public void Save(CostCentreViewModel costCenter) { CostCentre cc = new Outlet(costCenter.Id) { CostCentreType = costCenter.CostCentreType, }; _costCenterRepository.Save(cc); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Update([FromBody] CostCentreViewModel cvm) { try { return(Ok(await cRepo.SaveOrUpdate(cvm))); } catch (CustomException cex) { var returnObj = new EmaintenanceMessage(cex.Message, cex.Type, cex.IsException, cex.Exception?.ToString()); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, returnObj)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, new EmaintenanceMessage(ex.Message))); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([FromBody] CostCentreViewModel cvm) { try { CurrentUser cUser = new CurrentUser(HttpContext, _configuration); cvm.UserId = cUser.UserId; cvm.CostCentreId = 0; cvm.Active = "Y"; return(Ok(await cRepo.SaveOrUpdate(cvm))); } catch (CustomException cex) { var returnObj = new EmaintenanceMessage(cex.Message, cex.Type, cex.IsException, cex.Exception?.ToString()); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, returnObj)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, new EmaintenanceMessage(ex.Message))); } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <dynamic> > SearchCostCentre(CostCentreViewModel cvm) { string sql = "select c.CostCentreId,c.CountryId,dbo.GetNameTranslated(c.CountryId, " + cvm.LanguageId + ",'CountryName') as CountryName,ct.CostCentreName,ct.Descriptions, c.Active,c.CostCentreCode,ct.LanguageId,c.CreatedLanguageId from CostCentre c right join CostCentreTranslated ct on ct.CostCentreId = c.CostCentreId where c.countryId = " + cvm.CountryId + " and (c.Active = '" + cvm.Active + "' or '" + cvm.Active + "' = 'ALL') and( ct.LanguageId = " + cvm.LanguageId + " or (ct.LanguageId = c.CreatedLanguageId and not exists (select 'x' from CostCentreTranslated where CostCentreId = c.CostCentreId and languageid = " + cvm.LanguageId + ")))"; if (cvm.CostCentreName != null && cvm.CostCentreName.Length > 0) { sql = sql + " and CostCentreName like ('%" + cvm.CostCentreName + "%')"; } using (var conn = util.MasterCon()) { try { return(await(conn.QueryAsync <dynamic>(sql))); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CustomException("Unable to Load Data, Please Contact Support!!!", "Error", true, ex); } } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <dynamic> > SaveOrUpdate([FromBody] CostCentreViewModel cvm) { string sql = "dbo.EAppSaveCostCentre"; using (var conn = util.MasterCon()) { try { return(await(conn.QueryAsync <dynamic>(sql, new { cvm.CountryId, cvm.CostCentreId, cvm.LanguageId, cvm.CostCentreName, cvm.CostCentreCode, cvm.Descriptions, cvm.Active, cvm.UserId }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure))); } catch (SqlException sqlException) { if (sqlException.Number == 2601 || sqlException.Number == 2627) { throw new CustomException("Duplicate", "CostCentre Code already Exists.", "Error", true, sqlException); } else { throw new CustomException("Due to some Technical Reason, Unable to Save or Update", "Error", true, sqlException); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CustomException("Unable to Save Or Update, Please Contact Support!!!", "Error", true, ex); } } }