.XMin = w;
                        pEnv1.YMin = h;
                        pEnv1.XMax = w + paperWidth;
                        pEnv1.YMax = h + paperHeight;

                        label1.Text += ".";

                        ActiveViewOutput(docActiveView, iDPI, iWidth, iHeight, pEnv1, t_name + index.ToString() + sExt, docExport);
                        WriteWorldfile(t_name + index.ToString() + worldfileExt, 1, 0, 0, -1, minX, maxY);
                        w += paperWidth;
                        minX += iWidth;
                    h += paperHeight;
                    maxY += iHeight;

                #region 合并栅格
                var pRasterWS = OpenWorkspace(subPath, enumWsFactoryType.Raster);
                ISpatialReferenceFactory2 pSrF = new SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass();
                var pSR = pSrF.CreateSpatialReference(3857);
                var pEnumDS = pRasterWS.get_Datasets(esriDatasetType.esriDTRasterDataset);
                var pDS = pEnumDS.Next();
                while (pDS != null)
                    var GeoSchEdit = pDS as IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit;
                    if (GeoSchEdit.CanAlterSpatialReference)
                    pDS = pEnumDS.Next();

                Geoprocessor geoprocessor = new Geoprocessor();
                    CreateRasterDataset createRD = new CreateRasterDataset();
                    createRD.cellsize = 1;
                    createRD.number_of_bands = 3;
                    createRD.out_path = filepath;
                    createRD.out_name = NameExt;
                    createRD.pyramids = "NONE";
                    createRD.compression = "NONE";
                    geoprocessor.Execute(createRD, null);

                    WorkspaceToRasterDataset MosaicToRaster = new WorkspaceToRasterDataset();
                    MosaicToRaster.in_workspace = subPath;
                    MosaicToRaster.in_raster_dataset = filename;
                    geoprocessor.Execute(MosaicToRaster, null);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    for (int i = 0; i < geoprocessor.MessageCount; i++)
                        string abc = geoprocessor.GetMessage(i);


                return subPath;
                Export10Plus(docActiveView, filename, iDPI, 0, 0, null);
                return "";
            else      //map
            return "";