private async Task <int> WriteToCosmosThreeWays(int i)
            int numToAdd = 100;

            var directBooks = BookTestData.CreateDummyBooks(numToAdd).ToList()
                              .Select(x => new DirectCosmosBook(i++, x)).ToList();

            using (new TimeThings(_output, "Direct", numToAdd))
                foreach (var book in directBooks)
                    var response = await _cosmosContainer.CreateItemAsync(book);

            using (new TimeThings(_output, "SQL", numToAdd))
                await _sqlContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var cBooks = BookTestData.CreateDummyBooks(numToAdd).AsQueryable()

            cBooks.ForEach(x => x.BookId = i++);
            using (new TimeThings(_output, "Via EfCore", numToAdd))
                await _cosmosContext.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task TestFromSqlRaw()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using var context = new CosmosDbContext(options);
            await context.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

            await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var book1 = new CosmosBook
                BookId        = 123,
                Title         = "Year2000",
                PublishedOn   = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1),
                YearPublished = 2000
            var book2 = new CosmosBook
                BookId        = 567,
                Title         = "Year3000",
                PublishedOn   = new DateTime(3000, 1, 1),
                YearPublished = 3000

            context.AddRange(book1, book2);
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var list =
                await context.Books.FromSqlRaw("SELECT * FROM c ORDER BY c.BookId").ToListAsync();

            list.Select(x => x.BookId).ShouldEqual(new[] { 123, 567 }); //WRONG IN EF CORE 5
Example #3
        public async Task TestNullableIntWhereOk()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbToEmulatorOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using (var context = new CosmosDbContext(options))
                await context.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

                await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

                var cBook1 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 1, NullableInt = null
                var cBook2 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 2, NullableInt = 1
                context.AddRange(cBook1, cBook2);
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
            using (var context = new CosmosDbContext(options))
                var book = await context.Books.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NullableInt > 0);

Example #4
        public async Task TestStringWithNullOrderByOk()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbToEmulatorOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using (var context = new CosmosDbContext(options))
                await context.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

                await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

                var cBook1 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 1,
                var cBook2 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 2, Title = "Book2"
                context.AddRange(cBook1, cBook2);
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
            using (var context = new CosmosDbContext(options))
                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotSupportedException>(async() =>
                                                                          await context.Books.OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToListAsync());

                ex.Message.ShouldStartWith("Cannot execute cross partition order-by queries on mix types. " +
                                           "Consider using IS_STRING/IS_NUMBER to get around this exception.");
Example #5
        public async Task TestNullableIntOk()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbToEmulatorOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using (var context = new CosmosDbContext(options))
                await context.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

                await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

                var cBook1 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 1, NullableInt = null
                var cBook2 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 2, NullableInt = 1
                context.AddRange(cBook1, cBook2);
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
            using (var context = new CosmosDbContext(options))
                var cBook1 = await context.Books.FindAsync(1);

                var cBook2 = await context.Books.FindAsync(2);

Example #6
        private async ValueTask OptionalCosmosWriteAsync(List <Book> books, bool wipeDatabase = false)
            if (!IncludeCosmosDb)

            using var cosmosContext = new CosmosDbContext(_cosmosOptions);
            if (wipeDatabase)
                await cosmosContext.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

                await cosmosContext.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var cosmosBooks = books.Select(b => new CosmosBook
                BookId          = b.BookId,
                Title           = b.Title,
                PublishedOn     = b.PublishedOn,
                EstimatedDate   = b.EstimatedDate,
                YearPublished   = b.PublishedOn.Year,
                OrgPrice        = b.OrgPrice,
                ActualPrice     = b.ActualPrice,
                PromotionalText = b.PromotionalText,
                ManningBookUrl  = b.ManningBookUrl,
                AuthorsOrdered  = string.Join(", ",
                                              .OrderBy(q => q.Order)
                                              .Select(q => q.Author.Name)),
                ReviewsCount        = b.Reviews?.Count ?? 0,
                ReviewsAverageVotes = b.Reviews != null && b.Reviews.Any()
                    ? b.Reviews.Average(y => y.NumStars)
                    : 0.0,
                Tags = b.Tags
                       .Select(x => new CosmosTag(x.TagId)).ToList(),
                TagsString = $"| {string.Join(" | ", b.Tags.Select(x => x.TagId))} |"

            await cosmosContext.SaveChangesAsync();
        [Fact] public async Task TestFilterCosmosBookByTagsEfCoreViaTagsStringOk()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using var context = new CosmosDbContext(options);
            await context.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

            await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var book1 = new CosmosBook
                BookId = 123,
                Title  = "Test1",
                Tags   = new List <CosmosTag> {
                    new CosmosTag("Tag1"), new CosmosTag("Tag2")
                TagsString = "| Tag1 | Tag2 |"
            var book2 = new CosmosBook
                BookId = 567,
                Title  = "Test2",
                Tags   = new List <CosmosTag> {
                    new CosmosTag("Tag3"), new CosmosTag("Tag2")
                TagsString = "| Tag3 | Tag2 |"

            context.AddRange(book1, book2);
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var books = await context.Books.Where(x => x.TagsString.Contains("| Tag3 |")).ToListAsync();

        public async Task TestFilterCosmosBookByTagsEfCoreBad()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using var context = new CosmosDbContext(options);
            await context.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

            await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var book1 = new CosmosBook
                BookId = 123,
                Title  = "Test",
                Tags   = new List <CosmosTag> {
                    new CosmosTag("Tag1"), new CosmosTag("Tag2")
            var book2 = new CosmosBook
                BookId = 567,
                Title  = "Test",
                Tags   = new List <CosmosTag> {
                    new CosmosTag("Tag3"), new CosmosTag("Tag2")

            context.AddRange(book1, book2);
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() =>
                                                                          await context.Books.Where(x => x.Tags
                                                                                                    .Select(y => y.TagId).Contains("Tag3")).ToListAsync());

            ex.Message.ShouldContain("could not be translated.");
        public async Task TestFilterDropdownYears()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using var context = new CosmosDbContext(options);
            await context.Database.EnsureDeletedAsync();

            await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var book1 = new CosmosBook
                BookId        = 123,
                Title         = "Year2000",
                PublishedOn   = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1),
                YearPublished = 2000
            var book2 = new CosmosBook
                BookId        = 567,
                Title         = "Year3000",
                PublishedOn   = new DateTime(3000, 1, 1),
                YearPublished = 3000

            context.AddRange(book1, book2);
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var service = new CosmosEfBookFilterDropdownService(context, new BookAppSettings {
                CosmosDatabaseName = GetType().Name
            }, null);

            var dropdown = await service.GetFilterDropDownValuesAsync(BooksFilterBy.ByPublicationYear);

            dropdown.Select(x => x.Text).ToArray().ShouldEqual(new [] { "Coming Soon", "2000" });
Example #10
        public async Task TestAnyOk()
            var options = this.GetCosmosDbToEmulatorOptions <CosmosDbContext>();

            using (var context = new CosmosDbContext(options))
                await context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

                var cBook1 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 1, Title = "Book1"
                var cBook2 = new CosmosBook {
                    CosmosBookId = 2, Title = "Book2"
                context.AddRange(cBook1, cBook2);

                var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <CosmosException>(async() => await context.SaveChangesAsync());

                ex.Message.ShouldContain("Resource with specified id or name already exists.");