public async Task Handle(UserOrgAuthStatusChangedEvent message, IMessageHandlerContext context) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("IntegrationEventContext", $"{message.Id}-{Program.AppName}")) { _logger.LogInformation("----- Handling UserOrgAuthStatusChangedEvent: {IntegrationEventId} at {AppName} - ({@IntegrationEvent})", message.Id, Program.AppName, message); #region 设置用户团体认证状态 var command = new SetOrgAuthStatusCommand { UserId = message.UserId, Status = (AuthStatus)message.Status }; await _mediator.Send(command); #endregion #region 通知用户 if (message.Status == 2 || message.Status == 3) { var eventCommand = new CreateEventCommand { ToUserId = message.UserId, EventType = message.Status == 2 ? EventType.UserOrgAuthSuccess : EventType.UserOrgAuthFailed, PushMessage = message.Status == 2 ? "团体认证成功" : "团体认证未通过" }; await _mediator.Send(eventCommand); } #endregion } }
public ActionResult <int> Post([FromBody] CreateEventDTO request) { var command = new CreateEventCommand(_mapper.Map <Event>(request)); var handler = _commandHandler.Build(command); return(Ok(handler.Execute())); }
public void CreateEventWithEmptyModel_ThrowsException() { var cmd = new CreateEventCommand(_ctx); var request = new CreateEventRequest(new ReservationModel()); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => cmd.Handle(request, CancellationToken.None).Wait()); }
public async Task <Event> CreateEvent(CreateEventCommand newEvent) { Event model = new Event(); try { //Create RestClient var client = CreateRestClient(_eventbriteSettings.Value.OrganizationId); //Get Payload IRestResponse response = await CreateEvent(client, newEvent); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { _logger.LogInformation("Error"); } else { model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Event>(response.Content); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogInformation(ex.Message); } return(model); }
public static Command Create(CommandType type, string[] parameters, CommandRequest commandRequest) { Command command = null; switch (type) { case CommandType.CreateEvent: command = new CreateEventCommand(parameters, commandRequest); break; case CommandType.SubscribeToEvent: command = new SubscribeToEventCommand(parameters, commandRequest); break; case CommandType.Split: command = new SplitFixCommand(parameters, commandRequest, CommandType.Split); break; case CommandType.Fix: command = new SplitFixCommand(parameters, commandRequest, CommandType.Fix); break; case CommandType.PayFor: command = new PayForCommand(parameters, commandRequest); break; case CommandType.AddReminder: command = new AddReminderCommand(parameters, commandRequest); break; } return(command); }
public async Task <ActionResult <bool> > Create([FromBody] CreateEventCommand command) { var result = await _mediator.Send(command); return(Ok(result.Successful)); }
public async Task Handle_Given_Invalid_EventTypeId_Throws_ValidationException() { // Arrange var validTitle = "Event Created from Unit Tests."; var validDescription = "This event was created from a Unit Test."; var validStartDate = new DateTime(2020, 3, 1); var validEndDate = new DateTime(2020, 3, 2); var validRegStartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 1); var validRegEndDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 2); var validMaxRegs = 10; var inValidEventTypeId = 20; var command = new CreateEventCommand { Title = validTitle, Description = validDescription, StartDate = validStartDate, EndDate = validEndDate, RegStartDate = validRegStartDate, RegEndDate = validRegEndDate, MaxRegsCount = validMaxRegs, EventTypeId = inValidEventTypeId }; // Act/Assert var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(() => _sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(1, ex.Failures.Count); }
public async Task Handle(PostPublishedEvent message, IMessageHandlerContext context) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("IntegrationEventContext", $"{message.Id}-{Program.AppName}")) { _logger.LogInformation("----- Handling PostPublishedEvent: {IntegrationEventId} at {AppName} - ({@IntegrationEvent})", message.Id, Program.AppName, message); #region 创建帖子 var postCommand = new CreatePostCommand { PostId = message.PostId, Image = message.Image }; await _mediator.Send(postCommand); #endregion #region 发布@用户通知 foreach (var atUserId in message.AtUserIds) { var eventCommand = new CreateEventCommand { FromUserId = message.UserId, ToUserId = atUserId, PostId = message.PostId, EventType = EventType.AtUserInPost, PushMessage = $"{message.Nickname}在作品中@了你" }; await _mediator.Send(eventCommand); } #endregion } }
public async Task CreateEvent(Guid eventId, CreateEventCommand createEventCommand) { await CreateUrlKey(eventId, createEventCommand.UrlKey); var document = new Document <EventDocument> { Id = eventId.ToString(), Content = new EventDocument { Subject = createEventCommand.Subject, UrlKey = createEventCommand.UrlKey, Description = createEventCommand.Description, Address = createEventCommand.Address, Date = createEventCommand.Date, EndDate = createEventCommand.EndDate, Capacity = createEventCommand.Capacity, GroupId = createEventCommand.GroupId, Status = EventStatuses.ACTIVE, Location = new EventLocationDocument { Lat = createEventCommand.Latitude, Lon = createEventCommand.Longitude } } }; var documentResult = await _eventsBucket.InsertAsync(document); if (!documentResult.Success) { await DeleteUrlKey(createEventCommand.UrlKey); throw documentResult.Exception; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateEvent([FromBody] CreateEventRequest request) { var createEventCommand = new CreateEventCommand(request); var result = await mediator.Send(createEventCommand); return(StatusCode((int)result.Code, result.Value)); }
public async Task Handle_Given_StartDate_InPast_Throws_ValidationException() { // Arrange var validTitle = "Event Created from Unit Tests."; var validDescription = "This event was created from a Unit Test."; var inValidStartDate = new DateTime(2019, 3, 1); var validEndDate = new DateTime(2020, 3, 2); var validRegStartDate = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1); var validRegEndDate = new DateTime(2019, 2, 1); var validMaxRegs = 10; var validEventTypeId = 1; var command = new CreateEventCommand { Title = validTitle, Description = validDescription, StartDate = inValidStartDate, EndDate = validEndDate, RegStartDate = validRegStartDate, RegEndDate = validRegEndDate, MaxRegsCount = validMaxRegs, EventTypeId = validEventTypeId }; var validator = new CreateEventCommandValidator(new DateTimeTestProvider()); // manually invoke to test the Validator // Act/Assert var result = await validator.ValidateAsync(command); Assert.False(result.IsValid); Assert.Equal(1, result.Errors.Count); Assert.Contains(result.Errors, x => x.PropertyName == "StartDate"); }
public async Task Handle_Given_RegEndDate_Before_RegStartDate_Throw_ValidationException() { // Arrange var validTitle = "Event Created from Unit Tests."; var validDescription = "This event was created from a Unit Test."; var validStartDate = new DateTime(2020, 3, 3); var validEndDate = new DateTime(2020, 3, 4); var validRegStartDate = new DateTime(2020, 2, 1); var inValidRegEndDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1); var validMaxRegs = 10; var validEventTypeId = 1; var command = new CreateEventCommand { Title = validTitle, Description = validDescription, StartDate = validStartDate, EndDate = validEndDate, RegStartDate = validRegStartDate, RegEndDate = inValidRegEndDate, MaxRegsCount = validMaxRegs, EventTypeId = validEventTypeId }; var validator = new CreateEventCommandValidator(new DateTimeTestProvider()); // Act/Assert var result = await validator.ValidateAsync(command); var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ValidationException>(() => _sut.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(1, ex.Failures.Count); Assert.False(result.IsValid); Assert.Equal(1, result.Errors.Count); Assert.Contains(result.Errors, x => x.PropertyName == "RegStartDate"); }
public async Task <ActionResult <EventCreateResponse> > Post([FromBody] EventCreateRequest value) { var command = new CreateEventCommand(); command.Data = value; var response = await Go(command); return(Ok(response)); }
public void Handle_ShouldReturnDto() { var name = "Name"; var dates = Enumerable.Empty <LocalDate>(); var command = new CreateEventCommand(name, dates); var result = _handler.Handle(command, new CancellationToken()); result.Result.ShouldBeOfType <EventCreatedDto>(); }
public async Task <ActionResult <long> > Create([FromBody] CreateEventRequest request) { var command = new CreateEventCommand(request.Name, request.Dates); var eventCreatedDto = await _mediator.Send(command); return(CreatedAtAction( nameof(GetById), new { version = "1.0", id = eventCreatedDto.Id }, eventCreatedDto)); }
public void Handle_ShouldCreateEvent() { var name = "Name"; var dates = Enumerable.Empty <LocalDate>(); var command = new CreateEventCommand(name, dates); var result = _handler.Handle(command, new CancellationToken()); _eventRepository.Received(1).Add(Arg.Is <EventEntity>(e => e.Name == name)); _unitOfWork.Received(1).Save(Arg.Any <CancellationToken>()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <int> > PostEvent([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] CreateEventCommand command) { if (id != command.TopicId) { return(BadRequestNonMatchingIds()); } int result = await _Mediator.Send(command); return(Ok(new { result })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(CreateEventCommand command) { var result = await _handler.Handle(command); if (!_handler.IsValid()) { return(BadRequest(_handler.GetErrors())); } return(Ok(result)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var eventCreateCommand = new CreateEventCommand() { EventDate = DateTime.Now, EventName = "test", Latitude = 1, Longitude = 2, SeatCount = 23, VenueName = "t" }.Execute(); }
public async Task Handle(PostForwardedEvent message, IMessageHandlerContext context) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("IntegrationEventContext", $"{message.Id}-{Program.AppName}")) { _logger.LogInformation("----- Handling PostForwardedEvent: {IntegrationEventId} at {AppName} - ({@IntegrationEvent})", message.Id, Program.AppName, message); foreach (var info in message.ForwardInfos) { #region 创建新帖子,由于是转发的帖子,其图片为原帖子的图片 var originalPost = await _postRepository.GetByIdAsync(info.OriginalPostId); var createPostCommand = new CreatePostCommand { PostId = info.NewPostId, Image = originalPost.Image }; await _mediator.Send(createPostCommand); #endregion var fromUser = await _userRepository.GetByIdAsync(info.ForwardUserId); #region 发布转发通知 var createEventCommand = new CreateEventCommand { FromUserId = info.ForwardUserId, ToUserId = info.OriginalPostUserId, PostId = info.OriginalPostId, EventType = EventType.ForwardPost, PushMessage = $"{fromUser.Nickname}转发了你的作品" }; await _mediator.Send(createEventCommand); #endregion #region 发布@用户通知 foreach (var atUserId in info.AtUserIds) { var eventCommand = new CreateEventCommand { FromUserId = info.ForwardUserId, ToUserId = atUserId, PostId = info.OriginalPostId, EventType = EventType.AtUserInPost, PushMessage = $"{fromUser.Nickname}在作品中@了你" }; await _mediator.Send(eventCommand); } #endregion } } }
public async Task Handle(JoinedCircleEvent message, IMessageHandlerContext context) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("IntegrationEventContext", $"{message.Id}-{Program.AppName}")) { _logger.LogInformation("----- Handling JoinedCircleEvent: {IntegrationEventId} at {AppName} - ({@IntegrationEvent})", message.Id, Program.AppName, message); var fromUser = await _userRepository.GetByIdAsync(message.JoinedUserId); #region 给圈主发通知 var createEventCommand = new CreateEventCommand { FromUserId = message.JoinedUserId, ToUserId = message.CircleOwnerId, CircleId = message.CircleId, CircleName = message.CircleName, EventType = Domain.AggregatesModel.EventAggregate.EventType.JoinCircle, PushMessage = $"{fromUser.Nickname}加入{message.CircleName}" }; await _mediator.Send(createEventCommand); #endregion #region 给申请入圈用户发通知 var joinCircleAcceptedCommand = new CreateEventCommand { FromUserId = message.CircleOwnerId, ToUserId = message.JoinedUserId, CircleId = message.CircleId, CircleName = message.CircleName, EventType = Domain.AggregatesModel.EventAggregate.EventType.ApplyJoinCircleAccepted, PushMessage = $"申请通过,已加入{message.CircleName}" }; await _mediator.Send(joinCircleAcceptedCommand); #endregion #region 将申请入圈事件标记为已处理 var processEventCommand = new ProcessEventCommand { FromUserId = message.JoinedUserId, ToUserId = message.CircleOwnerId, EventType = Domain.AggregatesModel.EventAggregate.EventType.ApplyJoinCircle }; await _mediator.Send(processEventCommand); #endregion } }
public async Task <IActionResult> InsertAsync(CreateEventCommand data) { var operationResult = Event.Create(data); if (!operationResult.IsValid) { ModelState.AddFromOperationResult(operationResult); return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } await _eventRepository.InsertAsync(operationResult.Result); return(Created($"/api/events/{operationResult.Result.Id}", null)); }
public void CreateEvent_CallEventFactory( [Frozen] IEventFactory eventFactory, CreateEventCommand message, Event @event, CreateEventCommandHandler createEventCommandHandler) { //Information A.CallTo(() => eventFactory.Create(message.Event)).Returns(@event); //Act createEventCommandHandler.ExecuteAsync(message); //Test A.CallTo(() => eventFactory.Create(message.Event)).MustHaveHappened(); }
public ActionResult CreateEvent(TournamentEvent tournamentEvent) { ISystemResponseMessages systemMessages = new SystemResponseMessages(ApplicationResponseMessagesEnum.NoAction, ""); var command = new CreateEventCommand(tournamentEvent, _context); _tournamentDomainClient.PerformCommand(command, out systemMessages); if (systemMessages.MessageState().Equals(ApplicationResponseMessagesEnum.Success)) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Data not captured")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateEvent([FromBody] CreateEventCommand command) { using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Create Event")) { var model = await _mediator.Send(command); if (model != null) { return(CreatedAtAction( nameof(GetEventById), new { id = }, model)); } ; return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } }
public string Dispatch(string input) { string result = String.Empty; string[] args = input.Split(new[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string cmdName = args.Length >= 0 ? args[0] : string.Empty; args = args.Skip(1).ToArray(); switch (cmdName) { case "RegisterUser": result = new RegisterUserCommand().Execute(args); break; case "Login": result = new LoginCommand().Execute(args); break; case "Logout": result = new LogoutCommand().Execute(args); break; case "DeleteUser": result = new DeleteUserCommand().Execute(args); break; case "CreateEvent": result = new CreateEventCommand().Execute(args); break; case "CreateTeam": result = new CreateTeamCommand().Execute(args); break; case "InviteToTeam": result = new InviteToTeamCommand().Execute(args); break; case "AcceptInvite": result = new AcceptInviteCommand().Execute(args); break; case "DeclineInvite": result = new DeclineInviteCommand().Execute(args); break; case "KickMember": result = new KickMemberCommand().Execute(args); break; case "Disband": result = new DisbandCommand().Execute(args); break; case "AddTeamTo": result = new AddTeamToCommand().Execute(args); break; case "ShowEvent": result = new ShowEventCommand().Execute(args); break; case "ShowTeam": result = new ShowTeamCommand().Execute(args); break; case "Exit": result = new ExitCommand().Execute(args); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Command {cmdName} not supported!"); } return(result); }
public string DispatchCommand(string[] commandParameters) { string commandName = commandParameters[0]; commandParameters = commandParameters.Skip(1).ToArray(); string result = string.Empty; EventService eventService = new EventService(); switch (commandName) { case "CreateEvent": CreateEventCommand createEvent = new CreateEventCommand(eventService); result = createEvent.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "DeleteEvent": DeleteEventCommand deleteEvent = new DeleteEventCommand(eventService); result = deleteEvent.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "EditEvent": EditEventCommand editEvent = new EditEventCommand(eventService); result = editEvent.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "ListEvents": ListEventsCommand listEvents = new ListEventsCommand(eventService); result = listEvents.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "Help": HelpCommand help = new HelpCommand(); result = help.Execute(commandParameters); break; case "Exit": ExitCommand exit = new ExitCommand(eventService); result = exit.Execute(commandParameters); break; default: result = $@"Command {commandName} does not exist. Type ""Help"" to check the available commands."; break; } return(result); }
public Task CreateEvent(CreateEventCommand command) { var gameEvent = new GameEvent { TeamAId = command.TeamAId, TeamBId = command.TeamBId, EventDate = command.EventDate, Status = command.Status, EventType = command.Type, Name = command.Name, }; _dbContext.Events.Add(gameEvent); return(_dbContext.SaveChangesAsync()); }
public async Task Handle(UserFeedbackCreatedEvent message, IMessageHandlerContext context) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("IntegrationEventContext", $"{message.Id}-{Program.AppName}")) { _logger.LogInformation("----- Handling UserFeedbackCreatedEvent: {IntegrationEventId} at {AppName} - ({@IntegrationEvent})", message.Id, Program.AppName, message); var command = new CreateEventCommand { ToUserId = message.UserId, EventType = EventType.FeedbackCreated, PushMessage = "已收到您的意见反馈,我们将尽快处理,感谢您对我们的支持。" }; await _mediator.Send(command); } }
public async Task <ApiResponse <Guid> > CreateEvent(EventDetailViewModel eventDetailViewModel) { try { CreateEventCommand createEventCommand = _mapper.Map <CreateEventCommand>(eventDetailViewModel); var newId = await _client.AddEventAsync(createEventCommand); return(new ApiResponse <Guid>() { Data = newId, Success = true }); } catch (ApiException ex) { return(ConvertApiExceptions <Guid>(ex)); } }