protected void btnSumitCourseInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int    hours  = int.Parse(txtCourseWklyHours.Text);
        Course course = new Course(txtCourseNumber.Text, txtCourseName.Text, hours);

Example #2
 public CourseListPresenter(ICourseList view, CourseDataAccess model)
     this.view  = view;
     this.model = model;
     this.view.searchHandler += Search;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack && Request.QueryString["CourseID"] != null)
            long lngCourseID;
            if (long.TryParse(Request.QueryString["CourseID"], out lngCourseID))
                if (Request.QueryString["fname"] != null)
                    string strDeletedFirstName = Request.QueryString["fname"];
                    string strDeletedLastName  = Request.QueryString["lname"];
                    uiLblDeletedAlert.Text    = strDeletedFirstName + " " + strDeletedLastName + " has been deleted <br /><br />";
                    uiLblDeletedAlert.Visible = true;

                CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL   = new CourseDataAccess();
                Course           selectedCourse = objCourseDAL.GetCoursesDetailsByID(lngCourseID);
                if (selectedCourse != null)
                    uiLblCourseName.Text = selectedCourse.Title;
Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to populate course information into UI. It get a course id from query string
    /// which detail information needed. Return none.
    /// </summary>
    private void populateCourseInfo()
        long courseID = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID] != null)
                //get the course id from query string
                courseID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID]);

                //get course detail by courseid and providerid
                CourseDataAccess courseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
                Course           course    = courseDAL.GetCoursesDetailsByID(courseID); // Get Courses Details from Course ID and Provider ID

                if (course == null || course.ID < 1)
                    lblMsg.Text = LACESConstant.Messages.COURSE_NOT_FOUND_IN_ADMIN;

                Label lblMasterCourseName = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblCourseName");
                lblMasterCourseName.Text = "Selected Course: <a href='CourseDetails.aspx?" + LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID + "=" + Server.HtmlEncode(course.ID.ToString()) + "'>" + Server.HtmlEncode(course.Title) + "</a>";
                lblMasterCourseName.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return CheckChange(2,-1)");
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    ///  Page Load Event Handler, call every time when the page is loaded.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">sender object</param>
    /// <param name="e">EventArgs</param>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //set focus the default text box

        //get the master page form tag and set default button
        HtmlForm masterHtmlForm = (HtmlForm)Master.FindControl("form1");

        masterHtmlForm.DefaultButton = btnSaveFinish.UniqueID;

        if (!IsPostBack)
                //check the parent url
                if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                    //save the parent url so we can redirect when operation in current page successfull
                    referalURL = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri;

                long             courseID          = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID]);
                CourseDataAccess oCourseDataAccess = new CourseDataAccess();
                title.InnerHtml = "Edit Attendee for: " + Server.HtmlEncode(oCourseDataAccess.GetCoursesDetailsByID(courseID).Title);

                //load Attendees information into the UI controls
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Populate course details in the UI. Get course id from query string.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>True if any course not found provider, otherwise false</returns>
    private bool populateCourseInfo()
        long courseID = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID] != null)
                //get the course id from query string
                courseID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID]);

                //get course detail by courseid and providerid
                CourseDataAccess courseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
                Course           course    = courseDAL.GetCoursesDetailsByID(courseID); // Get Courses Details from Course ID and Provider ID

                if (course == null || course.ID < 1)
                    lblMsg.Text      = LACESConstant.Messages.COURSE_NOT_FOUND_IN_ADMIN;
                    lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

                    txtLastName.Text  = "";
                    txtFirstName.Text = "";
                    txtASLA.Text      = "";
                    txtCLARB.Text     = "";
                    txtFL.Text        = "";
                divRightMessage.InnerHtml = "Use this page to edit an attendees who attended the " + Server.HtmlEncode(course.Title) + " course. Removing an attendees from the course is a permanent action, and can not be undone.";
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #7
    protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        base.Page_Load(sender, e);
        if (!IsPostBack)
            List <Course>         courses         = CourseDataAccess.RetrieveAllCourses();
            List <CourseOffering> coursesOffering = CourseOfferingDataAccess.RetrieveAllCoursesOffering();

            if (courses.Count == 0)
                courses.Sort((c1, c2) => c1.CourseName.CompareTo(c2.CourseName));
                foreach (Course course in courses)
                    drpCourseOfferingList.Items.Add(new ListItem(course.ToString(), course.courseNumber));

                drpOfferInYr.Items.Add(new ListItem("2016"));
                drpOfferInYr.Items.Add(new ListItem("2017"));
                drpOfferInYr.Items.Add(new ListItem("2018"));
                drpOfferInYr.Items.Add(new ListItem("2019"));
                drpOfferInYr.Items.Add(new ListItem("2020"));

                drpSemester.Items.Add(new ListItem(Semester.Fall));
                drpSemester.Items.Add(new ListItem(Semester.Winter));
                drpSemester.Items.Add(new ListItem(Semester.Spring_Summer));
Example #8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ApprovedProvider provider = (ApprovedProvider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_APPROVED_PROVIDER];

        if (provider != null)
            string stritemsperpage = Request.QueryString["itemsperpage"] != null ? Request.QueryString["itemsperpage"] : "99999";
            int    itemsPerPage    = 99999;
            if (int.TryParse(stritemsperpage, out itemsPerPage))

            string strpage = Request.QueryString["page"] != null ? Request.QueryString["page"] : "1";
            int    page    = 1;
            if (int.TryParse(strpage, out page))

            string           strKeyword   = Request.QueryString["keyword"] != null ? Request.QueryString["keyword"] : "";
            string           strEndDate   = Request.QueryString["enddate"] != null ? Request.QueryString["enddate"] : "";
            string           strStartDate = Request.QueryString["startdate"] != null ? Request.QueryString["startdate"] : "";
            string           strState     = Request.QueryString["state"] != null ? Request.QueryString["state"] : "";
            string           strStatus    = Request.QueryString["status"] != null ? Request.QueryString["status"] : "";
            string           strSubject   = Request.QueryString["subject"] != null ? Request.QueryString["subject"] : "";
            int              totalCount   = 0;
            CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
            IList <Course>   courseResult = new List <Course>();
            courseResult = objCourseDAL.GetPagedCourseBySearchByProvider(strStartDate, strEndDate, strKeyword, 1, 99999, strStatus, provider.ID, strSubject, strState, ref totalCount);
Example #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Call every time when click on the open close link button
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void btnActive_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        LinkButton openCloseButton = sender as LinkButton;

            long   courseID = Convert.ToInt32(openCloseButton.CommandArgument);
            string status   = openCloseButton.CommandName;

            CourseDataAccess oCourseDataAccess = new CourseDataAccess();

            if (status == "T")
                oCourseDataAccess.ChangeCourseActive(courseID, "F");
            else if (status == "F")
                oCourseDataAccess.ChangeCourseActive(courseID, "T");
Example #10
 protected void FilterCoursesBind(string strStartDate, string strEndDate, string strKeyword, string strState, string strSubject, string strStatus, string strProviderList, string courseType)
         int totalCount                = 0;
         ApprovedProvider provider     = (ApprovedProvider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_APPROVED_PROVIDER];
         CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
         IList <Course>   courseResult = new List <Course>();
         courseResult = objCourseDAL.GetPagedCourseBySearchAdmin(strStartDate, strEndDate, strKeyword, 0, 10000, strStatus, strProviderList, strSubject, strState, courseType, ref totalCount);
         if (courseResult.Count < 1)
             dlCourseList.Visible = false;
             NoResult.Visible     = true;
             dlCourseList.DataSource = courseResult;
             dlCourseList.Visible = true;
             NoResult.Visible     = false;
     catch (Exception ex)
Example #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Used to populate course information into UI. It get a course id from query string
    /// which detail information needed. Return none.
    /// </summary>
    private void populateCourseInfo()
        long courseID = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID] != null)
                //get the course id from query string
                courseID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID]);

                //get course detail by courseid and providerid
                ApprovedProvider provider  = (ApprovedProvider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_APPROVED_PROVIDER]; // Get provider information from Session
                CourseDataAccess courseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
                Course           course    = courseDAL.GetCoursesDetailsByIDandProviderID(courseID, provider.ID);            // Get Courses Details from Course ID and Provider ID

                if (course == null || course.ID < 1)
                    //btnSaveAddMore.Enabled = false;
                    //btnSaveFinish.Enabled = false;
                    lblMsg.Text = LACESConstant.Messages.COURSE_NOT_FOUND_IN_PROVIDER;
                    // dvParticipantList.Visible = false;

                Label lblMasterCourseName = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblCourseName");
                lblMasterCourseName.Text = "Selected Course: <a href='CourseDetails.aspx?" + LACESConstant.QueryString.COURSE_ID + "=" + Server.HtmlEncode(course.ID.ToString()) + "'>" + Server.HtmlEncode(course.Title) + "</a>";
                lblMasterCourseName.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return CheckChange(2,-1)");
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Load all cources in the UI
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadAllCourses()
        //create the coures data access
        CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();

        //get the current provider
        Provider1 provider = (Provider1)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_PROVIDER];

        existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml  = "<div class='dvHeader2'>Existing Cources</div>";
        existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<div class='existingCources'>";
        IList <Course> cources = objCourseDAL.GetCoursesByProviderId(provider.ID, "T");

        foreach (Course c in cources)
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<a href=UploadParticipants.aspx?courseid=" + c.ID + ">" + c.Title + "</a><br/>";
        existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "</div>";

        if (cources.Count <= 0)
            existingCourcesDiv.Visible = false;
            existingCourcesDiv.Visible = true;
Example #13
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ApprovedProvider provider = (ApprovedProvider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_APPROVED_PROVIDER];

        if (provider != null)
            string courseTitle = Request.QueryString["title"] != null ? Request.QueryString["title"] : "";
            string StartDate   = Request.QueryString["startdate"] != null ? Request.QueryString["startdate"] : "";
            string EndDate     = Request.QueryString["enddate"] != null ? Request.QueryString["enddate"] : "";
            string Location    = Request.QueryString["location"] != null ? Request.QueryString["location"] : "";
            string FirstName   = Request.QueryString["first"] != null ? Request.QueryString["first"] : "";
            string LastName    = Request.QueryString["last"] != null ? Request.QueryString["last"] : "";
            string Email       = Request.QueryString["email"] != null ? Request.QueryString["email"] : "";
            string strOrderBy;
            if (Request.QueryString["Sort"] != null && Request.QueryString["Sort"].Length > 0)
                strOrderBy = Request.QueryString["Sort"].ToString();
                strOrderBy = "S";
            //create the coures data access
            CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();

            //get the current provider

            IList <Course> courses;
            if (FirstName.Length == 0 && LastName.Length == 0 && Email.Length == 0)
                courses = objCourseDAL.GetCoursesByProviderId(provider.ID, strOrderBy);
                courses = objCourseDAL.GetCoursesByProviderIdAndAttendee(provider.ID, strOrderBy, FirstName, LastName, Email);
            if (courseTitle.Length > 0)
                courses = courses.Where(x => x.Title.ToLower().Contains(courseTitle.ToLower())).ToList();
            if (StartDate.Length > 0)
                DateTime dtStartDate = new DateTime();
                if (DateTime.TryParse(StartDate, out dtStartDate))
                    courses = courses.Where(x => x.StartDate >= dtStartDate && x.EndDate >= dtStartDate).ToList();
            if (EndDate.Length > 0)
                DateTime dtEndDate = new DateTime();
                if (DateTime.TryParse(EndDate, out dtEndDate))
                    courses = courses.Where(x => x.EndDate < dtEndDate).ToList();
Example #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Page load event handler
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
        string           sSortColumn  = string.Empty;
        string           sSortOrder   = string.Empty;

        //If found PARTICIPANT ID as query sting then display the participant info
        if (Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.PARTICIPANT_ID] != null)
            ///Check Sort Column Query String
            if (Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.SORT_COLUMN] != null)
                sSortColumn = Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.SORT_COLUMN].ToString();
                sSortColumn = "DateEntered"; // by default sort by DateEntered column

            ///Check Sort Order Query String
            if (Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.SORT_ORDER] != null)
                sSortOrder = Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.SORT_ORDER].ToString();
                sSortOrder = "asc"; // by default sort in ascending order

            //Create Header row
            //createHeaderRow(sSortColumn, sSortOrder);

            //Adjust left/right content place holder width


            ///Get Search result
            courseResult = objCourseDAL.GetParticipantCourses(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.PARTICIPANT_ID].ToString()), sSortColumn, sSortOrder);

            //Display participant information
            ParticipantDataAccess partDAC = new ParticipantDataAccess();
            Participant           objPart = partDAC.GetParticipantByID(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[LACESConstant.QueryString.PARTICIPANT_ID].ToString()));
            if (objPart != null)
                lblPartLastName.Text  = Server.HtmlEncode(objPart.LastName);
                lblPartFirstName.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(objPart.FirstName);
                lblPartASLA.Text      = Server.HtmlEncode(objPart.ASLANumber);
                lblPartCLARB.Text     = Server.HtmlEncode(objPart.CLARBNumber);
                lblPartFL.Text        = Server.HtmlEncode(objPart.FloridaStateNumber);
                lblMiddleName.Text    = Server.HtmlEncode(objPart.MiddleInitial);
                lblCSLA.Text          = Server.HtmlEncode(objPart.CSLANumber);

                //if no course found then display 0 as number of courses
                lblPartCourses.Text = courseResult != null && courseResult.Count > 0 ? courseResult.Count.ToString() : "0";
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of Submission assignments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Course ID for the class</param>
        /// <param name="a">Authentication Key for the Course to access the assignment</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <SubmisionAssignment> GetAssignmentsForCourse(int id, string a)
            if ((new Authentication()).IsValidKey(a))
                return(CourseDataAccess.GetAssignmentsForCourse(id, DateTime.UtcNow));

    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs ev)
        txtCourseName.Text      = "";
        txtCourseNumber.Text    = "";
        txtCourseWklyHours.Text = "";
        List <Course> courses = CourseDataAccess.RetrieveAllCourses();

Example #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
                CourseDataAccess rep = new CourseDataAccess();
                Course           c   = new Course();
                c.NumberOfLessons = 1;
                c.Language        = LanguageTypes.French;
                c.Level           = LevelTypes.A1Beginer;
                c.StatusActive    = false;
                c.Category        = CategoryTypes.Adults;
                c.Description     = "Curs franceza";

                Console.WriteLine("Add: " + rep.Add(c));
                Console.WriteLine("Save-add: " + rep.Save(c));
                Course c1 = new Course();
                c1.Id = 3;
                c1.NumberOfLessons = 1;
                c1.Language        = LanguageTypes.French;
                c1.Level           = LevelTypes.A1Beginer;
                c1.StatusActive    = false;
                c1.Category        = CategoryTypes.Children;
                c1.Description     = "Curs Franceza";
                Console.WriteLine("Update: " + rep.Update(c1.Id, c1));
                // rep.Delete(c);
                var rez = rep.GetAll();

                foreach (var item in rez)

                var rez2 = rep.GetById(2);
                Console.WriteLine($"Get by Id 2 {rep.GetString(rez2)}");
            catch (SqlException e)
            //catch(System.InvalidCastException e)

            //  Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
            catch (ArgumentException e)
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ApprovedProvider provider = (ApprovedProvider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_APPROVED_PROVIDER];

        if (provider != null)
            string stritemsperpage = Request.QueryString["itemsperpage"] != null ? Request.QueryString["itemsperpage"] : "99999";
            int    itemsPerPage    = 99999;
            if (int.TryParse(stritemsperpage, out itemsPerPage))

            string strpage = Request.QueryString["page"] != null ? Request.QueryString["page"] : "1";
            int    page    = 1;
            if (int.TryParse(strpage, out page))

            string           strKeyword   = Request.QueryString["keyword"] != null ? Request.QueryString["keyword"] : "";
            string           strEndDate   = Request.QueryString["enddate"] != null ? Request.QueryString["enddate"] : "";
            string           strStartDate = Request.QueryString["startdate"] != null ? Request.QueryString["startdate"] : "";
            string           strState     = Request.QueryString["state"] != null ? Request.QueryString["state"] : "";
            string           strStatus    = Request.QueryString["status"] != null ? Request.QueryString["status"] : "";
            string           strSubject   = Request.QueryString["subject"] != null ? Request.QueryString["subject"] : "";
            int              totalCount   = 0;
            CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
            IList <Course>   courseResult = new List <Course>();
            courseResult           = objCourseDAL.GetPagedCourseBySearchByProvider(strStartDate, strEndDate, strKeyword, 1, 99999, strStatus, provider.ID, strSubject, strState, ref totalCount);
            uiHdnResultCount.Value = courseResult.Count.ToString();
            if (courseResult.Count < 1)
                dlCourseList.Visible = false;
                NoResult.Visible     = true;
                int pageBegin = 0;
                if (page > 1)
                    pageBegin = (itemsPerPage * page) - itemsPerPage;
                dlCourseList.Visible = true;
                NoResult.Visible     = false;
                if (itemsPerPage < 999)
                    dlCourseList.DataSource = courseResult.Skip(pageBegin).Take(itemsPerPage);
                    dlCourseList.DataSource = courseResult;
Example #19
    protected void btnAddCourseOffering_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string courseId = drpCourseOfferingList.SelectedValue;
        int    year     = int.Parse(drpOfferInYr.SelectedValue);
        string semester = drpSemester.SelectedValue;

        Course         course         = CourseDataAccess.RetrieveCourseByCourseId(courseId);
        CourseOffering courseOffering = new CourseOffering(course, year, semester);

Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Get's the last submit date for an assignment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Course ID for the class</param>
        /// <param name="a">Authentication Key for the Course to access the assignment</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DateTime?GetLastSubmitDateForAssignment(int id, string a)
            var auth = new Authentication();

            if (auth.IsValidKey(a))
                return(CourseDataAccess.GetLastSubmitDateForAssignment(id, (auth.GetActiveUserId(a))));

Example #21
        public CourseEntity CourseEntityConversion()
            ICourseDataAccess courseDataAccess = new CourseDataAccess();

            return(new CourseEntity
                Id = this.Id,
                Name = this.Name,
                UserId = this.UserId
Example #22
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        CourseDataAccess oCourseDataAccess = new CourseDataAccess();

        if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null)
            long courseID = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"].ToString());
            oCourseDataAccess.ChangeCourseActive(courseID, "F");
Example #23
        static void Main()
            ICourseDataAccess courseDataAccess = new CourseDataAccess();
            ICourseBusiness   courseBusiness   = new CourseBusiness(courseDataAccess);

            IDepartmentDataAccess departmentDataAccess = new DepartmentDataAccess();
            IDepartmentBusiness   departmentBusiness   = new DepartmentBusiness(departmentDataAccess);
            ICourseViewModel      courseViewModel      = new CourseViewModel(courseBusiness, departmentBusiness);

            Application.Run(new CourseRead(courseViewModel));
Example #24
    protected void drpCourseOfferingList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (drpCourseOfferingList.SelectedIndex != 0)
            string courseId = drpCourseOfferingList.SelectedItem.Value;
            Course course   = CourseDataAccess.RetrieveCourseByCourseId(courseId);

            lblCourseOfferingDisplay.Text = courseId;
            lblCourseOfferingDisplay.Text = string.Empty;
Example #25
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string courseNumber      = txtCourseNumber.Text;
        string courseName        = txtCourseName.Text;
        string stringCourseHours = txtCourseHours.Text;
        int    courseHours       = Int32.Parse(stringCourseHours);

        userCourse = new Course(courseNumber, courseName, courseHours);

        txtCourseNumber.Text = "";
        txtCourseName.Text   = "";
        txtCourseHours.Text  = "";
Example #26
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        List <Course> userCourse = CourseDataAccess.retreiveAllCourses();


        string offeredSemester = ddlSemester.SelectedValue;
        int    offeredYear     = Int32.Parse(ddlOfferYear.SelectedValue);

        int courseIndex = ddlCourses.SelectedIndex - 1;

        CourseOffering coursesOffered = new CourseOffering(userCourse[courseIndex], offeredYear, offeredSemester);

Example #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Get course details information if any course found otherwise null
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>course object</returns>
 private Course getCourseInfo()
         //get course detail by courseid and providerid
         //Provider provider = (Provider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_PROVIDER]; // Get provider information from Session
         ApprovedProvider provider  = (ApprovedProvider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_APPROVED_PROVIDER]; // get approved provider information from Session
         CourseDataAccess courseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
         return(courseDAL.GetCoursesDetailsByIDandProviderID(courseID, provider.ID));                                 // Get Courses Details from Course ID and Provider ID
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Example #28
    protected void Search(object sender, EventArgs e)
        IList <Course> courseResult    = new List <Course>();
        SearchCourse   objSearchCourse = buildSearchCriteria();
        int            itemIndex       = 0;

        int              totalCount    = 0;
        string           strStartDate  = txtStartDate.Text;
        string           strEndDate    = txtEndDate.Text;
        string           strSearchTerm = txtKeyword.Text;
        CourseDataAccess objCourseDAL  = new CourseDataAccess();

            courseResult = objCourseDAL.GetPagedCourseBySearch(strStartDate, strEndDate, strSearchTerm, 1,
                                                               250, "", ref totalCount);

            string resultsNumber = courseResult.Count.ToString();
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml  = "<div class='title'>Upload or Edit Attendees</div>";
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<div class='existingCources'>";
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<table cellpadding='0' width='100%'><tr><td class='TableHeader' width='37%'>Course Title</td><td class='TableHeader' width='11%'>Start Date</td><td class='TableHeader' width='10%'>End Date</td><td class='TableHeader' width='27%'>Upload Attendees in Excel</td><td class='TableHeader' width='15%'>Edit Attendees</td></tr>";
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<tbody id='course_list'>";
            foreach (Course c in courseResult)
                existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<tr><td class='grayText'><a href=CourseDetails.aspx?courseid=" + c.ID + ">" + Server.HtmlEncode(c.Title) + "</a></td>";
                existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<td class='grayText'>" + c.StartDate.ToShortDateString() + "</td>";
                existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<td class='grayText'>" + c.EndDate.ToShortDateString() + "</td>";
                existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<td align='center'><a href=UploadAttendees.aspx?courseid=" + c.ID + ">Upload</a></td>";
                existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<td align='center'><a href=EditAllCourseAttendees.aspx?CourseID=" + c.ID + ">Edit</a></td></tr>";
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "</tbody>";
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "</table>";
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "<div class='page_navigation'></div>";
            existingCourcesDiv.InnerHtml += "</div>";

            if (courseResult.Count <= 0)
                existingCourcesDiv.Visible = false;
                existingCourcesDiv.Visible = true;

            //   uiLitResultsMessage.Text = "Search Results: " + resultsNumber + " out of " + totalCount.ToString() + " results";
        catch (Exception ex) { }
Example #29
    /// <summary>
    /// Page load event handler
    /// Loads the course name based on course id
    /// Generates the redirect URL
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            long   courseID   = 0;
            string courseName = "";
            //If CourseId is defined in URL
            if (Request.QueryString["CourseID"] != null)
                    courseID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["CourseID"]);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                //Get course information by courseId
                //Provider provider = (Provider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_PROVIDER]; // Get provider information from Session
                ApprovedProvider provider = (ApprovedProvider)Session[LACESConstant.SessionKeys.LOGEDIN_APPROVED_PROVIDER]; // get approved provider information from Session

                CourseDataAccess courseDAL = new CourseDataAccess();
                Course           course    = courseDAL.GetCoursesDetailsByIDandProviderID(courseID, provider.ID); // Get Courses Details from Course ID and Provider ID
                //Generate linked course name to display
                courseName = "<a href=\"CourseDetails.aspx?CourseID=" + courseID + "\">" + Server.HtmlEncode(course.Title) + "</a>";
            else//If courseId is not defined in URL, display None
                courseName = "<i>None</i>";


            //Set value for the lblCourseName control of master page
            Label lblCourseName = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblCourseName");
            if (lblCourseName != null)
                lblCourseName.Text = "Selected Course: " + courseName;
        lblMessage.Text    = "";
        lblMessage.Visible = false;
        message            = "";
Example #30
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string courseNumber      = txtCourseNumber.Text;
        string courseName        = txtCourseName.Text;
        string stringCourseHours = txtCourseHours.Text;
        int    offeredYear       = Int32.Parse(ddlYear.SelectedValue);
        string offeredSemester   = ddlSemester.SelectedValue;
        int    courseHours       = Int32.Parse(stringCourseHours);

        userCourse = new Course(courseNumber, courseName, courseHours);

        coursesOffered = new CourseOffering(userCourse, offeredYear, offeredSemester);
