public void ProjectCreate_Execute_WithTemplateReturnsProviderNotInstalled() { _templateWriter.Setup(t => t.Read(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns( @"name: Project 2 models: - name: Product jobs: - name: Default tasks: - name: Generate type: Generate provider: AspNetCoreMvc2" ); var command = new CreateCommand(_console, LoggerMock.GetLogger <CreateCommand>().Object, _consoleReader.Object, _projectService.Object, _providerService.Object, _externalServiceService.Object, _templateWriter.Object) { Name = "Project 2", Client = "Company", Template = "Test" }; var resultMessage = command.Execute(); Assert.Equal("Please register the required providers first by using \"provider register\" command.", resultMessage); }
public void ShouldFailWithUnknownCommand() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute("test")); Assert.Contains("Unrecognized command or argument 'test'", ex.Message); }
public void ProjectCreate_Execute_WithTemplateReturnsExternalServiceRequired() { _templateWriter.Setup(t => t.Read(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns( @"name: Project 2 models: - name: Product jobs: - name: Default tasks: - name: Generate type: Generate provider: AspNetCoreMvc - name: Push type: Generate provider: GitHubRepositoryProvider configs: Branch: master" ); var command = new CreateCommand(_console, LoggerMock.GetLogger <CreateCommand>().Object, _consoleReader.Object, _projectService.Object, _providerService.Object, _externalServiceService.Object, _templateWriter.Object) { Name = "Project 2", Client = "Company", Template = "Test" }; var resultMessage = command.Execute(); Assert.Equal("Please add the required external services first by using \"service add\" command.", resultMessage); }
public override int Run(string[] remainingArguments) { _logger = new Logger(Verbose); var createCommand = new CreateCommand { ConnectionString = ConnectionString, DbName = DbName, Pass = Pass, ScriptDir = ScriptDir, Server = Server, User = User, Logger = _logger, Overwrite = Overwrite }; try { createCommand.Execute(DatabaseFilesPath); } catch (BatchSqlFileException ex) { _logger.Log(TraceLevel.Info, $"{Environment.NewLine}Create completed with the following errors:"); foreach (var e in ex.Exceptions) { _logger.Log(TraceLevel.Info, $"- {e.FileName.Replace("/", "\\")} (Line {e.LineNumber}):"); _logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, $" {e.Message}"); } return(-1); } catch (SqlFileException ex) { _logger.Log(TraceLevel.Info, $@"{Environment.NewLine}An unexpected SQL error occurred while executing scripts, and the process wasn't completed. {ex.FileName.Replace("/", "\\")} (Line {ex.LineNumber}):"); _logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, ex.ToString()); return(-1); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ConsoleHelpAsException(ex.ToString()); } return(0); }
public void Test_CreateExcel_ParameterInvalid_InvalidValueException() { var excelService = A.Fake <IExcelService>(); var command = new CreateCommand(excelService); command.Execute(new string[] { "C", "A", "4" }); }
public void ShouldFailWithInvalidVersionSetVersioningScheme() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); string[] args = new string[] { "--configFile", String.Concat(this.configExamplesFolder, "invalidVersionSetVersioningScheme.yml") }; var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute(args)); Assert.Contains("Versioning scheme is required if an API Version Set is provided", ex.Message); }
public void ShouldThrowExceptionIFileAlreadyExists() { // Given File.Create (FilePath).Close (); // When var command = new CreateCommand (FilePath); command.Execute (); }
public void ShouldFailWithInvalidOpenAPISpec() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); string[] args = new string[] { "--configFile", String.Concat(this.configExamplesFolder, "invalidOpenAPISpec.yml") }; var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute(args)); Assert.Contains("Open API Spec is required", ex.Message); }
public void ShouldCreateFile() { // When var command = new CreateCommand (FilePath); command.Execute (); // Then Assert.IsTrue (File.Exists (FilePath)); }
public void ShouldFailWithInvalidAPIConfiguration() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); string[] args = new string[] { "--configFile", String.Concat(this.invalidConfigurationFolder, "invalidAPI.yml") }; var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute(args)); Assert.Contains("API configuration is required", ex.Message); }
public void ShouldFailWithUnknownOption() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); string[] args = new string[] { "--configurationFile", String.Concat(this.invalidConfigurationFolder, "invalidVersionSetDisplayName.yml") }; var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute(args)); Assert.Contains("Unrecognized option '--configurationFile'", ex.Message); }
public void ShouldFailWithInvalidLinking() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); string[] args = new string[] { "--configFile", String.Concat(this.invalidConfigurationFolder, "invalidLinking.yml") }; var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute(args)); Assert.Contains("LinkTemplatesBaseUrl is required for linked templates", ex.Message); }
public void ShouldFailWithInvalidAuthorizationServerDisplayName() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); string[] args = new string[] { "--configFile", String.Concat(this.invalidConfigurationFolder, "invalidAuthorizationServerDisplayName.yml") }; var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute(args)); Assert.Contains("Display name is required if an Authorization Server is provided", ex.Message); }
public void ShouldFailWithInvalidDiagnosticLoggerId() { var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); string[] args = new string[] { "--configFile", String.Concat(this.invalidConfigurationFolder, "invalidDiagnosticLoggerId.yml") }; var ex = Assert.ThrowsAny <CommandParsingException>(() => createCommand.Execute(args)); Assert.Contains("LoggerId is required if an API diagnostic is provided", ex.Message); }
public void Test_CreateExcel_20_4_Success() { var excelService = A.Fake <IExcelService>(); var command = new CreateCommand(excelService); command.Execute(new string[] { "C", "20", "4" }); A.CallTo(() => excelService.CreateExcel(20, 4, 1)).MustHaveHappenedOnceExactly(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); MatrixController <int> .panel = ListPanel; commandInvoker = CommandInvoker.getInstance(); createCommand = new CreateCommand <int>(CreationType.Operation); OperationController <int> .OperationsPanel = panel2; ListPanel.Paint += Panel1_Paint; createCommand.Execute(); }
public void ProjectCreate_Execute_ReturnsSuccessMessage() { var command = new CreateCommand(_console, LoggerMock.GetLogger <CreateCommand>().Object, _consoleReader.Object, _projectService.Object, _providerService.Object, _externalServiceService.Object, _templateWriter.Object) { Name = "Project 2", Client = "Company", }; var resultMessage = command.Execute(); Assert.StartsWith("Project created:", resultMessage); }
public void ShouldRollbackFileCreation() { // Given var command = new CreateCommand (FilePath); command.Execute (); // When command.Rollback (); // Then Assert.IsFalse (File.Exists (FilePath)); }
private void ApplyButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AddButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; NameTextBox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ApplyButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; CancelButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (CreateCommand != null && CreateCommand.CanExecute(NameTextBox.Text)) { CreateCommand.Execute(NameTextBox.Text); NameTextBox.Text = string.Empty; } }
public void CreateEntity_ShouldCreateEntity() { // arrange var ev = new D2DEvent(); var stub = new FakeRepository(new Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<IEntity>>()); var createCommand = new CreateCommand<D2DEvent> {Entity = ev}; // act createCommand.Execute(stub); //assert Assert.AreEqual(1, stub.AddCalls.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(ev, stub.AddCalls.First()); }
public ExecutionResponse DeploySnapshot(string connectionString, string scriptDir, bool overwrite, bool azureMode) { try { connectionString.Should().NotBeNullOrWhiteSpace(); scriptDir.Should().NotBeNullOrWhiteSpace(); if (!Directory.Exists(scriptDir)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"The script directory does not exist. Directory={scriptDir}"); } var createCommand = new CreateCommand { ConnectionString = connectionString, ScriptDir = scriptDir, Overwrite = overwrite, }; createCommand.Execute(); return new ExecutionResponse(true); } catch (BatchSqlFileException ex) { _logger.Info($"{Environment.NewLine}Create completed with the following errors:"); string errors = string.Empty; foreach (var exception in ex.Exceptions) { errors += $"- {exception.FileName.Replace("/", "\\")} (Line {exception.LineNumber}):"; errors += $" {exception.Message}"; } _logger.Error(errors); return new ExecutionResponse(false, errors, ex); } catch (SqlFileException ex) { string errors = $@"{Environment.NewLine}An unexpected SQL error occurred while executing scripts, and the process wasn't completed. {ex.FileName.Replace("/", "\\")} (Line {ex.LineNumber}):"; _logger.Info(errors); _logger.Error(ex.Message); return new ExecutionResponse(false, errors, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { return new ExecutionResponse(false, "", ex); } }
public void ProjectCreate_Execute_WithTemplateReturnsSuccessMessage() { _templateWriter.Setup(t => t.Read(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns( @"name: Project 2 models: - name: Product jobs: - name: Default tasks: - name: Generate type: Generate provider: AspNetCoreMvc - name: Push type: Generate provider: GitHubRepositoryProvider configs: Branch: master GitHubExternalService: github-default - name: Deploy type: Deploy provider: AzureAppService configs: AzureAppServiceExternalService: azure-default" ); _consoleReader.Setup(x => x.GetPassword(It.IsAny <string>(), null, null)).Returns("testPassword"); var console = new TestConsole(_output, "test"); var command = new CreateCommand(console, LoggerMock.GetLogger <CreateCommand>().Object, _consoleReader.Object, _projectService.Object, _providerService.Object, _externalServiceService.Object, _templateWriter.Object) { Name = "Project 2", Client = "Company", Template = "Test" }; var resultMessage = command.Execute(); Assert.StartsWith("Project created:", resultMessage); _projectService.Verify(s => s.CreateProject(It.Is <NewProjectDto>(p => p.Models.Count > 0)), Times.Once); }
public void should_log_usage_message() { createCommand.Execute(new string[] { invalidArgument }); log.Received().ErrorMessage(Arg.Is <string>(s => s == Messages.Usage)); }
private void CreateProperty() { FillCommand(); CreateCommand.Execute(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Not enough arguments !"); return; } Config.Model = args[0].ToLower().UppercaseFirst(); var command = ""; if (args.Length > 1) { command = args[1].ToLower(); } if (args.Length > 2) { Config.Area = args[2].ToLower().UppercaseFirst(); } Config.ModelsPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\"; Config.ViewModelsPath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ModelsPath).Parent.FullName + "\\ViewModels\\"; Config.RepositoryPath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ModelsPath).Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\Repository\\"; Config.ServicePath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ModelsPath).Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\Service\\"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Area)) { Config.ControllerPath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ModelsPath).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\Portal.Web\\Controllers\\"; Config.ViewsPath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ModelsPath).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\Portal.Web\\Views\\" + Config.Model + "\\"; } else { Config.ControllerPath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ModelsPath).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\Portal.Web\\Areas\\" + Config.Area + "\\Controllers\\"; Config.ViewsPath = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ModelsPath).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\Portal.Web\\Areas\\" + Config.Area + "\\Views\\" + Config.Model + "\\"; } var viewsDir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(Config.ViewsPath); if (!viewsDir.Exists) { viewsDir.Create(); } Config.PropertyNames = ClassHelper.GetPropertyNames(Config.ModelsPath + Config.Model + ".cs"); Config.PropertyTypes = ClassHelper.GetPropertyTypes(Config.ModelsPath + Config.Model + ".cs"); Config.PropertyDeclarations = ClassHelper.GetPropertyDeclarations(Config.ModelsPath + Config.Model + ".cs"); switch (command) { case "sr": case "service": var iserviceCommand = new IServiceCommand(); var serviceCommand = new ServiceCommand(); iserviceCommand.Execute(); serviceCommand.Execute(); break; case "rp": case "repository": var irepositoryCommand = new IRepositoryCommand(); var repositoryCommand = new RepositoryCommand(); irepositoryCommand.Execute(); repositoryCommand.Execute(); break; case "vm": case "viewmodel": var viewModelCommand = new ViewModelCommand(); viewModelCommand.Execute(); break; case "ad": case "addmodel": var addModel = new AddModelCommand(); addModel.Execute(); break; case "vi": case "views": var indexCommand = new IndexCommand(); var createCommand = new CreateCommand(); var editCommand = new EditCommand(); var deleteCommand = new DeleteCommand(); var detailsCommand = new DetailsCommand(); indexCommand.Execute(); createCommand.Execute(); editCommand.Execute(); deleteCommand.Execute(); detailsCommand.Execute(); break; case "cr": case "controller": var controllerCommand = new ControllerCommand(); controllerCommand.Execute(); break; case "go": default: var goCommand = new GoCommand(); goCommand.Execute(); break; } }
public void should_call_execute_on_sub_command_with_no_arguments() { createCommand.Execute(new string[] { subCommandArgument }); subCommand.Received().Execute(Arg.Is <string[]>(args => args.Length == 0)); }