void BlendScanline(MemBitmap dstBmp, byte[] expandGreyBuffer,
                           PixelFarm.Drawing.Color color, int x, int y, int width)

            byte[] rgb = new byte[3] {

            CpuBlit.TempMemPtr memPtr = MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(dstBmp);
            //start pixel
            int destImgIndex = (x * 4) + (dstBmp.Stride * y);
            //start img src
            int  srcImgIndex = x + (width * y);
            int  colorIndex  = 0;
            int  round       = 0;
            byte color_a     = color.A;

                byte *destImgBuffer = (byte *)memPtr.Ptr;
                while (width > 3)
                    int a0 = expandGreyBuffer[srcImgIndex] * color_a;
                    int a1 = expandGreyBuffer[srcImgIndex + 1] * color_a;
                    int a2 = expandGreyBuffer[srcImgIndex + 2] * color_a;

                    byte ec0 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex];     //existing color
                    byte ec1 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1]; //existing color
                    byte ec2 = destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2]; //existing color
                                                                //please note that we swap a2 and a0 on the fly****
                    byte n0 = (byte)((((rgb[colorIndex] - ec0) * a2) + (ec0 << 16)) >> 16);
                    byte n1 = (byte)((((rgb[colorIndex + 1] - ec1) * a1) + (ec1 << 16)) >> 16);
                    byte n2 = (byte)((((rgb[colorIndex + 2] - ec2) * a0) + (ec2 << 16)) >> 16);

                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex]     = n0;
                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 1] = n1;
                    destImgBuffer[destImgIndex + 2] = n2;

                    destImgIndex += 4;
                    round         = 0;
                    colorIndex    = 0;
                    srcImgIndex  += 3;
                    width        -= 3;
        static byte[] CreateGreyScaleBuffer(MemBitmap bmp)
            //assume img is 32 rgba img
            int imgW   = bmp.Width;
            int height = bmp.Height;

            //56 level grey scale buffer

            CpuBlit.TempMemPtr srcMemPtr = MemBitmap.GetBufferPtr(bmp);

            int greyScaleBufferLen = imgW * height;

            byte[] greyScaleBuffer = new byte[greyScaleBufferLen];

            int destIndex    = 0;
            int srcImgIndex  = 0;
            int srcImgStride = bmp.Stride;

                byte *srcImgBuffer = (byte *)srcMemPtr.Ptr;
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    srcImgIndex = srcImgStride * y;
                    destIndex   = imgW * y;
                    for (int x = 0; x < imgW; ++x)
                        byte r = srcImgBuffer[srcImgIndex];
                        byte g = srcImgBuffer[srcImgIndex + 1];
                        byte b = srcImgBuffer[srcImgIndex + 2];
                        byte a = srcImgBuffer[srcImgIndex + 3];
                        if (r != 0 || g != 0 || b != 0)
                        if (a != 255)
                        //skip alpha
                        //byte greyScaleValue =
                        //    (byte)((0.333f * (float)r) + (0.5f * (float)g) + (0.1666f * (float)b));

                        greyScaleBuffer[destIndex] = (byte)(((a + 1) / 256f) * 64f);

                        srcImgIndex += 4;

Example #3
        internal unsafe static void NN_StepXBy1(IBitmapSrc bmpsrc, int srcIndex, Drawing.Color[] outputColors, int dstIndex, int len)
            using (CpuBlit.TempMemPtr srcBufferPtr = bmpsrc.GetBufferPtr())
                int *pSource = (int *)srcBufferPtr.Ptr + srcIndex;
                    int srcColor = *pSource;
                    //separate each component
                    //TODO: review here, color from source buffer
                    //should be in 'pre-multiplied' format.
                    //so it should be converted to 'straight' color by call something like ..'FromPreMult()'
                    outputColors[dstIndex++] = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(
                        (srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff,  //a
                        (srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff,  //r
                        (srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff,  //g
                        (srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b

                    pSource++;                            //move next
                } while (--len != 0);
Example #4
        public override void GenerateColors(Color[] outputColors, int startIndex, int x, int y, int len)
            ISpanInterpolator spanInterpolator = this.Interpolator;

            int acc_r, acc_g, acc_b, acc_a;
            int diameter = _lut.Diameter;
            int start    = _lut.Start;

            int[] weight_array = _lut.WeightArray;

            int x_count;
            int weight_y;

                using (CpuBlit.TempMemPtr srcBufferPtr = _bmpSrc.GetBufferPtr())
                    int *srcBuffer = (int *)srcBufferPtr.Ptr;
                    spanInterpolator.Begin(x + base.dx, y + base.dy, len);

                        spanInterpolator.GetCoord(out x, out y);

                        x -= base.dxInt;
                        y -= base.dyInt;

                        int x_hr = x;
                        int y_hr = y;

                        int x_lr = x_hr >> subpix_const.SHIFT;
                        int y_lr = y_hr >> subpix_const.SHIFT;

                        //accumualted color components
                        acc_r             =
                            acc_g         =
                                acc_b     =
                                    acc_a = filter_const.SCALE / 2;

                        int x_fract = x_hr & subpix_const.MASK;
                        int y_count = diameter;

                        y_hr = subpix_const.MASK - (y_hr & subpix_const.MASK);
                        int bufferIndex = _bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, y_lr);

                        int tmp_Y = y_lr;
                        for (; ;)
                            x_count  = diameter;
                            weight_y = weight_array[y_hr];
                            x_hr     = subpix_const.MASK - x_fract;

                            for (; ;)
                                int weight = (weight_y * weight_array[x_hr] +
                                              filter_const.SCALE / 2) >>

                                int srcColor = srcBuffer[bufferIndex];

                                acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b

                                if (--x_count == 0)
                                    break;                 //for
                                x_hr += subpix_const.SCALE;

                            if (--y_count == 0)
                            y_hr += subpix_const.SCALE;

                            tmp_Y++; //move down to next row-> and find start bufferIndex
                            bufferIndex = _bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, tmp_Y);

                        acc_r >>= filter_const.SHIFT;
                        acc_g >>= filter_const.SHIFT;
                        acc_b >>= filter_const.SHIFT;
                        acc_a >>= filter_const.SHIFT;

                            if ((uint)acc_r > BASE_MASK)
                                if (acc_r < 0)
                                    acc_r = 0;
                                if (acc_r > BASE_MASK)
                                    acc_r = BASE_MASK;

                            if ((uint)acc_g > BASE_MASK)
                                if (acc_g < 0)
                                    acc_g = 0;
                                if (acc_g > BASE_MASK)
                                    acc_g = BASE_MASK;

                            if ((uint)acc_b > BASE_MASK)
                                if (acc_b < 0)
                                    acc_b = 0;
                                if (acc_b > BASE_MASK)
                                    acc_b = BASE_MASK;

                            if ((uint)acc_a > BASE_MASK)
                                if (acc_a < 0)
                                    acc_a = 0;
                                if (acc_a > BASE_MASK)
                                    acc_a = BASE_MASK;
                        outputColors[startIndex] = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(
                            (byte)acc_a,    //a


                    } while (--len != 0);
Example #5
        public sealed override void GenerateColors(Drawing.Color[] outputColors, int startIndex, int x, int y, int len)
            int tmp_len = len;
                //TODO: review here

                if (_noTransformation)
                    using (CpuBlit.TempMemPtr.FromBmp(_bmpSrc, out int *srcBuffer))
                        int bufferIndex = _bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x, y);
                            //TODO: review here, match component?
                            //ORDER IS IMPORTANT!
                            //TODO : use CO (color order instead)
                            int srcColor = srcBuffer[bufferIndex++];
                            outputColors[startIndex] = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(
                                (srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff,  //a
                                (srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff,  //r
                                (srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff,  //g
                                (srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b

                        } while (--len != 0);
                    //Bilinear interpolation, without lookup table
                    ISpanInterpolator spanInterpolator = base.Interpolator;
                    using (CpuBlit.TempMemPtr srcBufferPtr = _bmpSrc.GetBufferPtr())
                        int *srcBuffer = (int *)srcBufferPtr.Ptr;

                        spanInterpolator.Begin(x + base.dx, y + base.dy, len);

                        //accumulated color component
                        int acc_r, acc_g, acc_b, acc_a;

                        Color bgColor  = this.BackgroundColor;
                        int   back_r   = bgColor.R;
                        int   back_g   = bgColor.G;
                        int   back_b   = bgColor.B;
                        int   back_a   = bgColor.A;
                        int   maxx     = _bmpSrc.Width - 1;
                        int   maxy     = _bmpSrc.Height - 1;
                        int   srcColor = 0;

                            int x_hr;
                            int y_hr;
                            spanInterpolator.GetCoord(out x_hr, out y_hr);
                            x_hr -= base.dxInt;
                            y_hr -= base.dyInt;

                            int x_lr = x_hr >> subpix_const.SHIFT;
                            int y_lr = y_hr >> subpix_const.SHIFT;
                            int weight;

                            if (x_lr >= 0 && y_lr >= 0 &&
                                x_lr < maxx && y_lr < maxy)
                                int bufferIndex = _bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, y_lr);

                                //accumulated color components
                                acc_r             =
                                    acc_g         =
                                        acc_b     =
                                            acc_a = subpix_const.SCALE * subpix_const.SCALE / 2;

                                x_hr &= subpix_const.MASK;
                                y_hr &= subpix_const.MASK;

                                weight = (subpix_const.SCALE - x_hr) * (subpix_const.SCALE - y_hr);

                                if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                    srcColor = srcBuffer[bufferIndex];

                                    acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                    acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                    acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                    acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b

                                weight = (x_hr * (subpix_const.SCALE - y_hr));

                                if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                    srcColor = srcBuffer[bufferIndex];
                                    acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                    acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                    acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                    acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b

                                weight = ((subpix_const.SCALE - x_hr) * y_hr);

                                if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                    bufferIndex = _bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, y_lr);
                                    srcColor    = srcBuffer[bufferIndex];
                                    acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                    acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                    acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                    acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b

                                weight = (x_hr * y_hr);

                                if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                    srcColor = srcBuffer[bufferIndex];
                                    acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                    acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                    acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                    acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b
                                acc_r >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;
                                acc_g >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;
                                acc_b >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;
                                acc_a >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;
                                if (x_lr < -1 || y_lr < -1 ||
                                    x_lr > maxx || y_lr > maxy)
                                    acc_r = back_r;
                                    acc_g = back_g;
                                    acc_b = back_b;
                                    acc_a = back_a;
                                    acc_r             =
                                        acc_g         =
                                            acc_b     =
                                                acc_a = subpix_const.SCALE * subpix_const.SCALE / 2;

                                    x_hr &= subpix_const.MASK;
                                    y_hr &= subpix_const.MASK;

                                    weight = (subpix_const.SCALE - x_hr) * (subpix_const.SCALE - y_hr);

                                    if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                        if ((uint)x_lr <= (uint)maxx && (uint)y_lr <= (uint)maxy)
                                            srcColor = srcBuffer[_bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, y_lr)];
                                            acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                            acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                            acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                            acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b
                                            acc_r += back_r * weight;
                                            acc_g += back_g * weight;
                                            acc_b += back_b * weight;
                                            acc_a += back_a * weight;

                                    weight = x_hr * (subpix_const.SCALE - y_hr);
                                    if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                        if ((uint)x_lr <= (uint)maxx && (uint)y_lr <= (uint)maxy)
                                            srcColor = srcBuffer[_bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, y_lr)];
                                            acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                            acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                            acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                            acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b
                                            acc_r += back_r * weight;
                                            acc_g += back_g * weight;
                                            acc_b += back_b * weight;
                                            acc_a += back_a * weight;

                                    weight = (subpix_const.SCALE - x_hr) * y_hr;
                                    if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                        if ((uint)x_lr <= (uint)maxx && (uint)y_lr <= (uint)maxy)
                                            srcColor = srcBuffer[_bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, y_lr)];
                                            acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                            acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                            acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                            acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b
                                            acc_r += back_r * weight;
                                            acc_g += back_g * weight;
                                            acc_b += back_b * weight;
                                            acc_a += back_a * weight;

                                    weight = (x_hr * y_hr);
                                    if (weight > BASE_MASK)
                                        if ((uint)x_lr <= (uint)maxx && (uint)y_lr <= (uint)maxy)
                                            srcColor = srcBuffer[_bmpSrc.GetBufferOffsetXY32(x_lr, y_lr)];
                                            acc_a += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.A_SHIFT) & 0xff); //a
                                            acc_r += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.R_SHIFT) & 0xff); //r
                                            acc_g += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.G_SHIFT) & 0xff); //g
                                            acc_b += weight * ((srcColor >> CO.B_SHIFT) & 0xff); //b
                                            acc_r += back_r * weight;
                                            acc_g += back_g * weight;
                                            acc_b += back_b * weight;
                                            acc_a += back_a * weight;

                                    acc_r >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;
                                    acc_g >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;
                                    acc_b >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;
                                    acc_a >>= subpix_const.SHIFT * 2;

                            if (startIndex >= outputColors.Length)
                            outputColors[startIndex] = PixelFarm.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(

                        } while (--len != 0);
                    } //using
                }     //else
            }         //unsafe