internal static void RegisterAuxManagerCreator(CreateAuxCyclopsManager createEvent, string typeName)
            if (AuxManagerCreators.ContainsKey(typeName))
                QuickLogger.Warning($"Block duplicate AuxManagerCreator '{typeName}'");

            QuickLogger.Info($"Received AuxManagerCreator '{typeName}'");
            AuxManagerCreators.Add(typeName, createEvent);
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers a <see cref="CreateAuxCyclopsManager" /> method that creates returns a new <see cref="IAuxCyclopsManager" /> on demand.<para />
 /// This method will be invoked only once for each Cyclops sub in the game world.<para />
 /// Use this when you simply need to have a class that is attaches one instance per Cyclops.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Your class that implements <see cref="IAuxCyclopsManager" />.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="createEvent">The create event.</param>
 public void AuxCyclopsManager <T>(CreateAuxCyclopsManager createEvent)
     where T : IAuxCyclopsManager
     if (CyclopsManager.TooLateToRegister)
         QuickLogger.Error("AuxCyclopsManagerCreator have already been invoked. This method should only be called during patch time.");
         CyclopsManager.RegisterAuxManagerCreator(createEvent, typeof(T).Name);