Example #1
        public async Task <BlogResponse> CreatePostAsync(CreatePostInput input)
            var response = new BlogResponse();

            var tags = await _tags.GetListAsync();

            var newTags = input.Tags.Where(item => !tags.Any(x => x.Name == item)).Select(x => new Tag
                Name  = x,
                Alias = x.ToLower()

            if (newTags.Any())
                await _tags.InsertManyAsync(newTags);

            var post = new Post
                Title     = input.Title,
                Author    = input.Author,
                Url       = input.Url.GeneratePostUrl(input.CreatedAt.ToDateTime()),
                Markdown  = input.Markdown,
                Category  = await _categories.GetAsync(input.CategoryId.ToObjectId()),
                Tags      = await _tags.GetListAsync(input.Tags),
                CreatedAt = input.CreatedAt.ToDateTime()
            await _posts.InsertAsync(post);

Example #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreatePostInput model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // createdById alanini doldur
                model.CreatedById = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
                model.CreatedBy   = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name).Value;
                // createService e gonder
                var createService = await _postService.Create(model);

                // hata yoksa Index e redirect et
                if (createService.Succeeded)
                // hata varsa hatayi ModelState e ekle
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, createService.ErrorMessage);
            var categoryList = await _categoryService.GetAll();

            ViewBag.CategoryDDL = categoryList.Result.Select(x => new SelectListItem
                Selected = false,
                Text     = x.Name,
                Value    = x.Id.ToString()
        public async Task <ApplicationResult <PostDto> > Create(CreatePostInput input)
                // useri al
                var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(input.CreatedById);

                // maple
                Post newPost = _mapper.Map <Post>(input);
                newPost.CreatedBy = user.UserName;
                // context e ekle
                await _context.Posts.AddAsync(newPost);

                // kaydet
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                // ve dto'yu maple ve return et
                return(await Get(newPost.Id));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ApplicationResult <PostDto>
                    Result = new PostDto(),
                    Succeeded = false,
                    ErrorMessage = ex.Message
        public async Task <PostListDto> Create(CreatePostInput input)
            var post   = ObjectMapper.Map <Post>(input);
            var result = await _postRepository.InsertAsync(post);

            return(ObjectMapper.Map <PostListDto>(result));
Example #5
        public async Task <ActionResult <ApplicationResult <PostDto> > > Post([FromBody] CreatePostInput input)
            var result = await _postService.Create(input);

            if (result.Succeeded)
        public async Task Create(CreatePostInput input)
            var entity = new Post(input.Name, input.Content, input.BlogId, AbpSession.UserId.Value);

            foreach (var inputTag in input.Tags)
                entity.AssignTag(new Tag(inputTag.Name));

            await _manager.Create(entity);
Example #7
        public async Task CreatePost()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationUserDbContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "Test_PostCreate").Options;
            MapperConfiguration mappingConfig = new MapperConfiguration(mc =>
                mc.AddProfile(new AutoMapperProfile());
            IMapper mapper = mappingConfig.CreateMapper();
            ApplicationResult <CategoryDto> resultCreateCategory = new ApplicationResult <CategoryDto>();

            // create category
            using (var inMemoryContext = new ApplicationUserDbContext(options))
                CategoryServiceShould categoryShould = new CategoryServiceShould();
                resultCreateCategory = await categoryShould.CreateCategory(inMemoryContext, mapper);
            // check create category
            ApplicationResult <PostDto> resultPost = new ApplicationResult <PostDto>();

            using (var inMemoryContext = new ApplicationUserDbContext(options))
                CategoryServiceShould categoryShould = new CategoryServiceShould();
                await categoryShould.AssertCreatedCategory(inMemoryContext, resultCreateCategory);

                // create post
                var             service  = new PostService(inMemoryContext, mapper);
                CreatePostInput fakePost = new CreatePostInput
                    CategoryId  = resultCreateCategory.Result.Id,
                    Content     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
                    Title       = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                    UrlName     = "lorem-ipsum-dolor",
                    CreatedBy   = "Tester1",
                    CreatedById = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                resultPost = await service.Create(fakePost);
            // check post create service
            using (var inMemoryContext = new ApplicationUserDbContext(options))
                Assert.Equal(1, await inMemoryContext.Posts.CountAsync());
                var item = await inMemoryContext.Posts.FirstAsync();

                Assert.Equal("Tester1", item.CreatedBy);
                Assert.Equal("Lorem Ipsum Dolor", item.Title);
                Assert.Equal("lorem-ipsum-dolor", item.UrlName);
                Assert.Equal("Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet", item.Content);
                Assert.Equal(resultCreateCategory.Result.Id, item.CategoryId);
Example #8
        public async Task Create(CreatePostInput input)
            // Is the user the author of the blog?
            var blog = await _blogManager.FindByIdAsync(input.BlogId);

            if (blog?.AuthorId != AbpSession.UserId && AbpSession.UserId != input.AuthorId)

            var post = ObjectMapper.Map <Post>(input);

            await _postManager.CreateAsync(post);
Example #9
 public async Task CreatePost(CreatePostInput input)
     await _postRepository.InsertAsync(input.MapTo <Post>());
 public async Task CreatePostAsync(CreatePostInput input)
     var @post = Post.Create(AbpSession.GetTenantId(), input.Title, AbpSession.GetUserId(), input.Summary, input.Tags, input.Content, input.CatagoryId);
     await _postManager.CreatePostAsync(@post);