Example #1
        public async Task <bool> CreatePageRule(string targetDomain, string urlToMatch, string forwardingUrl)
            var zoneId = await ResolveZone(targetDomain);

            var createVm = new CreatePageRuleVM
                Actions = new List <ActionResultType>
                    new ActionResultType
                        Id    = "forwarding_url",
                        Value = new ActionResultType.ValueResultType
                            Url        = forwardingUrl,
                            StatusCode = 301
                Targets = new List <TargetResultType>
                    new TargetResultType
                        Constraint = new TargetResultType.ConstraintType
                            Operator = "matches",
                            Value    = urlToMatch
                        Target = "url"

            // The replacement here is hacky, but I can't get Json.NET to do it the "right" way.
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createVm).Replace("/", "\\/");

            var response = await PerformWebRequest <ApiResponseVM>($"{API_ENDPOINT}/zones/{zoneId}/pagerules", HttpMethod.Post, json);

Example #2
        public async Task <bool> EditPageRule(string targetDomain, string urlToMatch, string forwardingUrl, string id)
            var zoneId = await ResolveZone(targetDomain);

            var editVm = new CreatePageRuleVM
                Actions = new List <ActionResultType>
                    new ActionResultType
                        Id    = "forwarding_url",
                        Value = new ActionResultType.ValueResultType
                            Url        = forwardingUrl,
                            StatusCode = 301
                Targets = new List <TargetResultType>
                    new TargetResultType
                        Constraint = new TargetResultType.ConstraintType
                            Operator = "matches",
                            Value    = urlToMatch
                        Target = "url"

            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(editVm).Replace("/", "\\/");

            var result = await PerformWebRequest <ApiResponseVM>($"{API_ENDPOINT}/zones/{zoneId}/pagerules/{id}", new HttpMethod("PATCH"), json);
