public async Task <ActionResult <CommonAPIResponse <bool> > > AddCountry(CountryAddDTO CountryAddDTO) { #region Declare return type with initial value. JsonResult jsonResult = GetDefaultJsonResult <bool>(); #endregion try { #region Validate AddCountry for nullability before prepaing the response. if (await CountryAppService.AddCountry(CountryAddDTO)) { jsonResult = JsonResultResponse(CommonHelper.GetResponseMessage(APIResponseMessage.Success, CurrentLanguagId), true, HttpStatusCode.OK); } else { jsonResult = JsonResultResponse(CommonHelper.GetResponseMessage(APIResponseMessage.InvalidCredentials, CurrentLanguagId), false, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } #endregion } catch (Exception exception) { } return(jsonResult); }
/// <summary> /// Add Country AppService /// </summary> /// <returns>bool<bool></returns> public async Task <bool> AddCountry(CountryAddDTO countryAddDTO) { #region Declare a return type with initial value. bool isCreated = false; #endregion try { if (countryAddDTO != null) { isCreated = await CountryBusinessMapping.AddCountry(countryAddDTO); } } catch (Exception exception) {} return(isCreated); }
/// <summary> /// Mapping user Action Actitvity Log /// </summary> /// <param name=></ param > /// <returns>Task<Country></returns> public Country MappingCountryAddDTOToCountry(CountryAddDTO CountryAddDTO) { #region Declare a return type with initial value. Country Country = null; #endregion try { Country = new Country { CountryName = CountryAddDTO.CountryName, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, IsDeleted = (byte)DeleteStatusEnum.NotDeleted }; } catch (Exception exception) { } return(Country); }
/// <summary> /// Create User Action Activity Log /// </summary> /// <param name=></param> /// <returns>bool</returns> public async Task <bool> AddCountry(CountryAddDTO CountryAddDTO) { #region Declare a return type with initial value. bool isCountryCreated = default(bool); #endregion try { #region Vars Country Country = null; #endregion Country = CountryMapping.MappingCountryAddDTOToCountry(CountryAddDTO); if (Country != null) { await UnitOfWork.CountryRepository.Insert(Country); isCountryCreated = await UnitOfWork.Commit() > default(int); } } catch (Exception exception) { } return(isCountryCreated); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] CountryAddDTO country) { if (country == null) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorViewModel { ErrorCode = "400", ErrorMessage = "Thông tin cung cấp không chính xác." })); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var errorViewModel = new ErrorViewModel { ErrorCode = "400", ErrorMessage = ModelState.ToErrorMessages() }; return(BadRequest(errorViewModel)); } bool isExisting = this._countryRepository.CheckExistingCode(country.Code); if (isExisting) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorViewModel { ErrorCode = "400", ErrorMessage = "Mã quốc gia này đã tồn tại." })); } isExisting = this._countryRepository.CheckExistingName("", country.Name); if (isExisting) { return(BadRequest(new ErrorViewModel { ErrorCode = "400", ErrorMessage = "Tên quốc gia này đã tồn tại." })); } var newCountry = new Country { Code = country.Code, Name = country.Name, CreatedBy = "admin", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, UpdatedBy = "admin", UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }; bool isSuccess = this._countryRepository.Insert(newCountry); if (isSuccess == false) { return(StatusCode(500, new ErrorViewModel { ErrorCode = "500", ErrorMessage = "Có lỗi trong quá trình cập nhật dữ liệu." })); } return(Ok(newCountry)); }