public static bool OnConsoleCommand_spawn_Prefix(NotificationCenter.Notification n) { if (n != null && != null && > 0) { string text = (string)[0]; if (UWE.Utils.TryParseEnum <TechType>(text, out TechType techType) && techType != TechType.None) { if (CraftData.IsAllowed(techType)) { foreach (IDecorationItem item in DecorationsMod.DecorationItems) { // If item being spawned is one of our decoration items. if (techType == item.TechType) { // If item being spawned is one of our new flora. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ClassID) && CustomFlora.AllPlants.Contains(item.ClassID)) { GameObject prefabForTechType = CraftData.GetPrefabForTechType(techType, true); if (prefabForTechType != null) { int num = 1; int num2; if ( > 1 && int.TryParse((string)[1], out num2)) { num = num2; } float maxDist = 12f; if ( > 2) { maxDist = float.Parse((string)[2]); } Debug.LogFormat("Spawning {0} {1}", new object[] { num, techType }); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { GameObject gameObject = global::Utils.CreatePrefab(prefabForTechType, maxDist, i > 0); LargeWorldEntity.Register(gameObject); CrafterLogic.NotifyCraftEnd(gameObject, techType); gameObject.SendMessage("StartConstruction", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); // Hide plant, show seed and enable pickupable PrefabsHelper.HidePlantAndShowSeed(gameObject.transform, item.ClassID); } } else { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Could not find prefab for TechType = " + techType); } // Dont call original function if item being spawned is one of our new flora. return(false); } break; } } } } } // Give back execution to original function. return(true); }
public static bool OnConsoleCommand_item_Prefix(NotificationCenter.Notification n) { if (n != null && != null && > 0) { string text = (string)[0]; if (UWE.Utils.TryParseEnum <TechType>(text, out TechType techType) && techType != TechType.None) { if (CraftData.IsAllowed(techType)) { foreach (IDecorationItem item in DecorationsMod.DecorationItems) { // If item being spawned is one of our decoration items. if (techType == item.TechType) { // If item being spawned is one of our new flora. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ClassID) && CustomFlora.AllPlants.Contains(item.ClassID)) { int num = 1; if ( > 1 && int.TryParse((string)[1], out int num2)) { num = num2; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { GameObject gameObject = CraftData.InstantiateFromPrefab(techType, false); if (gameObject != null) { gameObject.transform.position = + * 3f; CrafterLogic.NotifyCraftEnd(gameObject, techType); Pickupable component = gameObject.GetComponent <Pickupable>(); if (component != null && !Inventory.main.Pickup(component, false)) { ErrorMessage.AddError(Language.main.Get("InventoryFull")); // Hide plant, show seed and enable pickupable PrefabsHelper.HidePlantAndShowSeed(gameObject.transform, item.ClassID); } } } // Dont call original function if item being spawned is one of our new flora. return(false); } break; } } } } } // Give back execution to original function. return(true); }
private static void InventoryAndWaterParkSetup() { LanguageHandler.SetTechTypeName(TechType.Rockgrub, "RockGrub"); LanguageHandler.SetTechTypeTooltip(TechType.Rockgrub, "A small, luminescent scavenger"); Sprite rockgrub = ImageUtils.LoadSpriteFromFile(Path.Combine(AssetsFolder, "RockGrub.png")); if (rockgrub != null) { SpriteHandler.RegisterSprite(TechType.Rockgrub, rockgrub); } CraftDataHandler.SetItemSize(TechType.Rockgrub, new Vector2int(1, 1)); WaterParkCreature.waterParkCreatureParameters[TechType.Rockgrub] = new WaterParkCreatureParameters(0.03f, 0.7f, 1f, 1f, true); CraftData.IsAllowed(TechType.Rockgrub); BioReactorHandler.SetBioReactorCharge(TechType.Rockgrub, 350f); }
public static void randomBlueprintUnlock() { System.Random random = new System.Random(); TechType[] blueprintTech = { TechType.BaseBioReactor, TechType.RocketBase, TechType.Constructor, TechType.Exosuit, TechType.BaseMoonpool, TechType.BaseNuclearReactor, TechType.PropulsionCannon, TechType.Seamoth, TechType.StasisRifle, TechType.ThermalPlant, TechType.Transfuser, TechType.Workbench, TechType.Techlight, TechType.LEDLight, TechType.CyclopsHullBlueprint, TechType.CyclopsBridgeBlueprint, TechType.CyclopsEngineBlueprint, TechType.CyclopsDockingBayBlueprint, TechType.Seaglide, TechType.Beacon, TechType.BatteryCharger, TechType.BaseObservatory, TechType.FiltrationMachine, TechType.CoffeeVendingMachine, TechType.BaseMapRoom, TechType.BaseLadder }; int randomNum = random.Next(blueprintTech.Length); int counter = 0; while (CrafterLogic.IsCraftRecipeUnlocked(blueprintTech[randomNum]) && counter < 50) { randomNum = random.Next(blueprintTech.Length); counter++; } if (CraftData.IsAllowed(blueprintTech[randomNum]) && KnownTech.Add(blueprintTech[randomNum], true)) { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Unlocked " + Language.main.Get(blueprintTech[randomNum].AsString(false))); } }
private static void OnConsoleCommand_lock(NotificationCenter.Notification n) { if (n != null && != null) { string text = (string)[0]; if (text == "all") { List <TechType> list = new List <TechType>(KnownTech.GetTech()); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { KnownTech.Remove(list[i]); } return; } TechType techType; if (UWE.Utils.TryParseEnum <TechType>(text, out techType) && CraftData.IsAllowed(techType)) { bool flag = false | KnownTech.Remove(techType); PDAScanner.RemoveAllEntriesWhichUnlocks(techType); ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Locked " + Language.main.Get(techType.AsString(false))); } } }
// Token: 0x06000009 RID: 9 RVA: 0x00002534 File Offset: 0x00000734 public void OnConsoleCommand_spse(NotificationCenter.Notification n) { bool flag = n != null && != null && > 0; if (flag) { string text = (string)[0]; TechType techType; bool flag2 = UWE.Utils.TryParseEnum <TechType>(text, out techType); if (flag2) { bool flag3 = CraftData.IsAllowed(techType); if (flag3) { CoroutineHost.StartCoroutine(SpawnTechType(n, techType)); } } else { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Unable to read " + text + " as TechType"); } } }
// Token: 0x06000016 RID: 22 RVA: 0x00003018 File Offset: 0x00001218 public void OnConsoleCommand_waterparkspawn(NotificationCenter.Notification n) { bool flag = !Player.main.currentWaterPark; if (flag) { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Not currently inside a waterpark!"); } else { bool flag2 = n != null && != null && > 0; if (flag2) { string text = (string)[0]; TechType techType; bool flag3 = UWE.Utils.TryParseEnum <TechType>(text, out techType); if (flag3) { bool flag4 = CraftData.IsAllowed(techType); if (flag4) { GameObject prefabForTechType = CraftData.GetPrefabForTechType(techType, true); bool flag5 = prefabForTechType != null; if (flag5) { bool flag6 = prefabForTechType.GetComponent <Creature>(); if (flag6) { int num = 1; int num2; bool flag7 = > 1 && int.TryParse((string)[1], out num2); if (flag7) { num = num2; } bool flag8 = > 2; if (flag8) { float num3 = float.Parse((string)[2]); } Debug.Log(string.Format("Spawning {0} {1}", num, techType)); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { WaterParkCreature.Born(techType, Player.main.currentWaterPark, Player.main.transform.position); } } else { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Not valid creature!"); } } else { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Could not find prefab for TechType = " + techType); } } } else { ErrorMessage.AddDebug("Could not parse " + text + " as TechType"); } } } }