Example #1
 public CourseInfo(String _course_name, String _location, String _exam, CourseKind kind, String _others = "", String examPlace = "")
     CourseName  = new String(_course_name.ToCharArray());
     Location    = new String(_location.ToCharArray());
     Exam        = new String(_exam.ToCharArray());
     Others      = new string(_others.ToCharArray());
     ExamPlace   = new string(examPlace.ToCharArray());
     CourseTimes = new List <CourseTime>();
     TimePoints  = new List <TimePoint>();
Example #2
        // Change the attributes of a course.
        public static void ChangeCourseProperties(EventDB eventDB, Id<Course> courseId, CourseKind courseKind, string courseName, ControlLabelKind labelKind, int scoreColumn, string secondaryTitle, float printScale, float climb, float? length, DescriptionKind descriptionKind, int firstControlOrdinal)
            Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseId);

            course = (Course) course.Clone();
            course.kind = courseKind;
            course.labelKind = labelKind;
            course.scoreColumn = scoreColumn;
            course.name = courseName;
            course.secondaryTitle = secondaryTitle;
            course.printScale = printScale;
            course.climb = climb;
            course.overrideCourseLength = length;
            course.descKind = descriptionKind;
            course.firstControlOrdinal = firstControlOrdinal;

            eventDB.ReplaceCourse(courseId, course);
Example #3
        public override void ReadAttributesAndContent(XmlInput xmlinput)
            string kindText = xmlinput.GetAttributeString("kind");
            switch (kindText) {
                case "normal":      kind = CourseKind.Normal; break;
                case "score":       kind = CourseKind.Score; break;
                default:            xmlinput.BadXml("Invalid course kind '{0}'", kindText); break;

            sortOrder = xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("order", 0);    // 0 sort orders fixed up later in EventDB.FixCourseSortOrders()

            name = "";
            printScale = 15000;
            descKind = DescriptionKind.Symbols;
            firstCourseControl = Id<CourseControl>.None;
            firstControlOrdinal = 1;
            labelKind = (kind == CourseKind.Score) ? ControlLabelKind.Code : ControlLabelKind.Sequence;
            scoreColumn = (kind == CourseKind.Score) ? 0 : -1;

            bool first = true;
            while (xmlinput.FindSubElement(first, "name", "secondary-title", "first", "print-area", "options", "labels", "part-options", "relay")) {
                switch (xmlinput.Name) {
                    case "name":
                        name = xmlinput.GetContentString();

                    case "secondary-title":
                        secondaryTitle = xmlinput.GetContentString();

                    case "first":
                        firstCourseControl = new Id<CourseControl>(xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("course-control"));
                        firstControlOrdinal = xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("control-number", 1);

                    case "print-area":
                        PrintArea area = new PrintArea();
                        int part = xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("part", -1);

                        if (part == -1)
                            printArea = area;
                            partPrintAreas[part] = area;


                    case "options":
                        printScale = xmlinput.GetAttributeFloat("print-scale");
                        climb = xmlinput.GetAttributeFloat("climb", -1F);
                        load = xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("load", -1);
                        if (kind == CourseKind.Score) 
                            scoreColumn = EventDBUtil.ReadScoreColumnAttribute(xmlinput);
                        descKind = EventDBUtil.ReadDescriptionKindAttribute(xmlinput);

                        float len = xmlinput.GetAttributeFloat("course-length", -1F);
                        if (len > 0)
                            overrideCourseLength = len;
                            overrideCourseLength = null;


                    case "part-options":
                        part = xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("part", -1);
                        bool showFinish = xmlinput.GetAttributeBool("show-finish");

                        if (part != -1)
                            partOptions[part] = new PartOptions() { ShowFinish = showFinish };


                    case "labels":
                        string labelKindText = xmlinput.GetAttributeString("label-kind");
                        switch (labelKindText) {
                            case "sequence":                labelKind = ControlLabelKind.Sequence; break;
                            case "code":                    labelKind = ControlLabelKind.Code; break;
                            case "sequence-and-code":       labelKind = ControlLabelKind.SequenceAndCode; break;
                            case "sequence-and-score":      labelKind = ControlLabelKind.SequenceAndScore; break;
                            case "code-and-score":          labelKind = ControlLabelKind.CodeAndScore; break;
                            default:                        labelKind = ControlLabelKind.Sequence; break;

                    case "relay":
                        relayTeams = xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("teams", 0);
                        relayLegs = xmlinput.GetAttributeInt("legs", 1);

                first = false;

            if (printArea == null)
                printArea = PrintArea.DefaultPrintArea;
Example #4
        // Create a new course with the given attributes. The course sorts after all existing courses.
        // If addStartAndFinish is true, then if exact one start control exists, it is added. If exactly one finish control exists, it is added.
        public static Id<Course> CreateCourse(EventDB eventDB, CourseKind courseKind, string name, ControlLabelKind labelKind, int scoreColumn, string secondaryTitle, float printScale, float climb, float? length, DescriptionKind descriptionKind, int firstControlOrdinal, bool addStartAndFinish)
            // Find max sort order in use.
            int maxSortOrder = 0;
            foreach (Course course in eventDB.AllCourses)
                if (course.sortOrder > maxSortOrder)
                    maxSortOrder = course.sortOrder;

            PrintArea printArea = (PrintArea) eventDB.GetEvent().printArea.Clone();

            Course newCourse = new Course(courseKind, name, printScale, maxSortOrder + 1);
            newCourse.secondaryTitle = secondaryTitle;
            newCourse.climb = climb;
            newCourse.overrideCourseLength = length;
            newCourse.descKind = descriptionKind;
            newCourse.labelKind = labelKind;
            newCourse.scoreColumn = scoreColumn;
            newCourse.firstControlOrdinal = firstControlOrdinal;
            newCourse.printArea = printArea;

            Id<Course> newCourseId = eventDB.AddCourse(newCourse);

            if (addStartAndFinish) {
                // Add unique start and finish, if they exist.
                Id<ControlPoint> uniqueStart = FindUniqueControl(eventDB, newCourseId, ControlPointKind.Start);
                if (uniqueStart.IsNotNone)
                    AddStartToCourse(eventDB, uniqueStart, newCourseId, false);

                Id<ControlPoint> uniqueFinish = FindUniqueControl(eventDB, newCourseId, ControlPointKind.Finish);
                if (uniqueFinish.IsNotNone)
                    AddFinishToCourse(eventDB, uniqueFinish, newCourseId, false);

            return newCourseId;
Example #5
 public Course(CourseKind kind, string name, float printScale, int sortOrder): this()
     this.kind = kind;
     this.name = name;
     this.printScale = printScale; 
     this.sortOrder = sortOrder;
     this.labelKind = (kind == CourseKind.Score) ? ControlLabelKind.Code : ControlLabelKind.Sequence;
     this.overrideCourseLength = null;
     this.climb = -1;
     this.load = -1;
     this.firstControlOrdinal = 1;
     this.scoreColumn = -1;
     this.printArea = PrintArea.DefaultPrintArea;