public UnfulfilledNode(int item, int stack, int ChildNumber, CraftPathNode parent, CraftPath craftPath) : base(ChildNumber, parent, craftPath)
     this.stack = stack;
     this.item  = new List <int>()
            internal virtual CraftPathNode Clone()
                CraftPathNode clone = (CraftPathNode)this.MemberwiseClone();

                clone.parent    = null;
                clone.craftPath = null;
                clone.children  = children?.Select(x => x?.Clone()).ToArray();
        //		internal static CraftPath

        public CraftPath(Recipe root, Dictionary <int, int> haveItems)
            this.haveItems = haveItems;
            // 1 for now.
            current   = null;
            this.root = new RecipeNode(root, 1, -1, null, this);
            // current = (UnfulfilledNode)this.root.children[0];
        internal void Push(UnfulfilledNode current, CraftPathNode buyItemNode)
            this.current = null;

            current.parent      = null;
            current.ChildNumber = -1;

            // Consume
            ConsumeResources(buyItemNode);             // consumes money from savings
            public CraftPathNode(int childNumber, CraftPathNode parent, CraftPath craftPath)
                ChildNumber    = childNumber;
                this.parent    = parent;
                this.craftPath = craftPath;

                if (parent != null)
                    parent.children[ChildNumber] = this;
        internal void Pop(UnfulfilledNode current, CraftPathNode recipeNode)
            // Swap out Edges
            this.current        = current;
            current.parent      = recipeNode.parent;
            current.ChildNumber = recipeNode.ChildNumber;
            current.parent.children[current.ChildNumber] = current;
            //Utils.Swap(ref )
            recipeNode.parent      = null;
            recipeNode.ChildNumber = -1;             // invalid, should be GCed.

            // UnConsume
            UnConsumeResources(recipeNode);             // unconsumes items from haveItems
        private void UnConsumeResources(CraftPathNode craftPathNode)

            //BuyItemNode buyItemNode = recipeNode as BuyItemNode;
            //if (buyItemNode != null)
            //	buyItemNode.ConsumeMoney(this);
            //if (recipeNode.children != null)
            //	foreach (var item in recipeNode.children)
            //	{
            //		HaveItemNode haveItemNode = item as HaveItemNode;
            //		if (haveItemNode != null)
            //		{
            //			haveItemNode.UnConsumeItems(this);
            //		}
            //	}
            public RecipeNode(Recipe recipe, int multiplier, int ChildNumber, CraftPathNode parent, CraftPath craftPath) : base(ChildNumber, parent, craftPath)
                this.recipe     = recipe;
                this.multiplier = multiplier;
                children        = new CraftPathNode[recipe.requiredItem.Count(x => !x.IsAir)];

                List <int> groups = RecipePath.GetAcceptedGroups(recipe);

                for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)                 // For Each Ingredient.
                    bool itemIsRecipeGroupItem = false;
                    foreach (var groupid in groups)
                        // 6 wood, 4 shadewood works for 10 any wood.

                        // multiplier assumes all same Item in ItemGroup used for all Recipes.
                        if (recipe.requiredItem[i].type == RecipeGroup.recipeGroups[groupid].ValidItems[RecipeGroup.recipeGroups[groupid].IconicItemIndex])
                            bool foundValidItem   = false;
                            bool foundPartialItem = false;
                            foreach (var validItemID in RecipeGroup.recipeGroups[groupid].ValidItems)
                                if (craftPath.haveItems.ContainsKey(validItemID) && craftPath.haveItems[validItemID] >= recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier)
                                    // Any Wood on left, Wood on Right problem. Wood could be consumed before Wood node, when ShadeWood would be better option.
                                    children[i]    = new HaveItemNode(validItemID, recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier, i, this, craftPath);
                                    foundValidItem = true;
                                else if (craftPath.haveItems.ContainsKey(validItemID))
                                    foundPartialItem = true;
                            if (!foundValidItem && foundPartialItem)
                                List <Tuple <int, int> > listOfItems = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();
                                int remaining = recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier;
                                foreach (var validItemID in RecipeGroup.recipeGroups[groupid].ValidItems)
                                    if (remaining > 0 && craftPath.haveItems.ContainsKey(validItemID))
                                        int taken = Math.Min(remaining, craftPath.haveItems[validItemID]);
                                        listOfItems.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(validItemID, taken));
                                        remaining -= taken;
                                children[i] = new HaveItemsNode(RecipeGroup.recipeGroups[groupid], listOfItems, i, this, craftPath);
                                if (remaining > 0)
                                    children[i].children    = new CraftPathNode[1];
                                    children[i].children[0] = new UnfulfilledNode(RecipeGroup.recipeGroups[groupid], remaining, 0, children[i], craftPath);
                            else if (!foundValidItem)
                                children[i] = new UnfulfilledNode(RecipeGroup.recipeGroups[groupid], recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier, i, this, craftPath);
                            itemIsRecipeGroupItem = true;
                    // Does it make more sense to nest these, or add more children slots? Hm, Children match up to recipe ingredient index.... Make a BranchNode?
                    if (!itemIsRecipeGroupItem)
                        // Recipe Groups can have stacks-size different inputs if needed. Ignore for now and handle: 10 wood needed, 9 wood held and 2 platforms held.

                        if (craftPath.haveItems.ContainsKey(recipe.requiredItem[i].type) && craftPath.haveItems[recipe.requiredItem[i].type] >= recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier)
                            // Potential problem: Recipe with multiple of same item. Or Item and ItemGroup that share.
                            // Could implement consumed flag and attempt to consume immediately.
                            children[i] = new HaveItemNode(recipe.requiredItem[i].type, recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier, i, this, craftPath);
                            if (craftPath.haveItems.ContainsKey(recipe.requiredItem[i].type))
                                int remainder = recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier - craftPath.haveItems[recipe.requiredItem[i].type];
                                children[i]             = new HaveItemNode(recipe.requiredItem[i].type, craftPath.haveItems[recipe.requiredItem[i].type], i, this, craftPath);
                                children[i].children    = new CraftPathNode[1];
                                children[i].children[0] = new UnfulfilledNode(recipe.requiredItem[i].type, remainder, 0, children[i], craftPath);
                                children[i] = new UnfulfilledNode(recipe.requiredItem[i].type, recipe.requiredItem[i].stack * multiplier, i, this, craftPath);                                 // assign current?
                    // TODO: Assign CraftPath.Current to 1st or last unfulfilled
                    // TODO: If Loot and Shop and Missing disabled, check
                    // if (RecipePath.isCraftableOptimization && !ItemCatalogueUI.instance.craftResults[item.Key])
            public UnfulfilledNode(RecipeGroup recipeGroup, int stack, int ChildNumber, CraftPathNode parent, CraftPath craftPath) : base(ChildNumber, parent, craftPath)
                this.recipeGroup = recipeGroup;
                this.item        = recipeGroup.ValidItems;
                this.stack       = stack;

                // recipeGroup.ContainsItem probably faster than iterating over item?
Example #10
 public LootItemNode(int itemid, int stack, int ChildNumber, CraftPathNode parent, CraftPath craftPath) : base(ChildNumber, parent, craftPath)
     this.itemid = itemid;
     this.stack  = stack;
Example #11
 public HaveItemsNode(RecipeGroup recipeGroup, List <Tuple <int, int> > listOfItems, int ChildNumber, CraftPathNode parent, CraftPath craftPath) : base(ChildNumber, parent, craftPath)
     this.recipeGroup = recipeGroup;
     this.listOfItems = listOfItems;