Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses & loads a set of MBean counters for the given host using the XML tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root MBean counters config node.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The host to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="lifeCycleTypeToLoad">A filter that indicates whether ephemeral or persistent counters should be loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of MBean counters specified in the root node's config.</returns>
        public ICollection <ICounter> LoadCounters(XmlNode root, Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifeCycleTypeToLoad)
            var counters = new List <ICounter>();

            // We currently don't support ephemeral counters for MBeans, so just short circuit out in this case.
            if (lifeCycleTypeToLoad == CounterLifecycleType.Ephemeral)

            var sourceNodes = root.SelectNodes("./Source");

            if (sourceNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode sourceNode in sourceNodes)
                    var startPort = Convert.ToInt32(sourceNode.Attributes["startport"].Value);
                    var endPort   = Convert.ToInt32(sourceNode.Attributes["endport"].Value);

                    // Retrieve a collection of all available clients within the specified port range, then new up counters using those.
                    // This way, multiple counters can share a single client & connection.
                    var mbeanClientPool = MBeanClientFactory.CreateClients(host.Address, startPort, endPort);
                    foreach (var mbeanClient in mbeanClientPool)
                        var countersForSource = BuildCountersForSourceNode(sourceNode, host, mbeanClient, startPort);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses & loads a set of MBean counters for the given host using the XML tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root MBean counters config node.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The host to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="lifeCycleTypeToLoad">A filter that indicates whether ephemeral or persistent counters should be loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of MBean counters specified in the root node's config.</returns>
        public ICollection<ICounter> LoadCounters(XmlNode root, Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifeCycleTypeToLoad)
            var counters = new List<ICounter>();

            // We currently don't support ephemeral counters for MBeans, so just short circuit out in this case.
            if (lifeCycleTypeToLoad == CounterLifecycleType.Ephemeral)
                return counters;

            var sourceNodes = root.SelectNodes("./Source");
            if (sourceNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode sourceNode in sourceNodes)
                    var startPort = Convert.ToInt32(sourceNode.Attributes["startport"].Value);
                    var endPort = Convert.ToInt32(sourceNode.Attributes["endport"].Value);

                    // Retrieve a collection of all available clients within the specified port range, then new up counters using those.
                    // This way, multiple counters can share a single client & connection.
                    var mbeanClientPool = MBeanClientFactory.CreateClients(host.Name, startPort, endPort);
                    foreach (var mbeanClient in mbeanClientPool)
                        var countersForSource = BuildCountersForSourceNode(sourceNode, host, mbeanClient, startPort);

            return counters;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Counters.config file, validates it against the XSD schema, and news up the appropriate CounterConfigReader object for each root counter type node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hosts">The target hosts to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="counterLifecycleType">The type of counter to load; e.g. ephemeral or persistent.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of all valid counters in Counters.config across the set of given hosts.</returns>
        public static ICollection<ICounter> Load(IEnumerable<Host> hosts, CounterLifecycleType counterLifecycleType)
            Log.DebugFormat(@"Loading {0} performance counters from {1}..", counterLifecycleType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), PathToCountersConfig));

            var counters = new Collection<ICounter>();

            if (loadedConfigDocument == null)
                loadedConfigDocument = LoadConfig();

            // Set the root element & begin loading counters.
            var documentRoot = loadedConfigDocument.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Counters");
            var counterRootNodes = documentRoot.SelectNodes("child::*");
            foreach (XmlNode counterRootNode in counterRootNodes)
                var counterType = counterRootNode.Name;
                Log.DebugFormat("Loading {0} counters..", counterType);
                var configReader = CounterConfigReaderFactory.CreateConfigReader(counterType);

                foreach (var host in hosts)
                    var countersInNode = configReader.LoadCounters(counterRootNode, host, counterLifecycleType);
                    if (countersInNode.Count > 0)
                        Log.DebugFormat("Loaded {0} {1} {2} {3} on {4}.",
                                        countersInNode.Count, counterLifecycleType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), counterType, "counter".Pluralize(countersInNode.Count), host.Name);

            Log.DebugFormat("Successfully loaded {0} {1} from configuration file.", counters.Count, "counter".Pluralize(counters.Count));
            return counters;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses & loads a set of MBean counters for the given host using the XML tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root MBean counters config node.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The host to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="lifeCycleTypeToLoad">A filter that indicates whether ephemeral or persistent counters should be loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of MBean counters specified in the root node's config.</returns>
        public ICollection <ICounter> LoadCounters(XmlNode root, Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifeCycleTypeToLoad)
            var counters = new List <ICounter>();

            // We currently don't support ephemeral counters for MBeans, so just short circuit out in this case.
            if (lifeCycleTypeToLoad == CounterLifecycleType.Ephemeral)

            var sourceNodes = root.SelectNodes("./Source");

            if (sourceNodes != null)
                foreach (XmlNode sourceNode in sourceNodes)
                    ICollection <IMBeanClient> mbeanClientPool = null;
                    if (!host.SpecifyPorts)
                        var startPort = Convert.ToInt32(sourceNode.Attributes["startport"].Value);
                        var endPort   = Convert.ToInt32(sourceNode.Attributes["endport"].Value);

                        // Retrieve a collection of all available clients within the specified port range, then new up counters using those.
                        // This way, multiple counters can share a single client & connection.
                        mbeanClientPool = MBeanClientFactory.CreateClients(host.Address, startPort, endPort);
                        var processName = sourceNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                        if (host.Processes.ContainsKey(processName))
                            var ports = host.Processes[processName];

                            // Retrieve a collection of all available clients within the specified port range, then new up counters using those.
                            // This way, multiple counters can share a single client & connection.
                            mbeanClientPool = MBeanClientFactory.CreateClients(host.Address, ports);
                            Log.DebugFormat("Process \"{0}\" is not contained in host section. Continuing..", processName);

                    if (mbeanClientPool != null)
                        foreach (var mbeanClient in mbeanClientPool)
                            var countersForSource = BuildCountersForSourceNode(sourceNode, host, mbeanClient);

Example #5
 public PerfmonCounter(Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifecycleType, string counterCategory, string counterName, string instance, string unit)
     Host = host;
     LifecycleType = lifecycleType;
     CounterType = PerfmonCounterType;
     Source = PerfmonSource;
     Category = counterCategory;
     Counter = counterName;
     Instance = instance;
     Unit = unit;
     perfmonCounter = new PerformanceCounter(Category, Counter, Instance, Host.Name);
Example #6
 public PerfmonCounter(Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifecycleType, string counterCategory, string counterName, string instance, string unit)
     Host           = host;
     LifecycleType  = lifecycleType;
     CounterType    = PerfmonCounterType;
     Source         = PerfmonSource;
     Category       = counterCategory;
     Counter        = counterName;
     Instance       = instance;
     Unit           = unit;
     perfmonCounter = new PerformanceCounter(Category, Counter, Instance, Host.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses & loads all Perfmon counters for the given host using the XML tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root Perfmon counters config node.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The host to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="lifeCycleTypeToLoad">A filter that indicates whether ephemeral or persistent counters should be loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of Perfmon counters specified in the root node's config.</returns>
        public ICollection<ICounter> LoadCounters(XmlNode root, Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifeCycleTypeToLoad)
            var counters = new Collection<ICounter>();
            var perfmonCounterNodes = root.SelectNodes("./*/Counter");

            foreach (XmlNode counterNode in perfmonCounterNodes)
                // Set what we know.
                var counterName = counterNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                var categoryName = counterNode.ParentNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                string unitOfMeasurement = null;
                if (counterNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("unit") != null)
                    unitOfMeasurement = counterNode.Attributes["unit"].Value;

                // If any instance names are called out, shove them into a list of filters.
                var instanceFilters = new HashSet<string>();
                if (counterNode.HasChildNodes)
                    var instanceNodes = counterNode.SelectNodes("./Instance");
                    if (instanceNodes == null)

                    foreach (var instanceNode in instanceNodes.Cast<XmlNode>().Where(instanceNode => instanceNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name") != null))
                        string instanceName = instanceNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                        CounterLifecycleType configuredCounterLifecycleType = GetConfiguredInstanceLifecycleType(instanceNode);
                        if (configuredCounterLifecycleType == lifeCycleTypeToLoad)

                // Load an instance of this perfmon counter for each matching instance name that exists.
                // If no instance name is specified, just load them all.
                if (lifeCycleTypeToLoad == CounterLifecycleType.Persistent || instanceFilters.Count > 0)
                    var counterInstances = PerfmonCounterLoader.LoadInstancesForCounter(host, lifeCycleTypeToLoad, categoryName, counterName, unitOfMeasurement, instanceFilters);
                    foreach (var counterInstance in counterInstances)

            return counters;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses & loads all Perfmon counters for the given host using the XML tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root Perfmon counters config node.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The host to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="lifeCycleTypeToLoad">A filter that indicates whether ephemeral or persistent counters should be loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of Perfmon counters specified in the root node's config.</returns>
        public ICollection <ICounter> LoadCounters(XmlNode root, Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifeCycleTypeToLoad)
            var counters            = new Collection <ICounter>();
            var perfmonCounterNodes = root.SelectNodes("./*/Counter");

            foreach (XmlNode counterNode in perfmonCounterNodes)
                // Set what we know.
                var    counterName       = counterNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                var    categoryName      = counterNode.ParentNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                string unitOfMeasurement = null;
                if (counterNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("unit") != null)
                    unitOfMeasurement = counterNode.Attributes["unit"].Value;

                // If any instance names are called out, shove them into a list of filters.
                var instanceFilters = new HashSet <string>();
                if (counterNode.HasChildNodes)
                    var instanceNodes = counterNode.SelectNodes("./Instance");
                    if (instanceNodes == null)

                    foreach (var instanceNode in instanceNodes.Cast <XmlNode>().Where(instanceNode => instanceNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name") != null))
                        string instanceName = instanceNode.Attributes["name"].Value;
                        CounterLifecycleType configuredCounterLifecycleType = GetConfiguredInstanceLifecycleType(instanceNode);
                        if (configuredCounterLifecycleType == lifeCycleTypeToLoad)

                // Load an instance of this perfmon counter for each matching instance name that exists.
                // If no instance name is specified, just load them all.
                if (lifeCycleTypeToLoad == CounterLifecycleType.Persistent || instanceFilters.Count > 0)
                    var counterInstances = PerfmonCounterLoader.LoadInstancesForCounter(host, lifeCycleTypeToLoad, categoryName, counterName, unitOfMeasurement, instanceFilters);
                    foreach (var counterInstance in counterInstances)

Example #9
 protected AbstractMBeanCounter(IMBeanClient mbeanClient, CounterLifecycleType lifecycleType, string counterType, string jmxDomain, Host host, string source, string filter,
                                string category, string counter, string instance, string unit)
     Host = host;
     LifecycleType = lifecycleType;
     CounterType = counterType;
     Source = source;
     Category = category;
     Counter = counter;
     Instance = instance;
     Unit = unit;
     MBeanClient = mbeanClient;
     JmxDomain = jmxDomain;
     Path = filter;
Example #10
 protected AbstractMBeanCounter(IMBeanClient mbeanClient, CounterLifecycleType lifecycleType, string counterType, string jmxDomain, Host host, string source, string filter,
                                string category, string counter, string instance, string unit)
     Host          = host;
     LifecycleType = lifecycleType;
     CounterType   = counterType;
     Source        = source;
     Category      = category;
     Counter       = counter;
     Instance      = instance;
     Unit          = unit;
     MBeanClient   = mbeanClient;
     JmxDomain     = jmxDomain;
     Path          = filter;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all Perfmon counters on the target host matching the given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The host to check counters on.</param>
        /// <param name="lifecycleType">Indicates whether the counters should be loaded as persistent or ephemeral counters.</param>
        /// <param name="categoryName">The counter category.</param>
        /// <param name="counterName">The name of the counter.</param>
        /// <param name="unitOfMeasurement">The unit of measurement that this counter reports in.  This is a piece of metadata we add in.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceFilters">A collection of search terms to use to filter out instances that do not match.</param>
        /// <returns>List of all matching Perfmon counters.</returns>
        public static IList <PerfmonCounter> LoadInstancesForCounter(Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifecycleType, string categoryName, string counterName, string unitOfMeasurement, ISet <string> instanceFilters)
            IList <PerfmonCounter> counters = new List <PerfmonCounter>();

            // If the requested category does not exist, log it and bail out.
            if (!ExistsCategory(categoryName, host.Name))
                Log.WarnFormat("PerfMon counter category '{0}' on host '{1}' does not exist.",
                               categoryName, host.Name);

            // If the requested counter does not exist, log it and bail out.
            if (!ExistsCounter(counterName, categoryName, host.Name))
                Log.DebugFormat("PerfMon counter '{0}' in category '{1}' on host '{2}' does not exist.",
                                counterName, categoryName, host.Name);

            var category = new PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName, host.Name);

            // Perfmon has both "single-instance" and "multi-instance" counter types -- we need to handle both appropriately.
            switch (category.CategoryType)
            case PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance:
                counters.Add(new PerfmonCounter(host, lifecycleType, categoryName, counterName, instance: null, unit: unitOfMeasurement));

            case PerformanceCounterCategoryType.MultiInstance:
                foreach (var instanceName in category.GetInstanceNames())
                    if (IsInstanceRequested(instanceName, instanceFilters))
                        counters.Add(new PerfmonCounter(host, lifecycleType, categoryName, counterName, instanceName, unitOfMeasurement));

                Log.ErrorFormat("Unable to determine category type of PerfMon counter '{0}' in category '{1}' on host '{2}' is unknown; skipping loading it.", counterName, categoryName, host.Name);

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all Perfmon counters on the target host matching the given parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The host to check counters on.</param>
        /// <param name="lifecycleType">Indicates whether the counters should be loaded as persistent or ephemeral counters.</param>
        /// <param name="categoryName">The counter category.</param>
        /// <param name="counterName">The name of the counter.</param>
        /// <param name="unitOfMeasurement">The unit of measurement that this counter reports in.  This is a piece of metadata we add in.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceFilters">A collection of search terms to use to filter out instances that do not match.</param>
        /// <returns>List of all matching Perfmon counters.</returns>
        public static IList<PerfmonCounter> LoadInstancesForCounter(Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifecycleType, string categoryName, string counterName, string unitOfMeasurement, ISet<string> instanceFilters)
            IList<PerfmonCounter> counters = new List<PerfmonCounter>();

            // If the requested category does not exist, log it and bail out.
            if (!ExistsCategory(categoryName, host.Name))
                Log.WarnFormat("PerfMon counter category '{0}' on host '{1}' does not exist.",
                                categoryName, host.Name);
                return counters;

            // If the requested counter does not exist, log it and bail out.
            if (!ExistsCounter(counterName, categoryName, host.Name))
                Log.DebugFormat("PerfMon counter '{0}' in category '{1}' on host '{2}' does not exist.",
                                counterName, categoryName, host.Name);
                return counters;

            var category = new PerformanceCounterCategory(categoryName, host.Name);

            // Perfmon has both "single-instance" and "multi-instance" counter types -- we need to handle both appropriately.
            switch (category.CategoryType)
                case PerformanceCounterCategoryType.SingleInstance:
                    counters.Add(new PerfmonCounter(host, lifecycleType, categoryName, counterName, instance: null, unit: unitOfMeasurement));
                case PerformanceCounterCategoryType.MultiInstance:
                    foreach (var instanceName in category.GetInstanceNames())
                        if (IsInstanceRequested(instanceName, instanceFilters))
                            counters.Add(new PerfmonCounter(host, lifecycleType, categoryName, counterName, instanceName, unitOfMeasurement));
                    Log.ErrorFormat("Unable to determine category type of PerfMon counter '{0}' in category '{1}' on host '{2}' is unknown; skipping loading it.", counterName, categoryName, host.Name);

            return counters;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses & loads all Perfmon counters for the given host using the XML tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root Perfmon counters config node.</param>
        /// <param name="host">The host to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="lifeCycleTypeToLoad">A filter that indicates whether ephemeral or persistent counters should be loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of Perfmon counters specified in the root node's config.</returns>
        public ICollection <ICounter> LoadCounters(XmlNode root, Host host, CounterLifecycleType lifeCycleTypeToLoad)
            var counters            = new Collection <ICounter>();
            var perfmonCounterNodes = root.SelectNodes("./*/Counter");

                foreach (XmlNode counterNode in perfmonCounterNodes)
                    counters.AddRange(LoadCountersForNode(counterNode, host, lifeCycleTypeToLoad));
            catch (System.IO.IOException ex)
                Log.ErrorFormat("Unable to load PerfMon counters for host {0}: {1}Please verify that the computer name is configured correctly.", host, ex.Message);

Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Counters.config file, validates it against the XSD schema, and news up the appropriate CounterConfigReader object for each root counter type node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hosts">The target hosts to load counters for.</param>
        /// <param name="counterLifecycleType">The type of counter to load; e.g. ephemeral or persistent.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of all valid counters in Counters.config across the set of given hosts.</returns>
        public static ICollection <ICounter> Load(IEnumerable <Host> hosts, CounterLifecycleType counterLifecycleType)
            Log.DebugFormat(@"Loading {0} performance counters from {1}..", counterLifecycleType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), PathToCountersConfig));

            var counters = new Collection <ICounter>();

            if (loadedConfigDocument == null)
                loadedConfigDocument = LoadConfig();

            // Set the root element & begin loading counters.
            var documentRoot     = loadedConfigDocument.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("/Counters");
            var counterRootNodes = documentRoot.SelectNodes("child::*");

            foreach (XmlNode counterRootNode in counterRootNodes)
                var counterType = counterRootNode.Name;
                Log.DebugFormat("Loading {0} counters..", counterType);
                var configReader = CounterConfigReaderFactory.CreateConfigReader(counterType);

                foreach (var host in hosts)
                    var countersInNode = configReader.LoadCounters(counterRootNode, host, counterLifecycleType);
                    if (countersInNode.Count > 0)
                        Log.DebugFormat("Loaded {0} {1} {2} {3} on {4}.",
                                        countersInNode.Count, counterLifecycleType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), counterType, "counter".Pluralize(countersInNode.Count), host.Address);

            Log.DebugFormat("Successfully loaded {0} {1} from configuration file.", counters.Count, "counter".Pluralize(counters.Count));