Example #1
        public void ApplyCriteria(CouponApplicabilityCriterionContext context,
                                  // Use outerCriterion to negate the test, so we can easily do
                                  // true/false
                                  Func <bool, bool> outerCriterion,
                                  LocalizedString failureMessage)
            if (context.IsApplicable)
                var allowedTypes = ProductTypes(context)
                                   .Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                   .Select(s => s.Trim());
                var result = outerCriterion(
                    // the "base" test is "contains products of type". If
                    // outerCriterion is b => !b that turns in
                    // "doesn't contain products of type"
                    .Any(pq => allowedTypes.Contains(pq.Product.TypeDefinition.Name)));

                if (!result)
                    context.ApplicabilityContext.Message = failureMessage;
                context.IsApplicable = result;
                context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = result;
Example #2
        private void ApplyCriterion(CouponApplicabilityCriterionContext context)
            if (context.IsApplicable)
                var formState = context.State;

                var op = (DateTimeOperator)Enum.Parse(typeof(DateTimeOperator), Convert.ToString(formState.Operator));

                var currentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

                string dateFrom          = Convert.ToString(formState.DateFrom);
                string timeFrom          = Convert.ToString(formState.TimeFrom);
                var    cultureFrom       = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(formState.CultureFrom.Value);
                var    dateReferenceFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dateFrom + " " + timeFrom, cultureFrom).ToUniversalTime();

                string dateTo          = Convert.ToString(formState.DateTo);
                string timeTo          = Convert.ToString(formState.TimeTo);
                var    cultureTo       = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(formState.CultureTo.Value);
                var    dateReferenceTo = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTo + " " + timeTo, cultureTo).ToUniversalTime();

                var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;

                switch (op)
                case DateTimeOperator.LessThan:
                    if (utcNow > dateReferenceTo)
                        context.IsApplicable = false;
                        context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = false;

                case DateTimeOperator.GreaterThan:
                    if (utcNow < dateReferenceFrom)
                        context.IsApplicable = false;
                        context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = false;

                case DateTimeOperator.Between:
                    if (utcNow < dateReferenceFrom ||
                        utcNow > dateReferenceTo)
                        context.IsApplicable = false;
                        context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = false;

                    // Invalid operator.
                    context.IsApplicable = false;
                    context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = false;
        private void ApplyCriteria(CouponApplicabilityCriterionContext context)
            if (context.IsApplicable)
                var result = CookieValueForm.GetFilterPredicate(context.State)(_httpContextAccessor.Current().Request);

                if (!result)
                    context.ApplicabilityContext.Message =
                        T("Coupon code {0} is not valid", context.CouponRecord.Code);
                context.IsApplicable = result;
                context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = result;
        public void ApplyCriteria(CouponApplicabilityCriterionContext context)
            var result = false;

            if (context.IsApplicable)
                // get product in shopping cart
                var products = context

                // to apply the coupon, no products in the cart must be discounted
                result = !products.Any(p => HasDiscount(p.Product));

                context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = result;
                context.IsApplicable = result;
Example #5
        public void ApplyCriterion(CouponApplicabilityCriterionContext context,
                                   // Use outerCriterion to negate the test, so we can easily do
                                   // contains / doesn't contain
                                   Func <bool, bool> outerCriterion)
            if (context.IsApplicable)
                // If there is no configured term, this delegate will not affect the
                // applicability for the coupon in any way.
                // get from state the comma separated list of term ids
                List <int> allTermIds  = new List <int>();
                var        termsString = (string)context.State.Terms;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(termsString))
                    allTermIds = termsString
                                 .Split(new char[] { ',' })
                string selectedMultipleTerms = Convert.ToString(context.State.TermIds);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedMultipleTerms))
                    allTermIds = allTermIds.Union(selectedMultipleTerms
                                                  .Split(new[] { ',' })

                // check the list of ids for taxonomies
                // if there are, select all term ids
                allTermIds = allTermIds.Union(allTermIds
                                              .Where(x => _taxonomyService.GetTaxonomy(x) != null)
                                              .SelectMany(t => _taxonomyService.GetTerms(t).Select(term => term.Id))

                if (allTermIds.Any())
                    bool.TryParse(context.State.IncludeChildren?.Value, out bool includeChildren);
                    var terms = allTermIds
                                .SelectMany(id => GetTerms(id, includeChildren))
                    // check again, in case the ids do not match any term
                    if (terms.Any())
                        var result = false;

                        // get product in shopping cart
                        var products = context

                        // "is one of" or "is all of"
                        int op = Convert.ToInt32(context.State.Operator);

                        var opCart = (SelectTermsOperator)Enum.Parse(typeof(SelectTermsOperator), Convert.ToString(context.State.OperatorCart));

                        List <ShoppingCartQuantityProduct> checkedProductsList = new List <ShoppingCartQuantityProduct>();
                        switch (opCart)
                        case SelectTermsOperator.AllProducts:
                            checkedProductsList = GetProductByTerm(terms, products, op);
                            if (products.Count() == checkedProductsList.Count())
                                result = true;

                        case SelectTermsOperator.OneProduct:
                            checkedProductsList = GetProductByTerm(terms, products, op);
                            result = checkedProductsList.Any();

                        case SelectTermsOperator.InsideCart:
                            var termsPart = products
                                            .Where(p => p.Product.As <TermsPart>() != null)
                                            .SelectMany(p => p.Product.As <TermsPart>().TermParts);

                            // if no term is selected in the product, we already know this will be false
                            if (termsPart.Any())
                                var selectedTerms = termsPart.Select(p => p.TermPart);

                                switch (op)
                                case 0:     // is one of
                                    result = terms.Any(t => selectedTerms.Contains(t));

                                case 1:     // is all of
                                    result = terms.All(t => selectedTerms.Contains(t));
                        result = outerCriterion(result);

                        context.ApplicabilityContext.IsApplicable = result;
                        context.IsApplicable = result;