Example #1
        public bool CanMoveLeft()
            //get the min col of the tetromino
            int minCol = CoveredCells.Min(_ => _.Column);

            //If any of the covered spaces are currently in the left border, the piece cannot move left.
            if (minCol == 0)
            //get all the leftest tetromino's cells
            var leftestCells = CoveredCells.Where(_ => _.Column == minCol);

            //For each of the covered spaces, get the space immediately below
            foreach (var leftestCell in leftestCells)
                if (_GameBoard.GetRow(leftestCell.Row).HasCellTaken(leftestCell.Column - 1))
Example #2
        public bool CanMoveRight()
            //get the max col of the tetromino
            int maxCol = CoveredCells.Max(_ => _.Column);

            Console.WriteLine("CanMoveRight - maxCol=" + maxCol);
            //If any of the covered spaces are currently in the right border, the piece cannot move right.
            if (maxCol == _GameBoard.Cols - 1)
            //get all the righest tetromino's cells
            var righestCells = CoveredCells.Where(_ => _.Column == maxCol);

            //For each of the covered spaces, get the space immediately below
            foreach (var rightestCell in righestCells)
                if (_GameBoard.GetRow(rightestCell.Row).HasCellTaken(rightestCell.Column + 1))
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether the tetromino can move down by 1 cell or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if it can move, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool CanMoveDown()
            //get the min row of the tetromino
            int minRow = CoveredCells.Min(_ => _.Row);

            //If any of the covered spaces are currently in the lowest row, the piece cannot move down.
            Console.WriteLine("CanMoveDown - minRow=" + minRow);
            if (minRow == 0)
            //get all the lowest tetromino's cells
            var lowestCells = CoveredCells.Where(_ => _.Row == minRow);

            //For each of the covered spaces, get the space immediately below
            foreach (var lowestCell in lowestCells)
                if (_GameBoard.GetRow(lowestCell.Row - 1).HasCellTaken(lowestCell.Column))
Example #4
        public SampleGridControl()
            GridCellNestedGridModel       gridModel                  = new GridCellNestedGridModel(GridNestedAxisLayout.Normal, GridNestedAxisLayout.Normal);
            GridCellNestedScrollGridModel scrollGridModel            = new GridCellNestedScrollGridModel();
            GridCellNestedGridModel       shareRowLayoutGridModel    = new GridCellNestedGridModel(GridNestedAxisLayout.Shared, GridNestedAxisLayout.Normal);
            GridCellNestedGridModel       shareColumnLayoutGridModel = new GridCellNestedGridModel(GridNestedAxisLayout.Normal, GridNestedAxisLayout.Shared);
            GridCellNestedGridModel       gridInRowModel             = new GridCellNestedGridModel(GridNestedAxisLayout.Nested, GridNestedAxisLayout.Normal);

            Model.CellModels.Add("Grid", gridModel);
            Model.CellModels.Add("ScrollGrid", scrollGridModel);
            Model.CellModels.Add("ShareRowLayoutGrid", shareRowLayoutGridModel);
            Model.CellModels.Add("ShareColumnLayoutGrid", shareColumnLayoutGridModel);
            Model.CellModels.Add("GridInRow", gridInRowModel);

            #region Sample Setup

            RowHeights.DefaultLineSize = 20;
            Model.RowCount             = 6000;

            ColumnWidths.DefaultLineSize = 100;
            Model.ColumnCount            = 20;

            Random buttonRandom    = new Random(23);
            Random orangePenRandom = new Random(2);
            Random backBrushRandom = new Random(18);

            gridLinePen = new Pen(Brushes.DarkGray, 1);

            Pen orangePen = new Pen(Brushes.DarkOrange, 5);
            orangePen.EndLineCap   = PenLineCap.Triangle;
            orangePen.StartLineCap = PenLineCap.Triangle;

            Pen bgPen = new Pen(Brushes.Gold, 6);
            bgPen.EndLineCap   = PenLineCap.Triangle;
            bgPen.StartLineCap = PenLineCap.Triangle;

            SolidColorBrush bg1 = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 0, 0));
            SolidColorBrush bg2 = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 128, 0));
            SolidColorBrush bg3 = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 128));

            GradientBrush bg = new LinearGradientBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 0), Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 255, 255), 45.0);
            //GradientBrush bg = new LinearGradientBrush(Colors.Gray, Colors.White, 45);
            CellSpanBackgrounds.Add(new CellSpanBackgroundInfo(9, 2, 22, 8, false, false, bg1, bgPen));
            CellSpanBackgrounds.Add(new CellSpanBackgroundInfo(3, 4, 28, 6, false, false, bg2, bgPen));
            CellSpanBackgrounds.Add(new CellSpanBackgroundInfo(25, 2, 30, 4, false, false, bg3, bgPen));
            CellSpanBackgrounds.Add(new CellSpanBackgroundInfo(0, 0, 12, 1, false, false, bg, null));
            CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(4, 0, 6, 1));
            CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(4, 19, 6, 19));
            CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(6, 2, 8, 4));
            CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(4, 2, 5, 3));

            Model.QueryCellInfo += new GridQueryCellInfoEventHandler(Model_QueryCellInfo);

            for (int n = 0; n < Model.RowCount; n++)
                for (int c = 0; c < Model.ColumnCount; c++)
                    GridStyleInfo ci = new GridStyleInfo();

                    if (backBrushRandom.Next(10) == 5)
                        ci.Background = Brushes.Tomato;

                    if (c == 5)//% 4 == 3)// || c == 5)
                        ci.CellType    = "CheckBox";
                        ci.Description = String.Format("Check {0}:{1}", n, c);
                        ci.CellValue   = n % 2 == 0;

                    if (c == 2)
                        ci.CellType  = "TextBox";
                        ci.CellValue = String.Format("Edit {0}:{1}", n, c);

                    if (buttonRandom.Next(10) == 5)
                        ci.CellType    = "Button";
                        ci.Description = String.Format("Click {0}:{1}", n, c);
                        ci.Background  = null;

                    if (orangePenRandom.Next(10) == 5)
                        ci.Borders.Right  = orangePen;
                        ci.Borders.Bottom = orangePen;
                        ci.Borders.Left   = orangePen;
                        ci.Borders.Top    = orangePen;
                        //ci.BorderMargins.Right = orangePen.Thickness / 2;
                        //ci.BorderMargins.Bottom = orangePen.Thickness / 2;
                        //ci.BorderMargins.Top = orangePen.Thickness / 2;
                        //ci.BorderMargins.Left = orangePen.Thickness / 2;

                    if (!ci.IsEmpty)
                        //if (n == Model.RowCount - 1 && c == Model.ColCount - 1)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("ddd");
                        Model[n, c].Background = Brushes.Red;
                        Model[n, c]            = ci;

            if (true)
                Model[6, 2].CellType = "Grid";
                //Model[6, 2].CellRenderer = gridRenderer;
                Model[6, 2].CellValue = GetSimpleNestedGrid();

            if (true)
                CoveredCellInfo coveredCell1 = new CoveredCellInfo(36, 0, 36, Model.ColumnCount - 1);
                coveredCell1.SpanWholeRow = true;
                Model[36, 0].CellType = "GridInRow";
                //Model[36, 0].CellRenderer = gridInRowRenderer;
                GridModel m = GetSimpleNestedGrid();
                Model[36, 0].CellValue = m;
                //PixelScrollAxis mb = new PixelScrollAxis(new ScrollInfo(), m.RowHeights);
                RowHeights.SetNestedLines(36, m.RowHeights);//.Distances;//.TotalDistance

                GridModel m2 = GetSimpleNestedGrid();
                m[5, 1].Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightCoral);
                m[5, 1].CellValue  = m2;
                m2.ColumnWidths.DefaultLineSize = 65;
                m[5, 1].CellType = "GridInRow";
                //m[5, 1].CellRenderer = gridInRowRenderer;
                m.RowHeights.SetNestedLines(5, m2.RowHeights);
                m.CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(5, 1, 5, 6));

            if (true)
                Model[40, 2].CellType = "ScrollGrid";
                //Model[40, 2].CellRenderer = scrollGridRenderer;
                Model[40, 2].CellValue = GetScrollNestedGrid();
                CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(40, 2, 49, 5));

            if (true)
                Model[60, 1].CellType = "ShareColumnLayoutGrid";
                //Model[60, 1].CellRenderer = shareColumnLayoutGridRenderer;
                Model[60, 1].BorderMargins.Top    = 0;
                Model[60, 1].BorderMargins.Left   = 0;
                Model[60, 1].BorderMargins.Right  = 0;
                Model[60, 1].BorderMargins.Bottom = 0;
                Model[60, 1].Background           = SystemColors.InactiveCaptionBrush;
                GridModel nestedGridWithSharedColumnsModel = GetNestedGridWithSharedColumnsModel();
                Model[60, 1].CellValue = nestedGridWithSharedColumnsModel;
                CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(60, 1, 80, 1 + nestedGridWithSharedColumnsModel.ColumnCount - 1));

            if (true)
                Model[100, 2].CellType = "ShareRowLayoutGrid";
                //Model[100, 2].CellRenderer = shareRowLayoutGridRenderer;
                Model[100, 2].BorderMargins.Top    = 0;
                Model[100, 2].BorderMargins.Left   = 0;
                Model[100, 2].BorderMargins.Right  = 0;
                Model[100, 2].BorderMargins.Bottom = 0;
                Model[100, 2].Background           = SystemColors.InactiveCaptionBrush;
                GridModel nestedGridWithSharedRowsModel = GetNestedGridWithSharedRowsModel();
                Model[100, 2].CellValue = nestedGridWithSharedRowsModel;
                CoveredCells.Add(new CoveredCellInfo(100, 2, 100 + nestedGridWithSharedRowsModel.RowCount - 1, 5));

                Random rnd = new Random(120);
                for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++)
                    RowHeights[rnd.Next(Model.RowCount)] = rnd.Next(10, 50);

                for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
                    ColumnWidths[rnd.Next(Model.ColumnCount)] = rnd.Next(40, 400);

            RowHeights.SetHidden(10, 20, true);

            FrozenRows    = 2;
            FrozenColumns = 1;
            FooterColumns = 1;
            FooterRows    = 1;



            GridStyleInfo tableStyle  = Model.TableStyle;
            GridStyleInfo headerStyle = Model.HeaderStyle;
            GridStyleInfo footerStyle = Model.FooterStyle;

            tableStyle.CellType             = "TextBox";
            tableStyle.BorderMargins.Top    = gridLinePen.Thickness;
            tableStyle.BorderMargins.Left   = gridLinePen.Thickness;
            tableStyle.BorderMargins.Right  = gridLinePen.Thickness / 2;
            tableStyle.BorderMargins.Bottom = gridLinePen.Thickness / 2;
            tableStyle.Borders.Right        = gridLinePen;
            tableStyle.Background           = null;// Brushes.White;
            tableStyle.Borders.Bottom       = gridLinePen;

            headerStyle.Background = SystemColors.ControlBrush;
            headerStyle.CellType   = "Static";

            footerStyle.Background = Brushes.Wheat;