Example #1
        public override Empty CreateNativeToken(CreateNativeTokenInput input)
            Assert(string.IsNullOrEmpty(State.NativeTokenSymbol.Value), "Native token already created.");
            State.NativeTokenSymbol.Value = input.Symbol;
            State.BasicContractZero.Value = Context.GetZeroSmartContractAddress();
            var whiteList = new List <Address>();

            foreach (var systemContractName in input.LockWhiteSystemContractNameList)
                var address = State.BasicContractZero.GetContractAddressByName.Call(systemContractName);

            var createInput = new CreateInput
                Symbol        = input.Symbol,
                TokenName     = input.TokenName,
                TotalSupply   = input.TotalSupply,
                Issuer        = input.Issuer,
                Decimals      = input.Decimals,
                IsBurnable    = true,
                LockWhiteList = { whiteList }

        public void ProductDoesNotExist_ShouldThrowExpectedException()
            // Arrange
            .Setup(repository => repository.GetById(It.IsAny <Guid>()))
            .Returns(new Customer());

            .Setup(repository => repository.Exists(It.IsAny <Guid>()))

            var sut       = GetSut();
            var productId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productIdQuantityDictionary = new Dictionary <Guid, int> {
                { productId, 1 }
            var input = new CreateInput(Guid.NewGuid(), productIdQuantityDictionary);

            // Act
            Action action = () => sut.Execute(input);

            // Assert
            .Throw <ProductNotFoundException>()
            .WithMessage($"{typeof(CreateUseCase)}: Product with id: {productId}, does not exist.");
Example #3
        public CreateOutput <GameTaskTypeDto, long> Create(CreateInput <GameTaskTypeDto, long> input)
            throw new NotSupportedException("This method is implemented but it is not safely to use it.");

            GameTaskType newGameTaskTypeEntity = input.Entity.MapTo <GameTaskType>();

            newGameTaskTypeEntity.IsDefault = false;
            newGameTaskTypeEntity.IsActive  = true;

            if (!GameTaskTypePolicy.CanCreateEntity(newGameTaskTypeEntity))
                throw new CityQuestPolicyException(CityQuestConsts.CQPolicyExceptionCreateDenied, "\"GameTaskType\"");

            GameTaskTypeRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.LastModifierUser);
            GameTaskTypeRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.CreatorUser);

            GameTaskTypeDto newGameTaskTypeDto = (GameTaskTypeRepository.Insert(newGameTaskTypeEntity)).MapTo <GameTaskTypeDto>();


            return(new CreateOutput <GameTaskTypeDto, long>()
                CreatedEntity = newGameTaskTypeDto
        public async Task <Hash> Create_Proposal()
            _organizationAddress = await Create_Organization();

            _createInput = new CreateInput()
                Symbol      = "NEW",
                Decimals    = 2,
                TotalSupply = 10_0000,
                TokenName   = "new token",
                Issuer      = _organizationAddress,
                IsBurnable  = true
            _createProposalInput = new CreateProposalInput
                ContractMethodName  = nameof(TokenContract.Create),
                ToAddress           = TokenContractAddress,
                Params              = _createInput.ToByteString(),
                ExpiredTime         = BlockTimeProvider.GetBlockTime().AddDays(2).ToTimestamp(),
                OrganizationAddress = _organizationAddress
            var proposal = await ReferendumAuthContractStub.CreateProposal.SendAsync(_createProposalInput);

Example #5
        public override Empty CrossChainCreateToken(CrossChainCreateTokenInput input)
            var parentChainId        = GetValidCrossChainContractReferenceState().GetParentChainId.Call(new Empty()).Value;
            var tokenContractAddress = State.CrossChainTransferWhiteList[parentChainId];

            Assert(tokenContractAddress != null, "Token contract address of parent chain not found.");

            var originalTransaction = Transaction.Parser.ParseFrom(input.TransactionBytes);

            AssertCrossChainTransaction(originalTransaction, tokenContractAddress, nameof(Create));

            var originalTransactionId = originalTransaction.GetHash();

            CrossChainVerify(originalTransactionId, input.ParentChainHeight, input.FromChainId, input.MerklePath);

            CreateInput creationInput = CreateInput.Parser.ParseFrom(originalTransaction.Params);

            RegisterTokenInfo(new TokenInfo
                Symbol       = creationInput.Symbol,
                TokenName    = creationInput.TokenName,
                TotalSupply  = creationInput.TotalSupply,
                Decimals     = creationInput.Decimals,
                Issuer       = creationInput.Issuer,
                IsBurnable   = creationInput.IsBurnable,
                IssueChainId = parentChainId
            return(new Empty());
        public void ValidInput_ShouldCreateTheOrder()
            // Arrange
            .Setup(repository => repository.GetById(It.IsAny <Guid>()))
            .Returns(new Customer());

            .Setup(repository => repository.Exists(It.IsAny <Guid>()))

            var sut       = GetSut();
            var productId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productIdQuantityDictionary = new Dictionary <Guid, int> {
                { productId, 1 }
            var input = new CreateInput(Guid.NewGuid(), productIdQuantityDictionary);

            // Act
            Action action = () => sut.Execute(input);

            // Assert
Example #7
        public CreateOutput <DivisionDto, long> Create(CreateInput <DivisionDto, long> input)
            Division newDivisionEntity = input.Entity.MapTo <Division>();

            newDivisionEntity.IsDefault = false;
            newDivisionEntity.IsActive  = true;

            if (!DivisionPolicy.CanCreateEntity(newDivisionEntity))
                throw new CityQuestPolicyException(CityQuestConsts.CQPolicyExceptionCreateDenied, "\"Division\"");

            DivisionRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.LastModifierUser);
            DivisionRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.CreatorUser);
            DivisionRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.Teams);

            DivisionDto newDivisionDto = (DivisionRepository.Insert(newDivisionEntity)).MapTo <DivisionDto>();


            return(new CreateOutput <DivisionDto, long>()
                CreatedEntity = newDivisionDto
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Register the TokenInfo into TokenContract add initial TokenContractState.LockWhiteLists;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Empty Create(CreateInput input)
            RegisterTokenInfo(new TokenInfo
                Symbol             = input.Symbol,
                TokenName          = input.TokenName,
                TotalSupply        = input.TotalSupply,
                Decimals           = input.Decimals,
                Issuer             = input.Issuer,
                IsBurnable         = input.IsBurnable,
                IsTransferDisabled = input.IsTransferDisabled,
                IssueChainId       = input.IssueChainId == 0 ? Context.ChainId : input.IssueChainId

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(State.NativeTokenSymbol.Value))
                State.NativeTokenSymbol.Value = input.Symbol;

            var systemContractAddresses = Context.GetSystemContractNameToAddressMapping().Select(m => m.Value);
            var isSystemContractAddress = input.LockWhiteList.All(l => systemContractAddresses.Contains(l));

            Assert(isSystemContractAddress, "Addresses in lock white list should be system contract addresses");
            foreach (var address in input.LockWhiteList)
                State.LockWhiteLists[input.Symbol][address] = true;

            Context.LogDebug(() => $"Token created: {input.Symbol}");

            return(new Empty());
        public void ProductExists_ShouldUpdateTheProduct()
            // Arrange
            var repository = GetEmptyProductRepository();
            var sut        = new UpdateUseCase(repository);

            var createUseCase  = new CreateUseCase(repository);
            var getByIdUseCase = new GetByIdUseCase(repository);

            var id          = Guid.NewGuid();
            var createInput = new CreateInput {
                Id = id, Name = "Name", Description = "Description"
            var UpdateInput = new UpdateInput {
                Id = id, Name = "Name", Description = "Description"


            // Act

            var actual = getByIdUseCase.Execute(id);

            // Assert
Example #10
        public int  CreateAsync(CreateInput input)
            //get current active financial year;
            var currentYr = financialYearRepository.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsActive == true);

            var obj = new Applicant
                Type            = input.Type,
                Name            = input.Name,
                Adress          = input.Adress,
                Phone           = input.Phone,
                Email           = input.Email,
                TIN             = input.TIN,
                IsTanzanian     = input.IsTanzanian,
                IDtype          = input.IDtype,
                IDNumber        = input.IDNumber,
                IDIssuePlace    = input.IDIssuePlace,
                IDExpiryDate    = input.IDExpiryDate,
                FinancialYearId = currentYr.Id
            var objExist = this.reporitaryApplicant.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == input.Name);

            if (objExist == null)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Item Alredy Exist");
Example #11
        public void Create(CreateInput input)
            var fault = new Fault()
                Name = input.Name

Example #12
        private void AssertValidCreateInput(CreateInput input)
            var isValid = input.TokenName.Length <= TokenContractConstants.TokenNameLength &&
                          input.Symbol.Length > 0 &&
                          input.Symbol.Length <= TokenContractConstants.SymbolMaxLength &&
                          input.Decimals >= 0 &&
                          input.Decimals <= TokenContractConstants.MaxDecimals;

            Assert(isValid, "Invalid input.");
        public Guid Execute(CreateInput input)

            var order = ToDomainEntity(input);


        public IActionResult Create(Dictionary <Guid, int> request)
            var user       = _userService.GetUser(_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext);
            var customerId = user.CustomerId;

            var input = new CreateInput(customerId, request);

            var orderId = _createUseCase.Execute(input);

Example #15
        public void Create(CreateInput input)
            var accessory = new Accessory()
                Number = input.Number,
                Unit   = input.Unit,
                Model  = input.Model,
                Name   = input.Name

Example #16
        // [Authorize]
        public IActionResult Create(CreateProductRequest request)
            var input = new CreateInput
                Id          = request.Id,
                Name        = request.Name,
                Description = request.Description

            var productId = _createUseCase.Execute(input);

        private Order ToDomainEntity(CreateInput input)
            var orderItems = new OrderItems();

            foreach (var item in input.ProductIdQuantityDictionary)
                orderItems.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

            var order = new Order(input.CustomerId, orderItems);

Example #18
        public async Task <BlogResponse> CreateAsync(CreateInput input)
            var response = new BlogResponse();

            if (!input.Content.Any())
                response.IsFailed("The content list is null.");
            await _sayings.InsertManyAsync(input.Content.Select(x => new Saying {
                Content = x.Trim()

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Register the TokenInfo into TokenContract add initial TokenContractState.LockWhiteLists;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Empty Create(CreateInput input)
            Assert(State.SideChainCreator.Value == null, "Failed to create token if side chain creator already set.");
            RegisterTokenInfo(new TokenInfo
                Symbol       = input.Symbol,
                TokenName    = input.TokenName,
                TotalSupply  = input.TotalSupply,
                Decimals     = input.Decimals,
                Issuer       = input.Issuer,
                IsBurnable   = input.IsBurnable,
                IsProfitable = input.IsProfitable,
                IssueChainId = input.IssueChainId == 0 ? Context.ChainId : input.IssueChainId
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(State.NativeTokenSymbol.Value))
                Assert(Context.Variables.NativeSymbol == input.Symbol, "Invalid native token input.");
                State.NativeTokenSymbol.Value = input.Symbol;

            var systemContractAddresses = Context.GetSystemContractNameToAddressMapping().Select(m => m.Value);
            var isSystemContractAddress = input.LockWhiteList.All(l => systemContractAddresses.Contains(l));

            Assert(isSystemContractAddress, "Addresses in lock white list should be system contract addresses");
            foreach (var address in input.LockWhiteList)
                State.LockWhiteLists[input.Symbol][address] = true;

            Context.LogDebug(() => $"Token created: {input.Symbol}");

            Context.Fire(new TokenCreated
                Symbol       = input.Symbol,
                TokenName    = input.TokenName,
                TotalSupply  = input.TotalSupply,
                Decimals     = input.Decimals,
                Issuer       = input.Issuer,
                IsBurnable   = input.IsBurnable,
                IsProfitable = input.IsProfitable,
                IssueChainId = input.IssueChainId == 0 ? Context.ChainId : input.IssueChainId

            return(new Empty());
        public void ValidInput_ShouldCreateTheProduct()
            // Arrange
            var repository = new InMemoryProductRepository();
            var sut        = new CreateUseCase(repository);

            var input = new CreateInput {
                Name = "Name", Description = "Description"

            // Act
            Action action = () => sut.Execute(input);

            // Assert
        public void ProductAlreadyExists_ShouldThrowException()
            // Arrange
            var repository = GetProductRepository();
            var sut        = new CreateUseCase(repository);

            var input = new CreateInput {
                Name = "Name", Description = "Description"

            // Act
            Action action = () => sut.Execute(input);

            // Assert
            .Throw <ProductAlreadyExistsException>();
        public Guid Execute(CreateInput input)
            var product = _repository.GetById(input.Id);

            if (product != null)

            product = new Product(


Example #23
        public CreateOutput <LocationDto, long> Create(CreateInput <LocationDto, long> input)
            Location newLocationEntity = input.Entity.MapTo <Location>();

            if (!LocationPolicy.CanCreateEntity(newLocationEntity))
                throw new CityQuestPolicyException(CityQuestConsts.CQPolicyExceptionCreateDenied, "\"Location\"");

            LocationRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.LastModifierUser);
            LocationRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.CreatorUser);

            LocationDto newLocationDto = (LocationRepository.Insert(newLocationEntity)).MapTo <LocationDto>();


            return(new CreateOutput <LocationDto, long>()
                CreatedEntity = newLocationDto
Example #24
        public override Empty Create(CreateInput input)
            var existing = State.TokenInfos[input.Symbol];

            Assert(existing == null || existing == new TokenInfo(), "Token already exists.");
            RegisterTokenInfo(new TokenInfo
                Symbol      = input.Symbol,
                TokenName   = input.TokenName,
                TotalSupply = input.TotalSupply,
                Decimals    = input.Decimals,
                Issuer      = input.Issuer,
                IsBurnable  = input.IsBurnable

            foreach (var address in input.LockWhiteList)
                State.LockWhiteLists[input.Symbol][address] = true;

            return(new Empty());
Example #25
        public CreateOutput <TipDto, long> Create(CreateInput <TipDto, long> input)
            throw new NotSupportedException("This method is implemented but it is not safely to use it.");

            Tip newTipEntity = input.Entity.MapTo <Tip>();

            if (!TipPolicy.CanCreateEntity(newTipEntity))
                throw new CityQuestPolicyException(CityQuestConsts.CQPolicyExceptionCreateDenied, "\"Tip\"");

            TipRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.LastModifierUser);
            TipRepository.Includes.Add(r => r.CreatorUser);

            TipDto newTipDto = (TipRepository.Insert(newTipEntity)).MapTo <TipDto>();


            return(new CreateOutput <TipDto, long>()
                CreatedEntity = newTipDto
Example #26
        public ActionResult Account(CreateInput input)
            int applicantId = _applicantService.CreateAsync(input);

            if (applicantId > 0)
                // TODO: Add insert logic here

                return(RedirectToAction("AddUser", new { Id = applicantId }));

                var applicationTypes = _applicationTypeService.GetRefApplicationTypes().Select(c => new SelectListItem {
                    Value = c.Id.ToString(), Text = c.Name
                var IdTypes = _refIdentityService.GetItemList().Select(c => new SelectListItem {
                    Value = c.Name.ToString(), Text = c.Name
                ViewBag.Type   = applicationTypes;
                ViewBag.IDtype = IdTypes;
Example #27
        public CreateOutput <UserDto, long> Create(CreateInput <UserDto, long> input)
            User existingUser = UserRepository.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == input.Entity.UserName);

            if (existingUser != null)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Wrong username!", String.Format(
                                                    "There is already a user with username: \"{0}\"! Please, select another user name.", input.Entity.UserName));
            User newUserEntity = new User()
                EmailAddress     = input.Entity.EmailAddress,
                IsEmailConfirmed = true,
                Name             = input.Entity.Name,
                Password         = input.Entity.Password,
                PhoneNumber      = input.Entity.PhoneNumber,
                Roles            = new List <UserRole>(),
                Surname          = input.Entity.Surname,
                UserName         = input.Entity.UserName

            newUserEntity.Password = new PasswordHasher().HashPassword(newUserEntity.Password);

            #region Creating UserRole

            Role defaultRole = RoleRepository.FirstOrDefault(r => r.IsDefault);
            if (defaultRole == null)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Error during the action!",
                                                "Can not get default role! Please, contact your system administrator or system support.");

            newUserEntity.Roles.Add(new UserRole()
                Role   = defaultRole,
                RoleId = defaultRole.Id,
                User   = newUserEntity


            #region Creating PlayerCareer

                long defaultTeamId = TeamRepository.Single(r => r.IsDefault == true).Id;

                PlayerCareer newPlayerCareer = new PlayerCareer()
                    CareerDateStart = DateTime.Now,
                    IsActive        = true,
                    IsCaptain       = false,
                    TeamId          = defaultTeamId,
                    User            = newUserEntity,

                throw new UserFriendlyException("User creating fault!", "User creating fault! Please contact system administrator or support.");


            UserDto newUserDto = (UserRepository.Insert(newUserEntity)).MapTo <UserDto>();

            return(new CreateOutput <UserDto, long>()
                CreatedEntity = newUserDto
Example #28
        private CreateItemsOutput[] createECNItems(ItemIdsAndInitialRevisionIds[] itemIds, string itemType)
        //       throws ServiceException
            // Get the service stub
            DataManagementService dmService = DataManagementService.getService(Session.getConnection());
            // Populate form type
            GetItemCreationRelatedInfoResponse relatedResponse = dmService.GetItemCreationRelatedInfo(itemType, null);

            String[] formTypes = new String[0];
            if (relatedResponse.ServiceData.sizeOfPartialErrors() > 0)
                throw new ServiceException("DataManagementService.getItemCretionRelatedInfo returned a partial error.");

            formTypes = new String[relatedResponse.FormAttrs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < relatedResponse.FormAttrs.Length; i++)
                FormAttributesInfo attrInfo = relatedResponse.FormAttrs[i];
                formTypes[i] = attrInfo.FormType;

            ItemProperties[] itemProps = new ItemProperties[itemIds.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < itemIds.Length; i++)
                CreateIn itemInput = new CreateIn();

                itemInput.Data.BoName = "A9_AutoCN";
                VecStruct PropValueVec1 = new VecStruct();
                PropValueVec1.StringVec = new String[] { "Synopsis_name" };
                itemInput.Data.StringProps.Add("object_name", PropValueVec1);

                CreateInput itemRevisionInput = new CreateInput();
                itemRevisionInput.BoName = "A9_AutoCNRevision";

                VecStruct PropValueVec2 = new VecStruct();
                PropValueVec2.StringVec = new String[] { "test revision desc" };

                itemRevisionInput.StringProps.Add("object_desc", PropValueVec2);

                DateTime currentdate      = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime SyncStartdate    = new DateTime(currentdate.Year, currentdate.Month, currentdate.Day, currentdate.Hour, currentdate.Minute, currentdate.Second);
                String   SyncStartdateStr = SyncStartdate.ToString("yyyyMMMddHHmmsssss");

                VecStruct PropValueVec4 = new VecStruct();
                PropValueVec4.StringVec = new String[] { SyncStartdateStr };
                itemRevisionInput.DateProps.Add("a9_EstImpDate", PropValueVec4);

                itemInput.Data.CompoundCreateInput.Add("revision", itemRevisionInput);

                CreateIn[] itemInputarray = new CreateIn[1];
                itemInputarray[0] = itemInput;

                CreateResponse cresponse = dmService.CreateObjects(itemInputarray);

                if (cresponse.ServiceData.sizeOfPartialErrors() > 0)
                    throw new ServiceException("DataManagementService.CreateObjects returned a partial error." + cresponse.ServiceData.GetPartialError(0));

                //// Create form in cache for form property population
                //ModelObject[] forms = createForms(itemIds[i].NewItemId, formTypes[0],
                //                                  itemIds[i].NewRevId, formTypes[1],
                //                                  null, false);
                //ItemProperties itemProperty = new ItemProperties();

                //itemProperty.ClientId = "AppX-Test";
                //itemProperty.ItemId = itemIds[i].NewItemId;
                //itemProperty.RevId = itemIds[i].NewRevId;
                //itemProperty.Name = "AppX-Test";
                //itemProperty.Type = itemType;
                //itemProperty.Description = "Test Item for the SOA AppX sample application.";
                //itemProperty.Uom = "";

                //// Retrieve one of form attribute value from Item master form.
                //ServiceData serviceData = dmService.GetProperties(forms, new String[] { "project_id" });
                //if (serviceData.sizeOfPartialErrors() > 0)
                //    throw new ServiceException("DataManagementService.getProperties returned a partial error.");
                //Property property = null;
                //    property = forms[0].GetProperty("project_id");
                //catch (NotLoadedException /*ex*/) { }

                //// Only if value is null, we set new value
                //if (property == null || property.StringValue == null || property.StringValue.Length == 0)
                //    itemProperty.ExtendedAttributes = new ExtendedAttributes[1];
                //    ExtendedAttributes theExtendedAttr = new ExtendedAttributes();
                //    theExtendedAttr.Attributes = new Hashtable();
                //    theExtendedAttr.ObjectType = formTypes[0];
                //    theExtendedAttr.Attributes["project_id"] = "project_id";
                //    itemProperty.ExtendedAttributes[0] = theExtendedAttr;
                //itemProps[i] = itemProperty;

            //// *****************************
            //// Execute the service operation
            //// *****************************
            //CreateItemsResponse response = dmService.CreateItems(itemProps, null, "");
            //// before control is returned the ChangedHandler will be called with
            //// newly created Item and ItemRevisions

            //// The AppXPartialErrorListener is logging the partial errors returned
            //// In this simple example if any partial errors occur we will throw a
            //// ServiceException
            //if (response.ServiceData.sizeOfPartialErrors() > 0)
            //    throw new ServiceException("DataManagementService.createItems returned a partial error.");
            CreateItemsResponse response = null;
