private void SetIcon() { try { if (awn != null && service != null && service.CurrentTrack != null) { string fileName = CoverArtSpec.GetPath(service.CurrentTrack.ArtworkId); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { for (int i = 0; i < taskName.Length; i++) { awn.SetTaskIconByName(taskName[i], fileName); } awn.SetTaskIconByName(PossibleTitle, fileName); Log.Debug("BansheeAwn - Setting cover: " + fileName); } else { UnsetIcon(); Log.Debug("BansheeAwn - No Cover"); } } } catch { } }
private void DeleteCoverArt(TrackInfo track) { if (track != null) { var uri = new SafeUri(CoverArtSpec.GetPath(track.ArtworkId)); if (Banshee.IO.File.Exists(uri)) { Banshee.IO.File.Delete(uri); } var artwork_id = track.ArtworkId; if (artwork_id != null) { ServiceManager.Get <ArtworkManager> ().ClearCacheFor(track.ArtworkId); } // Deleting it from this table means the cover art downloader extension will // attempt to redownload it on its next run. var db = ServiceManager.DbConnection; var db_track = track as DatabaseTrackInfo; if (db_track != null && db.TableExists("CoverArtDownloads")) { db.Execute("DELETE FROM CoverArtDownloads WHERE AlbumID = ?", db_track.AlbumId); } } }
protected void Fetch() { if (track.Uri == null || !track.Uri.IsFile || !Banshee.IO.File.Exists(track.Uri)) { return; } string artist_album_id = track.ArtworkId; if (artist_album_id == null) { return; } IPicture [] pictures = GetEmbeddedPictures(track.Uri); if (pictures != null && pictures.Length > 0) { int preferred_index = GetPictureIndexToUse(pictures); IPicture picture = pictures[preferred_index]; string path = CoverArtSpec.GetPath(artist_album_id); if (SavePicture(picture, path)) { StreamTag tag = new StreamTag(); tag.Name = CommonTags.AlbumCoverId; tag.Value = artist_album_id; AddTag(tag); } } }
private SafeUri GetCoverArtPath(TrackInfo track) { if (track != null) { return(new SafeUri(CoverArtSpec.GetPath(track.ArtworkId))); } return(null); }
public Metadata(TrackInfo track) { data_store = new Dictionary <string, object> (); if (track == null) { // Managed dbus doesn't like null or empty dictionaries data_store["mpris:trackid"] = String.Concat(object_path, "Empty"); return; } // The trackid must be formatted like a dbus object path data_store["mpris:trackid"] = new DBus.ObjectPath(String.Concat(object_path, track.CacheModelId, track.CacheEntryId)); SetInfo("mpris:length", (long)track.Duration.TotalMilliseconds * 1000); SetInfo("xesam:url", track.Uri.ToString()); SetInfo("xesam:title", track.TrackTitle); SetInfo("xesam:album", track.AlbumTitle); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(track.ArtistName)) { SetInfo("xesam:artist", new string [] { track.ArtistName }); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(track.AlbumArtist)) { SetInfo("xesam:albumArtist", new string [] { track.AlbumArtist }); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(track.Genre)) { SetInfo("xesam:genre", new string [] { track.Genre }); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(track.Comment)) { SetInfo("xesam:comment", new string [] { track.Comment }); } if (track.TrackNumber > 0) { data_store["xesam:trackNumber"] = track.TrackNumber; } if (track.ReleaseDate.Ticks > 0) { SetInfo("xesam:contentCreated", track.ReleaseDate.ToString("s")); } if (track.Rating > 0) { // Scale is 0.0 to 1.0 SetInfo("xesam:userRating", (double)track.Rating / 5); } string artid = track.ArtworkId; if (artid != null) { SetInfo("mpris:artUrl", String.Concat("file://", CoverArtSpec.GetPath(artid))); } }
private void ResolveCoverArt(Track track) { string aaid = CoverArtSpec.CreateArtistAlbumId(track.Artist, track.Album); string path = CoverArtSpec.GetPath(aaid); if (File.Exists(path)) { IpodTrackInfo.SetIpodCoverArt(source.IpodDevice, track, path); } }
private void WriteArt(DatabaseTrackInfo track) { string ArtWorkPath = CoverArtSpec.GetPath(track.ArtworkId); string ext = null; if (service.JPG) { ext = ".jpg"; } else if (service.PNG) { ext = ".png"; } else { Log.Warning("Neather JPG or PNG is set, exiting Album Art Writer"); AbortThread(); } string filename = service.ArtName + ext; string WritePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(track.LocalPath), filename); if ((File.Exists(ArtWorkPath)) || (service.ForceRecopy)) { if (!File.Exists(WritePath)) { try { if (!(ArtWorkPath.EndsWith(ext))) { ConvertFileType(ArtWorkPath, WritePath); } else { Log.DebugFormat("Copying: {0} \t\t to: {1}", ArtWorkPath, WritePath); File.Copy(ArtWorkPath, WritePath, service.ForceRecopy); } ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO AlbumArtWriter (AlbumID, SavedOrTried,LastUpdated) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", track.AlbumId, 3, CurrentTime); } catch (IOException error) { ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO AlbumArtWriter (AlbumID, SavedOrTried,LastUpdated) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", track.AlbumId, 1, CurrentTime); Log.Warning(error.Message); } } else { Log.DebugFormat("Album already has artwork in folder {0}", WritePath); ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO AlbumArtWriter (AlbumID, SavedOrTried,LastUpdated) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", track.AlbumId, 2, CurrentTime); } } else { Log.DebugFormat("Artwork does not exist for album {0} - {1} - {2}", track.AlbumArtist, track.AlbumTitle, ArtWorkPath); ServiceManager.DbConnection.Execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO AlbumArtWriter (AlbumID, SavedOrTried,LastUpdated) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", track.AlbumId, 1, CurrentTime); } }
private void ShowTrackNotification() { // This has to happen before the next if, otherwise the last_* members aren't set correctly. if (current_track == null || (notify_last_title == current_track.DisplayTrackTitle && notify_last_artist == current_track.DisplayArtistName)) { return; } notify_last_title = current_track.DisplayTrackTitle; notify_last_artist = current_track.DisplayArtistName; if (!show_notifications) { return; } foreach (var window in elements_service.ContentWindows) { if (window.HasToplevelFocus) { return; } } bool is_notification_daemon = false; try { var name = Notifications.Global.ServerInformation.Name; is_notification_daemon = name == "notification-daemon" || name == "Notification Daemon"; } catch { // This will be reached if no notification daemon is running return; } string message = GetByFrom( current_track.ArtistName, current_track.DisplayArtistName, current_track.AlbumTitle, current_track.DisplayAlbumTitle); string image = null; image = is_notification_daemon ? CoverArtSpec.GetPathForSize(current_track.ArtworkId, icon_size) : CoverArtSpec.GetPath(current_track.ArtworkId); if (!File.Exists(new SafeUri(image))) { if (artwork_manager_service != null) { // artwork does not exist, try looking up the pixbuf to trigger scaling or conversion Gdk.Pixbuf tmp_pixbuf = is_notification_daemon ? artwork_manager_service.LookupScalePixbuf(current_track.ArtworkId, icon_size) : artwork_manager_service.LookupPixbuf(current_track.ArtworkId); if (tmp_pixbuf == null) { image = "audio-x-generic"; } else { tmp_pixbuf.Dispose(); } } } try { if (current_nf == null) { current_nf = new Notification(current_track.DisplayTrackTitle, message, image, notif_area.Widget); } else { current_nf.Summary = current_track.DisplayTrackTitle; current_nf.Body = message; current_nf.IconName = image; current_nf.AttachToWidget(notif_area.Widget); } current_nf.Urgency = Urgency.Low; current_nf.Timeout = 4500; if (!current_track.IsLive && ActionsSupported && interface_action_service.PlaybackActions["NextAction"].Sensitive) { current_nf.AddAction("skip-song", Catalog.GetString("Skip this item"), OnSongSkipped); } current_nf.Show(); } catch (Exception e) { Hyena.Log.Warning(Catalog.GetString("Cannot show notification"), e.Message, false); } }
protected bool SaveHttpStreamCover(Uri uri, string albumArtistId, string [] ignoreMimeTypes) { return(SaveHttpStream(uri, CoverArtSpec.GetPath(albumArtistId), ignoreMimeTypes)); }
private void ShowTrackNotification() { // This has to happen before the next if, otherwise the last_* members aren't set correctly. if (current_track == null || (notify_last_title == current_track.DisplayTrackTitle && notify_last_artist == current_track.DisplayArtistName)) { return; } notify_last_title = current_track.DisplayTrackTitle; notify_last_artist = current_track.DisplayArtistName; if (!show_notifications) { return; } // If we have persistent notifications, we show a notification even if the main window has focus // so that the information displayed (track title, etc.) gets updated. if (!PersistenceSupported) { foreach (var window in elements_service.ContentWindows) { if (window.HasToplevelFocus) { return; } } } string message = GetByFrom( current_track.ArtistName, current_track.DisplayArtistName, current_track.AlbumTitle, current_track.DisplayAlbumTitle); string image = null; image = CoverArtSpec.GetPath(current_track.ArtworkId); if (!File.Exists(new SafeUri(image))) { if (artwork_manager_service != null) { // artwork does not exist, try looking up the pixbuf to trigger scaling or conversion Gdk.Pixbuf tmp_pixbuf = artwork_manager_service.LookupPixbuf(current_track.ArtworkId); if (tmp_pixbuf == null) { // TODO: image should be set to "audio-x-generic", but icon names are not supported by the // notification daemon in GNOME Shell. See image = null; } else { tmp_pixbuf.Dispose(); } } } try { if (current_nf == null) { current_nf = new Notification(current_track.DisplayTrackTitle, message, Banshee.ServiceStack.Application.IconName); } else { current_nf.Summary = current_track.DisplayTrackTitle; current_nf.Body = message; current_nf.IconName = Banshee.ServiceStack.Application.IconName; if (notif_area != null && notif_area.Widget != null) { current_nf.AttachToWidget(notif_area.Widget); } } current_nf.Urgency = Urgency.Low; current_nf.Timeout = 4500; if (image == null) { current_nf.RemoveHint("image-path"); } else { current_nf.AddHint("image-path", image); } if (ServiceManager.PlayerEngine.IsPlaying()) { current_nf.Category = ""; } if (PersistenceSupported) { current_nf.AddHint("resident", true); } current_nf.Show(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(Catalog.GetString("Cannot show notification"), e); } }
public void CommitToIpod(IPod.Device device) { track = track ?? device.TrackDatabase.CreateTrack(); ExternalId = track.Id; try { track.Uri = new Uri(Uri.AbsoluteUri); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Exception("Failed to create System.Uri for iPod track", e); device.TrackDatabase.RemoveTrack(track); } track.AlbumArtist = AlbumArtist; track.BitRate = BitRate; track.BPM = (short)Bpm; track.Comment = Comment; track.Composer = Composer; track.DateAdded = DateAdded; track.TotalDiscs = DiscCount; track.DiscNumber = DiscNumber; track.Duration = Duration; track.Size = (int)FileSize; track.Grouping = Grouping; track.IsCompilation = IsCompilation; track.LastPlayed = LastPlayed; track.PlayCount = PlayCount; track.TotalTracks = TrackCount; track.TrackNumber = TrackNumber; track.Year = Year; track.DateReleased = ReleaseDate; track.Album = AlbumTitle; track.Artist = ArtistName; track.Title = TrackTitle; track.Genre = Genre; switch (Rating) { case 1: track.Rating = IPod.TrackRating.Zero; break; case 2: track.Rating = IPod.TrackRating.Two; break; case 3: track.Rating = IPod.TrackRating.Three; break; case 4: track.Rating = IPod.TrackRating.Four; break; case 5: track.Rating = IPod.TrackRating.Five; break; default: track.Rating = IPod.TrackRating.Zero; break; } if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast)) { track.DateReleased = ReleaseDate; track.Description = description; track.RememberPosition = true; track.NotPlayedMark = track.PlayCount == 0; } if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.VideoStream)) { if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast)) { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.VideoPodcast; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Music)) { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.MusicVideo; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Movie)) { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.Movie; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.TvShow)) { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.TVShow; } else { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.Video; } } else { if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast)) { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.Podcast; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.AudioBook)) { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.Audiobook; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Music)) { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.Audio; } else { track.Type = IPod.MediaType.Audio; } } if (CoverArtSpec.CoverExists(ArtworkId)) { SetIpodCoverArt(device, track, CoverArtSpec.GetPath(ArtworkId)); } }
public void CommitToIpod(GPod.ITDB database) { bool addTrack = IpodTrack == null; if (IpodTrack == null) { IpodTrack = new GPod.Track(); } var track = IpodTrack; track.Compilation = IsCompilation; track.AlbumArtist = AlbumArtist; track.Bitrate = BitRate; track.Samplerate = (ushort)SampleRate; track.BPM = (short)Bpm; track.Comment = Comment; track.Composer = Composer; track.TimeAdded = DateTime.Now; track.CDs = DiscCount; track.CDNumber = DiscNumber; track.TrackLength = (int)Duration.TotalMilliseconds; track.Size = (int)FileSize; track.Grouping = Grouping; try { track.TimePlayed = LastPlayed; } catch { Hyena.Log.InformationFormat("Couldn't set TimePlayed to '{0}'", LastPlayed); } track.PlayCount = (uint)PlayCount; track.Tracks = TrackCount; track.TrackNumber = TrackNumber; track.Year = Year; try { track.TimeReleased = ReleaseDate; } catch { Hyena.Log.InformationFormat("Couldn't set TimeReleased to '{0}'", ReleaseDate); } track.Album = AlbumTitle; track.Artist = ArtistName; track.Title = TrackTitle; track.Genre = Genre; track.SortArtist = ArtistNameSort; track.SortAlbum = AlbumTitleSort; track.SortAlbumArtist = AlbumArtistSort; track.SortTitle = TrackTitleSort; track.Rating = ((Rating >= 1) && (Rating <= 5)) ? (uint)Rating : 0; if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast)) { track.Description = description; track.RememberPlaybackPosition = true; track.SkipWhenShuffling = true; track.Flag4 = (byte)1; track.MarkUnplayed = (track.PlayCount == 0); } track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Audio; if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.VideoStream)) { if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast)) { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Podcast | GPod.MediaType.Movie; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Music)) { if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.TvShow)) { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.MusicTVShow; } else { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.MusicVideo; } } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Movie)) { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Movie; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.TvShow)) { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.TVShow; } else { // I dont' think AudioVideo should be used here; upon loading the tracks // into Banshee, audio files often have AudioVideo (aka MediaType == 0) too. //track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.AudioVideo; track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Movie; } } else { if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast)) { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Podcast; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.AudioBook)) { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Audiobook; } else if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Music)) { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Audio; } else { track.MediaType = GPod.MediaType.Audio; } } if (addTrack) { track.Filetype = mimetype; database.Tracks.Add(IpodTrack); database.MasterPlaylist.Tracks.Add(IpodTrack); if (HasAttribute(TrackMediaAttributes.Podcast) && database.Device.SupportsPodcast) { database.PodcastsPlaylist.Tracks.Add(IpodTrack); } database.CopyTrackToIPod(track, Uri.LocalPath); Uri = new SafeUri(GPod.ITDB.GetLocalPath(database.Device, track)); ExternalId = (long)IpodTrack.DBID; } if (CoverArtSpec.CoverExists(ArtworkId)) { string path = CoverArtSpec.GetPath(ArtworkId); if (!track.ThumbnailsSet(path)) { Log.Error(String.Format("Could not set cover art for {0}.", path)); } } else { track.ThumbnailsRemoveAll(); } }
protected void Fetch() { if (Track.Uri == null || !Track.Uri.IsFile || Track.ArtworkId == null || !Banshee.IO.File.Exists(Track.Uri)) { return; } string directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Track.Uri.AbsolutePath); // Get the largest (in terms of file size) JPEG in the directory long max_size = 0; string best_file = null; int items_in_directory = 0; bool found_definite_best = false; int track_count = track.TrackCount; if (track.DiscCount > 0) { track_count = track.TrackCount * track.DiscCount; } int max_acceptable_items = Math.Max(30, track_count + 8); foreach (string file in Banshee.IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory)) { // Ignore directories with tons of songs in them; this lookup is only intended for when the // music file is in a directory specific to its album. if (++items_in_directory > max_acceptable_items) { if (best_file != null) { Log.Debug("Ignoring image file in folder because too many files in folder", directory); } return; } if (found_definite_best) { continue; } string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower(); if (Array.IndexOf(extensions, extension) != -1) { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).ToLower(); if (Array.IndexOf(filenames, filename) != -1) { best_file = file; found_definite_best = true; } else { long size = Banshee.IO.File.GetSize(new SafeUri(file)); if (size > max_size) { max_size = size; best_file = file; } } } } if (best_file != null) { try { string extension = "cover"; if (best_file.EndsWith("jpg", true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) || best_file.EndsWith("jpeg", true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { extension = "jpg"; } // Copy the file to the cover art directory SaveAtomically(Path.ChangeExtension(CoverArtSpec.GetPath(Track.ArtworkId), extension), Banshee.IO.File.OpenRead(new SafeUri(best_file))); // Send the new StreamTag StreamTag tag = new StreamTag(); tag.Name = CommonTags.AlbumCoverId; tag.Value = Track.ArtworkId; AddTag(tag); Log.Debug("Got cover art from track's folder", best_file); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Exception(e); } } }