Example #1
        public void Create10000Players()
            string baseEmail            = "*****@*****.**";
            string baseUserName         = "******";
            string basePlayerName       = "stressTestPlayer";
            CosmoMongerDbDataContext db = CosmoManager.GetDbContext();

            CosmoMongerMembershipProvider provider = new CosmoMongerMembershipProvider();
            MembershipCreateStatus        status;

            Race skummRace = (from r in db.Races
                              where r.Name == "Skumm"
                              select r).SingleOrDefault();

            for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
                CosmoMongerMembershipUser testUser = (CosmoMongerMembershipUser)provider.CreateUser(i + baseUserName, "test1000", i + baseEmail, null, null, true, null, out status);
                Assert.IsNotNull(testUser, "Test User was created. status = {0}", new object[] { status });

                User testUserModel = testUser.GetUserModel();
                Assert.IsNotNull(testUserModel, "Able to get model object for user");

                Player testPlayer = testUserModel.CreatePlayer(i + basePlayerName, skummRace);
                foreach (Good good in db.Goods)
                    ShipGood shipGood = new ShipGood();
                    shipGood.Ship     = testPlayer.Ship;
                    shipGood.Good     = good;
                    shipGood.Quantity = 0;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the system good price.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSystemGoodPrice()
            CosmoMongerDbDataContext db = CosmoManager.GetDbContext();

            foreach (SystemGood good in db.SystemGoods)
                // Get the total number of this good type avaiable in all systems
                int targetTotal     = good.Good.TargetCount;
                int systemsWithGood = (from s in good.Good.SystemGoods
                                       where s.Quantity > 0
                                       select s).Count();
                double newPriceMultipler;

                // pre 2-21-09 way
                // newPriceMultipler = this.CalculatePriceMultipler(targetTotal, systemsWithGood, good.Quantity);
                // new way post 2-21-09
                newPriceMultipler = this.CalculatePriceMultipler(targetTotal, systemsWithGood, good.Quantity);

                double oldPriceMultipler = good.PriceMultiplier;

                // Take average of previous and current price multipler
                good.PriceMultiplier = (oldPriceMultipler + newPriceMultipler) / 2.0;

                Dictionary <string, object> props = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "SystemId", good.SystemId },
                    { "GoodId", good.GoodId },
                    { "PriceMultiplier", good.PriceMultiplier },
                    { "NewPriceMultipler", newPriceMultipler },
                    { "OldPriceMultipler", oldPriceMultipler }
                Logger.Write("Adjusting Good Price", "NPC", 400, 0, TraceEventType.Verbose, "Adjusting Good Price", props);

                    // Send changes to database
                catch (ChangeConflictException ex)
                    ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "SQL Policy");

                    // Another thread has made changes to this SystemGood row,
                    // which could be from someone buying or selling the good at a system
                    // Best case to resolve this would be to simply start over in the price calculatation,
                    // the previous price no longer valid.
                    foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts)
                        // Refresh current values from database

Example #3
        public void SellNotSold()
            CosmoMongerDbDataContext db = CosmoManager.GetDbContext();

            // Setup player
            Player      testPlayer     = this.CreateTestPlayer();
            Ship        testShip       = testPlayer.Ship;
            CosmoSystem startingSystem = testShip.CosmoSystem;
            GameManager manager        = new GameManager(testPlayer.User.UserName);

            // Store the player starting cash
            int playerStartingCash = testPlayer.Ship.Credits;

            // Add some water to this ship for us to sell
            Good water = (from g in db.Goods
                          where g.Name == "Water"
                          select g).SingleOrDefault();

            Assert.That(water, Is.Not.Null, "We should have a Water good");
            ShipGood shipGood = new ShipGood();

            shipGood.Good     = water;
            shipGood.Quantity = 10;
            shipGood.Ship     = testShip;

            // Verify that the good is for sell in the current system
            SystemGood systemWater = startingSystem.GetGood(water.GoodId);

            if (systemWater != null)
                // Remove the good from the system
                shipGood.Sell(testShip, 10, systemWater.Price);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                // Correct
                Assert.That(ex, Is.Not.Null, "InvalidOperationException should be valid");
            Assert.Fail("Player should not been able to sell in the system when the good was not sold in the system");
Example #4
        public void SellNotEnoughGoods()
            CosmoMongerDbDataContext db = CosmoManager.GetDbContext();

            // Setup player
            Player      testPlayer     = this.CreateTestPlayer();
            Ship        testShip       = testPlayer.Ship;
            CosmoSystem startingSystem = testShip.CosmoSystem;
            GameManager manager        = new GameManager(testPlayer.User.UserName);

            // Add some water to this ship for us to sell
            Good water = (from g in db.Goods
                          where g.Name == "Water"
                          select g).SingleOrDefault();

            Assert.That(water, Is.Not.Null, "We should have a Water good");
            ShipGood shipGood = new ShipGood();

            shipGood.Good     = water;
            shipGood.Quantity = 10;
            shipGood.Ship     = testShip;

            // Verify that the good is for sell in the current system
            SystemGood systemWater = startingSystem.GetGood(water.GoodId);

            if (systemWater == null)
                startingSystem.AddGood(water.GoodId, 0);
                systemWater = startingSystem.GetGood(water.GoodId);

                shipGood.Sell(testShip, 20, systemWater.Price);
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex)
                Assert.That(ex.ParamName, Is.EqualTo("quantity"), "Quantity to sell should be the invalid argument");

            Assert.Fail("Player should not been able to sell more goods than aboard");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the system good count, causing systems to produce goods as needed.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSystemGoodCount()
            CosmoMongerDbDataContext    db = CosmoManager.GetDbContext();
            Dictionary <string, object> props;

            foreach (Good good in db.Goods)
                // Get the total number of this good type available in all systems
                int    totalSystemGoodCount = good.SystemGoods.Sum(x => x.Quantity);
                double targetBreak          = (((double)good.TargetCount) / 10.0);

                // Check if we need to add some of this good to the galaxy
                while (totalSystemGoodCount < good.TargetCount)
                    // Randomly select a system with  equal to or fewer than targetBreak number of goods to produce.
                    var goodProducingSystems = (from g in good.SystemGoods
                                                where g.ProductionFactor > 0 && g.Quantity <= targetBreak
                                                select g);
                    if (goodProducingSystems.Count() == 0)
                        // No systems produce this good?
                        // Continue on to the next good type

                    SystemGood selectedProducingSystemGood = goodProducingSystems.ElementAt(rnd.Next(goodProducingSystems.Count()));

                    // Produce the good, using the count needed and the production factor
                    double adjustedProductionFactor = (rnd.NextDouble() + selectedProducingSystemGood.ProductionFactor) / 2;
                    int    lackingGoodCount         = (int)(rnd.Next(10) * adjustedProductionFactor);
                    selectedProducingSystemGood.Quantity += lackingGoodCount;

                    props = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        { "SystemId", selectedProducingSystemGood.SystemId },
                        { "GoodId", selectedProducingSystemGood.GoodId },
                        { "Quantity", selectedProducingSystemGood.Quantity },
                        { "AddedQuantity", lackingGoodCount }
                    Logger.Write("Producing Goods", "NPC", 400, 0, TraceEventType.Verbose, "Producing Goods", props);

                    // Update the total good count
                    totalSystemGoodCount += lackingGoodCount;

                        // Send changes to database
                    catch (ChangeConflictException ex)
                        ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "SQL Policy");

                        // Another thread has made changes to this SystemGood row,
                        // which could be from someone buying or selling the good at a system
                        // Best case to resolve this would be to simply start over in the good production,
                        // because the good quantity has been changed by another method.
                        foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts)
                            // Refresh values from database


                // Now consume some of this good in the galaxy
                // Randomly select a good at a system to consume where the quantity is equal to or higher
                // than targetBreak number of goods
                var goodConsumingSystems = (from g in good.SystemGoods
                                            where g.ConsumptionFactor > 0 && g.Quantity >= targetBreak &&
                                            g.Quantity > 0
                                            select g);
                if (goodConsumingSystems.Count() == 0)
                    // No systems consume this good?
                    // Continue on to the next good type

                SystemGood selectedConsumingSystemGood = goodConsumingSystems.ElementAt(rnd.Next(goodConsumingSystems.Count()));

                // Consuming the good, using the count needed and the consumption factor
                double adjustedConsumptionFactor = (rnd.NextDouble() + selectedConsumingSystemGood.ConsumptionFactor) / 2;
                int    usageGoodCount            = (int)(rnd.Next(10) * adjustedConsumptionFactor);
                usageGoodCount = Math.Min(usageGoodCount, selectedConsumingSystemGood.Quantity);
                selectedConsumingSystemGood.Quantity -= usageGoodCount;

                props = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "SystemId", selectedConsumingSystemGood.SystemId },
                    { "GoodId", selectedConsumingSystemGood.GoodId },
                    { "Quantity", selectedConsumingSystemGood.Quantity },
                    { "RemovedQuantity", usageGoodCount }
                Logger.Write("Consuming Goods", "NPC", 400, 0, TraceEventType.Verbose, "Consuming Goods", props);

                    // Send changes to database
                catch (ChangeConflictException ex)
                    ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "SQL Policy");

                    // Another thread has made changes to this SystemGood row,
                    // which could be from someone buying or selling the good at a system
                    // Best case to resolve this would be to simply ignore the good consumption,
                    // we like to produce more than we consume
                    foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts)
                        // Refresh values from database