public List <Fabrica> createTable() { var farmManager = new FarmManager(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AdditionalInformation"].ConnectionString); var factory = Fabrica.Text.Length > 0 ? Fabrica.Text.Trim() : null; var farm = Ferma.Text.Length > 0 ? Ferma.Text.Trim() : null; var cod = Code.Text.Length > 0 ? Code.Text.Trim() : null; var farms = farmManager.GetAllFarms(farm, cod); var factoryManager = new FactoryManager(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AdditionalInformation"].ConnectionString); var factories = factoryManager.GetFactories(factory); var countiesManager = new CountyManager(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["fccl2ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); var counties = countiesManager.GetAllCounties(); var values = farms.Select(x => new Fabrica { id = x.Id.ToString(), cod = x.Cod, nume = x.Nume, numar = x.Numar, email = x.Email, telefon = x.Telefon, oras = x.Oras, strada = x.Strada, fabricaid = x.FabricaId.ToString(), judet = x.Judet }).ToList(); var farctorieslist = values.ToList(); foreach (var fabrica in farctorieslist) { var factoryEntity = factories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == fabrica.fabricaid); if (factoryEntity == null) { values.Remove(fabrica); } else { fabrica.fabricaid = factoryEntity.Nume; } var countyEntity = counties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == fabrica.judet); if (countyEntity != null) { fabrica.judet = countyEntity.DenLoc; } } lcount.Text = values.Count + " ferme"; return(values); }
public ActionResult Create() { CreateClientViewModel model = new CreateClientViewModel(); var allEthnicities = EthnicityManager.GetAll(); var allDemographics = DemographicManager.GetAll(); var allAbuseTypes = AbuseTypeManager.GetAll(); var allCounties = CountyManager.GetAll(); var allServiceCounties = CountyManager.GetInServiceArea(); var allTypes = TypeManager.GetAll(); var allStates = StateManager.GetAll(); var allGenders = GenderManager.GetAll(); var allStatuses = StatusManager.GetAll(); var checkBoxListItems = new List <CheckBoxListItem>(); var abuseTypeCheckBoxListItems = new List <CheckBoxListItem>(); model.Ethnicities = allEthnicities; model.CountyOfResidence = allCounties; model.CountyOfIncident = allServiceCounties; model.Genders = allGenders; model.Types = allTypes; model.States = allStates; model.Statuses = allStatuses; foreach (var demographic in allDemographics) { checkBoxListItems.Add(new CheckBoxListItem() { ID = demographic.DemographicId, Display = demographic.DemographicName, IsChecked = false //On the add view, no genres will be selected by default }); } model.Demographics = checkBoxListItems; foreach (var abuseType in allAbuseTypes) { abuseTypeCheckBoxListItems.Add(new CheckBoxListItem() { ID = abuseType.AbuseTypeId, Display = abuseType.AbuseTypeName, IsChecked = false //On the add view, no genres will be selected by default }); } model.AbuseTypes = abuseTypeCheckBoxListItems; return(View(model)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { FCCL_DAL.Entities.Ferme_CCL farm = null; if (Request.Params["ID"] != null) { var farmManager = new FarmManager(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AdditionalInformation"].ConnectionString); farm = farmManager.GetFarmById(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["ID"])); } var fabricaManager = new FactoryManager(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AdditionalInformation"].ConnectionString); var fabrici = fabricaManager.GetFactories(); Asociatia.DataSource = fabrici; if (farm != null && farm.FabricaId != null) { Asociatia.SelectedValue = farm.FabricaId.ToString(); } Asociatia.DataBind(); var countyManager = new CountyManager(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["fccl2ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); var counties = countyManager.GetAllCounties(); Judet.DataSource = counties; if (farm != null && farm.JudetId != null) { Judet.SelectedValue = farm.JudetId.ToString(); } Judet.DataBind(); InsertF.Visible = true; if (farm != null) { //populate farm table IdFerma.Text = farm.Id.ToString(); FermaCod.Text = farm.Cod; FermaName.Text = farm.Nume; FarmEmail.Text = farm.Email; Localitate.Text = farm.Oras; Strada.Text = farm.Strada; Numar.Text = farm.Numar; CodPostal.Text = farm.CodPostal; Telefon.Text = farm.Telefon; Fax.Text = farm.Fax; PersContact.Text = farm.PersoanaDeContact; TelPersContact.Text = farm.TelPersoanaContact; SendSms.Checked = farm.SendSms; //populate user table var userManager = new UserManager(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ApplicationServices"].ConnectionString); var userInfo = userManager.GetUserInformationByCod(farm.Cod); if (userInfo != null) { UserId.Value = userInfo.UserId.ToString(); Nume.Text = userInfo.LastName; Prenume.Text = userInfo.FirstName; UserNameLbl.Text = userInfo.UserName; Email.Text = userInfo.Email; Update.Visible = true; ResetareParola.Visible = true; UserNameLbl.Visible = true; Parola.Visible = false; } else { Insert.Visible = true; UserName.Visible = true; } UserCodLbl.Text = farm.Cod; UpdateF.Visible = true; DeleteF.Visible = true; } } }
public ActionResult CountryLookup() { var countries = CountyManager.GetCountries(); return(Json(countries, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var client = ClientManager.GetById(id); var model = new EditClientViewModel() { ID = client.ID, ClientFirstName = client.ClientFirstName, ClientMiddleInitial = client.ClientMiddleInitial, ClientLastName = client.ClientLastName, DateofBirth = client.DateofBirth, DateofFirstContact = client.DateofFirstContact, Address1 = client.Address1, Address2 = client.Address2, City = client.City, Phone = client.Phone, ZipCode = client.ZipCode, EmergencyContactName = client.EmergencyContactName, EmergencyContactPhone = client.EmergencyContactPhone, EthnicityId = client.EthnicityId, ClientNumber = client.ClientNumber, CountyOfResidenceId = client.CountyOfResidenceId, CountyOfIncidentId = client.CountyOfIncidentId, StateId = client.StateId, GenderId = client.GenderId, TypeId = client.TypeId, StatusId = client.StatusId }; var allGenders = GenderManager.GetAll(); var allEthnicities = EthnicityManager.GetAll(); var allCounties = CountyManager.GetAll(); var allStates = StateManager.GetAll(); var allTypes = TypeManager.GetAll(); var allStatuses = StatusManager.GetAll(); model.Genders = allGenders; model.Ethnicities = allEthnicities; model.CountyOfIncident = allCounties; model.CountyOfResidence = allCounties; model.States = allStates; model.Types = allTypes; model.Statuses = allStatuses; var clientDemographics = DemographicManager.GetForClient(id); var allDemographics = DemographicManager.GetAll(); var checkBoxListItems = new List <CheckBoxListItem>(); foreach (var demographic in allDemographics) { checkBoxListItems.Add(new CheckBoxListItem() { ID = demographic.DemographicId, Display = demographic.DemographicName, IsChecked = clientDemographics.Where(x => x.DemographicId == demographic.DemographicId).Any() }); } ; model.Demographics = checkBoxListItems; var clientAbuseTypes = AbuseTypeManager.GetForClient(id); var allAbuseTypes = AbuseTypeManager.GetAll(); var abuseTypeCheckBoxListItems = new List <CheckBoxListItem>(); foreach (var abuseType in allAbuseTypes) { abuseTypeCheckBoxListItems.Add(new CheckBoxListItem() { ID = abuseType.AbuseTypeId, Display = abuseType.AbuseTypeName, IsChecked = clientAbuseTypes.Where(x => x.AbuseTypeId == abuseType.AbuseTypeId).Any() }); } ; model.AbuseTypes = abuseTypeCheckBoxListItems; return(View(model)); }