Example #1
        public bool GetCustDwg(CostSheetSearchModel costsheetModel)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt = ToDataTable((from o in DB.DDCI_INFO
                                  where ((Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(o.DELETE_FLAG)) == false) || (o.DELETE_FLAG == null)) && (o.CUST_DWG_NO != null && o.CUST_DWG_NO != "")
                                  select new { o.CUST_DWG_NO }).ToList());
                if (dt != null)
                    costsheetModel.CustDwgNo = dt.DefaultView;
                    costsheetModel.CustDwgNo = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex.LogException();
Example #2
        public DataView GetCostSheetSearchDetails(CostSheetSearchModel costsheetsearch)
            //ddci_info i,ddcust_mast c,prd_ciref
            //select ci_reference as CIReference,prod_desc as ProductDesc,cust_name as CustomerName,cust_dwg_no as CustDwgNo,part_no as PartNo,responsibility as Resp, loc_code as Location
            //from ddci_info i,ddcust_mast c,prd_ciref  p
            //where i.ci_reference=p.ci_ref (+)  and i.cust_code = c.cust_code (+)  and part_no ='W01330'
            //and prod_desc like '%ASDF%' and cust_name like '%ASDF%'  and cust_dwg_no like '%ASDF%'
            //and pending=1 and ci_reference not like 'O%' and  ci_reference not like 'U%' and ci_reference not like 'X%'  and allot_part_no=1  order by ci_reference
            //select ci_reference as CIReference,prod_desc as ProductDesc,cust_name as CustomerName,cust_dwg_no as CustDwgNo,part_no as PartNo,responsibility as Resp, loc_code as Location   from ddci_info i,ddcust_mast c,prd_ciref  p where i.ci_reference=p.ci_ref (+)  and i.cust_code = c.cust_code (+)  and pending=0 order by ci_reference
            //select ci_reference as CIReference,prod_desc as ProductDesc,cust_name as CustomerName,cust_dwg_no as CustDwgNo,part_no as PartNo,responsibility as Resp, loc_code as Location   from ddci_info i,ddcust_mast c,prd_ciref  p where i.ci_reference=p.ci_ref (+)  and i.cust_code = c.cust_code (+)  and pending=0 and ci_reference not like 'O%' and  ci_reference not like 'U%' and ci_reference not like 'X%'  order by ci_reference
            //select ci_reference as CIReference,prod_desc as ProductDesc,cust_name as CustomerName,cust_dwg_no as CustDwgNo,part_no as PartNo,responsibility as Resp, loc_code as Location   from ddci_info i,ddcust_mast c,prd_ciref  p where i.ci_reference=p.ci_ref (+)  and i.cust_code = c.cust_code (+)  and pending=0 and ci_reference  like 'X%'  order by ci_reference
            //select ci_reference as CIReference,prod_desc as ProductDesc,cust_name as CustomerName,cust_dwg_no as CustDwgNo,part_no as PartNo,responsibility as Resp, loc_code as Location   from ddci_info i,ddcust_mast c,prd_ciref  p where i.ci_reference=p.ci_ref (+)  and i.cust_code = c.cust_code (+)  and pending=0 and allot_part_no=1  order by ci_reference
            //select ci_reference as CIReference,prod_desc as ProductDesc,cust_name as CustomerName,cust_dwg_no as CustDwgNo,part_no as PartNo,responsibility as Resp, loc_code as Location   from ddci_info i,ddcust_mast c,prd_ciref  p where i.ci_reference=p.ci_ref (+)  and i.cust_code = c.cust_code (+)  and pending=1 order by ci_reference

                //dataValue = ToDataTable((from c in DB.DDOPER_MAST.AsEnumerable()
                //                         where ((Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(c.DELETE_FLAG)) == false) || (c.DELETE_FLAG == null)) && !c.OPER_DESC.StartsWith("FORG")
                //                         orderby c.OPER_CODE ascending
                //                         select new { c.OPER_CODE, c.OPER_DESC }).ToList());
                //List<DDCI_INFO> featureMastNew = (from cost in DB.DDCI_INFO
                //                                  select cost).ToList();

                //return featureMastNew;
                string subQuery = string.Empty;

                subQuery = " where 1 = 1  ";

                if (costsheetsearch.ChkShowPending)
                    subQuery += " and pending = 1 ";
                    subQuery += " and pending = 0 ";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.PROD_DESC))
                    subQuery += " AND UPPER(prod_desc) like '%" + sqlEncode(costsheetsearch.PROD_DESC.ToValueAsString().Trim().ToUpper()) + "%'";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.PART_NO))
                    subQuery += " AND UPPER(part_no) = '" + sqlEncode(costsheetsearch.PART_NO.ToUpper().Trim()) + "'";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.CUST_NAME))
                    subQuery += " AND UPPER(cust_name) like '%" + sqlEncode(costsheetsearch.CUST_NAME.ToUpper()) + "%'";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.CUST_DWG_NO))
                    subQuery += " AND UPPER(cust_dwg_no) like '%" + sqlEncode(costsheetsearch.CUST_DWG_NO.ToUpper()) + "%'";

                if (costsheetsearch.ChkShowDomesticOnly)
                    subQuery += " AND ci_reference not like 'O%' and  ci_reference not like 'U%' and ci_reference not like 'X%'";

                if (costsheetsearch.ChkShowExpertOnly)
                    subQuery += " AND ci_reference  like 'X%'";

                //Right Click - Pending Allot partnumber - Condition should be Allot_part_no = 0  - 17/12/2015
                if (costsheetsearch.ChkPendingPartNoAllocation)
                    subQuery += " AND (allot_part_no=0 or allot_part_no is null) ";
                    //subQuery += " AND (allot_part_no=1) ";

                //if (costsheetsearch.ChkShowAll == true && (costsheetsearch.PROD_DESC.IsNotNullOrEmpty() || costsheetsearch.PART_NO.IsNotNullOrEmpty() || costsheetsearch.CUST_NAME.IsNotNullOrEmpty() || costsheetsearch.CUST_DWG_NO.IsNotNullOrEmpty()))
                //    // subQuery = "";
                //    //CostSheetSearch.PROD_DESC = string.Empty;
                //    //CostSheetSearch.PART_NO = string.Empty;
                //    //CostSheetSearch.CUST_NAME = string.Empty;
                //    //CostSheetSearch.CUST_DWG_NO = string.Empty;

                //if (costsheetsearch.ChkShowAll == true)
                //    subQuery = " where 1 = 1 and pending = 0 ";
                if (costsheetsearch.ChkShowAll == true && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.PROD_DESC) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.PART_NO) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.CUST_NAME) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.CUST_DWG_NO)))
                    subQuery = " where 1 = 1 and pending = 0 ";
                //else if (costsheetsearch.ChkShowAll == true && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(costsheetsearch.CUST_DWG_NO))
                    subQuery += "";
                //new end

                subQuery += " order by ci_reference ";

                string getquery = " select ci_reference,prod_desc,cust_name,cust_dwg_no ,part_no ,responsibility, loc_code as location,ddi.idpk as CI_INFO_PK "
                                  + " from ddci_info ddi "
                                  + " Left join ddcust_mast ddc on ddc.CUST_CODE = ddi.CUST_CODE "
                                  + " Left join prd_ciref prd on prd.CI_REF = ddi.CI_REFERENCE " + subQuery;
                var getcollection = ToDataTable(DB.ExecuteQuery <CostSheetSearchModel>(getquery).ToList());


                //return ToDataTable((from ddct in DB.DDCI_INFO
                //                    join ddcust in DB.DDCUST_MAST on ddct.CUST_CODE equals ddcust.CUST_CODE
                //                    select new
                //                    {
                //                        CI_REFERENCE = ddct.CI_REFERENCE,
                //                        PROD_DESC = ddct.PROD_DESC,
                //                        CUST_DWG_NO = ddct.CUST_DWG_NO,
                //                        CUST_NAME = ddcust.CUST_NAME

                //                    }).ToList()).DefaultView;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex.LogException();